MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 58

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The door was closed.

A rare dull look appeared on Jiang Yanqingjun's face, and he felt the softness of the two small hands on his waist, as if a heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Girly fragrance, delicate and soft.

Jiang Yan's dark eyes darkened, and his deep voice was a little hoarse, "Hold tight, it's still cold."

Sheng Jiang was still lying on Mu Yao's lap, the little thing looked sleepy, frightened, it urgently needed to be comforted, however, the boy in front of him seemed to be fighting for favor with a dog, shouting coldly, begging for a hug.

Mu Yao's red lips curled up, she let go of Jiang Yan's hand, and under his startled gaze, she moved Jiang Yan onto the bed, and then stretched out her hand to hug Jiang Yan again.

Just after taking a bath, the boy's broad and firm body is very hot, where is the coldness he said?

He was blatantly lying.

There was a bit of connivance in Wu Mou, Mu Yao didn't expose his words.

The girl's body in his arms was very soft and fragrant. He seemed to be holding a ball of cotton candy, wishing he could lower his head and take a bite.

Mu Yao put that stupid dog aside and hugged him, does that mean that to her, he is more important than this stupid dog?

Jiang Yan's big hand went directly to the girl's slender waist upstairs. He overheard Chen Qinghui praise one of his dancing girlfriends, saying that the girl who can dance has a soft and slender waist. He didn't know if Mu Yao could dance, and he couldn't compare, he only knew that his waist under the palm of his hand was not enough for a pinch, it was so soft that one could not wait to hug her all the time.

"Mu Yao." His hot breath sprayed on the girl's ear, and he tried to say: "Do you like me?"

Otherwise, according to the girl's attitude of being so indifferent to him before, wishing to stay away from him, and not liking to be touched by him, how could she hug him obediently and softly now?

Does she like him?

Just thinking of such an idea, Jiang Yan couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart.

Like it?

Embarrassment was hidden in Mu Yao's dark eyes.

She remembered that every time she encountered difficulties, Jiang Yan would help her solve them. The young man's passion was so sincere that she had never been in contact with it.

Mu Yao closed her eyes, and she whispered in Jiang Yan's arms, "Yeah." Since she likes it, she won't hide and deny it.

If she didn't like it, she wouldn't be sad and lost during the week when Jiang Yan disappeared, and when he appeared, she would feel a faint joy in her heart. If she didn't like it, when Jiang Yan jumped into the water just now, she wouldn't be so worried and flustered, her heart hurt like a pinch.

Hearing the girl's answer, Jiang Yan froze instantly.

The usually cold and rebellious young man looked dull at this moment, a bit more stupid than Jiang next to him, his eyes were deep, "I have water in my ears, I didn't hear clearly, what did you just say?"

There was a smile in the beautiful Xinghua's eyes, her brows were curved, Mu Yao sat up straight, she leaned into Jiang Yan's ear, and said softly, "I like it."

The extremely gentle voice penetrated into the ear holes, Jiang Yan tightened his big hands clasping the girl's slender waist. On the back of the hand covered with various scars, the veins stood out. He let his chest be hit crazily, his voice was low and hoarse, a little Qing Qing, "Mu Yao, you can't go back on what you said."

I don't know if the girl can hear his heartbeat that resounds through the sky.

The girl's tone was affirmative, "I don't like going back on my word."

Jiang Yan's thin lips curled up.

The coldness faded from Qingjun's face, and joy and tenderness were hidden in the black eyes.

Jiang Yan's palms were hot, and he held the girl's cheeks with both hands, meeting her clear and watery eyes, his thin lips were a little dry.

"Mu Yao, I want to kiss you."

He had only kissed her twice, once when she was drunk, and once in the gym, which made her angry, and he stole it both times.

It's different now, he wants to kiss her openly.

Mu Yao didn't expect Jiang Yan to be so straightforward, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the tips of her ears felt hot.

She responded very lightly, "Yes."

Receiving a response, Jiang Yan's dark eyes were filled with joy. The hand holding the girl's cheek trembled slightly, and he gradually moved closer to the girl.

The tip of the nose is a girl's sweet fruity fragrance, her lips are beautiful, red and moist. Jiang Yan's heart was beating wildly, as if it would pop out of his chest in the next second.

The slightly cool thin lip marks landed on the girl's red lips, and he only felt that the girl's lips were soft, hot, and tinged with sweetness.

The heart exploded at once.

His whole body froze, Jiang Yan felt that he was like a fool at this time, and his face must be stupid.

His breathing was hot and heavy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Yan pretended not to hear and didn't want to pay attention at all.

The boy's palm was hot, like a fever. The temperature was so high that her face was hot. Mu Yao withdrew a little and reminded: "It may be that the hotel staff has brought the clothes. You should loosen them first. Go and open the door."

The girl backs away.

Ruanxiang disappeared, Jiang Yan's arms were empty, and there was displeasure in the black eyes of being interrupted, "I'll open it."

Outside the door, it was indeed the hotel staff who brought the clothes.

Seeing the door opened, Zhou Tian, ​​who had been standing by the door, wanted to go in. She ran impulsively just now, but regretted it after she went out. It was obviously her room, so she shouldn't be the one who left.

She is stupid.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was about to close the door, Zhou Tian blocked the door and quickly got in.

"This is my room, I have nowhere to go." Zhou Tian moved her mouth.

Jiang Yan snorted coldly, but didn't say much after all, he took his clothes and walked into the bathroom with a displeased expression.

Seeing that the bathroom door was closed, Zhou Tian stood there awkwardly. She looked at Mu Yao, and just as her gaze fell on Mu Yao's face, she froze for a moment.

I saw the girl sitting by the bed blushing all over her little face, her peach pink was flushed, her black eyes were full of water, and she was shy. Zhou Tian didn't think she was stupid, she saw Mu Yao's appearance at a glance, what happened to Jiang Yan just now!

Could it be that Jiang Yan and Mu Yao were intimate just now?

It must be.

Zhou Tian's heart shattered at the thought that the person she liked since childhood fell on another woman.

She was sad and uncomfortable, but the worst thing was that she couldn't scold the other party for seducing Jiang Yan away, who made her the unreasonable party now.

"I hate you." Zhou Tian said angrily.

"I know." The other party has already shown it clearly. Mu Yao looked at her, the shyness in her eyes disappeared, "You can hate me, but you shouldn't steal my dog."

Mu Yao's words, like the tip of a needle, pierced Zhou Tian's puffy face, "I just wanted to make you feel uncomfortable for a while, I never thought that such an accident would happen."

She bit her lip, a little reluctantly, but finally said: "I'm sorry." She raised her chin slightly, "I told the dog."

"As its owner, I must tell you that Ginger does not accept your apology."

Mu Yao picked up the sleepy-looking little thing, stroked its head, and said in a cold voice, "Whenever you do something, you have to think about the consequences. If you don't steal the dog away, it won't fall into the water. Fortunately, It is fatal, and it’s all right now, otherwise, you just killed a life.”

"Why are you like this? I have apologized, but you still criticize me."

Mu Yao looked like a little white flower, she was soft and easy to talk, Zhou Tian thought she had apologized, and the other party didn't mention it, but she didn't expect the other party's tone to be so cold and reprimanded her.

"I really didn't mean it." Zhou Tian explained in a low voice.

Mu Yao looks soft, but her temperament has never been weak and bully. She protects her weaknesses. Jiang has suffered such a big grievance, so she will not easily forgive those who hurt her. "Whether you do it unintentionally or on purpose, I hope Miss Zhou In the future, don't do such sneaky, childish things again."

Zhou Tian has always been used to being pampered by her parents and elder brother. Even among her friends, she is also the one who is admired by all the stars. Now that she is coldly criticized by Mu Yao, she feels uncomfortable, but she is wronged, but she can only suffer in silence.

She tapped her toes and touched the ground without a single tap. After all, she was criticized and reprimanded, "Got it!"

This time, stealing the dog really won't work, and it's annoying. From now on, she will stay away from Mu Yao and her dog, so it's okay.

At this time, Jiang Yan changed his clothes and came out, still dressed in black, tall and cold, making people afraid to approach easily.

However, when facing Mu Yao, such a wanton and rebellious young man, his sharp outline softened, and there was a rare smile on his lips, "Let's go back."

Now that he has changed his clothes, he doesn't have to stay in Zhou Tian's room.

"it is good."

Mu Yao picked up Ginger and walked out of the room with Jiang Yan. Behind him, Zhou Tian looked at the figures of the two with aggrieved eyes.

Until the two left, she closed the door and lay down on the bed. Zhou Tian buried her face in the pillow and scratched her hair angrily.

Forget it, who made Mu Yao look better than her, and her ability to mix fragrance seems to be okay, she lost to the other party, and she could barely accept it.

Back to the hotel.

During the kiss just now, he barely touched the girl's lips, and before he could kiss, he was interrupted. Jiang Yan was not willing, he looked at Mu Yao, wanting to continue.

However, Mu Yao refused.

Mu Yao ignored the scorching heat in the young man's eyes, she said: "Your fever just subsided, and you soaked in cold water for so long just now, hurry back and take your medicine."

Jiang Yan wanted to say that taking medicine is not as important as her, but he finally waited for the girl's confession, he didn't want to scare people away, "Okay."

When she opened the door, Mu Yao turned her head to look at Jiang Yan, only to see that his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes were shining brightly at her.

Suppressing the trembling of her heart, Mu Yao approached Jiang Yan. She stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed him on the lips. In a panic, she kissed the little red mole on his lower lip.

She evacuated quickly, "I went in."

The girl hurriedly closed the door.

Jiang Yan froze on the spot stupidly, he touched the place where he was kissed just now with his fingertips, only feeling a tingling numbness. His chest was soft, and he wanted to drown in this feeling.

The night was getting dark.

Jiang Yan squatted on the bed, he watched Mu Yao come out of the bathroom after taking a shower, staring at her with round dog eyes without blinking, reluctant to move away.

Mu Yao dried her hair, and she lay down on the bed, "Ginger, come here."

Seeing the girl waving to him, how could Jiang Yan hold back? With the tail wagging behind him, he trotted over.

Now lying on the same bed with Mu Yao every night, smelling her sweet scent, is the moment he looks forward to the most.

Jiang Yan automatically and consciously got into the bed, and the little dog's head was exposed, rubbing against Mu Yao's soft little hands, so close.

"Ginger is so cute." Mu Yao stroked it.

Jiang Yan snorted and snorted softly, it wasn't that stupid dog that behaved well, but him!

The girl's white and thin fingertips lightly tapped the tip of his nose. Jiang Yan couldn't hold back, and stuck out his tongue to lick it. His Yaoyao smelled delicious everywhere, even his fingertips had a fruity scent.

He liked to lick her fingertips again.

However, the next second he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, where was the girl beside him?

He was alone in bed.

The abundant strength in his body let him know that he had recovered.

Jiang Yan glanced at the time, it was only 9:30, and the time for him to return to adulthood was three hours earlier than the last time?

Ying Ting's brows were furrowed.

Could it be because he saved that stupid dog today?

This time, it will be three hours earlier at a time. Does this mean that that stupid dog is very important to Mu Yao? The stupid dog occupies a very important position in Mu Yao's heart, so he recovered so quickly after saving the dog?

The thin lips were tightened, and Jiang Yan felt that he hated that stupid dog even more. Sooner or later, he will keep it away from Mu Yao.

The next day, Mu Yao and Jiang Yan returned to city b.

Seeing that both Jiang Yan and Sheng Jiang were in high spirits, Mu Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The water in the pond was so cold, even with ice scum, she was really worried that Jiang Yan or Jiang would catch a cold, especially Jiang Yan, who just had a fever.

Coming out of the airport, there was a gust of cold wind blowing in front of her. Mu Yao buried her face in her scarf, it was so cold.

Mu Yao wanted to take Jiang Yan over from Jiang Yan's hands, "I'll just take a taxi back by myself."

"I'll go back with you, you forgot, I'm living upstairs from you now." Now that he finally got together with the girl, how could he be willing to leave.

Mu Yao shook her head, "I haven't forgotten." It's just that he disappeared for a week before, and she thought he was going back to Jiang's house.

Suddenly, sporadic fragments flashed in her mind, and Mu Yao thought of Mr. Jiang.

A panic suddenly surged from the bottom of her heart. For some reason, she had a bad premonition, as if urging her to find Grandpa Jiang.

What's going on here?

Mu Yao pursed her lips, and the premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

She said to Jiang Yan: "Jiang Yan, let's not go back to the old community, I want to go see Grandpa Jiang, and tell him by the way that I won the prize."

Jiang Yan pressed the dog's body that was moving around in his hand, of course he would have no objection, "Okay."

The author has something to say: Jiang Gouyan: I can’t sleep with Yaoyao at night, I want to throw away the stupid dog

Jiang: You are jealous of me, hate me, envy me, the master loves me the most! Wang~~~

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