MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 152 Ogami Mamoru No.

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The roar of the plane came clearly from the headset.

Chu Yunsheng opened the map and glanced at the route. He quickly made a judgment and marked a point: "Map of mountain rainforest, let's jump to H bay."

After a short run-in period, Chu Yunsheng's commanding level has been unanimously recognized by the team. After hearing his instructions, no one in the team channel questioned, and they all responded one after another. .

The main terrain of the random map of this game is rolling mountains, vast tropical rain forests and a small half of the bay.

There are no towns on the map, only a few villages are scattered. In addition to these villages, the material refresh points in the map are some temporary camps and mercenary bases hidden in complex terrain.

Like all other maps, the locations of these locations are fixed and will not change randomly, but compared to other maps, this map not only has to deal with attacks from other teams, but also faces Some beasts lurking here, including but not limited to pythons, swamp crocodiles and the like.

He was lying on his stomach in the grass and suddenly began to bleed, and then when he turned around, a large mouth of blood was close at hand.

Materials are not rich, but the danger is the highest, so this map is the first five-star difficulty map recognized by "War".

The difficulty of the map is inversely proportional to the probability of random arrival. The higher the difficulty, the probability of random arrival. At the end of the month, the first round of the points competition will be random. The team is really too African Emirates.

Even the two alliance commentators looked at the map and couldn't help laughing: "Mountain Rainforest! God, how long has it been since I saw this map in the points game, it seems that the main game is all over the place. Not many times."

" But every time it appears, it will make our game end faster than usual, I hope the players in this game can persist for a longer time, I remember the current points of this map The record for the highest ranking and survival rate was set by WZ two years ago, and no one has been able to break it so far..."

"Although this game is a points match for the reserve team, it is attended by our so-called FLYs who are more than half of the WZ. When the camera turns over, many of them are familiar faces. Our God A didn't play. , but the newly established FLY can be said to be supported by him, and we are looking forward to their performance!"

The two commentaries are semi-retired, and the level of commentary is average.

At this time, the plane was already halfway through, and the teams on the route were parachuting.

"Hey? FLY chose to jump to the H bay. This choice can be said to be beyond everyone's expectations. There are no beasts in the H bay, and it is quite safe, but the materials are also very few. Need... Does Cloud's command have any deep meaning?"

The sound insulation of the headphones and the sound effects in the game made Chu Yunsheng not hear the outside world at all, and he did not know that someone was suspicious of the skydiving point he had chosen.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't change anything.

Every map and every route, he has done precise calculation and research. This most difficult picture is no exception.

"H Bay has only a dock and an abandoned port. There are very few materials. They are concentrated indoors. After searching, come and gather within 30 seconds."

The parachute opened, and the buildings and vegetation on the ground continued to enlarge in the field of vision. Chu Yunsheng observed the surroundings and said solemnly.

"Or take the sea route? Those chickens are going to find their way."

The Yantang fell to the ground, rushing towards the dock, sideways.

Chu Yunsheng turned into the abandoned port and said casually, "It's useless to touch it."

Jiang Yuankai laughed: "That's right, even if you know where we're going and where we're going, what's the use? They're not as fast as us, and they can't guess our movements. Big, if we don't search for anything to block us, that's fine, see if the bullet is fast or the fist is fast."

There are not many materials, and the movements are fast. In less than 30 seconds, five people have arrived on the speedboat of Chu Yun's sound mark.

Yan Tang was driving the boat, and the others took advantage of the time on the boat to quickly distribute the supplies. There were not many guns, so each person could only have one. During this time, Chu Yunsheng's other guns have also been practiced quite well, but the best ones are AKM and sniper.

However, the number of guns was limited, and the only 98K was allocated to Wei Xiuwen, half of the scouts.

The best WZ marksmanship in the past was Shen Xuan, followed by Yan Tang, but in terms of sniper rifles, Wei Xiuwen is the second best, with a steady hand and a good attitude, and can see the overall situation. Therefore, this allocation promotes strengths and avoids weaknesses, and there is no problem.

Aggressive style, accustomed to going to cities or bases near the route, one of the teams is likely to be them.”

Jiang Yuankai agreed: "Well... persuading and maintaining world peace, this is the obligatory responsibility of young people like us FLY."

There is a base marked here on the map, and I am afraid that it will not be discovered until closer.

In order to prevent the sound of the speedboat from being heard, a few FLY people disembarked a certain distance earlier and approached quickly from the side of the base through the jungle.

Chu Yunsheng held his gun and advanced, quickly marked the points according to the situation of the base, and arranged the troops: "According to the sound of gunfire, there may be people at these three points, pay attention to concealment, Yan Tang, Jiang Zhao Pack up from the back, and Lao Jiang goes to the opposite side."

With an order, all four of FLY's members acted quickly, making full use of the blind spot of vision, and quietly sneaked into the base.

Unbeknownst to the other two teams, there was a ghost lurking in the shadows in the base they had taken over, waiting for an opportunity.

After arranging to sneak in, Chu Yunsheng also chose a location to touch the base, but he did not choose the blind spots that might exist, but went around to the back of a warehouse. Where the gunshots came from.

Chu Yunsheng did not enter rashly, but climbed to the roof of the warehouse with the help of the big tree on the shady side. This operation is quite difficult. A little carelessness can easily cause loud noise, or Can't climb over at all.

After all, "War" is not a holographic online game, no matter how realistic it is. The player's manipulation of the game characters is nothing but the keys. If you want to be really flexible, it is not impossible, but it is very difficult.

And the players and players, most of the training is marksmanship, no one has time to practice climbing trees and houses, and the flexibility of the limbs can reach the first-class level, no need to be more powerful How precise. And this overlooked point is precisely the training program that FLY has been focusing on recently, and it is also one of the foundations of the Qibing flow.

Lying on the back of the steeple warehouse with minimal movement, Chu Yunsheng looked in through the skylight with a gun, and found a figure ambush under the window behind a few wooden boxes.

The figure turned his head from time to time to adjust his angle of view, being alert to one direction of the window.

Chu Yunsheng observed it and found that half a head was shaking back and forth in the corner tower not far from that direction.

"The gunfire stopped, why didn't they suddenly stop shooting? Found us coming in?" Jiang Yuankai said.

Wei Xiuwen had already found a hidden location, opened the magnifying mirror to observe, and heard the words: "I shouldn't have noticed that a third team came in, but the sound of our walking was heard. Both sides suspected that the other was adjusting their positions, except for those who were staring at each other, they also moved. This can't go on like this, we should be discovered when they move."

Yan Tang frowned: "For such a small base, if the head of the game would have bloomed long ago, they would have been overly cautious, and no one would have fired the first shot?"

"It may be that we have fished in troubled waters a few times in the training game, and PTSD. I would rather coexist peacefully here and have a blind date meeting than shoot and do it." Jiang Yuankai snorted.

However, by coincidence, as soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly erupted.

After this sound, there was the sound of glass cracking and a series of extremely lively shooting.

"A fight?"

"It's AKM..."

At the same time as the kill jumped out, a light male voice sounded on the team channel: "I shot. No one shot the first shot, we shot."

If everyone can guess and be prepared, how can it be called a surprise soldier?

Chu Yunsheng said, kicked open the remaining broken glass on the skylight, and jumped into the warehouse.

As soon as he jumped in, there was a sound of bang bang bang bang bang bang bullets from the top of the warehouse.

Just now he found the right time to shoot the man in the corner building with a headshot, then quickly turned the gun, and when the people in the warehouse were surprised to distinguish the gunshots, he fired another series of shots and sent them away.

In just a few seconds, the two teams at Base 1 each lost one person.

A little blood fell on the ground, Chu Yunsheng said while bandaging, "They're going to move."

The killing shout clearly told the people here, FLY touched in, as long as the two teams are not stupid, there must be a reaction. Either fight or withdraw, always move. And this is the opportunity.

Sure enough, within two seconds, the movement in the base became chaotic, and the sound of gunfire was accompanied by the sound of running.

At the same time, Wei Xiuwen's announcement sounded: "The one behind the container at North 25, East 110, the small tower...Fuck, see me, M24!"

A dull and huge sniper sounded.

Intense gunshots came from Yantang: "WRG's, it's gone."

Jiang Yuankai shouted: "Old Wei, I will cover you, kill the grandson of the tower, and I can't give them a high point!"

"In the southwest area, the corner towers to the red houses are all occupied, and they will be forced to the warehouse." Chu Yunsheng ran in the warehouse, shooting guns at the people who came out of the window, and kicking at the same time. With some empty wooden boxes in the warehouse, the layout here is changed.

At this time, Wei Xiuwen's voice came from the earphone: "Yunsheng, two of them are heading for the warehouse, and the rest are going to run."

Chu Yunsheng glanced at the positions of his teammates: "Jiang Zhao went to the periphery to seal the gun, and others surrounded the warehouse."

After he finished speaking, he heard the sound of running and approaching footsteps.

Without hesitation, Chu Yunsheng immediately stepped back, turned out the side window, and ran out quickly.

A few steps away, Jiang Yuankai and several others had already arrived, and Chu Yunsheng stopped them from approaching.

Yan Tang wondered, and before he could open his mouth to ask why, he saw Chu Yunsheng fired two shots diagonally from the window, and then there was a loud explosion in the warehouse, the ground shook realistically, and fire spewed out , blocking the position of several windows of the warehouse.

After a while, the two people who ran into the warehouse shot frantically and rushed towards the warehouse door in the firelight.

But they never had a chance to rush out the door and were quickly swept away.

"What the hell! What is this!"

"Is there no explosives in this game? Or is this not a game I played?"

"I seriously suspect that this explosion has something to do with FLY's old yin ratios. Cloud has been in the warehouse just now..."

"Originally I didn't want to watch the points match where the chickens peck each other, but I heard that God A was there. But when I came, I found that God A was not playing this round. I was closing the screen and turning on the I was swiping Weibo in the background, this sound scared me, the phone smashed directly in the face, FLY is a bit interesting!"

"What the **** is going on? Give me a first look at Cloud!"

An explosion filled the split screens of the FLY team. Not only did the online live broadcast barrage madly, but also shocked and surprised the commentator who was originally focused on the main screen: "This, Is this a grenade? How many? How did it detonate?"

The two WRG team members who were swept up in front of the warehouse were even more confused: "This warehouse used to be full of oil, and the remaining few barrels of oil were all poured out, and it suddenly exploded. Now, the windows are blocked, so I can only run outside..."

"Fuck, FLY is crazy, what did they do?!"

"I suspect they opened the explosive pack and died!"

Although there are curiosity everywhere, there will be no exciting replays before the end of the game, so many curiosity and doubts have to be held back until this game is over.

A beautiful and strange start, which directly led to the eccentricity of the game director. In addition to the OB screen of each team, the main screen began to frequently give FLY shots.

The two teams of the Resistance Army Base No. 1 were rounded up. FLY searched for supplies, drove two jeeps into the jungle, and had a confrontation with the team who heard the gunshots. Then poured into the circle of poison.

When the second lap came, there were only eleven teams left, and the battle was fierce.

FLY's position in the circle is not good, it is a big swamp, and there are two teams guarding the circle. FLY went around to the side of the swamp and abandoned the car to shoot at the gun. Unfortunately, he alerted the crocodiles in the swamp.

The atmosphere of the game is tense, and the bullets and rain are shuttled, and a large part of the blood may be blown out by accident.

Chu Yunsheng was observing the surroundings through the jungle and miasma, carefully thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, the audience at the scene suddenly burst into a few loud roars, the content of the roars was blocked by the headphones and could not be heard clearly, but out of the corner of Chu Yunsheng's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the WZ banner holding up Several spectators with the cheering cards suddenly stood up and smashed the cards in their hands to the competition platform on FLY's side.

Bang, too far away, the sign fell on the edge of the stage.

The front row of auditoriums instantly became chaotic.

The on-site staff and security responded quickly and stepped forward.


"What's wrong?"

Other people in the team channel also noticed the movement, Jiang Zhao was distracted and accidentally shot.

"Don't worry, someone else paid for it. Keep hitting."

Chu Yunsheng interrupted the discussion in the team, drew everyone's attention back, and issued an order, "Yan Tang took the cover of the car from South 210 to break through, and the deputy team went to the tree at East 165. Trees with vines, guns. I stop crocodiles."

Chu Yunsheng took the gun and retreated to the swamp. During the retreat, he looked away from the computer screen and calmly looked at the audience who were kicked out by the security guards.

He understands lip language, and even if he can't hear the sound, he can tell what they are shouting from those lips—

"Why doesn't God A play? We are fans of God A, we want to see God A!"

"FLY other waste roll down! We want God A!"

This method is shameless enough and has no bottom line.

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