MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 224 Old God Facts

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October 25, 2025, at 9:00 pm, in Chuhe District, Haicheng.

The night was dark and gloomy, there were few pedestrians on the street, and the old street lamps were flickering nervously, and it was difficult to decide.

Since the frequency of bizarre incidents has increased in the past two years, the Security Bureau has issued some precautions for night travel, generally summarizing those incidents as epidemics, and reminding and warning the general public.

Although the people still don’t know the truth about the world, but all kinds of strange diseases are indeed increasing, so they can’t help but be careful, and the nightlife in major cities is also like this caution is slowly diminishing.

It was dusk, and only the shadow of the wild cat wandered silently.

The car parked on the side of the road, and Chu Yunsheng walked into the second unit of the third building of the Hechi community according to the home address recorded in the previous Rong Chen information.

This community is a demolition and resettlement house, it has been some years, the exterior and interior are relatively old, and there is no elevator.

After Rong Chen graduated from Chuhe University two years ago, his parents died unexpectedly, and he only left an old room here for him, and there is no deposit. It is said that he had suffered a telecom fraud. deceived.

Rong Chen failed, so he became an outdoor adventure anchor and went deep into the uninhabited area.

Unknown deep mountains, undeveloped deserts, strange and uninhabited jungles, he seems to have no fear of life and death, and he haunts these dangerous areas all year round.

Because she looks good and is a real adventure, she won't sell sheep's heads and dog meat, so Rong Chen only experienced a low period of obscurity at the beginning, and soon became popular and became a A well-known little anchor.

After Rong Chen's accident, the seventh place checked his live broadcast experience and his residence, but found nothing.

The stomping sound of leather shoes echoed in the corridor.

While thinking about the words on those documents, Chu Yunsheng had already arrived in front of Room 602 on the sixth floor.

He glanced at the privately installed camera on the door, knowing that it was closed, he did not hesitate, took out the bronze key in the evidence bag directly from the pocket of the windbreaker, lifted it up He twisted open the tightly closed iron black metal door and stepped inside.

The room was very empty and deserted.

Not much furniture was soaked in the dark night, like stones that surfaced in water, only the skin was illuminated by the distant dim light that penetrated through the window.

Chu Yunsheng did not turn on the lights, and only used the faint light of the mobile phone screen to turn around in this small house with two bedrooms and one living room.


The seventh place has inspected all the objects here, even the floor tiles have been pried up one by one, but in the end nothing was found, and they could only be restored to their original state. Rong Chen's black leather notebook that Chu Yunsheng saw in that dream last night was naturally not found.

No one thinks that there will be any abnormal clues in this rotten place. The seventh department has long given up monitoring here.

Chu Yunsheng walked into Rong Chen's bedroom, pulled out a chair in front of the desk, and sat down beside the bed.

There is still a lingering atmosphere here.

He put the bronze key on the table, concentrated and watched intently.

There may be no way to avoid the unknown spiritual pollution, but it is not impossible to actively establish a connection with them and accept the pollution. There are similar studies in those confidential files of the Ninth Research Institute. Although the experimenters all ended in madness or death, this also proved that some methods have certain feasibility.

flesh and blood brain.

As the pattern and scene became clearer, Chu Yunsheng's brain and heart began to feel a sharp pain like a knife.

Tinnitus, shortness of breath.

The perception of the body is quickly lost in the maddening noise, and layers of confused and delirium illusions hit the face, like falling into a bizarre tunnel, after the endless feeling of falling, there is a new bright .

The light in the bedroom was on.

Chu Yunsheng turned his head and saw that there was one more person on the bed, it was Rong Chen.

He was wearing light blue underwear and a pair of summer white short sleeves, turned on the bedside lamp, and was getting out of the cool summer quilt. Taking a deep breath, he seemed to have just struggled from a nightmare.

Stepping on his slippers, he got out of bed, squatted under the desk, and began to look through the drawers.

Bright light like water flowed from the side of his white neck to the narrow waist and slender legs, creating a shallow healthy blush.

Chu Yunsheng's suit pants were rubbed by his arm, forming some wrinkles.

Rong Chen seemed to feel it, turned his head to look, but saw nothing, there was only air on the chair.

Soon, he pulled out a notebook with a combination lock from the bottom of a drawer, opened the lock, flipped through the paper quickly, and tore three pages from it. Then he squatted down and put the notebook back in its place.

Three scattered sheets of paper were placed on the table, facing Chu Yunsheng.

These are three diaries.

The dates are January 11, 2023, June 30, 2023, and January 11, 2024.

Chu Yunsheng spread out three pages, glanced at them, and roughly remembered the contents above.

The first article was written by Rong Chen during the winter vacation of his senior year. At that time, he experienced a car accident, and his parents spent all their savings for this. He was in a coma for about ten days and woke up with a bowl-sized scar on the back of his head. Doctors at Ferguson Private Hospital said it was the traces of a craniotomy performed to clear blood clots in the brain.

Rong Chen, who had just been discharged from the hospital, felt inexplicably disturbed.

The second is the record of the day Rong Chen's parents died. The handwriting is messy, with dry wet marks, full of Rong Chen's confusion and helplessness, mourning and sorrow.

Sleep well, want to dream of parents who suddenly left.

As for the third article, it was exactly a year after the car accident was discharged from the hospital, Rong Chen heard a knock on the door in the middle of the night, got up to look, and found that there was an unnamed courier at the door, receiving the parcel Man wrote his name.

In the courier is a black leather notebook with many chaotic patterns, and a memory card.

He has heard the voice in the memory card and decided to explore the reason why he has been having strange hallucinations since the operation, and the secret behind it all.


Rong Chen stood up from under the table, saw the paper on the table move, and looked at the half-open window with suspicion.

Hope those horrible things don't come true..."

He picked up the three diaries, took them to the kitchen, and set them on fire.

But after two minutes, he seemed to think that it was still not safe to do so, so he took out the diary again, and then gritted his teeth and burned it all, not even a trace of torn pages. also.

After doing all this, he returned to the bedroom, took out the black leather notebook from the open suitcase that had not been sorted out, glanced at it briefly, and put it on the top of the bookshelf In the lower grid, it was covered with a stack of newspapers, disguised as an ordinary book, which was inconspicuous.

At this point, he has completely completed all the work that can make him feel at ease, throwing off his slippers, turning off the lights and lying back on the bed.

Opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for about ten minutes, Rong Chen finally closed his eyes and fell asleep tiredly.

The moment he closed his eyes, Chu Yunsheng felt that everything around him was shaking and changing. He obeyed his own consciousness and left this illusion of the past.

Opening his eyes again, he was still sitting in a dark bedroom, with dust floating everywhere, and he was unpopular.

Fingers removed, Chu Yunsheng took the bronze-colored key back into his pocket, got up and walked to the bookcase, and looked down at the bottom grid.

In the dim light, the lattice was covered with a layer of old newspapers.

Behind the newspaper, a black leather notebook is sandwiched between a pile of social science books, which is ordinary.

Chu Yunsheng frowned slightly, reached out and pulled out the notebook.

Is it here all the time, not discovered by the seventh place, or is it deliberately left by the seventh place to fish for those related secrets?

No, not right.

On the eve of Rong Chen's fall from the cliff, this black leather notebook was still carried by him, it could not be left at home all the time.

And if it is found in Rongchen's belongings in the seventh place, with its contents and the seventh place's caution, it will never be placed in Rongchen's house without taking it with you Go research.

In addition, Chu Yunsheng remembered very clearly that there was no such thing in the list of Rong Chen's personal belongings listed in the seventh place.

Could it be that on the night of Rong Chen’s death, it silently returned from the cliff edge of Xiaofeng Mountain, on Rong Chen’s body, and returned to this bedroom in Hechi Community, and there was no trace of it at all. Discovered by a follow-up search?

Chu Yunsheng held this notebook, and a biting chill appeared behind him.

He looked around, nothing but darkness.

The light from the outside disappeared completely at some point, and the house was empty and quiet, except for the sound of his breathing.

Chu Yunsheng took a slow breath, turned and sat back on the chair, alert, and opened the black leather notebook in his hand.

Like what he had seen in Rong Chen's hands before, this black leather notebook was full of strange and twisted words and patterns.

This feeling seems to be able to infect the soul, and people's emotions also fluctuate and change, fear and panic are like being in a cold snake cave or a grave.

The brain is beating loudly, tingling and boiling, as if the next second will fall into flickering nightmares and delusions.

Chu Yunsheng endured the pain, pulled his own line of clarity in the chaos, quickly turned over the entire notebook, and forcibly memorized these words and patterns.

Only the outlines are memorized, not the perception.

But even so, the terrified cold sweat soaked Chu Yunsheng's sweater and trousers in an instant.

He endured to the limit, and his reason was on the verge of collapse, but at this time, he finally got something.

Some of these patterns are very similar to the strange patterns that Lu Zhixian saw on the petrified tentacles in the original plot.

According to Lu Zhixian's later investigation, these patterns belonged to an extremely ancient prehistoric civilization city. This whole city is a sect. They worship a great existence named Chaos One. Claiming that He was the only true God of the time.

However, some scholars have found from some manuscripts, and some sects and tribes that worship Chaos, all believe that Chaos is an old ruler stronger than the true God, He suffered ancient curses, In a deep sleep on earth, when the stars return, he will be awakened by a spell and return to earth.

Because of the limited clues and materials, Lu Zhixian and the others stopped their investigations and did not go any further.

In addition, Chu Yunsheng also found a memory card and a map drawn by Rong Chen in the black leather notebook.

Many places on the map are marked with bright red crosses, but only two are circled. One of them was Xiaofeng Mountain where Rong Chen fell off the cliff, and the other was not far from Xiaofeng Mountain. Chu Yunsheng recognized the landmarks and names above, and matched it with the address where Lu Zhixian's parents suffered a mine accident.

There seems to be a thread running through it.

Recovering slowly from the severe pain and spasm, Chu Yun let out a heavy breath, without any hesitation or fear.

He closed the black leather notebook, stuffed it into the inner pocket of the windbreaker, then took out the worn-out notebook from under the bed, turned it on, plugged in the card reader, and clicked Open the contents of the memory card.

The corner of the truth has been spread out in front of Rong Chen, Chu Yunsheng does not need any extra hesitation.

In the card there is only a more rudimentary map than Rong Chen's hand-painted, and a piece of audio.

Chu Yunsheng moved the mouse and clicked play.

, but in French.

"You often experience hallucinations."

The voice was full of affirmation.

It flutters in the ear, seems to be able to penetrate into the bottom of people's heart, not gentle but seems very pleasant.

"In your hallucinations, the sky is gray, the crows are circling, the earth is full of crazy hissing, all traces of reptiles."

"Passers-by walking on the street will explode their brains and try to take off other people's brains and put them into their own bodies. Children sleeping in strollers will chew off their own fingers, A cruel and lovely smile at you."

"In the middle of the night, the man in yellow appeared in the shadows."

"They went up the tall buildings, up the spires, and jumped down one after another, rotting flesh and blood on top of each other, piled on top of each other, rotting into worms' nests."

It gradually became harsh, like fingernails scratching glass, conveying an inexplicable sense of insanity.

Chu Yunsheng pressed his eyebrows, trying to ignore the emotional impact of the audio.

"These hallucinations are very distressing and disturbing."

"You have thought about seeking help from a doctor, but you always stop at the door of the clinic, wandering and giving up. After that operation, you no longer believe in any doctor subconsciously. "No one is stopping you, you are preventing yourself from recovering."

"You didn't even tell anyone about this madness and speculation, including your parents. Maybe you didn't want to share them. You fear them, but you enjoy them."

"But you can't accept that yet."

"Neither can your parents, they don't know anything, but they seem to regret it. They broke the agreement and wanted to reveal your secret. We killed them to protect you."

"No, don't rush to resent us."

"We reserve the opportunity for you to take revenge on us, but you need strength, great strength. A car accident, surgery, the death of your parents, all your doubts and troubles, and strength, in this black notebook."

The voice gradually became softer, like the whisper of the devil's temptation.

"This is a remnant of a copied magic book. It is very precious and comes from a historical stage other than human beings. All the collections and unknown technologies of the Security Bureau cannot be compared with it. "

"It records a dark and frightening history, contains evil and filthy incantations, and teaches **** rituals. Countless great gods, countless genius magicians, have owned it, and enrich it."

"Now, its copy is in your hands, the power of the past is about to recover, you can choose to surrender it, or you can choose to domesticate it."

"It will take you through the fog of this world and come to the entrance of the new world."

"We'll be there waiting for you. Dear Rong."

The strange voice laughed softly, with anticipation and joy.

The audio ends with a brief, high-pitched electric sound for the last two seconds.

Horror, gloomy and gripping.

The gate of Ferguson's private hospital, with dazzling operating lights.

Waking up late at night from a nightmare, death notice and autopsy report.

Mass burial pits, deep mountains and old forests, rotting animal corpses, gloomy and dead altars, blood dripping patterns and serpentine characters—

It is Rong Chen, and it is Rong Chen's memory, Rong Chen exudes a spiritual sense comparable to an unknown and crazy existence.

Chu Yunsheng had established a connection with him last night, and he couldn't avoid it.


With a chaotic sound, the computer fell to the ground and the chair overturned.

Chu Yunsheng planted his head on the bed, his raised palm tightly covering half of his twisted face, his throat squirmed, and the feeling of dizziness and vomiting was so strong that it almost destroyed all nerves.

Chu Yunsheng suppressed the feeling of vomiting, and quickly said in a hoarse voice: "...I'm going to Xiaofengshan Hepingxi mining area, how can I take you away?"

The eyes are blurry and upside down, and the light and shadow are distorted and elongated.

The hoarse and frantic ravings gradually poured into the ears, they conveyed madness, pain, and unknown distortions. Chu Yunsheng's heart beat wildly uncontrollably as if he had an independent consciousness of life, distinguishing the mysterious hiss for him.

Soon, he caught the voice amid countless manias.

It's still as familiar and beautiful as it used to be, but it's lost some of its cleanliness and clarity, and it's more of a terrifying yet obsessive fascination and delirium.

"Don't go, don't go there...very dangerous..."

In the endless evil hissing, Rong Chen said softly, as if with a strange tenderness: "If... If you really want to go, you want to know what I have not seen before. The truth... dig out my brain and take it with me..."

"Take me..."

"I'm not like them...I will...I will protect you and won't hurt you..."

"I know."

Chu Yunsheng opened his bloodshot eyes from between his fingers: "I always...will believe you."

Rong Chen seemed to laugh.

The voice was so soft that it seemed like an invisible wind amidst the chaos.

After the laughter, the cascading visions and creepy whispers gradually disappeared, everything returned to normal, and the bedroom was still cold.

Chu Yunsheng sat on the bed for ten minutes, calming the severe physical and mental pain, then got up to clean up the mess here, took the things that Rong Chenxiang gave him, opened the door and left here.

602's door was locked again, Chu Yunsheng stepped on the voice-activated lights in the corridor and walked downstairs slowly.

One week later.

Chu Yunsheng received the approval of the application for going out and obtained a restricted area entry and exit permit.

He forwarded the approval and task requirements to the seventh office, waiting for a reply.

Unfortunately, the two field staff of the seventh department left last night, otherwise Chu Yunsheng would not have to bother to submit an application to the seventh department.

But the case can be closed.

What surprised Chu Yunsheng was that Du Ying seemed to have forgotten his questioning that night and the strangeness of the key. She was not at all strange to him, nor did she plan to inform the seventh office. , after only a few days of silence in the shadow of An Xin's death, it gradually returned to normal.

Chu Yunsheng guessed that Rong Chen might have done something.

At the same time, near the Pingxi mining area.

In the van at the seventh place, Hou Wanguo just sat in the driver's seat when he heard a beep from his tablet computer. He opened it and saw the investigation report submitted by Chu Yunsheng The application for abnormal conditions in the Fengshan and Pingxi mining areas is also approved by the bureau.

"Deputy, what's wrong? New mission?"

In the co-pilot, Lin Yi took a look and said curiously.

"The Ninth Research Institute," Hou Wanguo said, "I said a few words last time, but I didn't try to find out whether there was any problem with Rong Chen's body. But looking at it now, it is estimated that there is no problem. Their newly appointed deans have all found new ways to find new scientific research results."

"Then will our team pick it up?" Lin Yi asked.

Hou Wanguo grinned: "Yes, why not? Have more contact with this President Chu, I always feel that he is not simple and has a big secret. If possible, I will give it to him too. Apply for a sanity monitor and wear it on your wrist, eight out of ten geniuses in scientific research are crazy."

Lin Yi heard something from Hou Wanguo's joke: "Deputy Director, do you doubt him?"

"I can't tell, just intuition." Hou Wanguo said, "Don't tell me, let's send the last two home first, they have been here for two weeks, since the inspection is fine, then There can be no further delay."

with two corpses covered in white cloth.

"It's a couple working outside."

Lin Yi said with some reluctance: "I have seen the information of their family members, an 80-year-old left-behind old man, deaf, a son of the third year of high school, who goes to school in the town high school, and his grades are very difficult. Going to university... Now that the two pillars of the two of them are gone, even if the compensation from the mining area is a lot, the life of the children and the elderly at home will be even more difficult..."

Hou Wanguo sighed, did not speak, and stepped on the accelerator in silence.

The grey van started and went straight to Lujia Village in northern Henan.

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