MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 45

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[The genuine version is in Jinjiang, reprinting is prohibited]


Mu Yao nodded.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yan not pulling her, she would indeed be going to the cable car.

The girl's black eyes are clear and transparent, very honest.

The sourness in Jiang Yan's heart became even worse, with an indescribable irritability. Mu Yao didn't like him, and didn't care about him.

Behind, another cable car came.

Jiang Yan held Mu Yao's slender wrist tightly, and pulled her to the cable car, "Now that little boy is gone, I'll sit with you."

The staff member was very good at reading facial expressions, and he immediately opened the door of the cable car vigilantly.

Mu Yao was hurt by Jiang Yan's big hand, "Jiang Yan, let go first, I will go up by myself."

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes and let go of his hand, only to see that the girl's too fair wrist was squeezed red. There was a bit of annoyance in the dark eyes, he obviously didn't try hard, why did he turn red?

"Okay, go up by yourself." Jiang Yan's deep voice softened, a bit soft.

The space inside the cable car is not large, and the seat position can accommodate two people.

Mu Yao sat down on the seat, Jiang Yan's tall body walked in, and the small space was completely taken up by the young man.

The doors of the cable car were closed.

In the small space, Mu Yao could only sit on the side as much as possible, trying not to stick herself against Jiang Yan.

The cable car started slowly, and the outside of the glass window was full of whiteness, like a pure white world.

The girl sat quietly, with a peaceful side face, and the small cable car was filled with the sweet fruity fragrance of her body.

Jiang Yan was a little dissatisfied looking at the finger distance between the two.

He looked ahead, and quietly moved his tall body towards Mu Yao's side.

The black coat clings to the girl's white clothes, black and white touch each other, Jiang Yan's dark eyes only have a little smile, and the sourness and irritability in his heart have faded a little. At least for the next twenty minutes or so, it will be him Be alone with Mu Yao.

As for that little boy, Jiang Yan looked at the cable car in the distance in front of him, his thin lips curled up.

In the small cable car, it was too quiet.

From the glass window, Mu Yao saw the burning eyes of the young man beside him, looking at her unscrupulously.

Eyelashes trembled, and Mu Yao broke the silence, "Jiang Yan, do you know how long it takes to go back and forth?"

"twenty minutes."

Jiang Yan is tall and has long legs, and the space for the cable car is small. His two long legs are bent and stretched at will, as if there is nowhere to put them. He looked down at the look on the girl's face, "Are you impatient to stay with me?"

"No." Mu Yao was surprised by Jiang Yan's straightforwardness.

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Then you haven't looked at me since you came up." She was still leaning against the glass window, wishing to stay away from him.

Inexplicably, Mu Yao felt that Jiang Yan, who was speaking in an aggrieved tone, was a bit like **** begging for a hug.

When the little thing can't be hugged by her, he will yell "barking" in grievance, and his eyes are also like Jiang Yan's.

Like, black and bright slightly moist.

Mu Yao suppressed the urge to laugh, she raised her eyes, and looked at Jiang Yan with clear black eyes, "I'm not impatient to stay with you, I'm just a little surprised by your appearance."

What she didn't say was that his sense of existence was too strong, and staying with him would make people subconsciously want to escape.

God rewarded the girl with a good voice, soft and soft, like honey, very nice.

Clenching his fingertips tightly, Jiang Yan felt extremely disappointed when he heard the girl's explanation and met the girl's curved and moist black eyes.

In the last second, the chest was full of soreness and dullness, but in the next second, it disappeared all of a sudden, as if being caressed by the girl's little hand.

Mu Yao's influence on him is getting bigger and bigger, he should be vigilant, he can't indulge like this anymore, however, he is willing to drown in it.

The cable car glides slowly.

Mu Yao didn't speak, she kept looking at the scenery outside the window, while Jiang Yan looked at her white and beautiful side face, as if enjoying this kind of solitude.

Suddenly, the sliding cable car stopped and did not move.

Mu Yao noticed something strange, she quickly turned her head and asked Jiang Yan, "Did you feel it? Did the cable car stop?"

Jiang Yan frowned. He straightened up and looked forward. The cable car in front of him stopped moving. He turned around and looked back. He found the same situation and stopped in mid-air.

"Yes, it should be a power outage."

Jiang Yanqingjun had a serious expression on his face, and he took out his mobile phone, "The cable car on the mountain stopped suddenly, please ask the staff to check the situation."

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Wenyan was taken aback when he heard Jiang Yan's words, "Okay, I'll send someone there right away."

Both the skiing and the cable car are newly opened projects. Now that there is a problem, he must ask someone to solve it immediately, and the tourists must not be allowed to have accidents.

Being forced to hang in mid-air, anyone would be so frightened, the girl next to her is always coquettish, Jiang Yan comforted her softly: "This is my friend's property, I have already informed him, and it will be resolved soon, don't worry about it." Worry."

He looked down at the girl, but found that her eyes were clear, and she was not frightened or frightened.

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows, he felt a little sorry, but hoped that Mu Yao would be afraid and then rely on him.


Mu Yao nodded, this was the first time for her to take such a cable car, she never thought that she was unlucky and had an accident on the first time.

She wanted to call Xu Yan and ask about her situation, but found that her phone had been turned off because she forgot to charge it last night.

It was still snowing at noon, but now the snow is getting bigger and bigger, the glass

There was a vast expanse of whiteness outside the window, and fog formed inside the glass window, gradually covering everything outside.

The small cable car was filled with the sweet and fruity fragrance of the girl, and Jiang Yan's eyebrows stretched, so that he didn't feel agitated at all while waiting.


Jiang Yan watched the girl rubbing her hands together, her thin white fingertips turned red.


Mu Yao has always been afraid of the cold, and the cable car doesn't keep warm at all. Now the snow outside is getting bigger and bigger. Sitting in the icy cable car, it's okay to stay for a while. After sitting for a long time, her hands and feet will become numb from the cold.

"Extend your hand." Jiang Yan said to Mu Yao.


Mu Yao blinked, and under the young man's dark eyes, she obediently stretched out a hand.

Jiang Yan took out a pair of black gloves from his pocket.

The hand stretched out in front of him was small, the fingers were slender and fair, the fingertips were white and tender, and even the nails were a healthy pink with a lustrous luster, very beautiful. Unlike other girls' hands, they are either painted with bright nail polish, or inlaid with exaggerated rhinestones and ornaments.

Jiang Yan held the girl's little hand, and found for the first time that the girl's hand was as soft as if it had no bones, which was completely different from his big hand with well-defined joints.

He picked up a glove and carefully helped her into it.

Her hands were obviously smaller than his, and the girl's tiny hands were covered by dark woolen gloves, giving the illusion that a brat was secretly wearing adult gloves.

Mu Yao watched in surprise as Jiang Yan put on gloves for herself, her face felt slightly hot, she shrank her hands back, "Aren't you going to wear them?"

"I'm not cold." Jiang Yan picked up the other glove, "Extend the other hand."

"I can wear it myself." Mu Yao was a little embarrassed.

Jiang Yan didn't listen to her, and took her little hand on her lap directly. He didn't hold back after all, he squeezed the girl's soft palm, and it felt good.

In the surprise of the girl, he said bluntly: "I want to help you wear it."

The young man has clear and handsome features, with a stubborn look on his face.

Mu Yao didn't say much after all, thinking of the situation when he rescued her, her heart softened, and she put her hand into the other glove obediently.

The girl's hands were covered by pure black gloves without any patterns, and the fingers had grown a little, making them look a little clumsy.

The girl's wrist is slender and white, black and white, forming a sharp contrast.

Jiang Yan wrapped Mu Yao's gloved hand with two big hands, and under Mu Yao's slightly stunned gaze, he breathed warmly on her small hand as if treating a baby.

Jiang Yan's voice was low and hoarse, "Is it warmer this way?"

The young man's handsome face had a faint expression, and under the short black hair, the tips of his ears on both sides were already so red that they could bleed.

The coldness of her fingertips faded away, she was wearing gloves, and was still tightly held by Jiang Yan's big hand. Her hand was no longer cold, but it seemed to be wrapped in a ball of fire, scalding.

Mu Yao's long and slightly curly eyelashes trembled, she withdrew her hand, "Thank you, it's not cold anymore with gloves on."

There was a cold wind blowing outside, and snowflakes kept falling from the glass windows.

Mu Yao was a little thirsty. She took out a bottle of water from her backpack. She had already put the luggage in the hotel room, and now it was in the backpack

The noodles were filled with small snacks and half a box of unfinished cherries. She wanted to eat some when she was tired from playing.

Now the cable car fell in mid-air, and I don't know when it will be repaired and when rescuers will come.

These little snacks and water came in handy.

Mu Yao unscrewed the bottle, took a few sips of water, looked at Jiang Yan next to her, and asked softly, "Do you want a drink?"

Jiang Yan's dark eyes glanced over the girl's lips. Because of the water color, the pink lips were moist, making people want to take a bite and taste it.

His eyes darkened, he lowered his eyes, took the mineral water from the girl's hand, "Okay."

Jiang Yan took a big gulp of the bottle the girl drank from, which was different from the girl's gentleness and elegance.

It was obviously tasteless water, but he tasted a bit of sweetness.

I don't know how long it took, but the snow was still falling, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. The cable car suspended in midair was shaken by the blowing. Many tourists who were forced to stop in the air were frightened, fearing that they would fall.

Mu Yao, who was always calm, felt her heart tremble with the cable car when the cable car swayed. This time, she was frightened.

"The safety of the cable car is very good, but if you are afraid, you can hug me tightly." Jiang Yan said.

He called again just now, and Zhou Wenyan had sent someone to repair it, saying that the circuit was damaged.

Rescuers have arrived, but the location of the cable car is high, and the equipment of the rescuers has no way to reach the position of the cable car, and the rescuers have no choice for the time being. Now they can only discuss with the electric power personnel to repair the line as soon as possible.

Mu Yao shook her head, and said softly, "I'm not afraid." She had the nerve to hug Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, and saw the girl's small face was pale with fright, and her two gloved hands were tightly holding on to the railing next to her.

In the next second, Jiang Yan turned his body sideways and directly reached out to hug Mu Yao next to him into his arms, "Oh, I'm afraid."

Read The Duke's Passion