MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 60 Don't follow me

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The wrap-up banquet is over, and the filming-related parts of "Operation Red Owl" are all finished. The next step is post-production. It is expected to be ten months, and the film schedule is tentatively scheduled for next summer.

At the same time, Mu Zhixing, the most wonderful and respected director in the industry, released the news that he is about to shoot a brand new movie - the name of the movie has not been revealed; the subject matter of the movie is kept secret; I have been looking for it for six years, and I finally met the actor who played one of the important roles recently.

Look at this word: encounter.

It shows that this actor is rare and cannot be replaced.

Of course, there are quite a few people in the circle who know the script in Mu Zhixing's hand, especially those who are close to him and Chu Yinlong. But when the news came out, the loyal fans of Director Mu were shocked outside the circle—after making several commercial films in a row, Director Mu was finally going to do something big again!

Even a group of marketing accounts gave up celebrity gossip and began to speculate: Could Director Mu's movie this time be the script left by that mysterious screenwriter again?

"This is a script left by my deceased wife, so I can only accept the most perfect interpretation."

In the private room of a private restaurant in Yan City, Mu Zhixing handed a book to Jiang Dao: "I have been looking for an actor for the role of Little Gray Wolf for six years, and finally, God has not failed me, let me find you. "

Jiang Dao caressed the cover of the script, pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time, and said, "Do you expect too much from me? I have never studied acting. The role you have been looking for for six years must be very important. I may not be able to do it."

Director Mu shook his head: "Xiao Chu recognizes your acting skills, so I also believe that you can do it."

Seeing his firm gaze, Jiang Dao didn't refuse again, but also said seriously: "Okay, I will do it."

Director Mu finally smiled, and looked at Chu Yinlong who was sitting next to him: "Speaking to Xiao Dao is easy, straightforward, and not pretentious."

Then he said to Jiang Dao: "You can take the script back and read it today, but remember to keep it secret. The filming will probably take place next year. The background of this movie is the apocalyptic wasteland, and the pre-production cycle is very long. The design is done, and the makeup will have to wait until the beginning of the year at the earliest... Kojima?"

Jiang Dao suddenly came back to his senses: "Well, I'm listening...the wasteland of the last days?"

Director Mu smiled and said: "It's a near-future fantasy story, most of which are urban backgrounds, in the middle and late stages of a catastrophe, when the order of civilization has just been rebuilt, but it's not perfect yet... Enough talking, go back and read the script , I understand."

Jiang Dao silently nodded.

At this time, Chu Yinlong suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Dao, not sure: "Director Mu, I think, does Xiao Dao need to lose weight?"

Hearing this, Jiang Dao was immediately alert: "What? No way? I'm not fat at all!"

Unexpectedly, director Mu agreed with Chu Yinlong's words: "It should be reduced."

Jiang Dao: ...

"Don't make that expression, it doesn't mean you're fat." Director Mu said cheerfully, "Your figure is very beautiful now, but the problem is that it's too beautiful. Although the character of Little Bad Wolf is a fighter, he is obviously not as good as you. Good nutritional conditions, so in less than half a year, you'd better lose weight to less than 120."

Jiang Dao is not short in height, if he is reduced to less than 120 catties, he will be about the same as the original owner at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao couldn't help retorting: "In the last days, it is difficult for people who are too thin and too weak to survive, isn't it a bit..."

"So, you can't be weak." Director Mu added, "You need to be thin, but you can't be weak. You must have a sense of strength in your body. Does the cheetah know? That's what I want. Thin, but powerful, and light, and there should be no excess on my body." Lines. Or put it this way—it looks more like a precision machine, and every part is the most efficient design."

Jiang Dao pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Well, I probably understand."

"It's difficult, so I hope you can start preparing in advance." Mu Zhixing said, then turned to Chu Yinlong, and said, "He needs a professional body coach and nutritionist. In the past six months, all his diet and exercise methods Be strictly controlled."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao was shocked: "Ah? This level?!"

You even have to control your diet? !

He still has so many delicacies to eat!

How could this world treat him like this!

Seeing Jiang Dao like this, both Mu Zhixing and Chu Yinlong couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Chu Yinlong picked up a goose leg from the cauldron and put it into the Jiangdao bowl: "You can eat more today, and it will be the last carnival."

Jiang Dao gritted his teeth and bit off a piece of goose leg.

Then he muttered, "Yesterday I saw an advertisement for a new flavor of Zizi Ice Cream, and today I want to eat a big box!"

Chu Yinlong petted: "Okay, I will buy it in a while."

The topic of the new script was about the same, and the chat gradually started to go wrong.

Director Mu took a sip of tea, smiled and shook his head: "If you want me to say, Lao Zhang, this time he has tasted how difficult it is to be behind the scenes. He didn't dare to use Xiaodao before. What happened? He was stuffed by the investor The little model who can frown and stare into the crew... Heh, when the filming starts, he will have a headache."

Chu Yinlong laughed when he heard this: "What kind of capital? Can you actually intervene in Teacher Zhang's play?"

Director Mu smacked his lips, and replied: "Tian Qin. I guess I got tired of real estate and wanted to promote a small model, so I turned to Lao Zhang."

Hearing Tianqin Capital, Chu Yinlong glanced at Jiang Dao quickly and raised his eyebrows: "Tianqin? What's the name of that little model, do you know?"

Director Mu was surprised when he heard this: "Why do you care about this?"

Chu Yinlong smiled and said, "I said I was curious, do you believe me?"

Seeing that Chu Yinlong didn't want to talk about the reason, Director Mu didn't ask any further questions. He recalled it, nodded and said: "Old Zhang mentioned it, it seems that his name is... Liu Why Ran? Liu Tianran?"

"Liu Yueran?" Jiang Dao said suddenly.

"Oh yes! Liu Yueran!" Director Mu patted the table, then looked suspiciously at Jiang Dao, "You know him?"

Jiang Dao smiled: "I saw it once."

It was really effortless.

In fact, after the wrap-up banquet, Jiang Dao called the number he had called before, but the other party kept refusing to answer. Jiang Dao checked online and found out that the other party probably pulled him into the automatic rejection list, cutting off his way to actively contact there.

Originally, Jiang Dao was thinking about trying other methods to find it these two days, but he didn't expect to have a meal with Mu Zhixing, which actually solved his problem.

Whether it's "Tianqin" or "Tianqin" or others, since he has the ability to intervene in Zhang Heng's movie, he will not be too unknown, but there are a few homonyms, and if you go back and check slowly, you can always find out who his cheap brother is. , and... who the **** is he himself.

"Cough...don't talk about this." Chu Yinlong didn't want to expose Jiang Dao's scars, so he reminded him.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." Director Mu waved his hand, and quickly changed the topic, "I wanted Xiao Dao to act in the beginning, and it was also to train his emotional drama, otherwise he has never been in love or acted in such a plot, I am afraid At that time, I can't grasp the feeling... no, I have to find someone to ask if there are any other roles like this."

Chu Yinlong cleared his throat and said, "Actually, it's not necessary."

Director Mu was surprised: "Huh? What?"

Chu Yinlong said: "I can teach him."

Hearing this, the pastor sniffed: "You? It's as if I've been in a relationship with you and filmed an emotional scene! You have to practice yourself, and you still teach him?"

Chu Yinlong tried to struggle: "We can practice together, just to cultivate..."

The pastor immediately stopped him: "Don't! On the contrary, you two had better not get in touch with each other before filming. It's not like you don't know what's going on with the character of the little bad wolf? What do you follow to cultivate your feelings? Follow the part in the middle ? How about the beginning and the end?"

Jiang Dao hadn't read the script yet, so he was in a fog.

However, Chu Yinlong's face was suddenly depressed when he was told that it was irrefutable.

So Jiang Dao became curious, grabbed the script in front of him, and casually flipped through a few pages.

Then a paragraph of text enclosed in brackets jumped into the eyes - "Suddenly, a little eagerly. The little gray wolf pressed Xia Tian against the wall and kissed. The lips touched, briefly. The little gray wolf and Xia Tian looked at each other."

What follows is the line of the character "Little Gray Wolf": "Brother, hug me."

Jiang Dao: ...

He suddenly remembered that Chu Yinlong once said that he would have the opportunity to make intimate scenes in the future.

It turned out to be waiting for him here!

Jiang Dao looked sideways at Chu Yinlong, with a half smile on his face.

Chu Yinlong's ears were blushing suspiciously, coughed lightly, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, only to find that the cup was empty, and quickly went to the pot to pour tea.

Jiang Dao roughly flipped through the script. Fortunately, there are not many similar chapters, and most of them are about fighting.

However, that small part is really exciting, with kiss scenes, **** scenes, and **** scenes all available. If you are happy, get out together, if you are angry, you will definitely have to get out together... It is really like a world outside the book. That kind of crazy energy.

Seeing Jiang Dao closing the script, Director Mu smiled and asked, "How is it? Does it feel difficult?"

"Well, it's a bit difficult." Jiang Dao said with a smile, "But I'm not inexperienced at all, so I should be able to do it." At least he has really seen the pig running, he has seen it with his own eyes, all kinds of things, many Second-rate.

Unexpectedly, his words startled the two people at the table.

"You have experience?!" Mu Zhixing was surprised.

"How could you?!" Chu Yinlong was stunned.

Jiang Dao blinked innocently: "...what's wrong?"

Mu Zhixing had a strange expression on his face: "Uh, it's nothing, you said you haven't been in a relationship, I thought... well, young man..."

Chu Yinlong's complexion became even more subtle. After a long time, he choked out a word: "You..."

Now Jiang Dao understood, and immediately explained: "Oh, I mean, I've seen it, er, I haven't tried it myself, but it's considered experience, right?"

Chu Yinlong: ...

Mu Zhixing: ...

After being silent for a while, Director Mu said earnestly: "Look less! Those things are too exaggerated, and there is no artistic beauty. You must not follow suit, or you will be misled!"

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