MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-~ The first class is at eight thirty. "

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"There is still an hour and a half, don't worry, after you have breakfast slowly, let Jiang Yan take you to school." Mr. Jiang's spirit is very good, he has his grandson and future granddaughter-in-law to accompany him at breakfast, he is so happy Ate a lot of breakfast.

After breakfast, Mu Yao went to school in Jiang Yan's car.

At this time, the sun has risen high, and the early morning sun is golden, warm but not dazzling.

Jiang Yan put the bottle of yogurt he took before going out into a straw, and handed it to the girl, "I'll pick you up from school tonight?"

Mu Yao held the yogurt and took two sips. She found that the yogurt was strawberry flavored, "No need, Dad will let the driver at home pick me up, so you don't have to make a special trip." His office is quite far from the school Yes, he is busy now, there is no need to waste time picking her up.

She bit the straw, thought of something, and said with a smile: "Anyway, when you turn into **** tonight, you can still see me."

Jiang Yan sighed.

When the car stopped at a red light, he reached out and pinched the tip of the girl's nose, "Then you have to give me a good hug tonight."

the car stopped

The entrance of the school immediately attracted the attention of many people around.

Seeing Mu Yao get off the car, the surprise in everyone's eyes disappeared, replaced by amazement, everyone now knows that Mu Yao is the school girl of S University.

"Xiao Yao."

Xu Yan just got out of the car and saw Mu Yao at a glance. She walked around the car happily, "Good morning, Jiang Yan sent you to school?"

She glanced at the car just now and remembered Jiang Yan's car. After all, let alone City B, there are not many cars like this in the world.

"Morning, he sent me here." Mu Yao responded.

Xu Yan's eyes lit up, she approached Mu Yao, and asked mysteriously, "Xiao Yao, are you living with Jiang Yan?"

It is normal for college couples to live together. It is not convenient for many couples to live in a dormitory. They like to rent a house outside. Among the friends she knows, two live with their boyfriends.

"No, I live at home." Mu Yao denied.

"I thought you all lived together, no, you slept together." Xu Yan looked gossip, "Is Jiang Yan's technique very good?" The figure has wide shoulders, narrow waist, and a straight nose, which completely fits the image of the powerful male protagonist in the text.

"Don't talk nonsense." Mu Yao blushed and couldn't help but glance at her.

Seeing Mu Yao's reaction like this, Xu Yan was surprised, "I'm thinking too much?"

"You have been with Jiang Yan for so long, and Jiang Yan can control you when you look like this?"

It's not that she is open-minded or something. After all, Mu Yao has such an appearance, and her figure is even more slender, and the parts that should grow flesh are not ambiguous at all. Let alone men, even she often looks at Mu Yao, They all felt that they were about to be influenced to change their sexual orientation, but Jiang Yan was able to control himself not to touch Mu Yao?

Hearing Xu Yan's words, Mu Yao thought of Jiang Yan's loss of control this morning, and the tips of her ears, hidden under her long hair, turned red, "He cherishes me." She knew what kind of person Jiang Yan was, if he Really thought, she wouldn't resist the intimacy between the two, but he didn't.

She still remembered that the man was extremely restrained this morning, with sweat dripping from his forehead, but tenderness was hidden in his dark eyes.

"Tsk tsk, Jiang Yan's self-control is simply too strong. However, it also proves that he really loves you, not just talking about it." Xu Yan praised.

There are few men with strong self-control, handsome and capable, and even fewer men with strong self-control who can keep their lower body.

Mu Yao's eyes brightened, "I know."

After school, the driver appeared on time and waited outside the door.

Mu Yao was about to walk over when she was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Uncle Li?"

The person who stopped her was the former butler of the Mu family.

Butler Li's attitude was respectful, "Second miss, the master has something to ask for you, please get in the car."

Mu Yao glanced at the car parked on the other side, and saw that the window was lowered, and Mu Wanhai was sitting in the car.

Mu Wanhai has been calling her for the past two days, but she didn't answer them all, so she just pressed the phone off. Unexpectedly, he came to find her in person now.

Mu Yao didn't get in the car, "Tell him, if you have something to talk to me about, we'll go to the shop over there to talk, I won't get in the car and go with him."

Butler Li did not expect Mu Yao to have such a cold attitude towards Mu Wanhai.

"Second miss, please wait a moment, I'll go and convey it to the master."

There are many leisure drink stations near the school. After school, the business in the store is very good.

At the position by the window, Mu Yao looked at Mu Wanhai with suppressed anger, and she said directly, "What do you want from me?"

She knew that if Mu Xiaoxue and He Xiumei were kicked out of the shopping mall the day before yesterday, they would definitely sue, and it was normal for Mu Wanhai to want to stand up for them.

Mu Wanhai was wearing a black suit with dark patterns, and he looked very out of place sitting in such a small shop.

He frowned slightly and said, "Xiaoyao, I heard from your mother and your sister Xiaoxue that there were some misunderstandings the day before yesterday, and you were unhappy. I know you complained about your family members. I'm sorry, all of this It's because of my father's neglect of you."

"Dad brought you back from the countryside, but he was too busy with work, and he didn't have time to talk to you, which made you full of anxiety and resentment later. So, today, Dad wants to sit down with you and have a good talk .”

Mu Wanhai consulted a psychologist, and what Mu Yao did was to lack a sense of security. She wanted to attract the attention of her family members, so she was so rebellious and confronted her family members.

Mu Yao was a little surprised that Mu Wanhai didn't scold her coldly like before, but instead played the warmth card.

Seeing that Mu Yao didn't hum.

Mu Wanhai smiled, like a father who tolerates a rebellious daughter, "I sent you to the countryside before because the master calculated that your horoscope is not compatible with the Mu family and would threaten your life. To protect you, we sent you away , You have indeed suffered a lot. Dad thought about it and decided to give you part of the company's shares as compensation for you. "

At this time, Mu Wanhai took out a contract from the document bag and handed it to Mu Yao, "This is a share authorization letter. As long as you sign your name on it, the company's shares will be yours."