MTL - After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots-Chapter 89

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After the preliminary rounds of the two sides are completed, it will take some time for the team to make adjustments to them, and the semi-finals need to make certain preparations for the venue and equipment in advance.

Therefore, it will take at least half a month to wait until the rematch starts.

Bai Ruogu breathed a sigh of relief, and then he devoted more energy to filming.

"The River Under the Bright Moon" is an emotional drama, in which the male protagonist played by Bai Ruogu is very attractive.

It tells the story of two people who are together for a lifetime. The two met under the bright moon and ended under the bright moon. That sparkling river records a person's life.

The director pays special attention to details, and every little action has to be deducted for half a day. The plot seems relatively bland, but it gives people a very warm and comfortable feeling.

Perhaps, this is the life Bai Ruogu yearns for. He added a lot of emotion during the shooting process, which made the director praised repeatedly.

"Not bad, Ruogu, you really surprised me. You really act like what."

Bai Ruogu thanked humbly.

When I came out of the studio at night, the moonlight shone on the ground.

Due to the filming by the river, the road was a bit difficult to walk. In addition, it was relatively cold these past two days.

The cold wind was blowing, and in some places, the road was a little unclear because of the building coverage.

There are a few actors who know each other, and they walk side by side, which is somewhat comforting on this cold night.

At this moment, there was a bright car light ahead, which became more and more dazzling in this dark night.

Bai Ruogu was walking forward with his arms crossed when the car slowly stopped in front of him.

The black door was opened, and a straight figure came down from the driver's seat. Before Bai Ruogu could recover, the warm coat was draped directly over him, and the familiar smell came on his face.

"Amiu?" Bai Ruogu asked lightly.

"Yes." The other party replied, and the co-pilot's door was also opened.

Bai Ruogu walked in, and the closing of the door completely blocked the cold outside.

Bai Ruogu breathed a sigh of relief, the temperature in the car was adjusted in advance according to his preferences. At this moment, a cup of hot tea was handed into his cold hands.

At first, my hands were a little uncomfortable, but when I got used to it, I felt more comfortable.

Bai Ruogu leaned on the back of the chair, he turned his head to the side and looked comfortable, and the voice came out of his throat, rustling.

"Amu, it's fortunate to have you."

Su Miao's expressionless face had more subtle floating.

The vehicle sped away, and it was freezing cold, and the rest of the actors stood there looking dumbfounded.

Where is this luxury car from? It's not common even in high society, if I remember correctly, it seems to be a limited edition? !

And the man just now, they knew that this man was Bai Ruogu's manager, and they had even seen him on the live broadcast before. It's really too handsome to put it in front of them, isn't it?

A gust of cold wind blew them back to reality. No one expected to leave work an hour and a half earlier today, and the assistant drivers were rushing here.

They looked up, two miles from their nearest light. The cold wind hurt their faces, and they groaned, each step as though lead was poured into their feet.

Why is this person so different?

Because everyone was very serious about filming before, the progress was very fast. The director had to give everyone a day off, and he and the rest of the staff deal with the film that has been shot so far.

The next day Bai Ruogu woke up and called Su Miao to go shopping together.

Now because of the development of Star Network, Star Citizens can try clothes online and taste delicious food.

However, there are still a lot of brick-and-mortar stores. After all, there are many people who don’t want to stay at home and like to play around with their companions.

In a large clothing store, automatic changing equipment is installed.

The girlfriend changed into a dress and hurriedly asked her boyfriend if he was pretty, but his boyfriend was sitting on the sofa and was boring.

"Beautiful, beautiful." He yawned while wearing VR glasses.

"You!", his girlfriend was going to be so angry, "You take off your glasses and look at it again, don't even look at it, just say it!"

The boyfriend smacked his mouth with a look of impatience.

"It's said that you look good, you look good in anything you wear."

My girlfriend was so angry that she took off her skirt and stopped trying on her clothes, so she got angry there.

Does she really care about her boyfriend's evaluation? What she cares about is attitude! It was clear that he coaxed himself to be angry at first, saying that he would go out to go shopping together, but now he is showing her an impatient look.

She suddenly thought of what her friend said.

"That's how men are, just get used to it."

To get used to it?

Just then, she suddenly heard a voice coming from the side.

"How about this one?" A young man with a beautiful face and a kind face asked the man sitting in front of him with his eyes bent.

The man stared at him for a while, and said bluntly: "You are not suitable for green, it will have a certain impact on your temperament."

Bai Ruogu was thoughtful, then picked up a white dress and clicked to change. After the upper body, the spirit of the body has exceeded a lot, and it is much better than the previous one.

However, the man continued: "I don't agree with you wearing this dress. Its narrowest distance is less than one centimeter from your body. Although wearing a slim fit, it will make you very uncomfortable."

Bai Ruogu listened to what Su Miao said, and Bai Ruogu changed another one with a smile.

Su Miao's eyes are focused and serious, as if she is doing a very important job, and her evaluation is also very sharp.

Looking at his girlfriend, his heart is getting more and more sour. He is also a boyfriend. Why are other people's boyfriends so good?

Although the evaluation is sometimes not very good, the attitude is enough, even her outsider can feel that this person is wholeheartedly for her lover.

Just think, who doesn't want a boyfriend like this?

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the lazy guy on the sofa again, she was really angry!

She walked over, twisted her boyfriend's arm hard, turned around and left.

I took off the VR glasses and found the boyfriend who was stunned after his girlfriend disappeared:…

It was still early after visiting the clothing store. Bai Ruogu didn't like the burden of wandering around, so he handed over the address to the waiter, and the two continued on empty-handed.

The streets are very lively, and there are all kinds of people, most of whom are laughing and laughing.

Su Miao walked, which focused his attention on a young boy holding a cat.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ruogu asked from the side, and by the way, he also turned his attention to the young man.

The young man seemed to be a little introverted, he covered his glasses with a hat and was reluctant to look at other people.

Su Miao hesitated for a while and said, "This human has no brain."

After a while, Bai Ruogu reacted, "Then how does he surf the Internet?"

"I can't trace it, but he should have another way. There are many people in the world who don't have brains, and most of the reasons are black households."

However, they didn't even count as meeting by chance, and Bai Ruogu didn't take it to heart. When he couldn't see the boy again, Bai Ruogu put this episode behind him.

There were fewer and fewer people, and the surroundings gradually quieted down.

After a few minutes, footsteps suddenly appeared behind them.

If it was an ordinary person, it would be fine, but the footsteps sounded very steady and rhythmic, and it was not something that an ordinary person could walk out of.

Bai Ruogu's eyes changed, but he was not in a hurry, as if nothing happened, he chatted with Su Miao about various theories as usual.

However, instead of reducing the footsteps, they became more and more. The setting sun shone in from behind, and the shadow was elongated. Bai Ruogu looked at the shadow in front of him and had a certain understanding of the number of people behind him.

At this time, Su Miao's voice entered Bai Ruogu's ears, "There are 23 people behind them, all of them are star thieves on the most wanted list. The reason why they came is because the Bai family's opponents offered them a reward for your life. ."

Su Miao paused and continued: "I won't let them do anything to hurt you. At the same time, the reason why I didn't stop it from the source is because the Federal Imperial Government has already intervened in this case..."

The last hustle and bustle dissipated, and there was absolutely no one here. Perhaps the people behind him have realized the fact that they have been discovered, so they will not wait any longer.

"Okay." A rough voice shouted with murderous intent.

Su Miao changed the information at this moment, "It's 24 people now."

Bai Ruogu still couldn't realize the reason why Su Miao said this, but heard a lazy and royal voice coming from behind.

"Huh?" She smiled lightly, her red lips raised and read, "There's another person behind this, can't you see?"

She said "Huh?", she was charming to the core.

The star thieves noticed that something was wrong, and some people turned around.

Facing the sunset, it was a woman with maroon waves. The orange light illuminated half of her face, and the high bridge of her nose made her facial features three-dimensional. Her eyes are nice and sharp.

The star thieves didn't like that look, because it looked too much like a sharp sword that could break through their hearts at any time.

"Go away." A man with a scar on his face said.

The woman pressed her chin with her finger and raised half of her eyebrows.

Seeing that the woman didn't move, the man licked the tip of his teeth with his tongue and spat on the ground.

His eyes flashed ruthlessly, and he said to the surrounding subordinates: "Go on, show this woman a little more. You really are nosy."

Hearing this, the subordinates rushed over. Their speed was not slow for the star thief group, but the woman was not afraid at all.

She stood up straight, taller than half the people present, even without her heels.

The star thieves did not take this woman seriously at first, so they only took a knife and did not use firearms when attacking.

The light on the blade reflected in the woman's eyes, and a sharp blade slashed over, and between the electric light and flint, only a "crunch" was heard, and the blade fell to the ground with the screams of the star thief.

The woman is faster, and even the strength is completely beyond the imagination of the star thieves. She is very flexible and can adapt to a variety of difficult movements. At the same time, when the woman's hand approached the wrist of the star thieves, the joint was directly broken.

Step by step, in a few seconds, a star thief fell to the ground because of the pain.

Someone tried to stab the woman's chest with a dagger, but he didn't want to be kicked away when he was just approaching, so he rubbed the ground and retreated two or three meters away.

On the other side, the woman used her hand as a blade to cut the star thief's neck, and the star thief was stunned on the spot.

The woman's speed was really fast, at least in Bai Ruogu's eyes, it almost became an afterimage.

The star thieves finally realized how powerful this woman was, and no longer underestimated the enemy. Facing the woman's back, they took out their firearms from their arms and aimed them at the woman.

Just when they were about to flip the switch, the woman turned her head suddenly, picked up a few stones from the ground and swept them towards them.

Only listening to the sound of the wind breaking, the sharp mouth of the stone directly hit their wrists with great force, the sharp mouth cut through the flesh, rubbed the blood vessels, and because of its own strength, the star thief instantly broke out in cold sweat and pain. Had to drop the gun subconsciously.

On the other side, the woman twisted the wrist of a star thief, holstered the gun in the opponent's hand, and kicked the opponent to the key point by the way.

The woman had a gun in her hand, and she aimed the muzzle at the man with the scar.

The flickering silver light on the gun made the man stop and dare not move, cold sweat dripping from his temples.

The man twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to calm down for a long time, he scolded: "You have the ability to shoot!"

The woman licked the corners of her dry and cracked mouth and pressed it several times in a row.

The man's pupils shrank.

After the gunshots passed, the bullet was shot like a human body stroke, and the closest one was only half a centimeter away.

The woman's footsteps were also rhythmic, and she walked towards the man step by step until the silver muzzle finally touched the man's head.

"Guess I dare to shoot?" She laughed, her voice very nice.

Everything quieted down.

They have been doing bad things for so many years, no matter how they thought, they never thought that they would fall into the hands of a woman in the end.

This ending sounds absurd.

The man was soaked in sweat, he raised his hand, and his Adam's apple rolled slowly.

Such large beads of sweat fell on his eyelids, and his eyes were wide open, not daring to blink at all.

"You can't shoot, it's murder, it's illegal, you have to hand us over to the police..."

To this day, he never imagined that the police officers he hated would destroy his life-saving talisman.

Bai Ruogu just looked at the woman with extraordinary skills and glamorousness. She raised her eyebrows and glanced at the man with a look of wanting to laugh but not laughing.

Then, she took out a document from her pocket and put it in front of the man.

"No need, Bai Xuhuai, the current Chief of Yuemingxing Police Station."

Star Thieves:…

It's a real dog, and I was told by my peers not to underestimate women. I didn't expect it!

As for the name Bai Xuhuai, they also felt a little familiar, and they shivered suddenly.

I remembered!

Isn't this the one who became famous after taking over 16 star thieves' nests in a row? !

I wiped and cried, I definitely went out today without reading the almanac.

Bai Xuhuai sent a message to the bureau, and after a while, the police car surrounded the place. The star thieves were pressed into the car, someone tried to struggle, and Bai Xuhuai kicked back.

After kicking the man honestly, the police officers on the side hurried up to stop Bai Xuhuai, "Director, Director, don't be impulsive, this is against the law!"

Star Thief: …

You guys just come up after you **** beat up Lao Tzu. Who are you acting there for? !

When the police car drove away, Bai Xuhuai turned around and walked to Bai Ruogu's side.

The big beauty let out a "huh" and compared Bi Bai Ruogu's head with her hand.

"Eh? I haven't seen you for so long, why haven't you grown up?"

Bai Ruogu:…

You must be too tall.

White House.

Su Miao carried the tea he brewed in a saucer, and when he walked to the table, he paused, changing his usual habit, he first handed the tea to his "own" sister, and then handed another cup of tea to his own. spouse.

Bai Xuhuai looked at Su Miao's handsome appearance and smacked her lips several times. After Su Miao brought out the homemade snacks from the kitchen, she couldn't help wiping the corners of her mouth.

Su Miao knew that the two had something to say, so it was inconvenient to stay for a long time. Before leaving, he lowered the volume and asked Bai Ruogu.

"Excuse me, how long will it take you to finish the chat? I can easily put the bath water."

Bai Ruogu compared two fingers, Su Miao understood and left quickly.

Bai Xuhuai was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but applaud at the end.

"I said Ruogu, where did you find this big baby, isn't he too good? If I could meet such a man, would I still be single now?"

Bai Ruogu shook his head and changed the subject with a smile.

"What are you going to do with this Bai family?"

Bai Xuhuai took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Isn't there you in the Bai family? The genius eldest son of our family, who will you inherit the position of the head of the family?"

Bai Ruogu waved his hand, "No, I already have a star, that's enough."

"Hey." Bai Xuhuai tapped on the table with his fingers, and he said, "Who still thinks that there is too much money? Don't want to gather wealth and rush to the richest man?"

Bai Ruogu obviously didn't take this to heart. He looked into Bai Xuhuai's eyes and asked seriously, "Are you really going to give up all this?"

Bai Xuhuai pulled out a small toy out of nowhere and rolled it on the table, her bangs covered her eyes, "Why? Give your sister some money to spend."

"I'm just curious what you want?" Bai Ruogu asked.

Bai Xuhuai let out an "ah" and leaned on the seat. She lifted the hair in front of her eyes, revealing a pair of ambitious eyes.

"I want to conquer the sea of ​​stars..." She smiled after a while, "Sounds too far, doesn't it? Let's be practical."

She put the toy straight, and her tone gradually became serious.

"I don't want to take this position for the rest of my life, I want to join the military. I want to take over all the troops and become the marshal of the Federal Empire!"

The room was silent for a while, and Bai Ruogu's voice was not too loud.

"It's not impossible."

When she came out of Bai's house, Bai Xuhuai was addicted to smoking. Standing in the dusk, she lit the cigarette, and the sparks flickered.

She took the cigarette and walked down the road.

At this time, a half-year-old child passed by her, but accidentally tripped over a raised stone and fell directly. However, because he was holding something in his arms, the child turned around and hit the ground with his back.

"Bang", Bai Xuhuai could feel the pain even listening to the sound.

She was going to keep walking, but she heard a slight cat meowing.

"Don't, don't run, it's cold outside." The child's voice sounded a little flustered.

The little milk cat didn't run fast, but because the child fell to the ground, it was difficult to catch it for a long time.

Bai Xuhuai stopped, bent down and picked up the little milk cat. Then he grabbed the kitten with one hand, snuffed out the cigarette with the other, and helped the child up by the way.

Finally away from the icy ground, it was difficult for the child to stand firm, and the child did not smile until the little milk cat was put into his arms.

"Thank you...Thank you." The child seemed to be ill-spoken.

Bai Xuhuai lowered his head and looked at the little milk cat who had been barking, suddenly he even remembered something, and took out a toy from his pocket.

"The cat toy is new. My colleague bought a cat and gave it to me, but I don't own a cat, so I'll give it to you."

Qi Xun has been isolating himself in the bottom of his heart, and suddenly took over the kindness of strangers, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He thought about it and noticed that half a cigarette had been cut off on the ground.

After Bai Xuhuai noticed Qi Xun's gaze, he bent down and picked up the cigarette, "Don't get me wrong, I just didn't open my hands at the time. You know, it's not good to litter."

Qi Xun blushed, and quickly shook his head a little embarrassed, "No, I mean don't smoke... Er, smoking is harmful to your health... It's harmful to your health."

Bai Xuhuai smiled, looking at this little guy and couldn't help rubbing the other's head, "Don't worry, I plan to quit, otherwise the physical examination will fail in case of failure."

"Ah?" Qi Xun didn't know what Bai Xuhuai meant.

Bai Xuhuai looked at Zhinao and knew that it was getting late, so he said goodbye to the little guy: "I'll go first, see you later."

Thinking of the particularity of her work, she said again: "Don't let me meet you when I'm wearing a uniform, goodbye."

Qi Xun's face was a little red, he waved his hand and said, "Goodbye."

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