MTL - After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried.-Chapter 582 wake up with a start

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Yun Qinghuan laughed after hearing this, "Indeed, we are all cultural people."

Several copies of the contract were signed, one for each person.

 With this contract, everyone will feel more confident when cooperating in the future.

 After signing the contract, a few people started to get the goods.

After all, it was the first time to sell and I had no experience, so each person only took fifty pieces of clothes and planned to come back to pick up the goods after they were sold out.

Qiao Yue and the others bought a house, and they didn’t have much money left. Therefore, without the principal, they felt a little ashamed and said, “Can I give you the money for the clothes after the clothes are sold out?”

Yun Qing smiled happily, “Of course it’s possible.”

The reason why Bai Naihan got to know them was because of fate.

It wasn’t until the man went to the kitchen and turned on the light that the light shone on his face, revealing a tired and familiar face. Yun Qinghuan was sure that this man was his man.

However, to be on the safe side, she still didn’t dare to say anything.

Which thief would bring such a big and conspicuous package into the yard when he goes to steal something?

  When Bai Naihan was selling watches and clothes, he also tested these two people. I found that although the two people had some minor flaws, they were both loyal. He had sold so much money, and neither of them was jealous.

 But the boss refused them all coldly, and wouldn't even think of letting anyone touch the corner of his clothes.

Hold Yun Qinghuan and she wouldn't let go. The sticky look made Yun Qinghuan dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Bai Naihan happened to be passing by at this time. He would definitely not turn a blind eye to such a thing. In addition, with his high force value, he saved the person with three strikes, five divided by two.

 The two men were beaten so hard that they had no strength to fight back.

“Don’t worry, won’t you have the money once you sell all your clothes?”

In just a few days, a few people sold less than a thousand pieces of clothing.

Looking at the person in disbelief.

Everyone who sees him must give him some face.

Bo Naihan, who was standing next to him, looked at them, his eyes a little colder, staring at the person, and snoring in his heart, he even gave them a discount, and he was still pestering his wife!

The two men were very young. They looked to be in their early twenties and were not yet married. I heard they had been in the black market for a long time and were already experienced.

 After all, the women in the south are completely different from the women here. Most of the women in the mainland are reserved and rigidly dressed. Even if they are beautiful, they will lose a bit of flavor.

Bo Naihan touched his nose in embarrassment, and when he saw Yun Qinghuan coming out, he looked a little guilty, "Did I wake you up?"

 While I have time, I might be able to make two trips a year ago.

Going with him were two men he met in the black market.

 Then the next day, he started shouting and selling.

She opened the door quietly, holding a stick in her hand. She planned that if there were really people, she would go up with the stick and kill them all. She must not make too much noise or scare the children.

 In December, it was already very cold. Three people, each carrying two large packages, climbed over the wall.

These two men, one is named Sun Jianshe and the other is named Gao Jun.

 At the beginning, there were only a few people selling, and some of them couldn't open their mouths. However, because the clothes were so good-looking, many people came to ask about them, and a few pieces were sold.

There are also some beautiful women who want to throw themselves into the arms of the boss. Even the two of them, who have never had sex, are a little tempted. If they don't know what they are going to do this time, it is not easy to cause trouble. Maybe I have long accepted it.

 Perhaps because of his experience and connections, this time the man came back after going away for twenty days.

 There was just too much movement, a "bang" and the sound of packages falling to the ground.

 On the first day, even though business was not good, I made three or four yuan.

 One hundred three. Two one. One hundred one. Nine three

Unexpectedly, when she raised her head, she saw Bai Naihan in the darkness. She was very familiar with the figure of her man.

With their help in selling, Bai Naihan felt a lot more relaxed.

Those women in the south may not be so beautiful, but they understand men very well, and their every move makes people enchanted.

In the past few years, I have been prosperous in the black market. I want as much glory as I want.

Zhu Yao had no time to sell, so she developed her own school classmates and formed her own sales circle.

In addition, when he went to the south, it was not safe for anyone. It was always good to bring more people, so he took these two people with him.

 No, is this still their boss?

Their boss faced a group of gun-wielding bandits without batting an eyelid, and then killed them all by himself. He was called the Living King of Hell by those in the circle.

How could you imagine that at this moment, when Bai Naihan saw his wife, she looked like this?

 At first, I thought that a thief was targeting their home, and I felt very anxious.

Yun Qinghuan, who had been sleeping soundly, was awakened by the movement.

The other party obviously had a deadly attack on him, and he was not afraid of anyone investigating him at all.

In an instant, he threw the stick on the ground, took some clothes from the house, put them on, opened the door and walked out.

Hinthy cypress is believed to be resistant to cold.

  Qiao Yue was extremely moved when she heard what she said.

 Both of them were ready to die, and this time they were afraid they would have to confess here.

Because the door was bolted, Bai Naihan didn't want to wake them up, so he turned it over.

 Coupled with the fact that there are a few particularly large packages on the ground under the moonlight, it is clear that they are cypress.

 The movement in the room has attracted the attention of the three men.

At this rate, there was no need for Bo Naihan to sell the remaining clothes. He distributed the remaining clothes to several people to sell, while he was preparing to make another trip to the south.

At that time, Sun Jianshe and Gao Jun were still secretly complaining that their boss was uninterested and must be so cold and stone-cold to all women.

 At the moment I just felt shocked.

 Sun Jianshe and Gao Jun have not admired others so much in their lives, and Bai Naihan is definitely the same.

At that time, the three people came back from the south, it was very windy and dusty, and it was still late at night.

The result is that because the two of them were too young, they became a little unruly after making some money. They offended others, came out of the black market, were plotted against, blocked in an alley, and beaten severely.

Now both of them regard Bai Naihan as their elder brother and vow to follow him to do something in their career.

Especially when two people found out that they almost died this time and their whereabouts were revealed by someone who had a good relationship with them, their hearts dropped. Therefore, they trusted Bai Naihan even more.

 The two of them subconsciously looked at Yun Qinghuan.

His good-tempered and guilty look made Sun Jianshe and Gao Jun almost drop their jaws in shock.

At night, Yun Qinghuan just woke up from his sleep. He was dressed casually, wearing a cotton-padded jacket and cotton trousers, which made him look a little bloated.

But her face without makeup was particularly stunning under the moonlight, and her lazy and disheveled hair added a bit of elegance to her.

If the boss hadn't been talking to his wife, Sun Jianshe and Gao Jun would have almost thought it was a hallucination. Otherwise, how could they see the fairy?