MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 47

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[The genuine version is in Jinjiang, reprinting is prohibited]

The bright lights at the door reflected in the girl's eyes, as if dotted with beautiful star fragments.

Jiang Yan seemed to be poked lightly with a girl's soft fingertips, and the swelling in his chest disappeared instantly.

"Is it cold?" Jiang Yan lowered his eyes and looked at her with burning eyes.

The girl's fair face was blushing, like a beautiful rouge dyed on white jade, she shook her head, "It's not cold."

Mu Yao ran out because she disliked the heat in the hall. After obediently saying hello, she wanted to avoid Jiang Yan and continue walking outside.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing that the girl was about to leave, Jiang Yan grabbed her wrist, which was fluffy, and looked down, only to find that there was a circle of white fur on the girl's wrist, which was so soft that it made his palms itch.

"It's hot, let the air blow." Mu Yao replied obediently.

It was only then that Jiang Yan realized that the girl was strange, she was too well-behaved, like the last time on his birthday, when she got drunk and rescued her, she was also so well-behaved, and she also liked to act like a baby.

Holding the girl's big hand, he gently rubbed her bracelet a few times, letting the white fur tickle his fingertips, Jiang Yan, as if to prove it, said in a low voice: "I want to blow the wind too, Can you take me with you?"

Mu Yao raised her small face and smiled very obediently and sweetly, "Yes."

His chest felt numb as if he had been hit hard. Jiang Yan held Mu Yao's hand tightly, and let the girl lead him out.

Far away from the party, there are only dim street lights on both sides of the road, and tree trunks covered with snowflakes.

The snowflakes had already stopped falling, and the cold wind blew in, dissipating the heat from Mu Yao's body, and she became cold.

Jiang Yan took off his black coat and put it on Mu Yao's body. He helped her put it on, "reach out."

"It's not pretty."

Mu Yao looked at the black, baggy coat she wore, and wrinkled her nose in distaste.

Mu Yao is now a little girl who loves beauty.

"Did you dislike my clothes? Then who looks good." Jiang Yan was amused by the girl's squeamish appearance, and he helped her pull up her coat.

His coat was really big on her, and it could completely wrap the girl's slender body.

"My skirt is pretty." Mu Yao's head was sticky, and the corners of her eyes were stained with light pink, as if she had a rotten peach color.

She pulled away the jacket that Jiang Yan had closed for her just now, pulled the hem of the skirt, and showed Jiang Yan her skirt.

The girl's complexion is fair and her figure is exquisite. She really looks good in such a bright and colorful skirt.

The dark eyes darkened, and Jiang Yan was worried that she would catch a cold, so he pulled up her clothes again and covered her tightly.

However, Mu Yao didn't understand Jiang Yan's painstaking efforts at all, she pulled off her coat again, revealing her pretty little red skirt.

Mu Yao's eyebrows are curved, her red lips are raised, her voice is soft, with a bit of coquettishness, "You haven't praised my skirt yet."


How can it not be good-looking, it looks like a little goblin who ecstasies the soul.

There was a faint expression on the young man's handsome face, but there was an extremely deep expression in his pair of pitch-black eyes.

Jiang Yan pushed the girl against a tree trunk beside her,

Facing the blank look in the girl's eyes, he laughed softly, in the dark night, it was low and sweet.

The girl blinked her big dazed eyes with a little haze.

Jiang Yan pursed his lips, and he moved close to Mu Yao's ear, coaxing her in a low voice, "Yao Yao is the prettiest."

After being praised, Mu Yaohong's small mouth burst into a smile, "Yes."

Under the dim light, Jiang Yan felt the sound of his heart beating non-stop in his ears.

He tempted the girl viciously, very viciously, "I want to kiss you, Yaoyao?"

His figure was reflected in the beautiful dark eyes, Mu Yao laughed sweetly, she shook her head pretty, "I can't kiss, only my mother can."

"it is good."

If a girl doesn't give a kiss, Jiang Yan won't force it.

Clenching his fingertips, the girl's beautiful red lips were close in front of his eyes, Jiang Yan resisted the urge to lower his head and take a bite, "It's cold outside, I'll take you back." Mu Yao was only wearing a skirt, two With a bare calf, it must be cold.

"Yeah, go back." Mu Yao took the initiative to throw herself into Jiang Yan's arms, hugged him with two small hands, and said softly, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

The girl's soft and delicate body slammed into his chest actively, Jiang Yan's fingertips trembled, and his deep voice was a little hoarse, "I'll take you back."

The night was thick, with no stars or moon on the pitch-black night, and the cold wind blew past, making the delicate girl lean more and more into the boy's arms.

Jiang Yan sent the girl back to the door of her room. He looked down at the person in his arms, and saw her white face was flushed by the cold wind, "Go in, sleep quietly, don't mess around." run."

Mu Yao's head was dizzy, and when she heard Jiang Yan's words, she nodded obediently, "I won't run around."

"Go to sleep." Jiang Yan waited for her to go in and close the door before he left in peace.

"Good night kiss." Mu Yao pointed to her smooth and beautiful face, and looked at Jiang Yan eagerly with her watery eyes.

To be driven crazy by girls! Did you give me a kiss this time?

Jiang Yan's eyes were dark, and his deep voice was a little hoarse, "Then I'm going to kiss Yaoyao."

Mu Yao laughed.

The thin lips gently kissed the girl's sideways cheek, which was very soft and fragrant.

Jiang Yan seemed to have tasted something sweet.

Mu Yao is a good girl who likes to reciprocate politely. When Jiang Yan kissed her, she raised her head, and her beautiful red lips wanted to kiss the boy's cheek.

However, the boy was too tall, and in a daze, his red lips touched Jiang Yan's lower lip.

The lips are a little moist, soft, with a girlish

sweet smell.

In the next second, there was a sudden pain on the lips, and the little red mole on the corner of the lips was bitten lightly by the girl.

Jiang Yan was stunned.

Blood qi surged upwards, and a numbness rose from the spine, exuding an indescribable refreshment, as if something was exploding in his mind.

"Sweet." The girl let go of her thin lips, only to feel that she took a bite of jelly.

The dark eyes were deep and bright, and Jiang Yan lowered his eyes.

The big hand clasped the girl's slender waist, and the low voice coaxed, "Is it sweet? Then Yaoyao will take another bite."

The girl's dark eyes were full of water, covered with a layer of mist, she shook her head pretty, "Not high enough."

Jiang Yanji lowered his head cooperatively, his thin lips with excellent shape moved closer to Mu Yao, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, the cute little red mole seemed to be stained with the color of a girl's water, bright red and bright eyes, his voice was low and hoarse , "Yaoyao can bite now."

Mu Yao was very obedient, she frowned, and bit Jiang Yan's lower lip with a small bite.

Xu Yan came down from the stage. She lost the game and didn't get a prize. Instead, Tan Jinnian won a bottle of perfume. He hurried off the stage, intending to give the gift to Mu Yao.

"Where's Xiao Yaoyao?" Tan Jinnian didn't see Mu Yao.

"Xiaoyao went to the bathroom. It seems that she has been there for fifteen minutes." Li Feifei said calmly while eating dessert.

"How long has she been away?"

The Christmas hat that Tan Jinnian was wearing on his head was crooked, and he began to fantasize about all kinds of bad things, "Why don't you go to the bathroom with her, you haven't come back for so long, what if my goddess is taken away. "

Li Feifei felt that this person was a showman, and she said in a flat tone: "Every corner of this place is monitored, and there are staff everywhere. The abduction you mentioned does not happen, and girls spend a lot of time in the bathroom. .”

Tan Jinnian didn't pay attention to what the other party said, "Xiao Yaoyao is so beautiful, who knows if there will be a man who doesn't wink around her, no, I'm going to guard outside the bathroom."

Xu Yan glanced at Tan Jinnian speechlessly, he was the man who didn't wink and pestered Mu Yao.

"I'd better call and ask where Xiaoyao is. I don't think she has much energy. She must be sleepy. Why don't I let her go back to sleep first?" Xu Yan took out her phone.

"Then I'll go back too." Li Feifei felt bored after eating the dessert on the plate.

Xu Yan dialed Mu Yao directly, "Then I'll ask Xiao Yao first."

In front of the door, Mu Yao's head was dizzy, the sides of her small face were blushing, and the pair of small antlers on her head became crooked, very cute.

Mu Yao felt that her lips were so painful, as if being bitten and sucked by something. Unable to help, she snorted softly, her back was forced to lean against the door panel, it was hard and cold, and the front was also oppressed, the temperature was very high, hot and cold, she was very uncomfortable.

She pushed the heavy object in front of her, trying to struggle away.

At this time, the mobile phone in the small bag on her waist rang.

The tip of the tongue was covered with a sweet fruity aroma, and Jiang Yan's chest was throbbing violently, a heart seemed to be wrapped in honey, roasting on the fire.

Sweet and sizzling.

Feel the girl's soft pair

Pushing him with small hands, Jiang Yan retreated slowly, the corners of his lips curled up, and the small mole on his thin lips was extremely bright red, with an indescribable charm.

"The phone is ringing, do you want to listen to it?" Jiang Yan's voice had long since lost its usual coldness, and was full of magnetism, which made people's ears go soft.

"Yes." Mu Yao didn't know why she was weak all over, she really wanted to sleep.

The dark eyes were covered with a layer of mist, Jiang Yan looked at the dazed girl, he let go of her slender waist, and helped her take out the mobile phone from the small red backpack, it was the girl named Xu Yan The girl called.

Jiang Yan pressed the answer button, and then put the phone next to Mu Yao's ear.

"Xiaoyao, are you still in the bathroom? Feifei wants to go back to the hotel to rest. If you are sleepy, go back with her." Xu Yan was playing Christmas carols, which was a bit loud.

The long eyelashes trembled, Mu Yao looked at Jiang Yan blankly, and replied: "Yao Yao doesn't know where she is."

Jiang Yan pursed his lips, leaned close to Mu Yao's other ear, and whispered to her, "Hotel."

Mu Yao obediently followed, "Hotel."

Xu Yan was surprised: "Ah, Xiaoyao, you are going back, then I will tell Feifei to let her go back by herself, then you go to bed early, and I will come back after the party."

"Okay." Mu Yao replied softly.

Jiang Yan put her mobile phone back into her small backpack, took out her room card from it, and opened the door.

The pair of small deer antlers on the top of the girl's head were crooked, he took them off for her, caressed her soft hair, his eyes fell on her small mouth that was too red and stained with water color, his eyes darkened again, he Coaxed softly, "Yaoyao go to sleep."

"Okay." Mu Yao yawned gracefully.


After Jiang Yan left, he called Zhou Wenyan to ask where they were.

In the box on the second floor of the lobby, the atmosphere was different from the overly lively atmosphere below. Chen Qinghui and the others were a little quiet while drinking wine this time.

"Brother Yan, didn't you go to rest? Why are you here again? You called Wenyan just now, did you go to the party?" Chen Qinghui saw Jiang Yan walking in wearing a black sweater, not wearing a coat, a little thin.

"Didn't go to the party." Jiang Yan sat down on the sofa.

"I thought you were going to take advantage of the excitement."

Lu Chen poked out a pair of peach blossom eyes, and looked at the strange things in Jiang Yan's hands, "Ah Yan, what are you holding in your hands?"

Zhou Wenyan had good eyesight, so he recognized at a glance that Jiang Yan was holding a girl's headband with a pair of cute little brown antlers on it.

"Ayan, which girl's hair accessory did you take?" Zhou Wenyan shook the wine glass in his hand, it seems that his silly sister has no chance.

"What, a girl's?" Lu Chen looked over again, and it really looked like a girl was wearing an ornament on her head.

Chen Qinghui seemed to have an answer in his heart, Jiang Yan must have met Mu Yao.

In the bright light of the box hall, the black sweater made Jiang Yan's face more handsome and jade-like, and his usually cold eyebrows were a bit softer. He looked at the headband in his hand, with a pair of small antlers on it. On top of Mu Yao's head, it is extremely cute.

When he hooked Mu Yao, the girl's eyes were watery and wet, not like a deer.

His chest felt a little hot again.

He pinched the small antlers on the headband, it was soft.

Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yan looking at the things in his hand, as if he was looking at some treasure, he looked surprised, "Ah Yan, what's so interesting about this, come on, you haven't had a drink with us for a long time, it's rare for classical Chinese to drink this time Take out such a good wine, have a drink?"


Jiang Yan held the small antlers in one hand, held up the wine glass with the other, and curled his thin lips. The little red mole was bright red, obviously, he was in a good mood.

When Xu Yan returned to the room, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Open the door, it is very quiet inside.

On the bed, Mu Yao was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, her eyelashes curled up and her long eyelashes were curled up, the sides of her small face were pink in sleep, as if she had applied rouge, and her small mouth was bright red, glowing with luster, very beautiful.

Xu Yan's eyes fell on the black coat on the side, and she frowned, feeling familiar.

The next day, Mu Yao and Xu Yan went skiing indoors, and then learned to drive a snowmobile. Unfortunately, there was not enough time, so she had to gather and leave. She didn't have time to soak in the hot springs.

After eating at noon, Fu Zhengran and the deputy class began to check out, and the others got on the bus first.

Beside the bus, the boy was tall and bulky, with a stern face.

Everyone in the class glanced at him before getting into the car.

"Jiang Yan."

Mu Yao signaled Xu Yan to get in the car first, and she took out the black coat from her backpack, "Why is your coat here with me?"

She was surprised when she saw this black coat next to the bed this morning. She recognized it as Jiang Yan's.

During the day, there was plenty of light, and the girl's face was pale and her eyes were clear. She was not as cute as she was drunk yesterday.

Jiang Yan took the clothes over and looked at her with dark eyes, "Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Mu Yao blinked, she remembered that after drinking the drink, she started to feel sleepy, and felt that the room was very hot, so she went out to have a hair dryer, and she had forgotten how to go back to the hotel afterwards.

"You were the one who sent me back last night." Mu Yao's tone was affirmative.

"Well, what else?" Jiang Yan pursed his lips, his eyes fell on the girl's lips, and his eyes darkened.

He tasted it, and it tasted very good, more delicious than sweet fruit.

"I was drunk last night, what happened?" The drink I drank last night contained alcohol. When she wakes up drunk, she will forget what happened when she was drunk.

Jiang Yan's thin lips were tight, he opened his eyes and waited for the dawn, but the girl had already forgotten the dawn.

There was a slight bitterness in his throat, "No."

Hearing this, Mu Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she thought she was drunk and did something embarrassing.

"Thank you for taking me home last night." After speaking, Mu Yao was ready to get in the car.

Suddenly remembered something, she turned around, and saw the young man's dark and deep eyes looking at her burning hotly.

Suddenly, Mu Yao's heart skipped a beat. She avoided the other party's gaze and said softly, "Will Grandpa Jiang be home on Sunday? I want to go and see him."

she hasn't been in a long time

I have visited Grandpa Jiang.

Jiang Yan smiled, "I'll tell the old man for you."


Just when Mu Yao was about to get in the car, Jiang Yan took her hand, "I'll go back with you."

"Huh?" Mu Yao didn't understand why.

Jiang Yan looked at her with dark eyes, "My car broke down, I want to get in the car and go back with you, is that okay?"

Mu Yao was stunned, "You have to ask our monitor before he can decide."

At this time, Fu Zhengran and the deputy class were just about to finish the check-out procedures and come out.

He glanced at Jiang Yan, then his eyes fell on Mu Yao, "Why don't you get in the car? Is there anything else?"

"Jiang Yan's car broke down, he wants to take the bus back with us, squad leader, can you?" Mu Yao said.

Hearing Mu Yao speak for him, Jiang Yan's thin lips curled up, and her chest swelled with joy.

Mu Yao cares about him!

"I can pay the fare," Jiang Yanfu said to Zhengran.

"There are still a few vacancies on the bus. We all go to the same school and don't need a fare." Fu Zhengran said with a slight smile on his lips, "Get on the bus."

Everyone sat according to their original seats, Xu Yan was already sitting in the front row and waiting for Mu Yao, only the last row of the car was vacant.

"Xiao Yao, hurry up and sit down, the car is about to start." Xu Yan waved to her.

When she saw Jiang Yan behind Mu Yao, she couldn't help but stare in shock.

"Why did Jiang Yan get in the car too?" Xu Yan asked Mu Yao with a suppressed voice.

It wasn't just Xu Yan who was surprised, other people in the class also started talking in a low voice.

Fu Zhengran motioned for everyone to be quiet, and he explained: "Student Jiang Yan's car broke down, and he will take the bus back with us. Everyone fasten your seat belts, especially the students who are sitting by the aisle, the car will leave soon. "

"Ah, the monitor is so handsome, and Jiang Yan is also handsome. I admire and like them both so much. What should I do?" Fang Zishan, who was by the window opposite, was excited.

Li Feifei took out a book, and she said calmly, "No matter how handsome you are, it's not yours, and no matter how you like it, it's not yours."

Fang Zishan wanted to cry, "Whoa, Feifei, can you stop hitting people."

The seats in front were full of people, Jiang Yan walked to the last row of the car and sat down on it with a blank expression. He looked at Mu Yao's position at the front, and he couldn't even see the top of her hair.

This is completely different from what he imagined.

At this moment, Jiang Yan's cell phone vibrated.

"Brother Yan, where have you been? Didn't you mean to go back to City B?" Chen Qinghui asked on the other end of the phone.

"I'm on the bus, you drive my car back."

What bus?

Chen Qinghui was surprised, but the other end of the phone had already hung up.

"How is it, where did Ah Yan go?"

Chen Qinghui touched his chest, "He said he was on the bus and asked me to drive the car back for him."

"What kind of bus did he go to take for no reason?" Lu Chen poked his eyes, thinking it was funny.

"I know, Jiang Yan must have gone after my goddess."

Tan Jinnian knew that Mu Yao and his class were taking

The bus came, Jiang Yan was so scheming that he sneaked away to ride back with his goddess.

Tan Jinnian looked angry, "No, I'm going to take the bus too."

"You stay here for me."

Chen Qinghui grabbed Tan Jinnian's collar, "It's useless for you to go there now, the bus has already left."

Even if the car didn't drive, he wouldn't let Tan Jinnian pass by. When Jiang Yan saw that this brat went to pester Mu Yao again, wouldn't he want to kill him?

Chen Qinghui decided that after returning to city b, he would not plead for mercy, so he asked his uncle to continue to take care of this silly cousin, and he could not be allowed to cause trouble.

On the way back, unlike the others, Jiang Yan sat alone in the last row, with his waist straight and his expression stern.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

He glanced at it, it was a message from Mu Yao.

[I have motion sickness medicine, you can ask me for it if you need it. 】

The girl is worried about his motion sickness.

The dark eyes passed through the rows of seats and fell on the front row. The girl turned her head to look at him and winked at him.

Thin lips curled up.

Jiang Yan took out the pair of small antlers from his trouser pocket, which he had removed from the headband.

Holding the cotton-filled, soft antlers with his fingertips, Jiang Yan's heart felt weak.

Since that popular search turned around, Mu Xiaoxue hasn't shown her face in the past few days.

It wasn't until Fang Feng spent three days and finally helped her win the endorsement from Qingdai, Mu Xiaoxue forwarded the news from Qingdai: Looking forward to cooperation. In addition, my younger sister Mu Yao and I have a very good relationship, there is no sisterly rivalry, and my younger sister will not enter the entertainment industry, I hope everyone will not disturb her.

"Ah, Xiaoxue is so gentle, she is definitely a good sister who loves her little sister."

"Envy, I also want a beautiful sister like Xiaoxue."

"Those trolls who slandered Woxue before, get out of here. Xiaoxue is not only the spokesperson of the youthful era, but also has a very good relationship with sisters. Please don't spread rumors."

"Congratulations to Xiaoxue for getting a new endorsement and supporting the Light Era."

"Xiaoxue is a good sister of the people, and Mu Yao is a beautiful sister of the people. Both sisters are great beauties. They are in love with each other."

"Xiaoxue and her sister have a very good relationship, please stop spreading rumors, the relationship between sisters cannot be slandered by nonsense."

"I'm the only one who thinks that Mu Xiaoxue is demonstrating and setting up her sister's personality well? If it's true that sisters have deep affection, why didn't your sister come out and explain when she scolded her all over the Internet?"

"I also think it's a bit fake. If you are really a good sister, when your sister is scolded, she will definitely stand up immediately."

"The black fan upstairs, get out of here."

Mu Xiaoxue sent a new message according to Fang Feng's wishes.

Fang Feng is in a good mood, "The endorsement of the light age has been won, and you have clarified it. Now everyone has set up a new persona for you, which fits your image very well. After that, I will let the team operate it. As long as you make good use of it, it will probably attract people. A new wave of fans."

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Feng."

Recently, her koi system has lost its function. Now, she can only rely on her agent. As for Guo Guojie's character design, she doesn't like it very much. She doesn't want to tie Mu Yao with her for hype.

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