MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 62 as if seeing the smile of death

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Jiang Dao doesn't care about the evaluation of him on the Internet at all, even if he knows that rumors are fiercer than tigers, he can still remain unmoved. Because he doesn't need to rely on the pursuit of those people to live. In this world, living is too easy for him.

But... Qin Xiao's last words made Jiang Dao a little scared.

For no reason, a fine-grained panic rose in his heart, and trembling instantly poured into his limbs, making him suddenly remember that sunny afternoon, when he woke up faintly on the battlefield, and there was silence around his ears, and he lost everything around him. comrades.

...So, this time, what important thing is he going to lose again?

Qin Xiao was still sneering and saying something on the phone, but Jiang Dao didn't want to listen anymore.

He cut off the communication without hesitation, his fingers trembling slightly, but he still called out Chu Yinlong's number and called.

The other side picked up almost immediately.

Jiang Dao was suddenly at a loss for words.

What should he say?

Explain that you didn't bribe the director?

But that is very likely that "he" did it, and he had to bear the crime for the original owner.

For a long time, neither side spoke on the phone.

Even the breathing of the two of them was extremely light, as if a little force would shatter something precious and fragile between them.

In the end, Jiang Dao called out in a low voice: "...Teacher Chu."

Chu Yinlong asked: "Is it true?"

Jiang Dao couldn't answer.

But his silence itself was already the answer.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yinlong said: "I see. There is one more thing, tell the truth."

Jiang Dao: "You ask."

Chu Yinlong: "Did he really return the money to you?"

Jiang Dao can confirm this point: "No."

Chu Yinlong exhaled slowly, and said: "I will find someone to deal with this matter. You stay in the apartment, and don't go out for these two days, and don't go to the studio."

Jiang Dao: "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yinlong hung up the phone.

Jiang Dao sat down by the bed, the sense of panic in his heart still showed no signs of easing.

It was getting dark outside the window, and he didn't turn on the light, just sat motionless in the dim room, his eyelashes drooping, neither sad nor happy.

Until someone knocked on the door suddenly, the assistant Xiao Yang's voice sounded: "Are you home? I brought you food, and I opened the door."

After the sound fell for a while, the combination lock rang a few times, and someone came in and flicked on the light.

"Don't worry too much, the public relations will take care of it." The assistant put the lunch box on the table, "Even if you don't trust us, you still have to trust our boss! Come, eat."

Jiang Dao quickly adjusted his expression, and showed an impeccable smile to his assistant: "I'm fine. Of course I believe him."

However, just as he sat down at the dining table and put his phone aside, the text message sounded and a picture message popped up.

Seeing that the number came from Qin Xiao, Jiang Dao frowned and nodded.

In the picture, there are documents with the logo of "Chu Yinlong Studio" and a label of "Confidential" in the upper left corner of the document.

"Brother Yang, look at this!" Jiang Dao stood up abruptly and handed the phone to the assistant.

The assistant took it, glanced at it, and his face immediately turned pale: "This, this is... This is our letter of intent for endorsement, and there are a few planning proposals... and the script! They are all signed and kept confidential... How could he have ?!"

Jiang Dao looked serious: "Can you confirm the authenticity?"

The assistant hurriedly opened the portable tablet, searched for a moment, and his face was ugly: "The internal file numbers all match, it should... be real. At least the cover is real!"

At this time, Qin Xiao's call came in again.

Assistant Jiang Dao made a silent gesture and turned the phone on speakerphone.

The assistant understood very well, and immediately clicked on the video.

On the phone, Qin Xiao smiled and asked, "Did you see what I sent you?"

Jiang Dao took a breath, as if nervous: "What do you want to do?"

Unexpectedly, when it came to the theft of business secrets, Qin Xiao became cautious and stopped speaking directly.

"Oh, isn't it what you want to do?" He spoke slowly, and seemed to enjoy teasing his opponent, "You showed me the things in his studio and asked me what I wanted to do? To let father Admitting your ability, you want to use this to attack Longcheer Entertainment, want his studio to pay sky-high liquidated damages for leaks, and have his credit collapse, don’t you?”

Jiang Dao tightly clutched the hand hanging by his side, his face not showing the slightest clue.

He looked up at the assistant, and found that the assistant's brows were tightly frowned. Fortunately, there was no doubt in his eyes.

After not hearing a reply for a while, Qin Xiao said again: "For the sake of your hard work, I will give you a chance to come to me and let's talk face to face."

Jiang Dao asked, "Where are you?"

Qin Xiao said: "Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, Yanxi Jingshan Villa. Just be sure...don't be late."

Communications are disconnected.

The assistant got up immediately: "I have to go back to the studio!"

This matter cannot be sloppy, he must deal with it as soon as possible.

Before leaving, he gave Jiang Dao another worried look, and added: "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You don't want to go out tomorrow either. The boss is already on the plane and will be back tomorrow morning. You must wait for him!"

Jiang Dao didn't speak, and just glanced at him lightly.

The assistant thought this was the default, heaved a sigh of relief, and left in a hurry with his bag.

There was no emotion on Jiang Dao's face.

He took the lunch box calmly, chewed slowly and ate up the nutritious meal inside.

Then he got up and went to the closet, carefully selected a few clothes, changed them, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror to arrange the trousers and cuffs very neatly, and the leather boot laces were tied meticulously.

He raised his head and looked at the big boy with a delicate face and a slender figure in the mirror.

His face was expressionless, his eyes were dull, and there was only an empty and silent darkness.

Five minutes later, a car pulled out of the apartment complex and rushed into the slightly cold night in early autumn.

Chu Yinlong frowned and opened his eyes.

The screen showed that less than three hours had passed since takeoff.

He obviously didn't sleep all night, but at this moment, he was upset for some reason. He was obviously very sleepy, but he just couldn't fall asleep.

After several attempts to no avail, he clicked on the in-flight entertainment interface on the screen, picked a movie at random, put on his earphones, and tried to use it to fall asleep.

This is a war movie.

The old soldier was full of vicissitudes of life, looked at the sky with clouds and clouds, and sighed: "I can't win this war."

Beside him, the young man was confused: "Why? We also have powerful artillery, powerful spearmen, and the most fearless warriors. Why can't we win?"

The veteran shook his head lightly, and raised his hand to stroke the top of the boy's hair: "Son, you have to understand that in a war, besides strength, there is one more thing that can determine the outcome, and that is—"


Jiang Dao parked the car outside a hot spring hotel at the foot of Jingshan Mountain in Yanxi.

He confirmed the address of the villa under Qin Xiao's name again, and it was correct. Then he turned around the outer wall of the hotel, climbed over the fence of the forest area following the blind spot of the surveillance, and sneaked into the jungle all over the mountains.

At midnight, in a certain villa area in Jingshan, Yanxi.

With the help of the trees inside and outside the wall, a black shadow lightly crossed the high-voltage safety net on the wall, like a cat, quietly falling into the lush green landscape of the villa area.

Taking advantage of the cover of the green belt, Jiang Dao scouted around the villa area for another two hours. After finding out the locations of all surveillance cameras and the routes of security patrols, he detoured around to approach Qin Xiao's villa.

Pianran turned into the courtyard, and the two mastiffs in the courtyard were startled immediately, barking twice at the top of their voices, and rushed towards Jiangdao.

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his figure, and was ready to fight back.

The result—the two mastiffs braked suddenly a few meters away from Jiangdao, stopped barking, turned around and ran with their tails between their legs, and finally got into the big cage in the corner of the courtyard, never showing their heads again.

Jiang Dao breathed a sigh of relief silently, hiding himself in the shadow of the back wall of the villa, listening to the panting waves from the window gradually subside.

After watching a movie, Chu Yinlong raised his hand and pinched the center of his brows, but he still didn't feel sleepy.

Forcibly closing his eyes, and silently reciting Buddhist scriptures in his heart, there are still some lingering fragmentary images in his mind.

The movie just now was full of country A's consistent individual heroism.

The young man grew up rapidly through the experience of battles, and finally, he became a top special soldier, reconnaissance, infiltration, assassination, stealing information... He is always at the front line of obtaining war information, bringing his army ultimate victory.

In a daze, Chu Yinlong felt that he was waking up from a dream, but when he opened his eyes, he saw someone holding a knife to his neck—the man was wearing the clothes of spying on special forces in the movie, and he just appeared in front of him without a sound. Before his bed, to take his life.

There was light shining through the window, and Chu Yinlong looked at the face of the visitor in shock.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the roar of the plane engine was still in his ears.

Chu Yinlong exhaled, and couldn't help laughing: This dream is really unreasonable, he actually dreamed that Jiang Dao was a special soldier, and he came to kill him?

Probably read too many scripts.

The person on the bed was fast asleep.

Next to him, there was a naked young man.

In the darkness, Jiang Dao stared at the two sleeping soundly for a long time, then turned and left quietly.

When walking towards the door, he took off the leather gloves, stuffed them into the jacket pocket, and took out a pair of thin silk gloves and put them on slowly.

He opened the door and went out without making a sound.

Like a ghost, Jiang Dao wandered around the entire villa for more than two hours.

When the sky was slightly gray and blue, he returned to an unoccupied room on the second floor, glanced over the lights and cameras arranged in the room, and landed on a small open space surrounded by them.

In the clearing stood an oddly shaped chair with a series of buckled straps running across the back and armrests.

Jiang Dao stepped forward, sat in the chair, and spread his legs apart on the armrests extending from both sides.

Then he closed his eyes and began to rest.

Yan City time, seven thirty in the morning.

Chu Yinlong's plane landed smoothly.

The plane was still taxiing, so he couldn't wait to turn on his phone. Sure enough, a series of messages popped up, and the push interface kept scrolling.

Chu Yinlong clicked and read one by one, and his face became darker the more he looked.

He turned off the information interface and called Jiang Dao directly - unable to get through.

Chu Yinlong unbuckled his seat belt, took his luggage and walked towards the cabin door, but was stopped by a terrified flight attendant: "Sir! The plane is still taxiing, please go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt!"

Raising his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows, Chu Yinlong took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions forcibly, and returned to his seat.

He called his assistant Xiao Yang: "Did you find him?"

The assistant's voice was a little trembling, but he still tried to stay calm: "The most likely thing is to go to Qin Xiao. We just found out the address of the villa under Qin Xiao's name in Jingshan, Yanxi. Do you call the police? Mr. Lu said Waiting for you to make a decision."

Chu Yinlong gritted his teeth, struggled for a long time, and finally said: "Contact...Officer Xing."

The assistant responded immediately: "Understood!"

Chu Yinlong quickly added: "Wait! Tell him to wear plain clothes and not drive a police car. Try, never, never make a big fuss about this matter!"

Qin Xiao asked the driver to send away the teenagers who had fun together last night and return to the restaurant.

In the dining room, four men with greasy hair or potbellies were chewing their breakfast. Seeing Qin Xiao come back, someone immediately smiled obsequiously and said, "It's still the little model Mr. Qin found is strong enough, tsk tsk, that waist, that leg, that voice, whoops, it broke me!"

Qin Xiao sat down at the table, gracefully picked up the black tea, and took a sip.

"It's just a few small models." He said with a smile, "Today's main event hasn't come yet."

One of the fat men wiped his mouth and asked with a smile, "Can you really call that little guy?"

Qin Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I don't doubt what you mean!" The fat man hurriedly laughed, "I just think that the little guy is so beautiful, and his skin is so smooth that he will definitely turn red when pinched..."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Then, will Mr. Zhu come first?"

The fat man immediately waved his hand: "Hey, how can this work! I don't like too noisy, I'll wait for Mr. Wang to tame him, and I'll come back later, hehe, I'll come back later..."

Qin Xiao glanced at the clock and said, "It's almost time, and it's time to get ready for the venue."

Jiang Dao slowly opened his eyes, retracted his legs from the armrest of the restraint chair, got up and walked to the door.

The door was not fully closed, and through the thin cracks, the obscene words of the men downstairs and the crisp sound of clinking wine glasses could be heard.

"Tsk, good wine, it's a pity to use it for medicine."

"It's just a waste of a cup... Besides, it's a pity to use it in the right place?"

"Hahahaha, that makes sense!"

Jiang Dao opened the door, walked slowly along the corridor on the second floor, and looked at the men sitting in the high living room from above the railing.

"What's the matter? It's already eight o'clock, where's the person?"

"Won't you be stopped by the community security?"

"Impossible, I told you, he is my guest, and the guard can recognize him."

"Could it be that you are scared and dare not come?"

In front of Jiangdao, he propped his hands on the railing and stood directly above Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao sneered: "He? Heh, if I dare not come, I really think I won't attack Longqi Entertainment and the Chu family? The trouble is a little trouble, but I'm afraid of an entertainment company? Ha, joke!"

Jiang Dao was expressionless and condescending: "Really?"

Suddenly, the room was silent.

The next moment, all five men present jumped up from the sofa, staring dumbfounded at the boy in black who suddenly appeared in the corridor on the second floor.

Jiang Dao turned over and landed lightly on the sofa in the living room from the second floor. With his legs bent, he jumped to the ground with his strength, took two steps forward, and sat in the armchair opposite Qin Xiao.

He rested his arm on the armrest, resting his cheek on his palm, his face was expressionless, his pair of black pupils were lifeless, like a deadly blunt knife, scraping through several men one by one.

Then he said: "Several, sit down."

None of the five men was spared, they all turned into marionettes and sat down as he ordered.

As soon as he sat down, Qin Xiao immediately realized what he had done, his face distorted immediately, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Dao—just about to yell, when those eyes stared at him, he unconsciously shut up again.

"I heard that the wine is good." Jiang Dao stretched out his hand, brushed his fingers over several glasses of wine on the table, and asked, "Which glass is for me?"

Before a few people could answer, he saw three of the men's throats rolling. So he picked up the glass of wine under his finger, stood up, stared at Qin Xiao with a ruthless look in his eyes, and walked over step by step: "Brother, I toast you."

Qin Xiao only felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his face turned pale with fright. Seeing Jiang Dao approaching him, he suddenly hid in the sofa, his voice trembling: "You, how did you come in?! You... want What are you doing? Don't come here! Get out! This is my house! You, get out! Get out—get out!"

Jiang Dao looked at him expressionlessly, as if looking at something inanimate and useless: "Didn't my brother call me here?"

Qin Xiao was terrified by Jiang Dao's breath: "Don't come here! are not, you are not Jiang Dao! You are not him at all—who are you?!"

At this time, a fat man closest to the door suddenly jumped up and fled to the villa's gate with agility that was not commensurate with his figure.

Jiang Dao turned around to catch up, and raised his hand to pinch the back of his neck. Without seeing how hard he was, the man suddenly fell limp to the ground, unconscious, with wet marks under his body.

And the glass of wine in Jiang Dao's hand didn't spill a drop.

In the living room, the other men who were about to move obediently sat back in their original positions, not daring to move.

Jiang Dao didn't even look at the man who was put down by him. He calmly walked back to Qin Xiao, raised his hand to press the man's back of the neck, and handed the wine glass to his mouth.

The fatal point was grasped in the palm of his hand, Qin Xiao trembled all over, breathed rapidly, his eyes were full of horror, staring at Jiang Dao's face, his voice stretched into a thin line: "You, you dare not move dare not move Me! You, don't touch me!"

"Drink it." Jiang Dao was expressionless.

"No..." Qin Xiao shook his head, "No, no...can't..."

Jiang Dao turned his wrist to avoid Qin Xiao's waving hand that wanted to overturn the wine glass, and then the other hand seemed to lightly wipe off Qin Xiao's arm joints.

Qin Xiao let out a sharp cry of pain, and immediately burst into tears.

On the sofa, the remaining three men shrugged their shoulders and behaved like little chicks.

Jiang Dao handed the wine glass to Qin Xiao's mouth again, leaned close to him, and rubbed the back of Qin Xiao's neck with his fingers through a layer of black silk gloves. His voice was low and gloomy, as if from an abyss: "Drink it. Otherwise, next time It’s not the arm that’s been removed.”

As he spoke, the fingers that landed on the back of Qin Xiao's neck exerted a little force.

"I'll drink! I, I'll drink!" Qin Xiao's voice was so frightened that he moved to the edge of the glass, crying, and obediently drank the glass of wine with Jiang Dao's hand, and then cried even harder, " Let me go! Please let me go...I won't move, I won't touch you! I promise!"

Jiang Dao reached out and stroked the top of his head lightly.

Qin Xiao flinched, sobbing, not daring to move.

"It doesn't matter to me." Jiang Dao clung to his ear, his voice was cold, "But the people around me, try again."

"No, it's not moving anymore!" Qin Xiao dragged his tears, "I, I, those documents and photos are stored in the USB flash drive in the study, the blue, the blue one! You can just take it away! There is no backup, really No!"

A strange flush appeared on his skin, his breathing became short of breath, and he began to speak unsteadily: "Dao, Jiangdao...uh, can you, let me go..."

"No hurry." Jiang Dao said casually, "The venue for the second game has been set up, let's go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he flipped his wrist and put Qin Xiao's dislocated arm back.

Qin Xiao let out a strange cry of pain, fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his panting became a little more urgent.

Jiang Dao got up and walked in front of the remaining men.

The person he was staring at was trembling and trembling: "You, you, you, uh uh uh..."

"Both of you, take Mr. Qin upstairs." Jiang Dao's voice was inorganic and cold.

"Hey, hey! Good!" One of them turned over quickly and took Qin Xiao's arm.

The other person was trembling, his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up, Jiang Dao stepped forward and knocked him unconscious, and turned his eyes to the last person in the field.

The man jumped up, grabbed Qin Xiao's other arm, and carried him up the stairs.

Sure enough, without Jiang Dao's reminder, the two men carried the limp Qin Xiao to the room where the restraint chair was placed, and tied him to the chair very intimately.

Qin Xiao was already in a daze at this moment, with sticky cries coming out of his throat, talking nonsense, begging for mercy, begging for a hug, tears and snot all over his face.

Before Jiang Dao, he took out a jade pendant from his pocket and hung it around Qin Xiao's neck.

Seeing this scene, the two men standing next to them suddenly trembled like chaff—they knew that this pendant was on the neck of the little model who slept with Qin Xiao last night. He never took off the pendant when he slept, so he lost it for no reason. He searched the living room, bathroom and bedroom but couldn't find it... Why, it was in Jiang Dao's hands?

When did he get it?

while they were sleeping?

Then—could he also quietly kill them while they were sleeping? !

As if to see through their thoughts, Jiang Dao glanced back: "Zhu Chunlai, the founder of Duoji Technology. Wang Zhong, the current executive director of Haiyao Venture Capital. Both have big backgrounds, and their hobbies in bed are also quite strange. "

Sure enough, he sneaked in last night!

No one even found out!

Zhu and Wang knelt down on the ground at the same time as if they had made an appointment, cold sweat dripping on the ground, unable to utter a word.

Jiang Dao continued: "If Qin Xiao wants to do something again, I will trouble you to persuade him more."

While talking, a dog barked suddenly from downstairs in the villa.

Immediately afterwards, the sound faded away, and then the door of the villa was knocked: "Open the door, express delivery!"

Zhu and Wang looked at each other, and just as hope rose in their hearts, Jiang Dao's eyes fell on them, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he smiled.

At that moment, they seemed to see the smile of Death.

Wang Zhong couldn't stand the stimulation anymore, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Jiang Dao raised his chin at Zhu Chunlai: "Go and open the door."

Zhu Chunlai: "...Huh?"

Jiang Dao smiled and said, "Open the door."

Zhu Chunlai jumped up suddenly, so frightened that he couldn't walk in a straight line, but still tenaciously climbed down the stairs, bumped into the door of the villa, pushed the handle, and finally exhausted all his courage and fainted in the arms of the visitor. inside.

Seeing the scene in the living room, Officer Xing frowned.

Chu Yinlong suddenly lost his blood color.

The corners of his eyes were red, and he suddenly pushed Officer Xing away, rushed up the stairs, and ran to the room on the second floor where the sound of sticky crying came from.

The author has something to say: ※All actions of Kojima in this chapter serve the plot, and the author does not advocate such actions!

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