MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 19 Kou Jiang

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Qin Qing's pergola, not to mention the guests, the show team was very excited to see it, the logistics department specially arranged more people to do the transformation according to the ready-made template.

It's a pity that the temporary renovation and rough production, no matter how you can achieve the airtightness of Su Zhihe's shed.

Later I learned that, in order to be airtight enough to ensure that the hot and cold inside and outside would not move from each other, Qin Qing deliberately followed the car to the small county town at the foot of the mountain overnight and bought plastic sheets that could be magnetically attracted.

It was said that it was too late at that time, and the store selling this kind of plastic sheet closed early. The kind of 24-hour factory that Qin Qing found, came to the door in the middle of the night, and the material and thickness selected on the spot were rolled one by one. Put it in the trunk and bring it back.

It was two in the morning when I came back.

I got up at five o'clock and remodeled the pergola at the recording site together with a few security guards.

Ye Chutian crossed his legs, bit a popsicle, and sprayed several of his assistants in the shed like a dilapidated house: "You guys are capable, aren't you all pretty capable? All your energy is spent on Coke to make friends. ?"

Tong Lu also got angry after a little comparison, and pointed to the ice cubes in the shed: "Now that the ice is there, don't you want to order anything else?"

Qin Qing sat on a small bench in his shed, with a book on his lap, elbows on the writing, hands on his chin, squinting and dozing off.

Cui Huohuo didn't dare to quarrel with him, so he sat on the chair next to him and played with his mobile phone.

Pause and rest, Su Zhihe took a rest, lifted the curtain and came in, seeing Qin Qing with her eyes closed and her head tilted.

Cui Huohuo got up and said silently, "Sleepy."

Su Zhihe took the towel, wiped his hand, and walked over: "Qin Qing?"

Qin Qing hummed in confusion.

He heard someone say to him, "Go to sleep on the recliner."

Qin Qing closed his eyes, his previous professionalism was still engraved in his bones, and whispered, "Call me when the recording is stopped."

Su Zhihe squatted beside him, looking at him so sleepy that he didn't forget his work, it was funny, and a little distressed.

He looked at the boy in front of him and saw that this young face only revealed the youthful childishness of his age when he was asleep, secretly saying that he was a bitter child, Otherwise, there will be no such prudent maturity and precocious intelligence.

At this age, she should study, take exams, and make friends in the ivory tower campus under the protection of her parents.

"Qin Qing."


"Go to bed."

After a while, Qin Qing changed from the small stool to the reclining chair.

I was so sleepy that I fell asleep with my neck crooked.

Su Zhihe stood beside him, holding the pocket book Qin Qing had just read, with a mobile phone between the pages.

The mobile phone is very old, the film is scratched, and the pocket book is also old. There is an unfamiliar name written on the title page, and there are all kinds of messy graffiti. It looks like a second-hand book.

Cui Huohuo stood beside him and glanced at the things in Su Zhihe's hand, his eyes flickering.

Su Zhihe looked over, holding the book with the phone in one hand, reaching out in the other, scooping up the person, pinching the back of the neck, and asking sharply, "What, I know what I don't know. of?"

Cui Huohuo's expression begging for mercy, restraining his voice, so as not to disturb Qin Qing: "Brother, boss, I knew it before, you already know it now."

Su Zhihe: "For example?"

Cui Huohuo: "Just drop out of school."

Su Zhihe's cliché: "All you know is dropping out?"

Cui Huohuo: "Boss, Qin Qing's private affairs, he told me, I'll tell you again, okay?"

Su Zhihe pinched his neck, faintly: "The wings are hard now, so outwardly?"

Cui Huohuo hurriedly shrank his neck: "Tell me, I will!"

Su Zhihe looked sideways, Cui Huohuo said: "I know a little."

Su Zhihe threw a look at the ink.

Cui Huohuo looked down at Qin Qing who was sleeping on the reclining chair, and covered his lips: "I dropped out of the second year of high school, saying that he was not allowed to read at home, so he came out by himself."

Su Zhihe continued to stare.

Cui Huohuo: "That's all I know!" Really!

Oh, there is.

Cui Huohuo: "He wants to have a chance to go back to university when he reads."

No, I know so much, really no more.

Su Zhihe let go and Cui Huohuo scratched the back of his neck.

Su Zhihe raised his hand, handed the book and mobile phone to Cui Huohuo, looked down, and swept across Qin Qing's clothes, pants and shoes.

Not long after, Qin Qing woke up and found himself on the reclining chair.

Su Zhihe is not there, he is still recording, only Cui Huohuo is in the studio.

Qin Qing got up, stretched, and asked, "How long have I slept."

Cui Huohuo looked at the time: "For a while, forty minutes. Do you want to drink water?"

When drinking water, Cui Huohuo informed Qin Qing about something.

"Hair clothes?"

Cui Huohuo showed a natural and natural expression: "Yeah, the boss has cooperated with many brands before, and he has a lot of endorsements. After the contract is over, he is still a close friend. Many manufacturers send gifts every quarter. Bring your clothes and shoes."

"If he can't wear it alone, he will give it to me."

"Now you're here, we'll share together."

Qin Qing was surprised.

But it is true, the brand will send clothes and shoes directly in order to have a good relationship with many big names and facilitate cooperation.

Celebrities can't wear them alone, or some styles are not suitable, and they will indeed be distributed to the colleagues below.

It is normal.

Qin Qing: "Oh, good."

Cui Huohuo immediately looked down at Qin Qing's shoes: "What size do you wear?"

Qin Qing wondered: "Aren't all the shoes given to the artist's size?"

"Oh oh oh oh," Cui Huohuo quickly patched, "Our boss is quite picky, sometimes he likes to wear bigger shoes, sometimes he likes to wear tighter shoes, the manufacturer will send He's several yards."

After he finished speaking, he raised his leg: "My pair, 43, is one of the sizes."

This is it.

Qin lightly reported his shoe size, and Cui Huohuo silently wrote it down.

As for the clothes and pants, the height and size are in front of you, and you can see how big they are.

Cui Huohuo said again: "Oh, yes, this month's salary increase."

Qin Qing just opened her eyes, but she didn't fully wake up, she heard the words.

Cui Huohuo: "You are on the same level as me, and you should be adjusted to the same salary as me. After the salary adjustment, the salary for this quarter will be increased."

Qin Qing: "Wage increase on a quarterly basis?"

Cui Huohuo recalled what Boss Su gave not long ago, and said slowly, "Yes."

Cui Huohuo tried hard to recall: "Yes, there are cold drinks, meal allowances, transportation expenses, travel allowances..."

Is there any allowance for business trips?

Cui Huohuo: "Overtime pay."

What is the overtime pay for the accompanying assistant?

"Oh, yes," Cui Huohuo: "There will be new mobile phones, also from the manufacturer."

Qin raised his eyebrows lightly: "How much is your salary?"

Cui Huohuo said in his heart, "Ten thousand and two."

Twelve thousand! ?


Cui Huohuo thought about it for a while, afraid that it would be too fake, and explained: "Our boss has always been very good to assistants. What is my treatment, and what is your treatment."

Qin Qing was silent for a moment, walked to the door curtain, opened it and looked out.

Cui Huohuo: "What's wrong?"

It's nothing, let's pay tribute to this boss Su who doesn't understand the market price and raises wages indiscriminately.

Cui Huohuo remembered that there was one more thing he forgot to mention, so he hurriedly said, "Oh, there is more."


Cui Huohuo: "There will be rewards for research and examination."


Cui Huohuo: "In your case, if you go to a university or something, you can get a minimum of several hundred thousand."

Cui Huohuo: "Tuition and living expenses are also covered."


Cui Huohuo silently recited Su Zhihe's speech: "The main purpose is to improve the overall cultural level of the team and encourage team members to actively study and never stop."

Qin Qing thought for a while, and asked, "Wai Pei?"

Cui Huohuo didn't move: "What?"

"Entrusted training." Qin Qing explained, "It means that the boss sent me to study, and when my studies are over, I have to return to the original unit."

Cui Huohuo thought to himself, do you have to come back, if you don't come back, who the boss is in love with, nods: "That's what you mean!"

Qin Qing thought for a while, no wonder Su Zhihe encouraged him to read books to cultivate the backbone of his team?

But in the last life, didn't Su Zhihe stop acting in a few years?

Is it possible that you need to train your own people to facilitate the management of the company in the future?


But Qin Qing was not ready to tie his life to anyone.

His work, reading, and college entrance exams are all paths of his own choice.

Everything is unknown.

Qin Qing: "Work is work, and the entrance examination is returned to the entrance examination, so don't bother the company."

Cui Huohuo was stunned: "Don't you want the exam reward?"

Qin Qing: "Of course I won't take the company's money to go to school. If I really pass the test, I can study while working."

Cui Huohuo is stuck, don't you want any money?

When this meaning spread to Su Zhihe's ears, Boss Su only felt happy.

—Strength and self-reliance are all beautiful qualities.

The more you know about Qin Qing, the more you appreciate and like him.

Today, the last day of the recording, the broadcast platform of "Life in Despair" sent someone to visit the class.

A lot of people came to watch, watch the recording, and visit the class.

Only then did Qin Qing know that there was indeed no Su Zhihe in the original guest list, and he was temporarily invited to rescue him.

The replaced artist is named Duan Pu.

As soon as he heard it was Duan Pu, Qin Qing immediately remembered that there was indeed no Su Zhihe in "A Life in Despair" that he had watched in the last life. He had participated in Duan Pu from the first issue.

Duan Pu himself is an acting actor. He is somewhat famous, but not very popular. In the last life, because of his good physical fitness and sense of variety show, he attracted countless fans in the first season of "Life in Despair".

Then I participated in the recording of the second season and the third season, until the fourth season, because of conflicts with other shooting schedules, I did not participate again.

How could such an artist who was originally very important in the program group miss out on "Life in Despair" in this life?

Cui Huohuo just knew this, and quietly told Qin Qing: "It seems that I offended someone some time ago, so I stopped work and returned to the crew at night, and was attacked and beaten."

Cui Huohuo: "One of the bosses from the platform is very familiar with our boss. He asked the boss to help himself, and the boss came."


Qin Qing was surprised.

He is reborn, and it is normal for him and the people around him to change their life trajectories.

How come such a big change has taken place in this life that has nothing to do with him?

Is it the butterfly effect, where a small change causes a storm, sweeping more?

Soon, Qin Qing found out that it was not.

The change of Duan Pu's life trajectory has nothing to do with him at all.

It was changed by a man named Kou Jiang.

And Kou Jiang, Qin Qing's mortal enemy in the last life, is also one of the platform personnel who came to visit the class this time.

He stood in a group of people, with a young face and a smile, greeting several artist teachers.

At this time, Qin Qing was eighteen years old, and Kou Jiang was also very young. He had just graduated from college and was working on the platform.

At this moment, the reborn Qin Qing has never met Kou Jiang in this life, and Kou Jiang in this life has never met Qin Qing.

However, not far from the pergola, while chatting with the artists and teachers along with others, Kou Jiang looked at Qin Qing from a distance with a familiar look.

Cui Huohuo was strange: "Qin Qing, that man over there has been watching you, do you know each other?"

Qin Qing: "I don't know."

Should not have known.

At least in Qin Qing's original understanding, he was reborn. Even if he knew him, he should know Kou Jiang, not Kou Jiang.

Unless, Kou Jiang, like him, was reborn with the memory of his previous life.

In the crowd, Kou Jiang frequently looked to the door of the pergola, and a colleague beside him asked him strangely: "Who are you looking at, know?"

Kou Jiang smiled: "Well, an acquaintance."

Colleague: "Acquaintance? Then go say hello, we are here."

Kou Jiang: "Can you?"

Colleague: "What's wrong, hurry up and come back."

Kou Jiang went.

Quickly walked to the door of the pergola and looked at the figure walking back towards him: "Qin Qing!"

Qin Qing turned her head, showing an unfamiliar look, and looked at Kou Jiang: "Are you...?"

Kou Jiang smiled and said a sentence that he thought Qin Qing could not understand, but Qin Qing understood clearly.

"I was still wondering where you would be at this time, but it was here."

"Didn't you say that when you first came out to work, you were serving dishes at the hotel?"

Kou Jiang, the old enemy, has really been reborn.

Qin Qing did not intend to expose herself, but looked back suspiciously after hearing the words: "What are you talking about? We don't know each other?"

Kou Jiang looked at Qin Qing and smiled: "Nothing, I'm talking nonsense."

Reach out: "Then let's get to know you now, my name is Kou Jiang."

Qin Qing lowered her head and glanced at the outstretched right hand, but did not move.

Kou Jiang withdrew his hand disapprovingly, showing an inevitable smile: "Actually, I want to give you a suggestion."

Qin Qing maintained her demeanor.

Kou Jiang's eyes were ruthless, and he was still laughing, in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I suggest you, be careful with me in the future."

Qin Qing pretended to be puzzled and frowned.

Heart: Who cares who is not sure.

Like now.

And just after Kou Jiang said watch out for me, Su Zhihe walked back and looked at the two people facing each other.

He thought they knew each other, but when he saw Qin Qing looking at him, he frowned at Kou Jiang and took two steps back.

Su Zhihe walked over: "Don't know?"

Qin Qing shook his head, looked vigilant at Kou Jiang, and took another half step back.

Kou Jiang did not expect that Qin Qing not only was not serving dishes, but also knew Su Zhihe.

Su Zhihe? ! This big guy?

Su Zhihe has walked a few steps between the two, and glanced at the work tag on Kou Jiang's body: "The platform?"

Kou Jiang returned to his senses and said hello: "Mr. Su."

Su Zhihe: "Anything?"

Kou Jiang looked behind Su Zhihe: "Oh, I..."

Qin Qing whispered: "I don't know him, this person is very strange."

Su Zhihe glanced at Kou Jiang, turned to look not far away, and raised his voice: "Whose person?"

The crowd looked over there.

Su Zhihe: "Take it."

Someone immediately ran over with a smile, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm just an intern, don't understand, you take care."

No matter what, he glared at Kou Jiang: "What are you running around! Hurry up and apologize!"

Kou Jiang: “…”

"No need," Su Zhihe didn't even look at Kou Jiang, turned around, and took Qin Qing back to the shed.

Qin Qing: "I was stopped."

Su Zhihe: "Don't deal with people you don't know in the future, no matter who they are."

Kou Jiang: “…”

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