MTL - After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots-Chapter 79

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A man wearing a hat and a mask hurried down the street, holding a freshly baked cake in his hand, looking around, as if worried about being discovered.

Just when he was about to approach the Constellation Building, he was suddenly called by his name.

"Mr. Xu Fenglai."

The man stopped and looked around again. After finding that no one noticed, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked towards the man who stopped him with doubts.

The man was in a suit and leather shoes. He was thin and not handsome. He was about 30 years old. When he found that Xu Feng was looking at him, the man smiled and hurriedly handed out his business card.

"Hello, I'm from IN Entertainment. I'm the assistant to the president of our company. My name is Zhang Ji."

Xu Feng was in a trance.

IN Entertainment, which is the largest entertainment company in the entire interstellar space, has countless interstellar superstars under its name, and they are looking for him?

Zhang Ji smiled when he saw Xu Fenglai's reaction, and still maintained a humble attitude on the surface.

"Our president sees your potential and appreciates you very much. Therefore, our company sincerely invites you to join us. You don't have to worry about the liquidated damages and subsequent handovers, which are all our company's responsibility. At the same time, we will equip you with our company's SSS. level brokers and assistants, and even our president has written a new contract for you, and all the harvest will be made by you and us…”

With such favorable conditions, I am afraid that any person in the circle will be moved. If it is Xu Fenglai who used to lie in the quagmire, I am afraid that he will not agree long ago.


Xu Fenglai lowered his eyes and twitched the corners of his mouth, his smile a little cold.

When I was in the quagmire, I begged heaven and earth, but no one answered.

Now they were pulled out by Mr. Bai with all his might, and they all swarmed like flies smelling meat.

Xu Fenglai laughed again, and when he raised his head again, he accidentally saw the window on the sixth floor.

There, Bai Ruogu was leaning against the window quietly, with a very calm expression, even with a shallow smile on his lips.

The other party blinked his eyes slowly, and the other party's line of sight... was obviously looking at him.

Xu Fenglai felt a chill in his heart, the cake in his hand was not steady and almost fell to the ground. He was completely panicked, his heart was beating wildly and he couldn't even breathe.

When it was over, Xu Fenglai's brain buzzed.

Although he didn't do anything, he still had a feeling of being caught.

Zhang Ji was still looking at him sincerely, and wanted to pass the business card to his hand.

Xu Fenglai felt anger burning in his chest, and he pushed Zhang Ji away. He scolded him with a very loud voice, "You don't have to think about it anymore, no matter what company, I will not go anywhere except the stars! No matter how much money I open, even giving me 10 planets will not help!"

His voice was so loud that he could even hear it clearly for a few hundred meters.

There are a lot of paparazzi lurking here, as well as people who are trying to poach people like Zhang Ji, and more are fans of Xu Fenglai.

They found the trace of Xu Fenglai and wanted to rush up, but after hearing the angry tone of the other party, they stopped one by one.

Fans are frightened, what kind of blow does my brother seem to be hit? Forget it, my brother is in a bad mood, so don't disturb my brother.

Headhunters think more. They knew better than anyone else that Xu Fenglai's words were not only for Zhang Ji, but also for all of them.

Zhang Ji can come to this position, what grievance has he not suffered? He didn't care at all that Xu Fenglai lost his temper at him, but he followed the other party's figure until the other party entered the Constellation Building.

He touched his head, not knowing why. Is this guy stupid? Why don't you want such good conditions?

On the window, Su Miao stood behind Bai Ruogu, repeating every sentence in his mouth.

"...Even if you give me 10 planets, it won't help." The voice and tone are exactly the same as Xu Fenglai.

Bai Ruogu's eyebrows were picturesque, and he laughed lightly upon hearing this series of narrations.

"I just want to watch the fun here, why did you translate it automatically?"

Su Miao blinked, "I'm helping you prevent all the causes of betrayal."

Bai Ruogu waved his hand, "No, I can still trust Xu Fenglai."

Su Miao embraced Bai Ruogu from behind and paused, his body gradually softened, like a soft wall with Bai Ruogu embedded in it.

His voice became mechanical, more like telling the laws of his life.

"Whether my lover agrees or not, protecting his safety is the number one priority of my life."

Xu Fenglai ran up to the sixth floor in one breath, without even taking the elevator.

Fortunately, Bai Ruogu didn't leave, instead he leaned back against the wall beside the window and waited for him with interest.

Xu Fenglai loosened his wet palm, but his mind went blank because of Bai Ruogu's gaze.

"I..." Xu Fenglai opened his mouth but didn't know how to explain.

Bai Ruogu wasn't nervous at all, instead he was teasing with crescent-like eyes.

"I have a little impression of the person below, it seems to be IN."

Xu Fenglai tensed up, and listened to Bai Ruogu continue.

"Actually, you have already made a lot of money for the company. If you really want to leave, I won't stop you. We will still be friends in the future. After all, good birds choose wood, and IN is still very good."

"No, no..." Xu Fenglai hurriedly retorted. Bai Ruogu stopped his mouth at the right time and patiently listened to Xu Feng's explanation.

Xu Fenglai felt that his neck was full of sweat, but he knew that he had to make it clear, otherwise he would not have such a good opportunity in the future.

"I like Constellation very much, I like the atmosphere here." Xu Fenglai's eyes became more foggy.

He clenched the palm of his hand, and his nose was sore.

"Ever since I came to the constellation, every day has been very relaxing, like on vacation. There is no intrigue like my previous company, maybe there is, but it's just a small fight. You gave me the sixth floor, here is the equipment Complete, it fulfills all my fantasies about music. No one will urge me to write songs, and no one will sneer at me. Here I have no worries about food and clothing, and even make many friends. I commute to get off work together happily every day. I'm on fire, but it's not the same as before. I added a few fans and many people hated me, but everyone sincerely congratulated me. Our relationship will not be because of the difference in identity. And estranged, really, I'm happy, it's like finding my home..."

At the end of the day, Xu Fenglai's voice has changed a bit. His eyes were red, but there was a relaxed and happy smile on his face.

"To be honest, Mr. Bai, even if you don't pay me a salary, as long as you let me live here, it will be regarded as a part-time job for me."

Bai Ruogu was silent for a while, and then patted Xu Fenglai on the shoulder.

Seeing that the other party was still in self-impression, Bai Ruogu raised his eyelids and joked, "Is this what you said? Then I won't pay wages in the future."

Xu Fenglai:…

The sensationalism came to an abrupt end, Xu Fenglai paused for a while, and then spoke quietly.

"Mr. Bai, you'd better give me your salary. After all, it's not a small amount of money."

Bai Ruogu couldn't help laughing, and then pointed to Xu Fenglai's intellectual brain.

"Look at the email I just sent you."

Xu Fenglai didn't know what was going on, so he opened the mailbox suspiciously, and a brand new email flashed in it.

He chose to click to view it, and it was a new contract.

Xu Fenglai's hands trembled, and he directly pulled the contract to the bottom.

This... is this a 2% share transfer letter?

He raised his head in disbelief, but saw Bai Ruogu asking him with a smile, "So you want the salary or the 2% of the shares?"

Xu Fenglai's heart was beating wildly, he said without hesitation: "I want shares!"

The potential of Constellation is so great that only fools choose the company.

2%, how many people in the outside world can't ask for this? !

Until the contract was signed in one breath, Xu Fenglai was still in a trance. Bai Ruogu passed by his side and patted his shoulder.

"Work hard, I will work for myself in the future."

Xu Fenglai nodded subconsciously, otherwise he remained motionless.

When the outside world was still guessing whether Xu Fenglai would change jobs, he saw that a small part of the modules on the official website of Constellation was changed.

One more shareholder has been added above, and this name and avatar are very familiar to everyone.

Xu Feng came.

At this moment, it was as if the dust had settled, and there was no doubt that Xu Fenglai would stay in the constellation. The bee sugars who were anxious to let his brother's good birds choose trees to rest one by one stopped their mouths, thus directly changing their tone.

[Constellation is kind! White total magnanimity! ]

[Wuwu originally wanted my brother to move to IN, but now I don't think it is necessary. I found that Constellation is young and energetic, the boss is handsome, the treatment is good, and it is a good place to work. ]

[Really, looking at the owner is not so important now. Is it IN willing to share? Ke Bai is always willing! Don't say that the development of Constellation is not as good as that of IN. In 10 years, who is not necessarily the boss! ]

[Eh? Does that mean that everyone who consumes in Constellation will have a brother's share? Hahaha, then I don't have to **** albums specifically, I have to replay "Light Year" and "Chen Shengji" a few times, and I have my brother's share, although not many hehe. ]

The operation of Constellation made the artists in the whole circle feel sour again.

Woo why I haven't met such a good boss? ! (beats the wall with rage)

Many companies see that they can't poach Xu Feng, and see the rise of the word of mouth of the stars, it is not a problem to sit, so they directly send people to pour dirty water on Xu Feng.

[Am I the only one who thinks "Time and Light Years" is trash? ]

[Xu Fenglai, what kind of broken song is this? Shouldn't he have bought the Navy? ]

[Fuck, just this thing can catch fire? Guan Zhe's eyes are not blind. ]

As Su Miao, the head of the public relations department of Constellation, he has always been rigorous and his eyes are sharper. Just when he was about to end the battle with the sailors, he was stopped by Bai Ruogu.

Bai Ruogu lay down in front of Zhinao, quite intent on watching a good show.

"You wait, I don't think it's going to end like this."

The executives of major companies, who have always believed that public opinion can influence everything, thought that the same splash of dirty water this time could destroy a person to a certain extent.

Unexpectedly, however, the fact was out of their control for the first time.

[What kind of **** are you, you dare to say that my brother? ]

[Yes, yes, only you think so, the friends around me are not deaf, and they all say that they are good. ]

[Damn, the navy's is too obvious? Anyway, play it! ]

[I just haven't listened to music for so many years, it doesn't mean that I have a problem with my ears, we don't come out to slap you, do you really think our billions of fans are dead? ]

The forum where Elle had landed was now alive. New posts appeared one after another, and countless people were filled with righteous indignation. Even the zombie account that had disappeared for more than ten years was blown up.

At this time, as the original post said, they will do their best to protect their new star, their pure land.

The overwhelming public opinion countered these naval forces, and even many computing experts directly traced the IP of the other party, thus digging out the chat records of conspiracy with high-level officials.

All of a sudden, the reputation of all participating companies plummeted, and everyone became a rat across the street.

There are even many fans who are lawyers who directly help to sue for free.

Those people have always liked to use public opinion, but they did not expect to be backlashed in the end.

The fall of many companies has allowed Constellation to seize the loophole and go a step further.

The original company that Xu Feng came from had long ago regretted it, and knew that it would not be so easy to make a deal with Bai Ruogu, and Bai let go of such a big fat sheep.

But they didn't dare to speak out, and they didn't even dare to say that they were Xu Fenglai's former brokerage company.

What they have done in the past is that they don't even dare to recognize it, such as aliasing, suppressing, hiding, and even... unspoken rules.

Bai Ruogu originally wanted to be Xu Feng to sue, but Xu Fenglai waved his hand and said that this is the case.

"I wouldn't be able to write these songs without my early years."

Bai Ruogu thought about it, and if he really wanted to expose these things, it would also have a certain impact on Xu Fenglai's reputation.

Of course they can't be cheap.

Before Bai Ruogu could speak, the original company's accounts were directly transferred by Su Miao through the Internet.

It turns out that over the years, that company has evaded and evaded taxes by as much as 2.38 billion!

This time, Bai Ruogu didn't hesitate. After a phone call, the police car stopped directly downstairs of the original company.

The original company completely ended the operation for so many years.

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