MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 79 things get more interesting

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After frantically seeking comfort from Chu Yinlong, Jiang Dao fell asleep exhaustedly.

At night, he dreamed of the silent battlefield again.

He dragged his serious wounds and crawled in the blood, he couldn't hear any echoes, and couldn't see any living things... He turned over the fallen corpses, and saw familiar but lifeless young faces... He wanted to call out, his throat But it was burning, and there was no sound...

In the end, he lay powerlessly on the ground, feeling that his vitality was also rapidly draining, and the footsteps of death were getting closer and closer to him...

Suddenly, a warm embrace landed on his back, wrapping him tightly, supporting him to sit up slowly.

Then came a laughing voice: "Still lying on the ground? We're done filming and we're done."

He raised his head in a daze, and found that those people he saw just now sat up from the ground one after another, wiped off the blood stains of makeup on their faces, and grinned silly at him.

"Captain Jiang is too into the drama, you really think we are dead?"

"Brother Dao, although we were defeated this time, the director said that the shots were shot very well, and he wants to reward us with a box of canned food! Everyone in the crew can share it!"

"No matter what, Jiang Dao, you have to live. I didn't stop that claw for you to make you feel sorry for yourself. In the future, you have to act well, and you have to act with me, you know?"

Behind him, the man hugged him and said with a smile: "Give him to me, don't worry."

The comrades smiled and wiped off the blood on their faces, supported each other to stand up, and said goodbye to him with a smile.

"I'm leaving here first, Jiang Dao, you have to be happy and live a good life with your lover."

"Let's go, Brother Dao! Don't miss me too much. Compared to seeing you, I want to sleep with Xiaojuan in Xiaojuan's dream every day. Hehe, promise, don't dream of me again!"

"Captain Jiang, just like you, we will all find a new world and a new life, so I will withdraw first!"

They just smiled, turned around, and walked into a bright white light...

Suddenly, crisp birdsong rang in his ears, and Jiang Dao slowly opened his eyes, and saw Chu Yinlong, who was covered with morning light, looking at him worriedly, reaching out to help him wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Chu Yinlong asked softly.

"No." Jiang Dao smiled, "It's a good dream."

Chu Yinlong didn't believe it: "Crying after having a good dream?"

Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows, and said nonsense: "I dreamed that you bullied me and cried. It's too much, you, tied me up and beat me with a whip, made me..."

Chu Yinlong quickly blocked the child's unrestrained mouth.

When he came to the set, Jiang Dao's mood had completely returned to normal.

Of course, his eyes were still a little swollen when he filmed several crying scenes yesterday, but this did not affect the filming of the next plot—following yesterday’s scene, Xia Tian will be carried away by the soldiers who came to rescue him, There is a scene where the little gray wolf walks alone through the place where the dead and wounded soldiers gather.

This scene is a silent long shot, without lines, Jiang Dao can only use his eyes and movements to express the inner struggle and emotional changes of the little bad wolf along the way.

There has never been a precedent for such a scene to be played once in Mu Zhixing.

Silently interpreting emotions, everyone has a different opinion. It is normal for an actor's understanding to differ from that of the director, so Mu Zhixing directly stretched the two-hour shooting estimate for this scene. If it doesn't go well, he may die Knock all morning.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Dao put on his makeup and stood at the end of this road full of tragic and sad battlefields, his whole body seemed to melt into it.

Dragging a badly injured arm, the little gray wolf walked past the casualties in silence. What caught his eyes was blood, and what filled his ears was bursts of mourning. He didn't stop walking, and there were no tears in his eyes, but he The sorrow and pain that radiated from his body seemed to be able to condense out, leaving a series of footprints darker than blood along the road he walked...

Until Jiang Dao finished the journey, he stood silently for a while, then turned to look at Director Mu.

Only then did Director Mu come back to his senses, and hurried to look at the surveillance screens of each camera.

After a while, Mu Zhixing exhaled slowly, smiled and gave Jiang Dao a thumbs up: "It's amazing."

The "disabled" all over the floor were suddenly excited, got up and asked, "Director, have you passed?"

Mu Zhixing nodded: "Over and over again."

Tang Yao, who played the role of a corpse this time, was startled: "Fuck, Xiao Dao, are you a god? Have you seen this kind of scene once?!"

Jiang Dao turned around and looked at the magical scene of "large-scale corpse fraud" in front of him, and suddenly laughed.

He raised his hand and shrugged his shoulders, raised his eyebrows at Tang Yao: "This is my strength, brother Yao!"

In exchange for Tang Yao's initial boos.

The makeup artist wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and booed: "I don't know who, the first time I filmed a crying scene, I couldn't cry all morning!"

The lighting engineer next to him immediately agreed: "That's it! How can you boast yourself like this!"

The prop master also joined in the fun: "Xiao Dao, you have made great progress, but don't be proud! Look at Teacher Chu, he never praises his strength!"

"That's enough, let's get ready for the next game." Director Mu smiled and interrupted everyone's jokes, "If today ends early, let Jiang Dao treat you to afternoon tea!"

As expected, the filming plan for this day ended early, because in several consecutive one-man shows, Jiang Dao's performance was like a godsend, his emotions came at the slightest hint, tears fell as soon as they were said, the emotions conveyed by micro-expressions, even the most critical of details Even Mu Zhixing can't find any faults.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, all the shots on the schedule were filmed. Of course, Jiang Dao couldn't escape the fate of inviting the whole crew to have afternoon tea.

In the next few days, the arrangement is still emotional drama.

The rebel army failed in the war and retreated to the northern fortress. Although the conditions were the most difficult, it was the most beautiful part of the film's emotional line.

Both Little Gray Wolf and Xia Tian are recuperating in the retreating team. The two have the same mind, and they get along day and night, taking care of each other. Army damage.

However, the emotional tone of this plot seems to be more depressing and contradictory.

Because even though the little gray wolf did not provide any more information for the city lord army, sacrifices were still occurring on the way for the rebel army to escape from Dawn City. sense of panic.

The depressive background of the story and the beauty of the characters' emotions, full of contradictions, have caused Mu Zhixing to be more critical of the shooting effect.

"Stop. The little gray wolf doesn't feel right, let's press down a little more."

"Start again! It needs to be more tense here in summer."

"No, the close-up shadow is too heavy, and the light is two degrees over there."

"Wait a minute, add a fan here, the wolf's hair will look even more beautiful in this shot."

"Tsk, it doesn't feel right, let me take a look... You two try to get closer, make more eye contact, and have a look again."

"...Forget it, let's remove the fan."

After several days of continuous shooting like this, not only Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong, but even the lighting, props and makeup of the crew almost collapsed.

Of course, Director Mu could also see everyone's state, until the plot of the drama came to an end, he gave everyone a day off, let everyone adjust their state, and prepare for the intense battle plot in the next period of time.

It is now halfway through May, and during this month, there has been an uninterrupted stream of news about Tianqin Capital, Qin Jiangshan, and Qin Xiao on the Internet.

Including the beginning of the establishment of Tianqin Capital, the start-up capital and network resources were basically provided by Zhang Tong;

Including that besides Jiang Ruo, Qin Jiangshan also had an extramarital affair with another woman surnamed Chen, and after forcing Chen to have an abortion, it indirectly caused the tragedy of Chen's depression and suicide;

Including Qin Xiao dragging the reporter to death, yelling like crazy, saying that Jiang Dao and Liu Yueran are both devils, who have been harassing him recently, trying to kill him...

Although Qin Xiao didn't seem to be conscious, the police still attached great importance to his "report".

As a result, after a search, it was discovered that Jiang Dao had been filming on the set recently and had never left the studio. It was completely impossible for him to do the weird behavior that Qin Xiao said "he stood by my bed every night and threatened me". And Liu Yueran has not been alone recently, and his alibi proved to be flawless.

Tian Qin had no choice but to release Qin Xiao's mental diagnosis certificate to explain his unwise behavior and try to win the public's sympathy.

However, the day after the medical certificate was released, the police received an anonymous report and seized a large amount of prohibited drugs from the villa under Qin Xiao's name, and immediately arrested Qin Xiao.

All the netizens suddenly realized: what mental diagnosis? Qin Xiao is so crazy, how could it be a mental problem? Definitely overdosed!

The day Director Mu gave the crew a holiday was already the second day Qin Xiao was arrested.

The latest news on the Internet is that Qin Jiangshan suddenly fell ill last night and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Now he refuses any visits and interviews. It is said that he only keeps his most trusted secretary, Chen Si, by his side.

Looking at the overwhelming information on the Internet, Jiang Dao suddenly remembered the episode where the original owner of the book, Jiang Dao, committed evil deeds and went to jail.

At that time, the online public opinion described by the author was also applauded, but behind it, no one saw the darkness and filth of Qin Jiangshan and Qin Xiao, and even these two names were not mentioned in the book at all, they have been hiding behind the scenes , quietly manipulating the life of the original owner Jiang Dao with a pair of black hands.

A hand suddenly covered Jiang Dao's eyes, blocking his sight.

Then, Chu Yinlong's voice rang in his ears: "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Dao smiled and grabbed Chu Yinlong's hand, interlocking his fingers: "I'm thinking about what will happen in the novels we read, the movies we made, and the world in the stories that we can't see. Woolen cloth?"

Chu Yinlong laughed: "What happened?"

Jiang Dao looked at him with great interest and blinked his eyes: "Think about it, for example, now that the city guards of Shuguang City are fighting with the rebels, at this time, in the slums of Shuguang City, will there be a child who just born…"

Chu Yinlong thought for a while: "It's normal for a child to be born."

"Well, yes, it's normal." Jiang Dao played with Chu Yinlong's fingers unconsciously, and continued, "This child gradually grew up in the wasteland of the end of the world, and the surrounding wars continued. He lost his father first, and then lost his father." Mother, and later, the war continued to take away his friends and comrades..."

"Tsk, can't you think of something better?" Chu Yinlong smiled helplessly, "For example, he met the love of his life and fought side by side with him?"

"No, no." Jiang Dao shook his head, then suddenly smiled again, "He picked up a novel, and then traveled into the story of the novel."

Chu Yinlong: "...Did you watch some messy things on the Internet again?"

Jiang Dao laughed and patted Chu Yinlong: "Don't interrupt! Listen to me—he traveled through the novel's story and found that this world is very peaceful and comfortable, and he likes it very much. Then, he met a person, They started out as work partners, then became very good friends, and then…”

As he said that, Jiang Dao climbed onto Chu Yinlong and leaned close to the man's ear: "...he put that man to sleep."

Chu Yinlong: ...

Although he understands that impromptu storytelling does not require logic, why is this kid so energetic? Just after being tossed about early in the morning, before we even had a few words to talk, we started making trouble again...

"Tsk," Chu Yinlong turned over and held him down, "I don't know what to do?"

Looks like it needs to be tidied up.

After the end, Jiang Dao lay on the man's sweaty chest, raised his face with a smile, and kissed the man's Adam's apple.

Then he laughed hoarsely: "That child... He felt very happy, very happy, and decided to stay with that person forever and never separate."

Chu Yinlong laughed: "Children only talk about 'forever'."

Jiang Dao looked unconvinced, and was about to quibble, when the cell phone he threw on the bedside table suddenly rang.

The incoming call showed an unfamiliar number, Jiang Dao picked it up without saying a word.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang Dao." His name was called out on the other side, and his tone was quite polite, "Excuse me, I am Qin Jiangshan's secretary Chen Si. Our boss invites you..."

"Wrong number." Jiang Dao hung up the phone directly.

"What's the situation?" Chu Yinlong saw something strange from Jiang Dao's expression.

Jiang Dao didn't really want to talk about it, but he finally said, "Qin Jiangshan's secretary came to me, heh, at this juncture, there must be nothing good."

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, picked up his cell phone and made a call.

A short time later, the assistant called him back. After listening to Chu Yinlong, he explained to Jiang Dao: "Qin Jiangshan made a will in the hospital this afternoon, and he will leave 49% of his 51% shares in Tianqin Capital to you, and leave the other 2% to Qin Xiao. He The secretary called to see you."

Jiang Dao had a headache when he heard it: "The will... can I not?"

Chu Yinlong said: "If you want to give up the right of inheritance, you can contact the lawyer of the studio and guide you to issue a letter of commitment to give up the inheritance."

Jiang Dao said without hesitation, "Okay."

Since Qin Jiangshan has not been hanged yet, even if Jiang Dao has written the letter of renunciation, he still cannot go through the formalities directly. However, with this letter of commitment, no matter what Qin Jiangshan wants to do with Tianqin Capital kidnapping him, he can refuse.

"Although you have the right to give up the inheritance, even if Qin Xiao is arrested and imprisoned, he still has the right to inherit." Chu Yinlong asked, "If you don't want it, Tianqin Capital will fall into his hands. Don't you feel wronged?"

"I'm not wronged." Jiang Dao didn't feel any psychological burden at all, "You know I'm most afraid of trouble. I don't want to touch the Qin family's mess, and I don't want to touch it no matter how much money you give me."

His soul from the end of the world has no sense of belonging to the Qin family, and he doesn't feel that the Qin family's things are what he should take for granted, so why bother to go into this muddy water, or he might get himself into trouble.

"Besides, I don't believe that someone like Qin Jiangshan has any good intentions." Jiang Dao snorted, "After taking the shares, do I have to promise him something? Help him keep Tianqin Capital? Cooperation with Xiao? No, that person looks disgusting to me..."

If he really wanted to cooperate with Qin Xiao, he was afraid that one day he would not be able to bear that face, so he couldn't help but do something wrong.

"You..." Chu Yinlong rubbed Jiang Dao's head.

Forget it, this kid can do whatever he wants, after all, he is behind him.

The next day, when he learned that Jiang Dao was going to give up his inheritance rights, Qin Jiangshan began to play the emotional card again, and proposed to meet Jiang Dao as his father in a nursing home on the outskirts of Yan City.

Jiang Dao didn't want to agree at first, but later he felt that he couldn't just avoid it blindly. He went to see this cheap father and see what kind of ghost and snake he was, so he could know how to guard against it in the future.

Chu Yinlong was much more careful than Jiang Dao. He directly sent one of his bodyguards to Jiang Dao, and accompanied him to the nursing home where Qin Jiangshan was located, together with the lawyer of the studio.

Qin Jiangshan looked much older than what Jiang Dao saw online, with a sickly complexion, half lying in a luxurious single ward, looking like an ordinary old man.

Beside him stood a well-dressed middle-aged man. After introducing himself, Jiang Dao knew that he was Chen Si, Qin Jiangshan's most trusted secretary.

Qin Jiangshan looked at Jiang Dao with no emotion in his eyes, only intense scrutiny.

Jiang Dao didn't bother to play the role of a loving father and a filial son with him, so he dragged a chair over and sat down, and asked, "What do you want to say if you want to see me?"

After a long time, Qin Jiangshan said: "You look a lot like you..."

Jiang Dao interrupted ruthlessly: "Talk about the business. Emotional cards, people without emotions are not worthy of playing."

Qin Jiangshan: ...

After a moment of silence, he said, "You are completely different from what Qin Xiao told me."

Jiang Dao's face was pale and he didn't answer.

Qin Jiangshan waited for a while, and was sure that Jiang Dao didn't want to talk about it, so he had to ask what he wanted to ask most: "Why did you give up the right to inherit? Believe it or not, your mother was willing to follow me in the first place for money. She gave birth to you. It is also for the purpose of distributing a part of Tianqin Capital in the future."

Jiang Daoman didn't care: "Really?"

He stared at Qin Jiangshan and curled the corner of his mouth: "But she didn't give me my surname Qin."

Hearing Jiang Dao's words, Qin Jiangshan was silent for a long time.

In fact, he never wanted to understand why someone like Jiang Ruo would leave so resolutely and give birth to Jiang Dao. And after she gave birth to Jiang Dao, she didn't try to re-enter the Qin family with the child, Qin Jiangshan couldn't understand.

Now that Jiang Ruo has passed away, her thoughts at that time have also become an eternal mystery.

Qin Jiangshan waved to Chen Si who was standing aside, and asked him to take the bodyguard and lawyer behind Jiang Dao out to make room for the two to talk alone.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Dao stopped him.

"I don't trust you." Jiang Dao said lightly, "No matter what you want to talk to me, we'd better not be alone. Otherwise, if you do something to yourself, bang, die, wouldn't I become a major Suspect? I'm still filming, so I don't have time to delay because of your affairs."

"You!" Qin Jiangshan's face turned purple with anger, "Are you trying to **** me off?!"

"Let's get down to business." Jiang Dao said without emotion, "I've already wasted too much time by asking for leave from the crew to come and see you."

Qin Jiangshan slowed down, lowered his head and closed his eyes, and sighed heavily.

"I can give you 49% of the shares in Tianqin Capital." He finally compromised, "As long as you recognize your ancestors and return to your clan, change your surname to Qin."

"I'm not interested in money." Jiang Dao was unmoved, "I'm even less interested in recognizing my ancestors and returning to my ancestors. The statement of abandoning the will is not fake. When you die, I will make it official as soon as possible." take effect."

Before Qin Xiao could speak again, Jiang Dao stopped the conversation: "Actually, I'm here today just as a gesture, lest you make trouble in a few days, saying that I didn't even come to visit my father when he was seriously ill."

As he said that, he stood up: "Now I have visited the sick, but I didn't bring anything, because I was afraid of being framed by you. However, I put some money into your hospital account, not much, but as a junior It should be considered that I have done my best. There is nothing else, I will go back to work."

After speaking, Jiang Dao took the bodyguards and lawyers, turned and left the nursing home.

In the room, Qin Jiangshan looked at the closed door with a gloomy expression.

"This child, you misunderstood me very much..." He sighed, and he didn't know if he was talking to himself or someone else, "Qin Xiao, that unbelievable one, since it's useless, now only Jiangdao..."

Chen Si stood aside respectfully, without showing any flaws.

"Looking at him, there will never be anyone behind him. Chu Yinlong and Longqi Entertainment can't be so tough, but Lao Wang's words may make sense now..." Qin Jiangshan thought thoughtfully, "If he I really hooked up with Xiang Yunru, and I figured out who was cheating me behind it."

Chen Si suddenly said: "You mean, those two projects?"

Qin Jiangshan snorted: "Xiang Yuan City belongs to crocodiles, and they won't let go if they bite. If it's really him who makes the move, we're afraid we'll lose our vitality this time... If you don't Go check it out, I don't believe that Jiang Dao really has no desires."

After being waved back by Qin Jiangshan, Chen Si came out of the room respectfully, in the shadow of the door, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The police found drugs seriously exceeding the standard in Qin Xiao's villa. In addition to the ones he usually hid in batches, there was one other thing he didn't know... Reminiscent of what Qin Xiao said when he was crazy a few days ago, that Jiang The island is indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Since everyone wants to kill the Qin family, why should he offend such a dangerous person?

Chen Si thought for a while, took out his phone, activated a protection program he wrote, and sent a message to Jiang Dao's number: "Don't take anything related to Tianqin Capital."

Returning to the crew's car, Jiang Dao looked down at the message that the caller number was hidden, and suddenly smiled.

If he felt right, the news probably came from Chen Si, his most trusted secretary beside Qin Jiangshan.

Things got even more interesting when the confidant of the founder and chairman of Tianqin Capital turned out to be an insider.

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