MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 55

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Mu Yao's room was arranged by the competition party, and Jiang Yan didn't know what method he used, but his room was next to hers.

The room is a single room, the space is quite large, clean and tidy.

Mu Yao hugged the **** off the suitcase, the little thing didn't know if she was tired, she was not in good spirits, and looked sickly.

She took out a ham sausage and fed it to its mouth, and the little thing regained its vitality.

Mu Yao took off her coat and prepared to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, she heard the doorbell ringing in her sleepiness.

Mu Yao stood up and opened the door, only to see the hotel staff standing outside the door pushing a car.

"can I help you?"

The attitude of the hotel staff was very good, and the other party smiled politely and said, "Hi, this is your dinner."

Mu Yao was taken aback, "I didn't order dinner."

"I called you for you." A deep male voice sounded from the side.

Jiang Yan came over from the door next door, "Go in."

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you."

"Did you fall asleep just now?" Jiang Yan approached Mu Yao, lowered his eyes, and saw red marks on the girl's smooth side face, and deep sleepiness in the dark eyes.

"Well, I slept for a while." Mu Yao walked in, she looked at the time, and found that it was after four o'clock, and they arrived at the hotel after two o'clock in the afternoon, and she slept for about two hours.

"Why are you having dinner so early?" She looked up out of the window, it was still bright.

Jiang Yan looked at her, "I'm hungry, I want to eat with you."

When it was late, he could only accompany her with the body of that stupid dog.

After the hotel staff arranged the dinner, he left.

On the table, the meals were sumptuous, and Jiang Yan ordered several dishes from the photos in the hotel.

"Wow, woof, woof."

Smelling the scent, Ginger, who had a sleepy expression, quickly ran over. He looked up at Mu Yao, scurrying around her, with his mouth wide open, as if drooling.

There are no high chairs here, and **** is not easy to serve. Mu Yao took a small porcelain white bowl, put a little food for it, let it eat aside, and the **** calmed down.

"Have a sip of soup first?"

Jiang Yansheng put a bowl of soup next to Mu Yao, watching her dark eyes were sleepy, covered with a layer of water mist, obviously not awake yet. Involuntarily, his heart softened.

"Thank you, I'll go wash my face first."

Mu Yao got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face quickly. She took the tissue at the side, wiped it casually, and came out.

Because the smooth face was stained with water, it was tender and tender, making people want to nibble and taste the taste of her smooth little face.

She picked up a small spoon and took a sip of the soup that Jiang Yan served her. The ginseng and chicken flavors were very strong. The soup must have been boiled for a long time, and there were also candied dates in it, which brought a hint of sweetness and was delicious.

Knowing that girls like to eat fish, Jiang Yan specially ordered a steamed sweet-scented osmanthus fish. The fish was really sprinkled with dried osmanthus, as well as some minced green onion, **** and garlic.

He picked up a large piece of fresh and tender fish with chopsticks and put it in a small bowl, then carefully removed the thorns from the fish, and then poured a little thick fish juice, the fresh white fish was shiny under the light , fresh and attractive.

"The fish has no thorns, eat it." Jiang Yan put the small bowl by Mu Yao's hand.

When she was sleeping just now, Mu Yao took off her coat, and now she is wearing an off-white, fluffy loose sweater.

Worried about getting her sleeves dirty, Mu Yao slightly rolled up her sleeves on both sides, exposing her wrists to be white and translucent, a small section, slender and beautiful.

Jiang Yan stared at the girl's wrist with his dark eyes, then slowly looked away.

"Thank you, you don't have to take care of me." The boy's hand holding the bowl was covered with scratches and red marks. Mu Yao thought of Chen Qinghui's words, and her hand holding the small spoon tightened slightly.

After sitting down, Jiang Yan was busy serving her soup, picking out fishbone, and picking up vegetables, but he didn't touch a bite of the food in his own bowl.


Jiang Yan responded casually, and in the next second, he continued to pick up dishes for Mu Yao. As long as she looked at a dish more, Jiang Yan would put it in Mu Yao's bowl in the next second.

When Mu Yao was almost done eating, Jiang Yan began to eat.

Because he was thrown to training by Mr. Jiang all the year round, Jiang Yan ate very fast, but his food was not ugly, and his dining etiquette was also very good.

After eating, Mu Yao reminded Jiang Yan to apply medicine to the wound on his hand.

Jiang Yan's thin lips curled up slightly, his eyes were dark and moist, he looked at Mu Yao and said, "I can't apply medicine with one hand, can you help me?"

Jiang Yan once gave her medicine, and Mu Yao is not a person who doesn't know what to do, so she didn't refuse.

After asking the hotel to get some medicine, Mu Yao and Jiang Yan sat on chairs with a small coffee table in between. Jiang Yan felt that it was in the way, so he pulled the chair directly in front of Mu Yao, and the two looked at each other.

Mu Yao lowered her eyes. She took out a cotton swab and dipped it in some disinfectant, "Hands."

In the next second, the boy's big hand was in front of her.

Mu Yao stretched out her hand, held his hand, and carefully applied the disinfectant to the back of his hand.

Now checking Jiang Yan's hand, she found that Jiang Yan not only had injuries on the back of his hand, but even the part where the palm and wrist met was scratched. I remember Chen Qinghui said that because of the heavy rain, Jiang Yan slipped off the rocks, obviously these injuries were caused at that time.

"Does it hurt?" Mu Yao lightened the pressure, the disinfectant was a little stinging, Jiang Yan has so many wounds, it will hurt.

"En." Jiang Yan responded, looking at the girl with burning eyes.

Mu Yao's eyes were lowered, her appearance of concentrating on helping him apply the medicine was very pretty, and he liked her appearance of being gentle to him.

Under the palm, the girl's hand was soft. Compared with his palm full of scars and protruding phalanges, that small hand was weak and boneless, as white as jade, very beautiful.

Hearing Jiang Yan said it hurts, Mu Yao lowered her head and blew lightly on the wound where he had been medicated, as if coaxing ginger, "It's over, it doesn't hurt anymore."

With extremely dark eyes, Jiang Yan clenched his teeth tightly. For the first time, he felt that he was very dirty. The girl is so gentle, with beautiful starlight in her dark eyes, she looks at him with a smile, but he just wants to hold her in his arms and make her cry!

After resting in the hotel for a day, the game started the next day.

The fragrance competition this time was held in a building.

The invited guests and the judging panel were completely different from the last school league. The last time was just a competition for beginners, but this time, it was a competition for perfumers.

There were not many guests present, mainly senior executives of some domestic and even foreign perfume companies. They came to hire the perfumers who won the competition. You must know that there are not many perfumers, especially excellent perfumers. No perfume company would not want such talents.

Outside the gate of the arena, many contestants arrived one after another.

"I'm going in, you can go back." Jiang Yan was not an invited guest and could not enter.

Jiang Yan's fever has subsided, Qingjun's face is not as pale as before, "It's okay, I will let someone arrange it, you concentrate on the game." Thin lips slightly hooked, Jiang Yan said with a smile: "After winning the game , what reward do you want?"

His tone was sure, like the girl would definitely win the game.

"No reward." Mu Yaoqiao's long eyelashes trembled slightly, "I won the game, and it has nothing to do with you. You don't need to reward me."

The girl's soft words pierced Jiang Yan's chest like a small knife.

However, ever since he realized that he likes Mu Yao, Jiang Yan's temper towards her has become better and better. Even if he is disliked now, he doesn't mind, "Why doesn't it matter? You will feel better if you win the game, you will be in a good mood , my mood will also improve, tell me, should I reward you?"

It's not the first time that she realizes that the young man's face is getting thicker, and Mu Yao's ears are burning, she reprimands lightly, "Nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked into the arena. Under her long black hair, the tips of her ears were red.

When the girl's figure was gone, Jiang Yan lowered his head and touched the cute and silly **** on the ground with his toes, "Let's go."

He asked someone to arrange the location.

Walking inside, Mu Yao gave the qualification certificate to the security guard for inspection before she could enter the hall.

Mu Yao walked through the inspection channel and put the spices she brought in the basket specially prepared by the competition party. After writing her name on the label of the basket, she handed the basket to the staff.

The spices for this competition are all brought by the contestants themselves, not provided by the competition. Moreover, in order to prevent cheating, the spices brought by the contestants need to be handed over to the staff for inspection and storage. They will only be handed over to the competition during the competition in the hands of the

The staff put away the basket, and she distributed a number plate to Mu Yao, "This is your entry number, please go to the seat corresponding to the number and sit down to wait for the start of the competition."

"Thank you." Mu Yao took the number plate, she glanced at it, it was number eleven.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, a sweet and coquettish female voice sounded.

Mu Yao turned her head to look, she recognized that it was the girl who talked to Jiang Yan at the airport, she is also a contestant?

Zhou Tian walked up, her chin slightly lifted, and she looked at Mu Yao displeasedly, "Are you also here to participate in the competition?"

"En." Mu Yao responded lightly.

Hearing the answer, Zhou Tian was very upset. The woman in front of her was not only a rival in love, but also a competitor?

Her eyes fell on Mu Yao's exquisite and beautiful face, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that the other party was just a vase. That's right, being able to blend fragrances doesn't mean that you have good fragrance blending skills. There is no threshold for this competition, and of course there will be many people who are overwhelmed with their abilities.

Zhou Tian looked at Mu Yao harshly, "I saw you at the airport the day before yesterday with Brother Jiang Yan, he also came to City C?" She even wanted to ask if Jiang Yan accompanied her to the competition.

Mu Yao felt that the girl in front of her didn't like her, her eyes were full of hostility, and her tone of possessiveness towards Jiang Yan made her feel uncomfortable.

Mu Yao realized that she didn't like this girl, "Well, he came with me."

Hearing Mu Yao's answer, Zhou Tian almost gritted her teeth! It's one thing to guess, but quite another to hear the answer.

Will Jiang Yan accompany this woman to the competition? You have to know that Jiang Yan has refused many girls to confess their love to him, and he will never give a girl a chance to approach him.

But now, this woman broke Jiang Yan's routine, don't think she didn't see it, Jiang Yan smiled at this woman at the airport.

Zhou Tian stared at Mu Yao more and more unkindly. She heard her brother say that Jiang Yan has someone he likes. Could it be this woman?

"What's the big deal? Brother Jiang Yan and I are still childhood sweethearts, and we've known each other since we were young."

Zhou Tian snorted, this woman looks like a goblin, and it makes people uncomfortable to see, "What's the use of having a long face, if you have the ability, you will win the game later."

From his behavior and tone, Mu Yao could see that the other party must have been spoiled by arrogance, she didn't want to argue with the other party, "Okay."

Seeing the figure of Mu Yao leaving, Zhou Tian was angry again. Originally, she participated in the competition just for fun, but now she decided to perform well and suppress that little vixen-like girl, so that she would know that just having a face is useless .

She looked away, and her eyes fell on the basket placed by the staff. She asked the staff, "Is this basket the woman's just now?"

"Yes, please put your spices in this basket, we need to check..."

Zhou Tian glanced at the name on the basket.

Mu Yao?

The woman from the Mu family who brought her back from the countryside and got engaged to Jiang Yan?

Zhou Tian studied abroad before, and knew that Jiang Yan had a marriage contract with Miss Mu Er, who was brought back from the countryside by the Mu family. However, she heard from her brother that Jiang Yan hated his fiancée and wanted to dissolve the engagement, so she didn't Take this woman seriously.

But now, Jiang Yan is not as bored with Mu Yao as they said at all, and wants to hide away.

Zhou Tian was angry, it couldn't be that this Mu Yao has been pestering Jiang Yan so much that Jiang Yan's heart softened.

Zhou Tian looked at the basket, and a look of badness flashed in her eyes.

In the arena, Mu Yao found her place.

She looked at the seats of the jury on the stage in front of her eyes. There were ten people in total. She heard that they invited famous perfumers and critics.

She has learned about the rules of the competition. The total score is 100, and the judges will score. There is only one round of competition, and the one with the highest score wins.

Mu Yao sat down in her seat, her eyes glanced at the guest seats inadvertently, and the next second, she was astonished.

In the middle of the first row of the guest seats, a young man dressed in black and with a stern expression was sitting there with his waist upright, and what he held in his arms was a dog.

The handsome boy and the stupid and cute dog formed a stark contrast, which attracted many people's attention.

Zhou Tian, ​​who entered the arena, also noticed it. When she saw Jiang Yan, she was so happy that she wanted to go up to say hello, but when she found that Jiang Yan was looking at Mu Yao, Zhou Tian was about to explode with anger.

She walked to her place and snorted heavily.

When she wins the competition and Mu Yao is trampled under by her, Jiang Yan will definitely find that that little vixen just has an empty face and is not worthy of liking.

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