MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 6

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The evening wind of summer night blew again, and the precious flowers in the flower bushes shook their waists, even at night, they couldn't block the beautiful colors.

Jiang Yan stopped and didn't follow. He stepped back with one dog leg, ready to run at any time. Seeing the distance getting farther and farther, a smile flashed in the dog's eyes.


Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment by the dog's back, staring at Mu Yao with round dog eyes.

"Little thing, are you lazy, why are you walking so slowly?" Mu Yao stood on the spot, beckoning to Jiang who was not far away, "Come here quickly, don't be lazy, no matter how fat I am, I won't be able to hug you." She looks chubby, and after being adopted by her, the food is so good that the little thing seems to grow in a circle.

"Come here quickly." Mu Yao saw that Jiang was frozen, so she wanted to go and hug it.

Jiang Yan didn't want to be hugged by Mu Yao, he moved his short legs reluctantly, and walked slowly towards Mu Yao.

"Ginger, let's go back upstairs after a while." Mu Yao bent down and rubbed its wrinkled skin, and reprimanded, "Don't be lazy."

Jiang Yan lowered his dog's head and ignored her words at all.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yan saw Mu Yao suddenly pull out her phone. He held his dog's head up and saw that the other party was not paying attention to him at this time. A light flashed in the dog's eyes, and Jiang Yan slowly backed away again.

As Mu Yao was walking, she looked at the prices of perfume ingredients on the Internet. The price is not expensive, but she only has a few hundred yuan with her now, which is not enough for her to buy perfume ingredients. After roughly estimating the price, Mu Yao pursed her lips and put the phone away.

She is so poor now that she is worried about less than a thousand yuan, she must find a way to make money.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Mu Yao was about to bend down to hug Sheng Jiang, "Ginger, we..."

Um? What about the little things?

She turned around and found that Jiang was not there.

"Ginger?" Mu Yao looked around, "Ginger, we're going back." However, she didn't get a response.

Little thing, where did you go?

Without even thinking about it, Mu Yao went back along the road to look for it.

The surroundings became quiet, and after a while, a chubby dog ​​came out of the flowers. Jiang Yan shook his body, couldn't help it, and sneezed several times in a row. Needless to say, Jiang Yan also knew that the dog's sneezing expression was extremely ugly.

He shook the dog, shook off the petals and leaves that got on it, let go of the dog's legs, and ran towards the gate.

I didn't meet anyone along the way.

Jiang Yan ran as hard as he could. Normally, he would have tall legs and long legs, and he would be able to walk to the gate in a few minutes. However, the dog is too small now, with short legs. In addition, this dog is obviously lazy and untrained. He felt very strenuous just to run for a short distance.

Jiang Yan gritted his teeth and continued to run.

Mu Yao walked all the way back, but she didn't find Ginger's dog shadow. Did it run back into the building by itself? The door of the small building was closed, and she didn't look at Jiang.

Where did you go?

"Ginger, ginger..."

Mu Yao had no choice but to turn around and look for it along the way.

The moon is high, and the night is fine today.


Looking at the large metal carved iron gate in front of him, his dog's eyes lit up, and Jiang Yan ran towards the gate at a high speed.

Soon, he came to the iron gate, and he tried to put the dog's head through the iron fence, preparing to get out. However, the gap in the iron bars was not large enough for the dog's head to fit in. Jiang Yan's eyes darkened, he looked at the big iron gate a few times, and his eyes fell on the big gap between the iron gate and the ground.

Jiang Yan lay down and tried to get the dog's head out from under the door.


The dog's head was barely able to fit through the gap and stick out.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, and he continued to move, preparing to get the dog's body out.

However, in the next second, Jiang Yan's dog face darkened. The dog was so round that it was stuck by the iron gate!

He drilled hard, but the dog's stomach was squeezed and hurt badly. Jiang Yan gritted his teeth and continued to drill, he wanted to leave.

Along the way, Mu Yao didn't find **** until she walked to the fountain, looked at the gate from a distance, and vaguely saw a black mass lying in front of the gate.

She trots over.

Before getting closer, Mu Yao saw a round dog's buttocks arching at the door, and its two short legs kept kicking backwards for strength. It was clumsy and cute. What is this little thing doing? want to go out?

Jiang Yan tried his best to move out, and half of the dog's body got out.

Thinking that he was about to succeed, he continued to exert his strength, but in the next second, he felt his **** was slapped, the force was a bit heavy, but it really didn't hurt.

Jiang Yan froze the dog's body, and the dog's face was completely black.

"Ginger, what are you doing?" Mu Yao stretched out her hands to support the dog's sides, dragging it back from the bottom of the door.

"Woof!" Let go!

Annoyed, Jiang Yan almost left.

Soon, Mu Yao dragged the little thing out from under the iron door. Seeing that its legs were still struggling, she slapped its dog's **** again, and gently grabbed its right ear, and reprimanded, "Let's Don't run around, you actually want to run out of the door? You will be fined to close the small balcony tomorrow."


Mu Yao actually... actually spanked his **** again?

Just now, Jiang Yan was already furious, and now, this woman Mu Yao slapped this part again. Although it didn't hurt, Jiang Yan was extremely ashamed, and his dog's face was completely black with anger. The wrinkles are deep.

Mu Yao stood up holding it, "I'll punish you when I go back."

Being hugged, Jiang Yan could only curl up the round dog's body, because he was annoyed, he directly turned the dog's head to one side, never looking at Mu Yao.

The moonlight was thick, falling on the treetops, and the surroundings became more and more peaceful.

Accompanied by the evening wind, the faint fruity fragrance kept getting into Jiang Yan's sensitive dog nose.

Jiang Yan would never admit it, the fragrance on Mu Yao's body was very good.

The next morning, the sun was waning, and the golden light shone on the dazzling red sports car outside the door of Mu's house, which was extremely eye-catching.

In the car, Jiang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the steering wheel in front of him, he knew he had transformed back.

The sun shone straight in through the front glass of the car, Jiang Yan squinted his eyes, his perfect facial features seemed to be coated with a layer of light, making him more handsome and handsome. Originally, Jiang Yan planned to take it out last night, then get into the car, stay in the car overnight, and then take the ugly dog ​​away after the day recovered.

He had planned everything, but he didn't expect that he would lose to that ugly dog ​​in the end. He was so fat that he got stuck at the bottom of the door and couldn't get out!

At this moment, the car window was knocked suddenly.

Jiang Yan lowered the car window, and Mu Xiaoxue's delicate face appeared outside.

"Morning, Jiang Yan, it's really you." Mu Xiaoxue greeted very happily, "Why are you here?" When she was at the door just now, she suddenly saw the license plate of the red sports car, and she thought she was dazzled.

"Are you here to look for me?" Her eyes lit up.

"No." He came to steal the ugly dog.

Hearing this, the light in Mu Xiaoxue's eyes dimmed a little.

On the other side of the door, just as Mu Yao came out, Jiang Yan saw her at a glance. He didn't know if it was the effect of the sun, but Mu Yao seemed to be quite pale. Involuntarily, he recalled the scene of being spanked by Mu Yao last night in his mind.

A dangerous look flashed across the dark eyes, he remembered such shame, and Mu Yao would always pay it back.

"Jiang Yan?" Mu Xiaoxue followed Jiang Yan's gaze and landed on her driver's car parked at the door. She didn't notice anything unusual. She continued to ask with a smile, "Are you feeling better?"


"It's almost time for class, are you going back to school today?" Mu Xiaoxue asked again.

Attend class?

Jiang Yan took the mobile phone aside and looked at the time, it turned out to be 8:30.

Ying Ting's brows were tightly frowned, and Jiang Yan found that his recovery time was delayed today. A few times before, he noticed that he recovered at six o'clock in the morning, but this time, he recovered after eight o'clock. What does this mean?

Jiang Yan looked forward again, his eyes fell on the black car, as if he could see Mu Yao in the back seat, why did his recovery take longer?

No, he must get the dog as soon as possible.

When they arrived at the school, Mu Yao walked into the classroom with her front foot, and Jiang Yan followed her.

Mu Yao sat down in the second-to-last row of the aisle.

"Brother Yan, here, I came early today, right?" Chen Qinghui waved to Jiang Yan. The old man of his family didn't know what was going on today, so he asked him to wake up when Tiantian was bright, and went for a morning run with him. Lack of sleep made him look sleepy.

Jiang Yan sat down at the left rear of Mu Yao.

"Brother Yan, Lu Chen and the others said to go out for a party tonight. We haven't seen each other for a while. His family has opened a new KTV, let's go and have fun, and you and I will go there in the afternoon." Speaking of playing, Chen Qinghui I feel a little more energetic.


Jiang Yan supported his chin with one hand, the small red mole on the corner of his lips was bright in color, and his face, which was as handsome as the bright moon, was set off a little more bewitching.

He stared at the back of Mu Yao's head, thinking about his transformation into a dog.

"It's so boring if you don't come." Chen Qinghui lay down on the table dejectedly, listening to the professor's lecture, and began to drowsy again.

In front, Mu Yao was sitting upright. She wanted to listen carefully to the class, but she didn't eat cherries in the morning. At this time, her heart was hooked and she wanted to eat, and she couldn't concentrate.

Pursing her lips, she didn't hold back the temptation. She put her hand in the drawer, and she touched the box of cherries and cherry tomatoes that she had prepared in advance.

Mu Yao carefully opened the lid of the fresh-keeping box in the drawer, touched the fruit inside with her fingertips, and picked up a cherry tomato. This box of fruit was prepared by her this morning. She originally wanted to satisfy her hunger after class, but she was hooked and couldn't control it now.

Worried about being seen by the professor, Mu Yao lowered her head and quickly put the cherry tomatoes into her mouth.


The sweet and sour juice stood on the tip of her tongue, and Mu Yao squinted her eyes with joy.

After eating one, she sat up straight and stared at the front seriously.

She couldn't help it when she didn't eat it, but now after eating one, Mu Yao is even more addicted.

Uncontrollably, she stretched her hand into the drawer again, and she secretly stuffed another one into her mouth.

Jiang Yan had been staring at Mu Yao, and now seeing her stealing food, he couldn't help but sneered, the bulging cheeks looked like a squirrel.

"Everyone is now divided into groups of four, and then come up to report the name of your group, and submit your work in the form of a group next Monday." The professor assigned homework.

The speed of the crowd was very fast, and they formed a group in a short while.

The professor took a look at the group list and said, "There are still four people who have not been divided into groups, Jiang Yan, Chen Qinghui, Mu Yao, and Huang Wen. You will automatically be assigned to a group, no problem."

No one in Jiang Yan formed a group with him because he was too aloof. Even though the girls in the class were eager, no one dared to propose to be in a group with him. As for Mu Yao, it was because she tried to swear that she was Jiang Yan before. Yan Yan's fiancée, coupled with her arrogant personality, no one in the class would pay attention to her, let alone form a group with her.

Chen Qinghui yawned and ignored the professor's words at all. He really doesn't know how to do homework. Jiang Yan is the same as him, but the difference between them is that he is a scumbag, while Jiang Yan is a top student. .

Mu Yao frowned slightly, but she didn't raise any objection. She hadn't taken the major-changing exam next Monday, so she had to do her homework.

And Jiang Yan did not raise any objections.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and the little red mole on his lips became more and more colorful. It is not impossible to go into Mu Yao's room openly and complete the homework.

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