MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 67 can't you

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After the food was put on the table, Jiang Dao cut the bought mango into pieces, mixed it with cream, and sandwiched it in the three-layered cake base. There is no revolving tray at home, so he didn't wipe the dough at all, just squeezed a circle with cream on top, and then piled the remaining mango pieces in it as decoration.

"It's a bit crude, but it's okay." Jiang Dao put the cake in the middle of the table with a smile, thought for a while, and said, "It's a pity that I'm not skilled in business, so I forgot to buy about you use sandalwood instead?"

Chu Yinlong was speechless: "Use incense instead of candles, thank you for thinking of it, am I a **** or a ghost?"

Jiang Dao laughed: "Of course it's a god! In the words of a star chaser, he's a god!"

Of course, sandalwood in place of candles is just a joke.

Chu Yinlong took the knife from Jiang Dao and gestured towards the cake for a long time, feeling a bit hesitant to do so.

After deliberating for a moment, he finally picked up his mobile phone and sent an invitation to Jiang Dao: "Come and take a group photo. Don't worry, it's just a souvenir, no Weibo."

Of course Ejima agrees.

In fact, even if Chu Yinlong wanted to post a photo of the two of them on Weibo, he would have no objection.

After taking the group photo, Chu Yinlong took another close-up of the cake, then reluctantly let go of the phone, held a knife, and split the small cake in two.

After eating a sweet and salty lunch, Chu Yinlong went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Jiang Dao leaned against the door as a "supervisor", and joked casually: "Today, breakfast is enough, and lunch is still okay, oh, no, you already squeezed a bed with me last night... and then you still have to stay with me Work, the birthday of Yingdi Chu is too miserable."

"How could it be?" Chu Yinlong gently scrubbed the plate with a smile on his lips, "The noodles for breakfast are delicious, as are the cakes and stews. Last night... I also slept very well. Celebrating my birthday very meaningful.”

"Really?" Jiang Dao blinked, curious, "How did you celebrate your birthday before? I see that you usually post a picture of a cake or a bouquet on Weibo."

Chu Yinlong smiled: "In the past, on my birthday, I was either at work or on the set. The assistant would prepare a bouquet or cake, take a photo and send it to me. I only need to edit Weibo."

As he spoke, he glanced at Jiang Dao: "This year is the first time I have taken photos and uploaded them myself, so it is very meaningful."

After tidying up the dishes, time is free again.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Jiang Dao asked, "Then what do you want to do this afternoon? Do you still watch movies?"

Chu Yinlong couldn't answer for a moment.

He just wanted to stay with Jiang Dao, but as for what to do together, he had no direction at all. In fact, he also felt very happy to spend a day doing nothing like this.

Jiang Dao thought for a while, but he didn't have any good ideas. He caught a glimpse of the script that was casually thrown on the coffee table, reached for it, and flipped through two pages aimlessly.

"Want to read the script?" Chu Yinlong asked.

"I read the script, so what are you doing?" Jiang Dao smiled, "You came in such a hurry last night, you probably didn't bring your script?"

"Well, I didn't bring it." Chu Yinlong said, "However, if you encounter any problems while reading the script recently, you can ask me, and I will try my best to help you answer."

"The problem encountered..."

Jiang Dao flipped through the book, and his eyes fell on a short line of descriptive words.

The words used in the script are precise and concise, without too much subjective emotion. Compared with the novel, it always looks a bit cold.

But when Jiang Dao looked at the line of words, there was a faint layer of enthusiasm in his heart.

He inadvertently pursed his lower lip, turned his head to look at Chu Yinlong, smiled, and said in a nonchalant tone: "How about... Teacher Chu teach me how to shoot kissing scenes?"

At that moment, Chu Yinlong wondered if he had heard it wrong, or if he had a dream that was too real and he hadn't woken up yet?

Why did Jiang Dao suddenly make this request?

Without warning, it happened suddenly.

Seeing Chu Yinlong stunned, Jiang Dao was actually a little guilty.

But he has already practiced a skill in the war - the more guilty he is, the more confident he will be, so that the enemy or prey will not notice his guilty conscience, and prevent the opponent from counterattacking or fleeing.

So, instead of blushing, Jiang Dao dared to smile and approached Chu Yinlong, looking into Chu Yinlong's eyes, and asked, "Didn't Teacher Chu want to kiss me when I was playing with cream just now?"

Chu Yinlong avoided his sight subconsciously, and felt that his whole body seemed to be on fire, his heart was burning hot, heat flowed into every blood vessel in an instant, and his ears began to burn uncontrollably.

The expression management that he had always been proud of was suddenly broken, and his facial features were both pleasantly surprised and tangled into an extremely subtle and complicated smile.

He put his hand on Jiang Dao's shoulder, blocking him at an arm's length, his voice trembling slightly dry: " you know...what are you talking about?"

In fact, Jiang Dao didn't know whether he wanted to kiss Chu Yinlong at this moment because of his heart, impulsiveness, or just curiosity.

He received a lot of information today, from the emotion Chu Yinlong found desperately in the middle of the night, to the throbbing of the joke after waking up in the morning, to the emotion of facing the intimate scene while watching a movie, to playing with cream That moment of tacit emotion...

All of these were layered on top of each other, as if the waves were pushing him one after another, so that he suddenly had this thought—he wanted to kiss Chu Yinlong.

As for whether this is love?

Jiang Dao didn't know.

He doesn't care either.

He has seen many times of being greedy for a while because of impulsiveness, and then waved his hands and said to each other that they cherish the difference between the two, and he thinks it is normal.

It's just that he has never met anyone who wants to kiss before.

But...of course he won't force it.

Jiang Dao looked down at the hand on his shoulder that prevented him from approaching, stepped back slightly, and smiled apologetically: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't want to..."


Chu Yinlong's mouth was more honest than his brain, and when he saw Jiang Dao was about to shrink back, he immediately chased after him: "I can..."

Halfway through, he sighed, pursed the corners of his mouth again, a little helpless: "I haven't kissed before, so I can't teach you...well, but we can...cough, we can follow the script and practice in advance."

Director Mu's script is really a good brick, and it can be moved wherever it is needed.

Jiang Dao picked up the script and turned to the first part of the plot—the first kiss between Little Gray Wolf and Xia Tian.

That was when the little gray wolf was "rescued" back to the rebel army by Xia Tian. Facing his mission goal, the little gray wolf pretended to be touched by the other party's careful care, and offered a kiss after changing the dressing for a wound.

According to the requirements of the script, Jiang Dao turned sideways and put one leg on Chu Yinlong's knee, pretending that he had just been replaced by the wound medicine.

Chu Yinlong put his palms on Jiang Dao's knees, tried hard to calm his violent heartbeat, and lowered his eyes to wait for his lines.

"Brother..." Jiang Dao called out in a low voice.

Chu Yinlong tilted his head slightly and looked at him.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Dao leaned forward without any hesitation or shyness, and touched Chu Yinlong's mouth with his own lips.

Chu Yinlong's Adam's apple rolled heavily. The palm on Jiang Dao's knee tightened slightly, and then slowly let go.

Jiang Dao backed away, blinked his eyes, and couldn't help laughing—it turned out that Chu Yinlong's lips felt this way, softer than he imagined, but not as cold as he imagined.

Moreover, the matter of "kissing" was more comfortable than he imagined, so comfortable...I want to do it again.

So Jiang Dao didn't hesitate, and really kissed him again.

This time it was longer than the first time, and it was not just a touch away. Jiang Dao gently touched Chu Yinlong's lips with his lips, and then he felt that the other party was also gently responding.

Immediately afterwards, a fiery palm landed on Jiang Dao's ear, half-holding his cheek, and then slowly moved to the back, his fingers penetrated into the hair...

The intertwined breath quickly became hotter and hotter, but Jiang Dao became more and more dissatisfied.

He subconsciously raised his arms around Chu Yinlong's neck, bringing the two closer together; the sitting posture was too awkward, so he simply turned over and sat on Chu Yinlong's lap, so that their bodies were tightly attached...

The script has long been thrown into the clouds.

A light kiss that was supposed to be a touch of water turned into a raging wildfire in the end.

Chu Yinlong felt that he was crazy.

He clearly knew that this development was wrong, he shouldn't, and he couldn't let it go... But he still couldn't control himself, and greedily wanted more.

Until, Jiang Dao's words that seemed to be tempting from a succubus sounded in his ears: "Mr. Chu, let' it."

It was obviously a warmer invitation, but when Chu Yinlong heard it, he suddenly woke up.

Chu Yinlong stood up abruptly, looked at the big boy who was pressed by him on the sofa at some point, a dense conflict and guilt arose in his heart—it was because he went too far and allowed himself too much to misunderstand Jiang Dao He wants to do something.

Looking at Jiang Dao's eyes that were blurred by the kiss just now, Chu Yinlong couldn't read any emotion related to love and admiration from them.

These eyes are so pure.

It's so pure that it doesn't hide the turbulent **** in it.

...but only lust.

Jiang Dao put his hand on Chu Yinlong's belt, and deftly unfastened the buckle.

Chu Yinlong grabbed Jiang Dao's hand and broke his knuckles.


Chu Yinlong's voice was dry and restrained.

"Kojima, you can't. Even to can't do that."

The hug between the two of them was too close, and their bodies were so close that there were some things that could not be concealed.

Jiang Dao glanced down and asked knowingly, "Don't you want to?"

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then smiled wryly: "...but not now."

The answer to the half-sentence omitted above is obvious.

Of course he would. It's all up to this point, if he still doesn't want to, then he really has to doubt whether he is a normal man.

But physical and mental impulses are one thing. He doesn't want to hurt Jiang Dao, he doesn't want to let Jiang Dao think that this matter can be so casual, and he doesn't want to leave the impression of a "bed partner" in Jiang Dao's heart... It's another. It's the same thing.

Everything happened so suddenly today, which completely disrupted some of Chu Yinlong's newly formed thoughts.

He turned over, sat aside, lowered his eyebrows and calmed down for a while, then slowly said, "I'm sorry, I went too far just now."

"I don't think it's too much." Jiang Dao also sat up, frowned and looked at Chu Yinlong, "I want to do it, and you want it too, so let's do it. It's nothing, it's my own wish."

However, this was exactly what Chu Yinlong was most worried about.

He looked at Jiang Dao with a serious tone: "You think so? Then if it wasn't me, someone else...would you be willing?"

Jiang Dao thought about it for a while, then laughed: "I'm not familiar with others, so of course I won't agree."


Instead, don't like it.

Chu Yinlong's heart was blocked by these words.

He clenched his teeth tightly, and he was a little hoarse when he asked the next sentence: "What if it is changed to Jingyu? You are also very familiar."

Jiang Dao replied: "But he doesn't like men."

Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Either don't know, or don't like men, so if—

"If there is someone who is as familiar as you and me, and also likes men, and he invites you, are you willing to do it with him?" Chu Yinlong felt that he was making trouble for no reason, but he just couldn't control it.

After a long silence, Jiang Dao admitted: "I don't know."

How could he know this in advance? Why do you have to wait until you actually meet to know!

People's likes and dislikes are sometimes very unreasonable, not only by appearance, but also by smell. It's not that he has no chance to spend time with people in the world outside the book, but he just finds it boring and can't be interested... This kind of thing, really It's not something that can be determined by imagination.

Chu Yinlong took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and couldn't say anything.

Silence spread for a long time, Jiang Dao reached out and tugged at Chu Yinlong's sleeve.

"Are you angry?" He belatedly realized that he seemed to have made a mistake in his answer just now, "I'm sorry, I...offended."

The world in the book does seem to take that kind of thing seriously. In addition to betraying the body will definitely be condemned, it seems to be a serious mistake to have a relationship with someone other than a lover.

He originally thought that Chu Yinlong and he had no lover now, and there was no business or maintenance between them, so maybe they could do whatever they wanted...but it seemed that Chu Yinlong still couldn't accept it.

Hearing Jiang Dao's words, Chu Yinlong smiled wryly: "I'm not angry, I'm just..."

He sighed, turned to look at Jiang Dao, and said solemnly, "I just don't want to see you being so casual with your body, I don't want you to decide to have **** with someone just because of desire, impulse, or just because the atmosphere is too good Relationships... that kind of thing, I hope, you can do with someone you really love, not just let it happen."

Chu Yinlong stared at Jiang Dao's drooping eyelashes: "And I also hope that you don't just regard me as a friend who can sleep with you."

Jiang Dao looked up at Chu Yinlong and asked, "What about kissing?"

Chu Yinlong was stopped by the question.

After a long silence, he only found an excuse: "...we are actors, if the script requires, of course we can...kiss."

But he knew that this was just a high-sounding excuse—the kiss just now had obviously exceeded the requirements of the script.

Jiang Dao leaned forward, reached out to hold Chu Yinlong's face, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Then he hugged Chu Yinlong, buried his face in the man's neck, and said in a low voice, "Chu Yinlong, thank you."

Chu Yinlong's original plan was to lure Jiang Dao back to the villa to live with him under the pretext of putting him to sleep.

But something unexpected happened today, he felt that it was better for the two of them to be quiet separately, otherwise...he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it that night.

Not to mention the night, at the moment he just rejected Jiang Dao, a bewitching demon appeared in his mind, as if he had been whispering in his ears, urging him to give up his principles, enjoy himself, and keep people first. Let me say it for my own sake... At that time, if Fan Jiangdao asked for one more word, his rational string would be broken in an instant.

He said so many things, not only to persuade Jiang Dao, but also to stabilize his own reason.

Chu Yinlong had a headache.

Thinking of Jiang Dao's life experience, he can understand why the child's three views are so crooked... However, it is really inappropriate to put it there like this. He has already begun to worry that one day Jiang Dao will suddenly fall in love with a certain feeling Not bad man, he mistakenly thought it was love, and then confessed his love for two days, kissed for three days and had **** for three days...

Thinking about it this way, the demon in his mind suddenly showed signs of turning around—if he had known that he would be so worried, he should have acted preemptively just now!

On the way back to the villa, Chu Yinlong was driving the car, frowning tightly, with a serious expression on his face.

At the same time, Jiang Dao was lying on the bed, recalling the love between Zhou Wei and Tang Yao in the original book.

The love story of these two people is very sweet. Except for the fact that the original owner Jiang Dao often targeted Zhou Wei as a demon, the only thing that had some twists and turns was the previous incident of illegitimate fans chasing cars. Stirring CP, being jealous...then Zhou Wei inexplicably fell, the two began to fall in love, the first kiss was on Valentine's Day, the first time they went to was Zhou Wei who drank some wine, pretended to be drunk and pestered Tang Yao to act like a baby.

After reminiscing, Jiang Dao thought for a while, touched his phone, and sent a message to Zhou Wei: "How can I confirm whether my feelings for another person are love?"

After waiting for a while, Zhou Wei's message came back: "Do you have someone you like?"

Jiang Dao was helpless: "I don't know if I like it, so I want to ask you."

After a while, Zhou Wei replied: "When you two separate, will you miss him?"

Ejima thought about it for a while: "Not really."

They spend so much time apart, and he has to be busy with class, exercise, and reading scripts, so he doesn't have so much free time to think about Chu Yinlong.

Zhou Wei: "Then when you meet him, you will feel very good when you see him, and can't help laughing?"

Ejima: "Not really."

He was in a good mood when he saw Chu Yinlong, but he wanted to laugh when he saw him, wouldn't that be silly?

Zhou Wei: "..."

Zhou Wei: "Then when you encounter difficulties, you will think of him the first time, when you encounter interesting things, you will share with him the first time, and when you see a good omen, will you immediately make a wish related to him?"

Ejima: "It seems... not too good at it."

When encountering difficulties, his first reaction must be to try to solve them by himself; he talks more about fun things with Jing Yu, because he thinks that Chu Yinlong probably won't be interested in those things; as for good omens...he actually doesn't believe it Make a wish, he believes in his own efforts even more.

Zhou Wei sent a speechless and sweaty expression.

Then he asked: "Then why are you not sure if you like him? You don't have these, so you should be very sure that you don't like him?"

Jiang Dao replied honestly: "But I want to hug him, I want to kiss him, and seeing his body, I want to sleep with him."

Zhou Wei: "!!!"

Zhou Wei: "You are such a small island!"

Zhou Wei: "You don't like him, you just want him!"

Ejima thought for a while: "That might be."

He is much more familiar with this statement.

Zhou Wei: "Xiao Dao, tell the truth, have you fallen in love with Mr. Chu? [doge] I understand, he has been voted as the male star who most wants to have **** with him for several years in a row, you are not alone [doge]"

Zhou Wei: "But it is said that he is particularly resistant to this kind of thing. People who tried to gossip with him or climb into his bed before would end up in a terrible situation. Don't be impulsive!"

Seeing this news, Jiang Dao sighed slowly.

Unfortunately, it was too late, he had already been impulsive, and even ran away in anger.

Chu Yinlong returned to the villa, went straight to find the bodyguards, and practiced boxing for a few rounds before he finally let out the depression that was stuck in his heart.

Walking to the edge of the arena, he sent Jiang Dao a message: "If you can't sleep in the middle of the night, call me directly, and I will recite the scriptures for you."

For a long time, I did not wait for any reply.

Chu Yinlong checked his phone after taking a shower, checked his phone after eating, and checked for WeChat messages on the way to the secretary.

Finally, when Chu Yinlong was about to calm down and deal with the work documents, the sound of the message being delivered came from the mobile phone, and he immediately put down the things in his hands and picked up the mobile phone.

In the end, the wechat was sent by Tang Yao.

It took Tang Yao a long time to notice Chu Yinlong's Weibo, took a screenshot and posted a series of exclamation points.

"Look at the texture of your table, tsk tsk... How do I remember that your apartment was rented to someone? Why did you eat noodles there in the morning? Did you live there last night? He wouldn't cook the noodles for you Bar?"

Chu Yinlong finished watching with a blank expression and ignored him.

Tang Yao: "Is your development a little too fast?"

Tang Yao: "If I didn't know that you are very serious about relationships, I would have wondered if you didn't chase people at all, but just tricked them into bed [bad smile]"

Tang Yao: "Hey, Brother Long, can you share some experience with me?"

Chu Yinlong gritted his teeth, and sent a voice message: "Don't talk too much, come to my house now and let me beat you up."

Tang Yao: "..."

Tang Yao: "Why did you go home?"

Tang Yao: "Aren't you two in love? Nothing happened?"

Chu Yinlong leaned on the back of the chair, sighed slowly, and replied: "He didn't like me, I was just being sentimental."

Tang Yao patted Chu Yinlong.

Tang Yao: "Good brother, now we are back on the same starting line, hahahahahaha!"

Chu Yinlong narrowed his eyes and retaliated: "But we kissed."

Tang Yao: "..."

Chu Yinlong: "He took the initiative."

Tang Yao: "..."

Chu Yinlong: "Three times."

After a while, Tang Yao sent a voice roar: "Chu Yinlong, you are a real monk! He kissed you three times on his own initiative, and you told me he doesn't like you?! He kissed you three times, why didn't you do it! Are you no?!"