MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 93

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In the elevator.

Mu Yao let Jiang Yan's big hand rest on her waist, her eyes were shining, her pink lips were slightly raised, she was obviously in a good mood.

"So happy?" Jiang Yan looked down and saw the girl smiling.

"Well, I'm happy to see Mu Xiaoxue deflated." Anyway, she and Mu Xiaoxue were completely torn apart.

Originally, she didn't care much about Mu Xiaoxue, but the other party tried to trick her again and again. Mu Yao thinks that she has never been a person who is easy to be bullied. It is good that the other party does not provoke her, otherwise, she will pay back twice.


Mu Yao raised her eyes to look at him, a pair of bright eyes scrutinized Jiang Yan carefully.

The man in front of him was indeed outstanding.

The outline is deep, the facial features are three-dimensional, the brow bones are cold and sharp, and even a pair of dark eyes are stained with a cold expression, making it difficult to see emotions. Dressed in a black suit, her body is straight, with sharp lines, and she exudes an irresistible indifference and nobility.

Such a man makes one's heart tremble at a glance, and his legs crumble.

No wonder Mu Xiaoxue was taken aback when Jiang Yan appeared just now.

"But what?" The girl lost her voice, and Jiang Yan looked at her suspiciously.

Mu Yao stretched out her index finger, and hooked Jiang Yan with her slender and fair fingers.

Jiang Yan lowered his head cooperatively.

The next second, Mu Yao stood on tiptoe, kissed the man's resolute and **** chin, and then kissed his thin lips, "However, I don't like the way Mu Xiaoxue looks at you, you are mine."

This was the first time Jiang Yan saw a girl jealous.

Mu Yao was already pretty, even if she wrinkled her nose and stared jealously with black eyes, she still looked good.

Jiang Yan liked to death that she was so delicate and quiet, jealous of him. The big hands on the slender waist tightened, Jiang Yan was concerned about the surveillance in the elevator, and firmly restrained the urge to push the girl to death.

The address where Mu Yao's company held the press conference was on the eighth floor. She didn't rent the entire floor like Ye's Group, but rented the banquet hall on the eighth floor. Even the banquet hall is huge.

Previously, several popular Internet celebrities and anchors that Mu Yao had hired by Jiang Zhihui had already arrived at the scene one after another. The number of reporters present was not as many as hundreds of Ye's Group, but there were quite a few of them. These reporters were all from Some well-known media companies.

Mu Yao and Jiang Yan did not appear at the press conference, but Jiang Zhihui presided over the press conference, and introduced the products to everyone.

This time Shengxiang Company launched

The theme of the perfume is spring, and the girly fragrance in spring is the most charming.

Mu Yao had been hearing from Xu Yan that her body smelled good, so she tried out a perfume that resembled her body. After trying many times, she finally came up with a scent that was somewhat similar to her scent.

But Jiang Yan knew that she was not allowed to launch this perfume because he didn't want anyone to have her scent, especially other men who smelled the same perfume as hers, he couldn't accept it.

Mu Yao was persuaded by Jiang Yan's last reason, but she couldn't accept it either.

In the end, she adjusted the formula of the perfume, removing the fruit flavors in it, and chose to use peach blossom and cherry blossom instead.

The top notes of the perfume are: cherry blossom, jasmine, green tea, the middle notes are: rose, tuberose, and peach, and the base notes are: peach blossom, iris, cedar, musk, and woody notes, patchouli .

The top note is very fresh, like a girl walking slowly in a green gauze dress in spring, the middle note is very sweet, it is a girl smiling sweetly in the sun, sweet and heart-pounding, and the base note is sweet and ethereal, still It has a woody light fragrance, giving people a dreamy feeling of soft girls.

Mu Yao named this perfume: Maiden Blossoms.

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the girls are like flowers, which is the time when they are in full bloom.

Mu Yao also asked people to hire two girly models. The two models were holding perfume in their hands, showing off to everyone.

The body of the perfume bottle is designed in pink, and the bottle cap is in the shape of petals, shining charmingly under the light. Whether it is the perfume bottle or the fragrance of the perfume, any girl will find it difficult to refuse this perfume.

The reporters in the audience kept taking pictures of the products, while the hired Internet celebrities and anchors followed to take pictures of the products.

At this time, Ye's Group, which was also holding a press conference, had a much bigger scene than Mu Yao's company.

Mu Xiaoxue was trapped in her stomach by Mu Yao's anger, and she panicked with discomfort.

She sat in the rest room where she was preparing, and dropped the water glass brought by the assistant directly at the assistant's feet, "I'm so hot, won't you pour me some warm water? And the makeup artist? Didn't they follow?" ? Where did you go?"

The current Mu Xiaoxue is no longer able to hide herself in front of the staff around her. Anyway, her current personality is that of a high-ranking daughter in a wealthy family. When she loses her temper, they can only bear it.

If before Mu Xiaoxue crossed over, how could she have had the opportunity to lose her temper and show off like this?

In the past, Mu Xiaoxue was just an eighteen-line

A small star who can't get along with the third-tier, let alone a dedicated makeup artist, doesn't even have an assistant. When she was on the set, the makeup artist Mu Xiaoxue used was the same makeup artist as the extras, and sometimes she would Get mad at the makeup artist.

After all, in this circle, as long as one is not popular, it is easy to be looked down upon.

Now, she has managed to become the daughter of a wealthy family. Before, she was a fool who wronged herself and acted as gentle and kind. Now, she just wants to bully others.

At this time, the makeup artist hurriedly opened the door, "Sister Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, I left a box in the car just now, so I ran to the parking lot again, and I wasted your time. I'm really sorry."

Mu Xiaoxue leaned on the back of the chair, raised her chin, and said domineeringly: "Why don't you put your head in the car too?"

The makeup artist was taken aback for a moment, never expecting Mu Xiaoxue to speak so bitterly.

"What are you doing in a daze, come over here and help me touch up my makeup!"

Mu Xiaoxue didn't dare to hum when she saw the makeup artist being ridiculed by her, she stepped forward to touch up her makeup obediently, and the resentment in her heart just now gradually dissipated.

It's cool to take out others' anger.

When the press conference started, Mu Xiaoxue had already adjusted her state. Under the host's announcement, her red lips rose, and she appeared in front of everyone with a proud face.

Miss etiquette came up with the new products of the Ye Group and handed them to Mu Xiaoxue.

It was a bottle of perfume in a wine red bottle. Mu Xiaoxue put on heavy makeup today and wore a wine red dress to reflect today's new product.

She held the perfume confidently, and confidently showed it to everyone, "This is the latest perfume launched by Ye's Group. The name of the perfume is: Brilliant Beauty."

"Obviously, from my pictogram, you can know that this perfume is positioned for urban intellectual ladies and white-collar workers. Whether it is the wine red design of the perfume bottle or the smell of the perfume, it is very suitable for publicity or reserved maturity and charm. women. Moreover, this perfume focuses on high luxury, and it will not be very popular. It is not a cheap product that everyone can afford..."

Mu Xiaoxue introduced her very hard, and she was arrogant and arrogant inside and outside the words.

On the day of the press conference, the official website will also go on sale at the same time. The sales volume on the first day is very important, which means that this product is introduced to the market and its popularity.

The corners of Mu Xiaoxue's eyes were raised, and she looked confident. She endorsed her own group's products, and today's sales would definitely explode.

And Mu Xiaoxue didn't know at all that a reporter had already posted photos and videos of her confrontation with Mu Yao and Jiang Yan just now.

On the Internet, and in the video, netizens seem to have seen a reversal and reversal of the scene, and everyone has a good time eating melons.

"Is this a rich family's daughters fighting openly and secretly? Mu Xiaoxue feels like a queen today, and doesn't like her younger sister Mu Yao. Compared with the arrogant and domineering Xiaoxue, Mu Yao has the feeling of a white lotus."

"Is Mu Xiaoxue going to tear up younger sister Mu Yao today? She used to act like a good sister, but now she just doesn't act. I like her true temperament now."

"Are the people upstairs all brainless fans? Didn't you see that Mu Xiaoxue is such a bitch? From the beginning, Mu Xiaoxue was the one who teased Mu Yao first."

"That's right, that's right, Mu Xiaoxue has been expressly implying to the reporter that Mu Yao is having an affair with that fat man, her intentions are so vicious."

"I don't think Mu Yao's white lotus is alright at all. Did she start crying when she was insulted? No! And she didn't pretend to be wronged. Instead, she directly ranted against Mu Xiaoxue. The little fairy is so saucy!"

"Damn, am I the only one who thinks that Mu Yao is more imposing than Mu Xiaoxue? Mu Xiaoxue relies on her clothes and makeup, but Mu Yao has a small face, eyes and whole body temperament, which is obviously better than Mu Xiaoxue's." Xiao Xue must be sharp and noble."

"Seeing Mu Xiaoxue and Mu Yao standing together, I just feel like a pheasant and a fairy. I'm sorry, but I don't appreciate Mu Xiaoxue's appearance and behavior. Who do I think is a fool?"

"Recently, Mu Xiaoxue changed to a wealthy daughter and started to show off her wealth in various ways. A large group of fans below followed her and licked her knees. It made me sick to death."

"Hahahaha, seeing the end of the video, I feel so refreshed. Even the blind know that Mu Xiaoxue deliberately framed Mu Yao. I didn't expect Mu Yao to look at the delicate and weak beautiful little fairy, but she has a very strong aura, and Jiang Yan appeared, and directly slapped Mu Xiaoxue in the face, it was so cool."

"I also feel very good for no reason. Mu Xiaoxue's character is really problematic. I beg the fans not to take the domineering and nouveau riche's behavior as the temperament of a wealthy daughter and lick her knees. The wealthy daughter is really not like that. "

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow The Yaoyan pair."

"Today, Mu Xiaoxue seems to be endorsing a new product of the Ye Group. If I find a spokesperson with such a questionable character, I will definitely not buy the product."

"I'm not wool, so I definitely won't let Mu Xiaoxue, a **** like this, **** me, I won't buy it!"

"Do not buy plus one."

Unexpectedly, netizens even began to unify under the news

When the Yip Group found out, this matter had been trending several times in a row, and the situation became very serious.

Mu Wanhai was confronted with the shareholders' questioning, his expression was extremely embarrassing, and he was also extremely angry. The conflict between the two sisters actually broke out in the public, and now the whole network knows about it, which seriously affected the launch of today's new product.

An old shareholder said at the beginning: "Mr. Mu, you recommended your daughter to be the spokesperson for this new product. Now that something like this has happened, how do you solve it?"

Another shareholder's tone was very unfriendly, "Your daughter, as the spokesperson of this product, caused such a scandal on the day of the press conference, with a negative image, and now netizens are boycotting the purchase of this new product. Such serious consequences, Mu You have to bear it."

"In recent years, the Yip Group has been going downhill. We have invested a lot of money in the new products launched this time, and we are ready to turn around. Now, because Mr. Mu's daughter has been destroyed, what does Mr. Mu plan to do to us shareholders? Confession?" Other shareholders also spoke one after another.

The veins on Mu Wanhai's forehead stood out, and his temples were throbbing. These old cunning and cunning are now catching on to his mistakes and pursuing them desperately.

At this time, on the eighth floor of the hotel, the press conference of Mu Yao's company was still going on.

Jiang Zhihui asked people to send the current product, Girl Flower, to every reporter present, invited Internet celebrities and anchors, and then asked the Internet celebrities to post messages on their accounts to promote it. The perfume will be broadcast live, and during the live broadcast, it will also help Muyao company sell goods.

One of the very popular anchors has already opened her anchor account. She has already informed fans that there will be a live broadcast this morning. She just appeared, and fans have already started swiping their screens.

The hostess said to the fans: "Baby, today I would like to introduce you to a new perfume. I just tried the fragrance and it is amazing! Let me tell you, this is a fairy perfume!"

She put the perfume in front of the camera, and the beautiful pink bottle immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The host continued to introduce: "The name of this perfume is Maiden Blossoms. Whether you are a girl or not, you must buy it! It is a super sweet perfume. After spraying it, you will be the most fragrant and sweetest **** this street. , definitely makes people can’t help but thumping. The link is in the lower left corner, you can second it yourself! I don’t know if the company has a lot of stock, anyway, just buy it!”

"Ahhh, I just ran out of perfume recently, and I'm planning to change to a new one, thank you Meimei

Recommended, I will place an order. "

"This perfume bottle really pokes my teenage heart, buy it!"

"What Meimei recommends will definitely not be pitted. I support it. I looked at the price, and the price of more than 300 bottles is not bad."

"Girl blossoms! The perfume bottle fits the name so well, I want to buy it."

"I have already placed an order, looking forward to the fairy perfume that Meimei said!"

"Seconds, seconds!"

Several popular anchors were live broadcasting at the same time, coupled with the simultaneous promotion of super popular Internet celebrities, all of a sudden, the sales volume of Shengxiang Company's new products had sold 100,000 bottles in less than an hour!

Jiang Zhihui knocked on the door of the lounge, he walked in, and reported to Mu Yao: "Mr. Mu, our products are going to be popular. Currently, the sales have exceeded 100,000 bottles, and the sales volume has been rising."

There was uncontrollable excitement in his voice, "And the sales volume of Ye's Group is less than 10,000."

He was always paying attention to the sales volume of the two companies. The Ye's Group was almost killed by their spokesperson. Presumably, the leaders of the Ye's Group would be so angry that their new products were boycotted by netizens.

Jiang Zhihui tried his best to suppress the surging mood at this time, and now their company's first battle is considered a victory.

However, this time it was also thanks to Mr. Jiang.

Jiang Zhihui glanced at the tall man with a cold face sitting beside Mu Yao.

The news on the Internet was promoted by Mr. Jiang's order. This secret trick can be said to have directly destroyed the entire press conference of the Ye Group, and also directly destroyed this product of the Ye Group.

This time, Ye's group's turnaround was a failure.

And all because Mu Xiaoxue insulted Mu Yao.

Mr. Jiang, it's really scary to protect your shortcomings.