MTL - After Mermaid O Got Su Shuang’s Script-Chapter 3 meal ticket brother

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"That's so embarrassing." Xiao Yu said, but his tail honestly threw himself into Cang Hai's embrace.

Cang Hai opened his hand, the ring on his index finger flashed, and a palm-sized instrument appeared in his hand out of thin air.

He placed the instrument on Xiao Yu's wound and immediately turned on the switch.

The warm blue light covered Xiao Yu's **** wound, which greatly relieved his pain, but he had no time to feel it all.

He pointed to the instrument in the man's hand, unable to figure it out anyway: "Where did you take it out?"

Cang Hai judged the extent of the wound on the fish tail with his fingers, and replied: "The space ring."

So he was not dazzled, and Cang Hai really took things out of the ring.

How is this possible, when did the world have such advanced technology, no, this is not just "advanced".

Space ring, isn't that something that only exists in science fiction and fantasy novels?

Xiao Yu was shocked, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, Cang Hai's actions were tearing his fantasy to pieces bit by bit, mercilessly making him see the reality clearly.


Stinging pain came from the tail, Xiao Yu could not help but gasp.

Cang Hai moved his finger to the side: "Sorry, I can't see your wound, I can only feel it."

It was only then that Xiao Yu noticed that in order to heal himself, Cang Hai's fingers were always lingering on his tail. His fish scales seemed hard, but in fact they were almost as sensitive as the skin.

When crawling on the sand, the rough sand and stones come into contact with the fish's tail in a large area, so you won't feel too uncomfortable.

But when Cang Hai's slightly calloused fingertips rubbed his scales repeatedly, the feeling that only a few fish scales were specially cared for was really...unspeakable.

Xiao Yu's tail fin curled up in embarrassment.

He raised his eyes slightly, Cang Hai immersed in the busyness was like a luminous body, even the afterglow of the setting sun was not as dazzling as him.

Xiao Yu has always known that Cang Hai's appearance is very good, but when Cang Hai closed his eyes and carefully explored his wound, his heart still couldn't help but miss a beat.

Cursing secretly that beauty is misleading, Xiao Yu looked away with difficulty: "Why don't I do it myself, can you teach me how to use it?"

Cang Hai nodded slightly: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he handed the healing instrument to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu took it seriously: "Thank you."

The use of the therapy device is very simple, just press the switch, and the probe below will emit blue light.

This kind of blue light can accelerate the healing of wounds, and can also decompose harmful substances such as toxins on the surface of the skin, which is quite convenient and magical.

"It can not cure your eyes?" Xiao Yu asked.

To be honest, he still doesn't quite believe that a blind man who can't see can easily save him from the monster's tentacles.

Cang Hai shook his head: "It can only heal trauma, my eyes don't count as trauma."

Then he paused and added: "Broken ribs don't count either."

Xiao Yu: "..."

I got it, I got it, next time I must save someone more lightly.

The curative effect of the treatment instrument was outstanding, Xiao Yu followed Cang Hai's instructions to let the blue light irradiate the wound evenly, not long after, a layer of pinkish white skin grew on the **** fish tail.

Xiao Yu looked at it strangely, and the wound was itchy, and he couldn't help but want to stretch out his hand to scratch it.

But was stopped by Cang Hai: "The skin has just grown, it is still very fragile, don't touch it randomly."

Xiao Yu looked at the clasped wrist, the other's movements were quick and precise, it was really hard not to doubt: "Cang Hai, can you really not see?"

Hearing the words, Cang Hai tilted his head slightly. From Xiao Yu's perspective, he could see the man's deep and three-dimensional facial features like sculptures. Sunshine also seemed to belittle himself, not daring to touch the man's handsome face.

Even if Cang Hai's eyes are closed at this moment, it will not damage his handsomeness at all, but people can't help but imagine what a peerless beauty it will be when these eyes are opened.

Xiao Yu was lucky enough to see Cang Hai's eyes.

It was a lifeless, bleak gray, like a Venus with a broken arm, which made people regretful and uncontrollably intoxicated by it.

"I really can't see," Cang Hai said in a deep voice, "losing sight doesn't mean anything. I can judge the time by the temperature change, and choose the direction to swing the sword through the sound. The flow of sea water also contains a lot of information. These things don't need eyes to see, and sometimes, vision is a burden."

Xiao Yu admits that Cang Hai's words are very inciting, but as long as he is clear-headed, he will not be so easily fooled: "It's really like what you said, what else do you need from me?"

Cang Hai was silent, and after realizing that Xiao Yu was not easy to fool, he changed his strategy: "The black-bearded octopus is just a relatively low-level species in this ocean, you can't even deal with it, and you will soon lose it because you can't find food. Starve to death. We cooperate, I am in charge of hunting, you are in charge of guiding, and we will live together."

live together.

Xiao Yu was touched by this sentence. After experiencing a series of accidents such as shipwreck, resurrection from death and turning into a mermaid, he suddenly found that nothing is more important than surviving.

Cang Hai was right, with his fighting power, he couldn't survive on the deserted star. He needed food, and Cang Hai needed eyes, and they both got what they needed.

There is no better collaborator than them!

"Okay," Xiao Yu's eyes became more smiling, "I will be your eyes from now on."

Cang Hai pondered: "Then I am yours..."

He was at a loss for words, after all, the mermaid was originally a creation of the sea, and it was the first time he saw a mermaid that could not hunt.

Xiao Yu took over the conversation: "You are my meal ticket, so brother meal ticket, is our dinner settled yet?"

What is a meal ticket?

Cang Hai was noncommittal, as he acquiesced to Xiao Yu's address to him.

"Pick up all the broken beards from the sea, it's our supper," he said.

Because of Xiao Yu's tail injury, during Cang Hai's treatment for him, he never moved.

Those broken black octopuses were left on the beach beside him.

After being away from the main body for so long, they can still squirm, the barbs and scales on the tentacles are clearly visible, and even black pus and blood ooze out.

Xiao Yu made no secret of his doubts: "Is this stuff really edible?"

Xu Shi felt Xiao Yu's embarrassment, Cang Hai kindly changed the task for him: "Fill it with water."

Xiao Yu was amnesty, and quickly took the container in Cang Hai's hand.

The caliber of the container is about one palm wide, and the style looks a bit like a thermos bucket at first glance. When the lid is opened, there is a scoop for taking water in the inner tank.

Most likely Cang Hai also took it out from the space ring.

Fetching water is a breeze, and Xiao Yu didn't take much time to fill the container.

He turned around to ask Cang Hai for credit, when he saw Cang Hai pick up the last tentacle with his sword and put it into a cauldron.

"You even have a pot?" Xiao Yu's pupils narrowed slightly, "Tell me there must be a lot of food in your space ring, right?"

Cang Hai heard Xiao Yu's resistance to the tentacles, and the corners of his mouth twitched almost imperceptibly: "My food was all eaten before I came here."

In other words, before Cang Hai fell into the sea, he went through a long journey.

Xiao Yu was a little curious about the origin of this man, but he knew in his heart that rashly prying into the past of the other party would have no benefit other than satisfying his curiosity, and might even affect their cooperative relationship.

So he thoughtfully chose to bypass this question: "I have the pot and the water, so it's time to start a fire?"

"No need." Cang Hai stretched out his hand, signaling Xiao Yu to give him the container filled with water, and then, under Xiao Yu's confused eyes, connected the container and the handle of the pot together.

After a while, a wisp of blue smoke emerged from the pot.

Feeling the heat on his face, Xiao Yu finally understood: "This is...water power generation?"

In his world, it is very common to boil water to generate electricity, but it is absolutely impossible to be so efficient.

Cang Hai patiently explained: "The water energy converter can convert water into energy, but the conversion rate is limited."

But this is enough to improve the world's energy shortage problem!

If he could bring this technology back... would he be able to go back?

Xiao Yu suddenly felt melancholy, but soon, he was attracted by the aroma of food, and he had no time to be sentimental.

He didn't know what Cang Hai added to the pot, but suddenly the tongue of fire spewed out from the pot, and the aroma was stimulated by the fire to become more intense and attractive, and it went straight into his nostrils.

Xiao Yu salivation uncontrollably, belly roar.

Not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his little friends, he pinched his nose quickly, his face flushed red.

"Don't be patient, to be honest, I'm about to drool too." Cang Hai's tone was rare.

Xiao Yu let go of his fingers obediently, gasping for breath, but the smell took advantage of it, even before he started eating, he felt the smell of food between his lips and teeth.

In order to divert attention, Xiao Yu asked Cang Hai what seasoning he added.

Cang Hai didn't hide his secrets, and told him the method of seasoning: "Dry the deep-sea cod, grind it into powder, and then add the grass juice of the dew grass and the pollen of the ground Tibetan flower to make it."

Xiao Yu wrote it down silently, and heard Cang Hai say with regret: "It's a pity I can't see it, otherwise these tentacles can be cut into slices and eaten, it will have a special flavor."

Xiao Yu's face changed slightly: "Do you eat it raw?" Just like eating sashimi.

Cang Hai kindly reminded: "The outer skin of the tentacles needs to be softened at a high temperature of more than 1,200 degrees. It also contains toxins, so it must be cooked before eating."

Xiao Yu was embarrassed, and he couldn't be blamed for his whimsy. It was because he didn't understand this world at all.

Fortunately, Cang Hai thought he was a native mermaid, otherwise he would have to think about how to explain this.

As soon as the chat box was opened, Xiao Yu took the opportunity to ask many questions, and he also learned about the origin of Huangxing from Cang Hai.

Desolate stars, as the name suggests, are those deserted planets that humans cannot live in.

Most of the desolate stars are barren, and only a few desolate stars have the conditions to breed life. It just so happens that the desolate star M7381 where Xiao Yu is located belongs to the desolate star that can breed life.

"No wonder I can't find where the sun is." He thought it was because the clouds were too thick to block the sun. It turned out that the light source of this desolate star was a meteorite belt outside the desolate star.

The huge heat generated by the collision of the meteorite belt happened to meet one of the conditions for the birth of life on the barren star, so even the ferocious black-bearded octopus can be described as a miracle of life.

While talking, the tentacles in the pot were already cooked.

"Taste." Cang Hai took out two pairs of knives and forks from the space ring, one of which was given to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu saw that although Cang Hai could not see, he was able to cut off a piece of meat and eat it without his help, so he raised the knife and fork, and impatiently cut off a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

The tentacle meat was more tender and juicy than he had imagined, and his teeth were barely able to bite through the skin, and the hot soup gushed out, filling his mouth in an instant.

Xiao Yu raised his neck and gasped after being scalded, but he was reluctant to spit out the delicacies in his mouth. While fanning his mouth with a fork, he moved his jaw so that his teeth could take the opportunity to bite off a piece of meat to taste.

That eating appearance, even Xiao Yu himself disliked it.

"Is this stuff delicious?" Cang Hai teased.

Xiao Yu ate without raising his head: "It's delicious!"

The author has something to say:

Black-striped octopus: Regarding the fact that I was eaten by predators, it’s too much to eat black

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