MTL - After Rebirth the Tragic Omega Wins Without Lifting a Finger-Chapter 25 (1)

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An Ji spent the next summer vacation in the palace, studying, training, and teaching the children. In a blink of an eye, it was time to start school.

It is worth mentioning that Anji has already obtained the custom-made mecha from Master Clear Sky. It is a lightweight mecha. It uses special materials with extremely high density and ductility. When sleeping, the mecha can be reduced to ear studs. Once used, it can be unfolded into a 3-meter-high mecha, which has extremely high flexibility in battle.

Anji is ready and eagerly waiting to enter the political science major after school starts. But what he didn't expect was that a huge accident happened on the day of school.

"What do you mean by not being able to report?" An Ji looked at the returned notice and medical report, and his face suddenly sank.

"You're an Omega, dear," the staff knocked on the admissions brochure with a **** expression on his face, "I didn't see what we wrote here, can this major only be admitted to Alpha and Ba? You tampered with the gender test yourself, and you don't meet the conditions. Of course we can't take it."

"I tampered with gender because you don't accept Omegas," An Ji said in a daze, "I took all the courses in one subject, and my grades were better than most ABs. You can't turn me out because of my gender."

"Hey, you...!" The staff was angry and waved impatiently, "Next!"

Immediately, a Ba walked forward with the notice in hand, but Anji was still standing at the window, his arms crossed his chest and still. With a pair of leather boots, black overalls and a T-shirt of the same color, he outlined a thin and powerful figure that looked like a straight javelin.

He looked at the Ba, and said in a calm and unquestionable tone, "This classmate, please wait a little longer."

This Omega is not as tall as him, with the unique thinness of an Omega, obviously he should be the type without deterrence, but the moment he met his gaze, Ba felt an unprecedented pressure swept over.

The boy's footsteps were stagnant, but he actually stepped back.

"Even if you are like this, I can't do the formalities for you," the staff rolled his eyes and said patiently, "Omega should go to Omega Academy, and what do you do with these Alphas? If you go into estrus in class Period, you have the entire major waiting for you?"

"These questions are not for you to worry about," An Ji said calmly, "You just need to go through the admission procedures for me, and I will find the teacher to clarify."

"Hey, why can't you listen to what you're saying!" The staff was impatient, "It's said that you can't do it, don't stop here and delay others!"

An Ji's face sank: "If you can't be the master, ask you to lead, and I will talk to him in person."

"Go, go, can you call the leader if you want?"

"An's Mecha Manufacturing donates 80% of the teaching mecha to Imperial University every year," An Ji said with a blank face, "So I don't even have the qualifications to meet the school leaders?"

He just wanted to study hard, and didn't want to use his family background to overwhelm people, so that he didn't let anyone accompany him at the start of the school today, but he didn't expect to encounter such trouble as soon as he entered the school.

"An's Mecha?" The staff's expression changed immediately, "What is your relationship with An Yanming?"

Anji: "He's my father."

The staff was stunned, a touch of embarrassment flashed on his face, and hesitantly said: "Then you wait, I'll tell you."

Anji didn't say anything, just stood by and waited for the result.

The window for admissions procedures stopped, and the line of freshmen behind them grew longer and longer. Someone shouted in dissatisfaction, "Do you have a public morality? There are so many people queuing up. If you have any problems, solve them yourself."

Anji: "I'm sorry, please wait."

It was impossible to wait, and the team gradually became noisy.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It seems that there is an Omega who applied for the political science major with the identity of Ba. After being rejected by the staff, he is arguing with people."

"Crazy? Why is this man so bold? Why does he think he can study our major?"

"This person is deliberately causing trouble. The school rules are written clearly, but he wants to bump into it, and now he is trying to embarrass other people's staff."

An Ji turned his head suddenly, he looked at the boy who was talking just now, and said without emotion: "What did you just say?"

"I...I..." The boy was a little stumped, mainly because this Omega was much prettier than he thought.

It was his eyes that were so terrifying that they swept over coldly, giving him the illusion of running naked in the snow.

"I... I just think, you don't need to come to this kind of major." The power of beauty is amazing, the boy's tone softened quickly, and he said euphemistically, "You don't know how tiring it is to be a member of parliament, the parliament is just a bunch of them every day. Alpha quarrels, you may cry without saying a word when you go in, and the school's arrangement is for your own good."

Anji showed no expression: "If it was really for our own good, the school should open up all majors, and everyone competes on the basis of strength. But now Omega is restricted from applying for majors for various high-sounding reasons, which is discrimination."

"Ah?" The boy was stunned, "But everyone came here like this!"

"That's right! So many Omegas don't object, but it's your turn?" Someone shouted behind him.

"We can't go to Omega Academy yet. Isn't this a form of discrimination? Saying that Alpha will threaten them, shit, this is simply an insult to Alpha!"

"Then why don't you ask the school to open the Omega Academy?" An Ji looked at the other party's eyes and said word by word, "If you want to study etiquette and cooking, you can also ask the school for it."

"Is it sick? How can alpha study etiquette cooking?"

Anji: "So omegas are meant to live in heaven?"

The team fell silent for a moment.

"Why should this system be unreasonable and I have to endure it?" An Ji said word by word, "Because you were not the one who was rejected, so you hold a high-level attitude and let us be patient and generous. Alpha to study Omega's major, can you all be willing?"

No one had ever said such a thing to him before, the Ba who was closest to Anji opened his mouth, and then showed a sudden realization. They had never thought about this kind of problem before, they just took everything for granted.

Although they have been clamoring for the preferential treatment of Omegas by society, if the identity exchange allows them to live the life of Omegas, no one will want to.

The staff nodded and bowed to the other end of the phone and apologized for a while. It took a long time before he said to Anji: "It's settled, the leader will come over in person immediately. I was the one who neglected me just now, or would you come in and sit?"

"No," An Ji stood beside her with her arms crossed, "You are busy with your work, I will wait outside."

"Okay, then I'll keep busy," the staff waved, "Next."

Ba hurriedly handed over his admission notice. While waiting, he couldn't help but keep looking at himself with his eyes: "You... what you said just now makes sense, I support you!"

Anji's expression softened, and he smiled at him: "Thank you."

This was actually a very polite smile, but the boy's face instantly turned red.

"Ba is useless, an Omega scared you to wet your pants!" Suddenly, a tall Alpha came over quickly, "Get out of the way! I'm in a hurry!"

Unlike Anji, who is simple and low-key, this Alpha has the dominance of the privileged class all over his body. Ordinary families simply can't train such an arrogant and arrogant guy. The staff was very face, and immediately stopped the work of the country little Ba, and took the notice from Alpha.

Ba glanced at it, but didn't dare to refuse, and just muttered softly: "It was obviously me who came first..."

"Muta is okay, he used this method to strike up a conversation." The boy laughed.

The young man named Muta just had a cold face. With his tall body, he squeezed Ba behind him and forcibly shoved the notice into the hands of the staff: "Reporting on the freshman majoring in political science... sigh!"

There was a dull pain in the wrist, Muta lowered his head in disbelief, and a white and thin hand held his wrist.

"He said he came first, didn't you hear?" An Ji's tone was kind, with no expression on his stern face, but the strength of his palm tightened.

The blood on Muta's face subsided a little bit, and the cold sweat came down.

how is this possible? !

How can this omega have so much strength?

He is an Alpha with a mental strength level of S and a grip strength of 200kg, and he just can't break free from the opponent's hand!

"Can you do Muta?" Seeing the stalemate between the two, the boy behind him thought that Muta was bullying others, so he could not help whistling and joked, "Maybe they want to use a special way to attract our attention? You If you have something to say, why are you being so rude to Omega?"

God **** rude to Omega, he didn't even touch this Omega! Is he the one being treated rudely? !

Muta gritted his teeth and struggled with almost all his strength, but the opponent's strength was unbelievable, not only the suppression of force, but also the crushing of a spiritual level, as if he was punished by his father for making mistakes when he was a child. On the one hand there is absolute majesty.

But how could it be an omega? !

How could he be overwhelmed by an omega?

"Release...!" Muta growled, his muscles tense.

Anji: "Apologize."

It's just a Ba, what's wrong with cutting the queue? Muta gritted his teeth: "Let go of me!"

Omega still remained motionless, his right hand grabbed him like a steel bone, making it impossible to break free.

What a shame!

Muta gritted his teeth fiercely, and his mental power reached an unprecedented high concentration. He only heard the sound of "Boom", the wind rose flat, a red machine quickly assembled, and the metal fragments armed his body little by little.

Muta raised his left hand and slammed towards Anji.

"Lying | trough? Isn't it? You have to take out a mecha to deal with an Omega?" The partner's surprised voice sounded.

"Has the fight started? The first fight in school?!"

"How can you attack Omega? What if you kill someone?!"

However, the smoke dissipated, and the picture that everyone expected did not appear.

A white mecha appeared where Anji was originally, and it received an attack from Muta without moving.

"Lying | trough?" Passersby were surprised and started to shoot small videos, "Is it a mecha? This is a mecha!"

"Isn't it? How can an omega have a mecha?!"

"Too awesome? He blocked a blow from an S-class Alpha?"

Not only was it blocked, Anji was even in the upper position. Because Muta twitched his arm and found that he couldn't twitch, his face became even more stinky in an instant.

"Campus Guards!" The staff took a long time to put away his jaw that was about to fall, and hurriedly rang the emergency call bell, "There are students fighting! Two mechas!"

The security equipment and mental strength are higher than Muta, but Muta's operation level is much more solid, and the two of them fought hard for a while. The small video seemed to have grown wings and quickly spread on the star network.

By the time the school guards arrived, Anji and Muta had already fought hard.

A group of 12 school guards drove small mechas around the two, and the third-year leader Gu Ming said loudly: "Warning! You have violated Article 25 of the "School Management Guidelines Regulations" for fighting on campus, and Article 99 is illegal Summon the mecha, please stop fighting immediately and take back the mecha! Otherwise, the school guards will take measures to capture it!”

Muta was distracted for a while, and suddenly stagnant.


An Ji saw the mistake and punched it down without hesitation.

Muta immediately retracted his arms to cover it, but he was still a step late. The mecha's chest was severely smashed, and a terrifying crack appeared in the glass of the operating room.

Damn, this Omega looked weak, but he was terribly ruthless when he started. This is the mecha that he specially customized at the beginning of school!

Muta blushed and called out the weapon system without saying a word.

They used to fight hand to hand. Although it was illegal to summon mechas to fight, hand-to-hand combat and bombarding the campus with weapon systems were completely two different levels of punishment.

"Warning! Warning!" the leader's voice came through the loudspeaker, "Please put away your weapons immediately!"

On the opposite side, An Ji raised his thumb and slammed it down again, full of mockery.

Muta's eyes blushed instantly, and he immediately fired two artillery shells and flew over by the anger.

At the critical moment, unexpectedly, Anji, who was fierce before, suddenly put away the mecha, as if he had changed into a person, and hid behind the leader's thigh with a panicked face: "Help, help me!"

The moment the mecha was put away, the school guards and the people watching the fun were stunned. This person turned out to be an Omega!

The first freshman to fight this year turned out to be an omega!

In an instant, the news spread at an incredible speed, shocking the entire campus, and even Gu Ming's face changed.

Muta: "…"

Damn, that's not what you said when you hammered me to the ground just now!

Muta quickly realized that he was doing it on purpose. He almost didn't get a brain hemorrhage, and fired two more shells to chase after him.

Is this worth it? The school guards rushed up immediately, and the blue-lighted power grid fell overwhelmingly, blocking all the mecha energy. Muta's body also twitched, and he quickly fainted.

"Classmate, are you alright?" Gu Ming put away his mecha and looked over. He froze in place with just one glance, "Anji?"

Anji: "Is that you?"

He had met each other at the engagement banquet and was Li Rong's good friend.

"Boss, what should I do with the other one?" a young guy in the school guard asked Muta, who was in a coma.

"Send it to the isolation room first, and then deal with it when he wakes up."


The young man dragged Muta away, Anji patted the dust on his body, and just as he was about to leave, he heard Gu Ming say: "I'm sorry, please come with us too, we are not special about the procedure. change."

"It's okay," Anji nodded, "understandable."

Anji turned around and left with them.

The school guards were kind to him, but there were too many people looking at him on the road.

It's not that Anji has such a high popularity, but that he inadvertently participated in a traditional project of Imperial University.

As a comprehensive university that is biased towards military academies, Imperial University encounters large and small conflicts every year. There are many reports on the opening day. Talents and thorns from various planets gather in this small campus. Not instantly.

The old students are all guessing which thorns fired the first shot. On the school forum, 59.91% of the people pressed AXA, 30% of AXB, and 10.08% of BXB were the ones who pressed Ba. There is only one senior math department who is proficient in stocks. The senior pressed AXO, which accounted for 0.01% of the betting ratio, but he also used other accounts to bet the first several large amounts of money.

The advantage of dispersing funds is that no matter which side wins, he will not lose, but he never imagined that this time...

"What did you say?!"

Listening to the latest news brought back by his roommate, the mathematics department senior who was eating instant noodles in the dormitory opened his mouth wide, and the ham sausage in his mouth fell with a clatter.

"This time it's Omega and Alpha fighting!" The roommate's eyes lit up with excitement, grabbing his shoulder and shaking, "Only you crushed them!"

The young man with the natural roll was stunned, picked up the ham sausage and swallowed it again, and slurped the instant noodles until he drank the soup completely, as if he came back to his senses, and said in disbelief, "Omega ? Omega actually got into a fight with Alpha?"

Roommate: "That's right! It's ao!"

Natural Roll threw the instant noodle bowl, and people jumped on the table, screaming: "My God, I love that Omega!"

The roommate was even more excited than him: "Brother! Gou Fugui, don't forget each other"

"Half a month's living expenses are paid in..." Gu Ming couldn't help but muttered while looking at the odds played in the backstage.

Anji: "With what?"

"No, it's nothing." Gu Ming was a little embarrassed, and his dormant light brain continued to move forward.

At this moment, a young man in a suit and leather shoes came over. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and his hair was meticulously combed, exuding a strong sense of elite. He glanced at Anji, but his eyes didn't stop on him, but asked Gu Ming, "What happened here?"

Gu Ming: "There was a conflict between two students, we have to bring people back to the school guard."

The young man frowned, glanced at himself again, and said forcefully: "This Omega will give it to me first, and I will let him go after I have finished talking about the matter."

Gu Ming lowered his eyes and asked Anji, but Anji didn't care: "Yes."

"Anji," the young man looked down at him and said in a business-like manner, "I'm Ji Tao, director of the Admissions Office of the School Affairs Office. I heard that you are dissatisfied with the school system and insist on majoring in political science?"

Anji: "It's me."

There were too many people around. Ji Tao took Anji back to the office and said, "I admire your courage, but do you know that you are an Omega?"

An Ji threw out the medical checklist, expressionless: "Do you want me to take off my pants and show you?"

Ji Tao: "…"

Although he had already prepared for it, he didn't expect this thorn to be so thorny.

"This classmate, you're embarrassing us like this," Ji Tao rubbed his brows and sighed, "It was you who violated the rules first, and the school couldn't change it for you. Although you didn't pass the Omega entrance exam, it is safe to say that The group's strong support for the school every year, I can help you transfer to Omega College for free."

Anji: "I'm going to major in political science, can you solve my problem?"

Ji Tao added: "You have such good conditions, there is really no need to study the Omegas of poor people and work hard. Even if you go to the political science major, no matter if you are in the military or politics, after you graduate, you will only be a small clerk, imperial politics| A tool man in the house, his salary is not enough to buy a screw for your mecha."

Anji: "Who is your leader?"


"Since you can't solve my problem, let someone who can solve it come."

"Why don't you listen to me!" Ji Tao was very angry at his appearance, so he stood up and said stiffly, "The school has never had such a precedent, if you don't want to, please invite Go back, and come back when you think about it!"

At this moment, the office door suddenly opened, and the student union president in a platinum uniform walked in. He held a paper document and shouted, "Director Ji."

An Ji raised her head when she heard the sound, and couldn't help but startled when she saw the man's face.

"What's the matter?" Ji Tao stood up immediately, his attitude was much better than when he treated Anji just now.

Due to the special education environment of the empire, the student union is the first step for these high-ranking children to enter politics, and they have a high degree of autonomy in the school, even more powerful than most of the teaching staff.

"It's like this," the visitor said straight ahead without looking sideways, "The Ministry of Education and Science held an executive meeting this morning. I wonder if the director paid any attention?"

He is so busy since the start of school, where does he have time to pay attention to what you said in the meeting? Of course he can't say that. Ji Tao did not rely on arrogance to achieve this position at a young age. He was very flexible in trying to figure out what to do, and immediately said: "Is there any order?"

"It's live now, you can watch it." The student council president opened the official news channel, which happened to be live broadcast of the President of Imperial University's speech.

"As the No. 1 institution of higher learning in the Empire, Imperial University has an unavoidable responsibility for building a modern education. At present, Imperial University's admission system is standardized, the spirit of serving students has been improved year by year, and great progress has been made in resisting bad habits and unfair shady..."

The student council president turned off the live broadcast and said to Ji Tao, "I heard that an Omega freshman was rejected from the school while reporting this year. It happened when the principal said that the admissions system should be standardized..."

The young man paused skillfully, showing a somewhat troubled expression.

The student council president is young, but his style is comparable to an old fritter that has been in the workplace for many years. Ji Tao couldn't stand it, and began to complain: "But in the history of Imperial University, there has never been an Omega majoring in political science."

Student Council President: "Is there any law in the Empire that prohibits Omegas from majoring in Political Science?"

"This..." Ji Tao racked his brains and thought about it, but he didn't study the Fa. How could he know if he had? He couldn't show his timidity in front of his juniors, so he could only vaguely say, "I don't dare to take the lead in this kind of thing, if the leaders are held accountable..."

"I can tell you clearly that there is no law in the Empire that prohibits Omegas from applying for any majors," the student council president sighed, seeming a little disappointed: "Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Empire and the Republic, Imperial University has also joined the ranking of all universities in the galaxy, and I don't think the director wants this either. Such a small matter affects the public image of the school, right?"

"Well, of course I don't want to." Ji Tao stumbled. How could he, a small staff member, bear such a responsibility, so he had to let go, "Then I will wait until later to ask for instructions from above before making a decision?"

"Okay, it's reassuring that the director's actions are thorough." The young man added, "I'm afraid that it won't be handled in time. When this matter is fermented on social platforms, and then other competing schools make a big fuss about it, the principal may blame him if he finds out about it. We're not doing well."

"Then..." Ji Tao hesitated, "What does the president mean, let me go through the formalities for him now?"

"It would be best if this was the case," the young man nodded. "The principal also specifically instructed me to explain it properly and let Director Ji handle this matter as soon as possible."

Ji Tao pushed his glasses, but couldn't answer for a while.

"If the director is worried, you can put the name of the guarantor at the back of the document. If the principal pursues it, the responsibility will be entirely on me. After all, my identity..." The student council president paused skillfully, and said in a gentle tone, "If there is a punishment, it will not be. It had a huge impact on me."

The youth's style showed the amiability of the high-ranking people to the fullest, dispelling Ji Tao's last worries.

"That's fine, I'll help him go through the enrollment procedures now." Ji Tao no longer struggled, and quickly entered his security information into the system. In the end, he didn't write the other party's name on the person in charge. The student council president had a special status, and it would be beneficial to have a good relationship with him.

An Ji thought that he would have to work hard to get into school, but before he had time to fight, everything was arranged properly.

Until he left the office, An Ji still couldn't help his inner surprise. He glanced at Li Rong, and the questions in his heart were about to pile up.

How did Li Rong know that he was denied coverage? Was he the student council president? And... Is this what Li Rong looks like at work?

But before he had time to say anything, he heard him sigh in relief and leaned his body against his shoulders.

"Ah, scared me, it's finally over..."

"Aren't you afraid too?" An Ji laughed, "I thought you were going to catch it because of your confident attitude."

"You didn't see that my hands were shaking at the time. If it wasn't for you, I definitely wouldn't be able to hold on," Li Rong smiled and shook his head, "But fortunately I lied to him."

Anji: "You lied to him?"

"It's not a lie. Every sentence I said is the truth." Li Rong smiled at him, his eyes were shining, and his teeth were dazzlingly white in the sun. "If you have to say it, it's called a hint of skill."

An Ji hesitated: "But if he reacts..."

"It's okay, I didn't lie to him, even if something really happened, they couldn't do anything to me," Li Rong said with a relaxed expression, "and you've already come in, and they won't be able to drop you out of school if you don't want to. Imperial University is old-fashioned, but They are also very particular about their actions. So don’t worry, just go to class with peace of mind.”

"Thank you for your help," An Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but laugh, "Can I invite you to dinner?"

Anji wants to invite him to dinner? !

Li Rong's eyes lit up and nodded immediately: "Okay, I want to eat squirrel fish from the second cafeteria!"

As soon as Li Rong finished speaking, he saw a young man with a school guard logo standing in front of him.

"Deputy Captain Li!" The young man gave him a military salute.

Li Rong touched his heels, gave a return salute with the same gesture, and immediately introduced the basic situation of the school to An Ji.

The young man followed with some anxiety, but the task was at hand, so he had to bite the bullet and say, "Captain Gu Ming asked me to take Anji to the school guard, look..."

"Don't go," Li Rong frowned, "it was him who made the first move, and security is a legitimate defense."

The school guard youth hesitated: "But that Alpha has two broken ribs...and a mild concussion..."

"He was so seriously injured?" Li Rong gasped and asked anxiously, "Are you alright?"


"I'm fine," An Ji patted Li Rong on the shoulder, "I'll go there first, you go to order food first, and I'll go look for you later."

Li Rong shook his head: "I'll go with you."

The school guard base camp is a small three-story building. In addition to the daily office room, there is also a warehouse for storing defense weapons and mechas.

Like the student union, the school guard has a high degree of autonomy and can deal with some troubled students by itself, including but not limited to corporal punishment, deduction of credits, demerit and other punishments.

Li Rong was worried that An Ji would be bullied, so he stood in front of An Ji as soon as he entered the gate, and asked fiercely, "How do you punish An Ji?"

"What's the punishment?" Gu Ming raised his head, and there was a pile of snacks on the table. He rushed at Li Rong and raised his chin, "What are you doing to prevent others from comforting yourself? These are the condolences sent to him by enthusiastic people."

"What condolences?" Li Rong became vigilant.

"Hey, didn't Anji fight the first one this year?" Gu Ming said while eating chocolate, "A brother overwhelmed him and made a lot of money. As a thank you, they asked us to give Anji food."

Li Rong: "…"

An Ji opened a lollipop and put it in his mouth, a little surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

"It's the first time we've met, and that brother is crazy with joy." Gu Ming said honestly.

The school guards have sufficient funds, and they have eaten even the luxurious afternoon tea. But they've never had a snack sent by alumni for that reason. A few bets were lost, and they were so excited that they could not wait to eat back all the money they lost.

The school guards are responsible for the school's security work. They are all rough men Alpha and Ba. Most people are a little scared when they first come here.

But Anji was very calm. He held a lollipop in his mouth and crossed Erlang's legs to listen to them bragging, and soon mixed with them. His temperament was like a big guy listening to his younger brothers bragging with a cigarette in his mouth.

Li Rong couldn't sit still, looking at the hands of others on An Ji's shoulders.

"So there's no punishment?" Li Rong interrupted their bottomless bragging, and said directly, "Let's go first without us."

"Yes," Gu Ming stood up and rummaged through the drawers, only to find the "Campus Management Guidelines Regulations". For campus fights and illegal summoning of mechas in Article 99, each person shall record a major demerit according to the regulations, and shall be punished according to the corresponding share of the damage to the campus. Nian Zai An is self-defense, so he is exempted from the demerit and compensation penalties. ."

Hearing this, Li Rong's frown loosened.

"However," Gu Ming threw the last piece of chocolate into his mouth, and then added slowly, "Anji was too defensive in the struggle, so he needs to write a review and publicly admit his mistakes at the opening ceremony."

The second floor of the Second Canteen of Imperial University.

Li Rong finally ate the squirrel fish that Anji invited him. Seeing that Anji was silent the whole time, he couldn't help comforting: "It's okay, you don't have to be too nervous, the opening ceremony is just a formality."

"I'm not nervous," An Ji shook his head, "I was just thinking about how I should write to show my sincerity."

Li Rong raised his eyebrows: "Do you really want to apologize?"

Anji: "I'm serious."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the opening ceremony was held on time in the auditorium.

After the freshman representative gave the entrance speech, it was Anji's turn to give a speech... Oh no, it was time for a review.

The host is Ji Tao who was slapped by Li Rong once. At this moment, seeing the culprit standing in front of him, he can't wait to make two holes in An Ji's face.

In fact, after helping An Ji complete the admission procedures, Ji Tao was still looking forward to taking credit in front of the principal. In the end, instead of waiting for praise, he waited for a scolding.

"Are you a pig?!" The assistant to the principal smashed a water glass over, "I think it is impossible for the school to let Omega enter the political science major! You are still brainless to go through the admission procedures for him!"

The fat Mediterranean principal was sitting on Ji Tao's chair, casually playing with the pen in his hand.

Ji Tao felt aggrieved: "But...but the principal said at the meeting of the Education and Technology Bureau today, 'The admission system of Imperial University is currently standardized,' if I don't let him enroll, won't I slap you in the face?"

"Have you learned to talk back?" The assistant principal raised his eyebrows, "Quickly kneel down and apologize to the principal!"

Ji Tao lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and his back was straight as if he was poking at the benchmark.

"Kneel down and apologize," the assistant principal kicked him, "Don't you understand?"

Although he has long known that these are inevitable in his career, but it really happened, but it still makes people feel unacceptable.

Ji Tao's eyes were bloodshot, his teeth were clenched, and he knelt down with a thud: "I'm sorry, principal, I was wrong!"

The principal didn't speak, and continued to play with the pen in his hand, as if he didn't notice his kneeling at all.

Ji Tao's forehead was next to the carpet, and he knocked three times again.

"Get up," the principal waved his hand slowly, then glanced at the assistant again, as if to say some blame, "Director Ji is young, it is inevitable that he has done something wrong, so what are you scolding him for?"

Ji Tao's eyes were red and he stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, principal, for your understanding."

"It doesn't matter if you do something wrong, the key is whether you can find a remedy after you do something wrong." The principal said slowly, as if he was teaching a junior who just entered the workplace, "Do you have any remedy at present?"

"Otherwise I'll find an excuse to expel him?" Ji Tao said quickly, "Or let him transfer back to Omega Academy?"

The principal narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Assistant Principal: "Everyone else came in, and you fired them again. Isn't this an obvious bully? Do you want An's Mecha's billion-star coin funding to go to waste next year?"

"Then... what should I do?" Ji Tao lowered his head and muttered.

"Isn't that student going to be special?" The principal smiled slightly, "Well, I'll make him the most special being among all the students. In the future, we will treat everything related to security in a special way, and we should give thousands of preferential treatment. Can't get down."

Ji Tao's eyes widened suddenly, finally realizing that it was a so-called flattery.

Thinking of this, Ji Tao's gaze towards An Ji also calmed down. This kind of unruly student has some ways of teaching him.

An Ji took the microphone and stood on the podium. The originally noisy audience suddenly quieted down. After half a day of fermentation, almost all the teachers and students in the school already knew this face.

"The school guards asked me to apologize," An Ji cleared his throat and adjusted the height of the microphone, "but unfortunately, Muta, who should have heard my apology the most, was not there. I hope he is watching the ward now. The live broadcast of the opening ceremony, or if there are classmates who know him, can convey my sincere apologies for me."

Muta's forehead covered in bandages in the inpatient department of the school hospital

Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Celestial Bloodline
Read Damn Necromancer
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life