MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 72 There are two kinds of fire in this world that are hardest to extinguish

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On winter mornings, it dawns very late.

In particular, it was snowing again in Yan City that day, and large swathes of it were scattered one after another. The whole world was covered in white, quiet and cold.

Unlike the severe cold outside, Chu Yinlong's villa was full of enthusiasm.

There are two kinds of fires in this world that are most difficult to extinguish.

One is the anger of teenagers, who can't stop after the first taste, and often there will be waves of unrest.

One is that when an old house encounters a fire, the depression erupts overnight for many years, and the taste often lasts forever.

Obviously, they had been messing around for half a day since yesterday afternoon, and the two of them managed to restrain themselves, cleaned and changed their beds, and fell asleep hugging each other, but when they opened their eyes in the morning, before dawn, Jiang Dao began to be dishonest.

Chu Yinlong couldn't bear it anymore, and taught him a lesson again.

"I'm going to die..." Jiang Dao lay on the bed, complained in a hoarse voice, shaking the arms tied behind his back, "...untie me."

Chu Yinlong groped for the bathrobe belt on Jiang Dao's wrist, slowly disassembled it, and asked, "Do you dare to tease me in the morning?"

"Dare, why not?" Jiang Dao yawned, not admitting cowardice, "Mr. Chu served me so well... Hiss! Don't bite, it hurts!"

Chu Yinlong laughed and cursed: "I don't know what's good or bad."

The wrist was finally free, and Jiang Dao immediately lifted him off his body, sat up rubbing his waist, and said, "Just bully me and I can't beat you now! Just wait, I will tie you up one day."

Chu Yinlong leaned on the head of the bed with his body crooked, and looked Jiang Dao up and down with a half-smile.

Jiang Dao pursed his lips, and suddenly made a mistake again. He leaned in front of Chu Yinlong, and said with a smile: "Now the matter of actor Chu's unspoken rules for actors is confirmed. I don't care if you want resources, so let's leave me alone." How about a hundred thousand debt?"

Chu Yinlong was in a good mood at this time, and joked with him: "Is one hundred thousand a night too expensive?"

Jiang Dao tutted his head and shook his head: "It's not expensive, bro! One time is 25,000 yuan, three times yesterday, one time today, four times exactly one hundred thousand."

Chu Yinlong: ...

Is there such a discussion about selling your own?

Why is this kid so skilled?

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were equally young and stumbled yesterday for the first time, he would have wondered if Jiang Dao had already experienced a lot.

Chu Yinlong narrowed his eyes and pinched Jiang Dao's chin, and said in a threatening tone: "Don't even think about it. If you really plan to exchange your body for something, then I will never touch you again. You'd better remember."

Jiang Dao leaned forward and gnawed on Chu Yinlong's mouth: "Got it, Daddy Long!"

Then he retreated quickly to avoid Chu Yinlong's hand patting his head, turned over quickly and got out of bed, and was about to go to the bathroom, but unexpectedly his feet felt weak, he staggered, and leaned over to support the corner of the wall.

"Damn..." Jiang Dao cursed with a smile, reached out and nodded at Chu Yinlong who got up anxiously, "It's too cheap to ask you for a hundred thousand."

After speaking, he staggered into the bathroom and closed the door behind his back.

Chu Yinlong sat by the bed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He used to fantasize about what it would be like after the first night with Jiang Dao when he was lonely in the middle of the night... But he never imagined that all the tenderness and tenderness in his imagination did not exist, and Jiang Dao was the most outrageous than he imagined The situation is far more outrageous.

This kind of situation made Chu Yinlong even more worried when he was in the time of an active sage—does Jiang Dao like him, or is he just looking for excitement?

Was it right or wrong for him to go this far with Jiang Dao so easily?

…But, anyway, he's satiated and happy now.

Chu Yinlong wrapped himself in a bathrobe casually, got up and drew the curtains, opened the window, gathered the snow on the outer window sill, and grabbed a small snowman the size of a palm. Then he took out his mobile phone and took a close-up of the snowman. Patiently draw the smiling facial features.

Chu Yinlong posted this photo on Weibo without any text.

No, Tang Yao's phone call came in before seeing the fans' comments.

Chu Yinlong picked up the corner of his mouth: "What's the matter?"

Tang Yao was not polite to him: "I think you have something to do. Why did you suddenly become a literary youth and post such a photo?"

Chu Yinlong: "Why did you suddenly become a boy in the fan circle? You saw it as soon as I posted it?"

Tang Yao snorted softly: "Coincidence. I was checking my Weiwei's news, and accidentally saw yours."

"Huh? Your Weiwei?" Chu Yinlong grasped the key point, "Have you caught up?"

"Hey..." Tang Yao smirked twice on the phone, complacent, "I kissed him on Valentine's Day, and he didn't hide. He told me last night that he was willing to face it bravely. is it?"

"Well, it's okay." Chu Yinlong said perfunctorily.

Tang Yao was silent, and asked: "Why do I hear that your voice is wrong? What movie have you been filming recently, and what role is it that you speak so eagerly?"

Chu Yinlong said: "I didn't make a movie. It was my child just now...heh..."

Everything is smiling without saying a word.

Tang Yao actually understood in seconds.

"!" Tang Yao was shocked, "You hit third base? So fast?! You haven't known him for less than a year! Oh...I see, you posted an anniversary Weibo...Damn."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chu Yinlong to speak again, he hung up the phone.

Followed by a message: "Don't play with people who like to show off!"

Chu Yinlong chuckled, put down his phone, and looked at Jiang Dao who had just come out of the shower.

Jiang Dao's hair was still dripping, and he was completely naked. He walked past him without any shyness, squatted in front of the suitcase, found clothes and put them on one by one. .

Seeing that magical lunch box again, Chu Yinlong raised his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows, and finally decided to ask: "Why do you put so many sets in your bag?"

Jiang Dao laughed, and turned his head to look at him: "You should have watched the latest ending video last night, and you will know why after watching it."

Although he didn't intend to prepare these things for... well, he didn't expect them to have a chance to be useful so soon.

At the same time, under the close-up photo of the little snowman released by Chu Yinlong, all the little dragons were full of question marks.

"What day is it today? What happened to Father Long?"

"Reply: I don't know, what happened to Father Long?"

"Reply: Why did Dragon Daddy open suddenly? It's really confusing [shocking]"

Soon, the marketing account of Chu Yinlong's sudden opening was informed. In order to catch the actor's traffic, several companies joined forces to put a topic on the top of the hot search: "#楚银龙小雪人#"

There was a burst of laughter in the entry. Some people think that Father Chu actually has a youthful heart. Some people think that Chu Yinlong should be trying to figure out a role in a new play. Some people wonder if Chu Yinlong is a northerner. How could he make the snowman so miniature? , some people speculated... Chu Yingdi must have encountered something good recently.

In the Dragon Island super talk, a certain fan who was on the top of CP wanted to speak wildly:

"Sisters, I got it! Xiao Dao returned to Yan City yesterday after recording the reality show, and today Father Long posted a little snowman with such a happy smile! They must be Xiao Bie Sheng's newlyweds! Play! Hi! Now!"

"Reply: Ma'am, I want to ask for a full text!"

"Reply: Do you dare to post the link to the full text?"

Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong obviously didn't know that they were guessed right when they had a good time.

After tidying up the hygiene and having a simple breakfast, Jiang Dao tirelessly dragged Chu Yinlong to build a big snowman in the courtyard of the villa in the snow. Then the two went back to the house and watched a movie together until Ejima started to make trouble again.

"Okay, that's enough." Chu Yinlong suppressed him, "Don't play too crazy, it will hurt your body."

"Okay..." Jiang Dao sullenly withdrew his hand.

Just at this time, Director Mu called, informing Chu Yinlong that "Dawn City" would start preparations for makeup and styling next Monday, and it would start in mid-March. The filming period was expected to be four months.

"No problem, it's about the same as I thought. The schedule has been reserved for a long time." Chu Yinlong smiled, "Is the title of the film "Dawn City"?"

"Well, let's keep it simple." Director Mu said, before he paused, "By the way, if you have nothing to do on the weekend, come out and have a meal together. I also met Jiang Dao. I saw that he is in good condition on the reality show, and his body is in good shape. I want to feel like a little gray wolf."

Chu Yinlong: "Okay, we don't have any plans for these two days, so let's make an appointment for lunch on Saturday?"

The pastor quickly agreed, and hung up the phone without talking much.

As a result, Director Mu frowned suddenly when he saw Jiang Dao at noon the next day.

He looked Jiang Dao up and down for a long time, stretched out his hand and pulled him in front of him, staring at Jiang Dao's face for a long time.

Until Chu Yinlong couldn't help interrupting: "Director Mu, what's wrong?"

Mu Zhixing crossed his arms, frowned, and asked, "Jiang Dao, are you in a relationship?"

Jiang Dao was taken aback for a moment, but without hiding it, he turned to look at Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong was slightly embarrassed, coughed lightly tactically, and his eyes flew wildly.

Mu Zhixing: ...

"You guys!" Mu Zhixing's eyes were so poisonous, he didn't think about that before, but now Jiang Dao only had one look, he immediately saw the clue, covered his heart and widened his eyes, "You wait, I'll slowly... "

After taking a few deep breaths, he pointed at Chu Yinlong: "You beast!"

Chu Yinlong: ...

Jiang Dao couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Director Mu was so angry that he wanted to beat Chu Yinlong, he quickly stopped him: "No, Director Mu, I seduced him!"

Director Mu blew his beard and stared, and slapped Jiang Dao's head with neither light nor heavy: "You're so embarrassed to say it!"

Chu Yinlong pulled Jiang Dao into his arms to protect him: "Don't hit him!"

Director Mu rolled up his sleeves: "Then come here and let me beat you up!"

Chu Yinlong smiled and said, "Didn't I follow you on set?"

Venting out his shock, Mu Zhi walked back to the table and sat down, sighing heavily.

"I really didn't expect, Xiao Chu, you are actually a good man." He said and shook his head, "I really didn't expect, because the two of you actually got together in this film... No, before the camera, the two of you Leave me alone, don't get tired of being together every day!"

"Ah? Why?" Jiang Dao is eating marrow and knowing the taste, and he is not happy to be separated at this time.

"Hmph, you've read the script too, I don't know why?" Director Mu snorted coldly, "With your blissful appearance now, how can you play the little gray wolf? Huh? Just think about the state of the little gray wolf at the beginning of the plot. .”

Thinking back on the script, Jiang Dao flattened his mouth and stopped talking.

Director Mu said: "Think about it for a few days apart, take the script and try to figure out how to get into the show, even if it starts in March, next week's makeup won't give me a spring look on stage!"

Chu Yinlong is very dedicated, and understands how much his own state has an impact on character shaping. Hearing this, he nodded: "Understood, I will make good adjustments, don't worry."

Seeing that he was so serious, Jiang Dao also put away his indifferent attitude, and promised: "I will also make adjustments, Director Mu can rest assured."

Director Mu sighed: "You two are good boys, so I won't tell you anything. Just one thing, there are many twists and turns in the relationship between the two protagonists in this movie. If you can't get into the movie, don't blame me No mercy on set."

In order to prepare for filming in advance, Jiang Dao was obediently sent back to the apartment by his assistant that afternoon.

Fortunately, without Chu Yinlong hanging around, Jiang Dao would not always think about doing bad things in his mind. He dug out the script and carefully reviewed it for two days, and finally found the contradictory atmosphere of the little gray wolf in the early stage of the plot—pretending to be innocent and pitiful, but in reality he was alienated from the world, and there was still a deep desire for self-destruction buried in his heart.

The little gray wolf in this period is actually somewhat similar to when Jiang Dao first transmigrated into this world.

They paint themselves with a protective color that is basically the same as those around them, and hide their real selves, but in fact, they don't agree with everything around them, and all they do is to be able to survive in an unfamiliar environment and find a way out , so have to temporarily obey the rules here.

It is not difficult for Jiang Dao to find this state.

He only needs to imitate the state of mind he has experienced, and he can do it almost seamlessly.

So, on the day of the makeup photo shoot, when Chu Yinlong saw Jiang Dao again in the studio, his heart sank suddenly.

The boy in front of him reminded him of when the two met for the first time. He could almost see his disdain for the world from Jiang Dao, as if he came from a tower that could destroy the world here. Underneath the exterior is a dark and waveless pool of dangerous vortexes that can swallow everything.

It was the first time they met, Chu Yinlong decided that Jiang Dao would definitely be able to play the little gray wolf.

However, this glance today made Chu Yinlong a little apprehensive. He felt that Jiang Dao treated him as he treated the world. He could abandon him at any time and never look back.

Jiang Dao felt the gaze and turned to look at Chu Yinlong.

The eyes of the two met, and Jiang Dao quickly turned his head and followed the stylist into the dressing room.

Chu Yinlong felt a sudden panic in his heart, he strode to catch up, raised his hand to resist before the door of the dressing room was closed, and said to the stylist: "Excuse me, please go out first, I have something to say. Tell Ejima."

The stylist didn't know why, but when he saw Chu Yinlong's complexion was not good, he obediently went out in fear.

Chu Yinlong locked the door of the dressing room with his backhand, stepped in front of Jiang Dao, stretched out his hand to pinch Jiang Dao's chin, lowered his head, and kissed Jiang Dao's slightly cold lips.

Conquering and domineering, Chu Yinlong pressed Jiang Dao against the vanity mirror and kissed him for a long time with anger that came from not knowing where it came from. He didn't wake up until he tasted a trace of blood in his mouth, and hurriedly got up.

Jiang Dao looked at Chu Yinlong, and raised his hand to wipe away a trace of blood from the corner of his lips.

"Why bite me?" He was a little dissatisfied, "I have to put on makeup later..."

Hearing these words in Chu Yinlong's ears, the alienation made his heart ache.

"Xiaodao..." Chu Yinlong's voice was very low, trembling slightly.

He raised his hand to caress Jiang Dao's cheek, but he didn't know what to say next.

Jiang Dao pushed Chu Yinlong's hand away.

Chu Yinlong panicked suddenly: "Xiaodao!"

"Don't be like this." Jiang Dao ducked to the side, "You, you stay away... I finally found the feeling of the role, if you do this again... I can't help it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and rubbed his ears, his eyelashes drooped, and he spoke quickly: "Don't make trouble for Director Mu, after the makeup photo is finished, I... can I go back to the villa with you today? I know I haven't seen you in two days You must miss me, but... don't invite me, I really can't help it!"

Chu Yinlong took half a step back, the expression on his face changed: "You..."

"Oh, what are you! Hurry up and get out!" Jiang Dao interrupted, pulled Chu Yinlong's shoulders and turned the man around, and pushed him to the door, "Go, go, I'm going to do my modeling! Don't disturb me into the play !"

Chu Yinlong was driven out of the dressing room by Jiang Dao, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Entering the play... actually for the sake of entering the play.

He laughed inwardly, feeling that he had lost his IQ, how could he think that Jiang Dao didn't want him just now? He never knew he was such an insecure person.

But it's no wonder that Jiang Dao is not from a major, and his mastery of acting skills is far from his ability to move freely and enter the role at any time. Jiang Dao's performance is obviously experiential. If the subtle feeling is disturbed at this time, it may indeed be difficult to grasp the soul of the character.

Besides, the role of little gray wolf is much more complicated than that of Jess.

Jiang Dao sat in front of the makeup mirror with his eyes closed, and the stylist was doing his makeup and hair.

He tried his best to slowly smooth the ripples brought by Chu Yinlong just now, and regained the indifference he had when he first came to this world.

In the film "Dawn City", Jiang Dao tentatively decided on three sets of looks, namely the costumes when he was a slave of the city lord's guard, the daily costumes after joining the rebel army, and the rebel combat uniform.

Director Mu was very satisfied after several single-person makeup shoots, and arranged for Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong to take a few double photos, and finally a group photo of all the rebels.

On this day, the cast of "Dawn City" was revealed for the first time, and Jiang Dao also met a few acquaintances when he was setting his makeup.

Senior Yao Yuhua will play the role of the leader of the rebel army this time, that is, Xia Tian's father; Qi Peng will play the guest role of the leader of the Shuguang City Guards, who is the one that Little Gray Wolf liked at first; Tang Yao will play a soldier in the rebel army In the mid-term, he will be sacrificed because of the little bad wolf's betrayal of the news, and Tang Yao also won Zhou Wei the opportunity to play the role of the younger brother, although there are not many roles.

The last one was another soldier of the rebel army, whom Jiang Dao was very familiar with—Jing Yu, a chatty chatterbox.

As soon as he saw Jiang Dao, Jing Yu took the time to stick to him, hooked his neck and asked, "Hey, you feel so cold today. What, are you in a bad mood? Did you quarrel with Mr. Chu?"

Jiang Dao pushed him away in disgust: "Don't touch me."

Jing Yu laughed: "I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you!"

Seeing Chu Yinlong walking this way, he immediately let go of Jiang Dao, took a half step to the side, and winked at Jiang Dao at the same time: "I've read all the scripts, the **** scene is really exciting, I really didn't expect that the little bad wolf It was you who acted! It's a pity that you must not be allowed to watch, otherwise I..."

"Otherwise what are you going to do?" Chu Yinlong asked.

"It's nothing!" Jing Yu was still a little afraid of Chu Yinlong, and quickly waved his hand at Jiang Dao, "I've finished my makeup and filming! Let's go first, see you on set!" Then he ran away in a hurry.

Tang Yao who followed laughed, "Look at you scaring people."

Chu Yinlong snorted: "If he sends messages to Zhou Wei every day, he hugs Zhou Wei's neck when he comes up, and wants to watch Zhou Wei's **** scenes, would you like it?"

Tang Yao rubbed his chin and nodded: "Then I have to drive him away too."

Zhou Wei, who was following Tang Yao, blushed immediately, and took a cautious look at Jiang Dao, as if afraid of being caught by him.

Jiang Dao didn't notice Zhou Wei's expression, and only clicked his tongue at Chu Yinlong: "Jing Yu is just a fool, why are you jealous of him?"

Chu Yinlong ground his teeth, raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Dao's head vigorously.

Tang Yao changed the topic with a smile: "It happens that we are here today, have a meal together? My house is close and there are a lot of ingredients. Go to my house to eat hot pot."

Jiang Dao's eyes glowed: "Okay!"

Chu Yinlong silently swallowed his refusal.

This was the first time for the four of them to have dinner together. Tang Yao obviously asked his assistant to prepare it in advance, and there were all kinds of soup, dishes, drinks and drinks.

The hot pot was boiling, a few glasses of wine were poured down, the chatterbox opened, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Talking about the latest happenings in the circle, Tang Yao talked about the gossip he heard in Zhang Heng's crew: "Zhang Wenyu, you may not know that she is Zhang Heng's niece, the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, and it is rumored that changing boyfriends is better than changing clothes." Still diligent... This time I fell in love with a small model from our crew, and it is said that he is still chasing after him."

Ejima reached for the chopsticks in the pot to eat.

"Little model?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Yao, "Isn't it Liu Yueran?"

Tang Yao was surprised: "You know him?"

Jiang Dao scooped up chopsticks wide noodles, and said casually, "I've seen him twice... He and Zhang Wenyu?"

Tang Yao said with a smile: "I didn't pay much attention, but according to the gossip of the people in the group, I probably haven't caught up yet. I don't know if it's because I really don't like it, or I'm playing hard to get."

Jiang Dao looked at Chu Yinlong with a smile, and found that the other party was also looking at him, and the two exchanged a clear look.

"This is interesting." Jiang Dao took a sip from the bottle.

Qin Xiao's little lover was taken by the daughter of the Zhang family's concubine, and these three people are not easy-going, plus Qin and Zhang's previous troubles... It must be interesting to make trouble.

Chu Yinlong asked: "Why did Zhang Wenyu go to your crew? Are you visiting Teacher Zhang Heng?"

Tang Yao remembers this clearly: "Her friend is a fan of Brother Wang. She came to visit Brother Wang and asked her to accompany her and a few celebrities. Speaking of which, her friend is not young. It is said that he is the financial tycoon Xiang Yuan daughter of the city..."

"Cough... cough cough!" Chu Yinlong suddenly choked on the wine.

When did Miss Xiang Yunru return to China?

He was actually sent by his stepfather to dig a hole for the Qin family with the help of the Zhang family?

Recalling his mother's fear of being dominated by fourteen-year-old Xiang Yunru when his mother just remarried, Chu Yinlong prayed in his heart: Don't let that elder sister see Jiang Dao with her head, otherwise she will tremble. Show how much black history he has.

However, what to be afraid of.

That night, Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao returned to the villa, and just finished a fight on the bed when he received a message from an unfamiliar number:

"I, Yunru, just returned to China recently, and opened a clothing brand in Yanshi. Find a time to meet and bring your little boyfriend, my sister has taken a fancy to him."

Read The Duke's Passion