MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 44 It seems a bit redundant for him to stand here

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For the next two days, the content of the shooting was the fighting scene between Jess and Xu Zhou. Due to the inclusion of many close-up shots, Chu Yinlong's requirements for shooting quality are much higher.

As a result, as if Jiang Dao and Jing Yu couldn't escape the curse of NG once they met, a few simple confrontation shots started again and again.

This time it's not that Jiang Dao's sense of oppression is too strong, but that Jing Yu's movements always fail to meet the requirements, either because the strength is too light and there is no sense of impact, or the angle is wrong and he missed Jiang Dao's moves, or he was beaten. Sometimes I can't control my expression.

"Stop!" Chu Yinlong raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, "Jing Yu, I know you haven't practiced martial arts, so I don't expect much from you, but even if this is a close-up shot, it's impossible to just shoot your face! You have practiced the movements well, but can you use some strength? The shot is so soft, how did you ask the editor to cut the movements of you and Wu Ti together, huh?"

Jing Yu stood in the field and was scolded obediently. When the scolding was over, he looked at Jiang Dao with some concern, and even got up his courage, and retorted: "But, Xiao Dao still has injuries on his body, so I can't do it."

Chu Yinlong: ...

Jiang Dao: ...

"You!" Chu Yinlong's expression became very strange, he seemed a little angry, a little helpless, and seemed a little sullen, "You are making a movie! When you enter the venue, you are Xu Zhou, the policeman. He is Jess, he is Criminal, do you feel sorry for him?"

Jiang Dao also couldn't laugh or cry: "Is this also called an injury? It's almost gone. Look, you can't see it even if it's covered with concealer. It's not broken at all, so it's called an injury?"

Jing Yu pursed his lips in silence for a moment, then said, "Then I will try harder next time."

Jiang Dao smiled and winked at him: "Just try hard, don't take pity on me..."

"Cough!" Chu Yinlong interrupted the two, "Get ready to start."

After two more shots, the shot finally passed.

Until 5:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Dao and Jing Yu's rivalry ended perfectly, and Jing Yu's roles in "Operation Red Owl" also ended.

When Chu Yinlong shouted "Pass", Jiang Dao pulled Jing Yu into his arms with a smile on his face, and gave him a friendly hug: "Congratulations, it's over."

Jing Yu was smirking, when he raised his eyes and saw Chu Yinlong standing behind Jiang Dao, staring at him with a dark face, he shivered immediately.

The next moment, he broke away from Jiang Dao's embrace, quickly took two steps back, and smiled stiffly: "Uh, hehe, congratulations...ah no! Thank you! Cough, that..."

Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows, silently put down his hand hanging in the air.

Why was Jing Yu so startled? Did someone threaten him?

At this time, Shi Lu, who was Jing Yu's martial substitute, came over and patted Chu Yinlong on the shoulder.

"Since Xiaojing is finished today," he said with a smile, "it's almost time for dinner, or go out to have a big meal together, it's a celebration."

Hearing this suggestion, Jiang Dao turned his head, his eyes sparkling.

Chu Yinlong immediately swallowed the phrase "order a box lunch for a big meal" in his throat, and there was no flaw on his face: "OK."

Since Jing Yu was the only one who finished the scene that day, it was not really a "finalization" worthy of collective celebration, so only a small number of people participated in this dinner, and few people drank during the dinner - there will be filming tasks tomorrow morning, Hangovers are not an option.

Relying on his body, Jiang Dao has a good capacity for alcohol, and he wanted to drink two cups, but Chu Yinlong suppressed him mercilessly.

"I'm injured, why drink wine!" Chu Yinlong grabbed Jiang Dao's wrist, snatched the wine glass from his hand, and exchanged it for a bottle of peach soda, "Drink this."

Jiang Dao argued hard: "It's green, and it's almost healed!"

Chu Yinlong: "It's almost over, but it's not over yet."

Jiang Dao put the peach soda on the table, leaned back in the chair and rolled his eyes.

Next to him, Shi Lu couldn't help laughing: "Brother Long, when did your definition of injury become like this?"

Seeing that Chu Yinlong frowned and didn't answer, he went on to expose his old feelings: "A young actor had a scratched elbow and said he was going to the hospital. You still called him coquettish, bloodless, and not like a man. How come it's been two years?" Nian, is your heart so soft?"

Chu Yinlong clicked his tongue and said: "What's the matter with Xiao Zhang, it's not good to find someone, I have to find you."

This Shi Lu was afraid of him at the beginning, but after cooperating with him in a few plays, he seemed to understand his temperament and became more and more casual towards him.

Jiang Dao listened amusedly, and reached out to secretly pull back the wine glass.

Chu Yin didn't even turn the tap back, so he moved to the side, grabbed the wine glass, turned around and handed it to the waiter who had finished serving the food: "Take it away, we don't drink here."

Jiang Dao: ...

Jiang Dao poked Jing Yu who was sitting on the other side of him: "Hey, let's change places."

Jing Yu shook his head quickly: "No, no, no!"

Jiang Dao frowned: "Aren't you not afraid of him?"

Jing Yu pursed his lips, glanced at Chu Yinlong, then at Jiang Dao, and shook his head.

Since there were several older actors, directors and cameramen at the banquet, Jiang Dao didn't want to make it too obvious, so he could only obediently, took a peach soda, opened it, and took a sip sullenly.

...Well, it's quite delicious.

Go back and buy a box to keep at home.

Shi Lu's eyes turned between Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong, and then he silently retracted his eyes, with more melancholy on his brows.

There was no night shooting planned for this day. After the dinner, the group went back to the hotel.

Jing Yu was in a good mood after finishing the filming. He drank a lot of wine during the banquet and became more courageous. He dragged Jiang Dao and said that he wanted to sleep with him, but was dragged away by the manager by the collar and stuffed back into his own room. up.

Jiang Dao finished his diet, changed into a T-shirt and shorts, and went downstairs to go to the gym for a night run.

Recently, he eats a bit too much. If he can't keep up with his exercise, his body fat rate will rise, which will affect his physical fitness and durability. He has always paid attention to keeping in shape, not for looking good, but for health.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the door of the gym, he found that someone was already inside.

On the gymnastics mat, Shi Lu stretched out his hand, stood up following the force of Chu Yinlong's pull, panted and smiled, "I still can't beat do I feel that you have become stronger again?"

Chu Yinlong wiped off his sweat: "It's because you haven't practiced much recently, have you regressed?"

Shi Lu shook his head, stretched his wrist, and said, "Come again."

"I won't come with you." Chu Yinlong refused, and raised his chin towards Jiangdao outside the glass door, "Why don't you two try."

Shi Lu turned his head and saw Jiang Dao walking into the gym, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fight him? His arms are still green, don't you feel bad?"

Chu Yinlong thought for a while, and said: "You may...not necessarily be able to touch his arm."

Hearing what he said, Shi Lu was of course unconvinced: "Hey, even if I can't beat you, I can't beat him! How can it be possible that I can't even touch an arm! Come on, Xiao Dao, come on, let's practice!" practice."

Ejima wasn't shy either, he simply warmed up, stepped on the mat, and put on a pose.

Shi Lu smiled: "With your posture, you can't see the way?"

Jiang Dao shrugged: "Ye Luzi."

Facts have proved that Jiang Dao's way is really wild.

Moreover, Chu Yinlong's judgment was accurate as expected - Shi Lu failed to touch Jiang Dao's injured arm the whole time, but in just a few rounds, Jiang Dao threw him to the ground, unable to get up.

"Cough!" Chu Yinlong cleared his throat, "Okay, get up, and there is no need to count the seconds."

Jiang Dao got up from Shi Lu, and stretched out his hand to pull him.

Shi Lu lay on the ground, raised his arms to cover his eyes, and sighed heavily.

Chu Yinlong was helpless: "Why are you still like a child, and you can't get up on the ground if you lose?"

Shi Lu moved his arm away and looked at Chu Yinlong suspiciously: "Like a child? Which child?"

Chu Yinlong pointed to Jiang Dao: "That's it, every time I lose a fight with me, I'm on the ground."

Shi Lu sat up with his arms propped up, and asked, "Do you often fight? I don't think he was taught by you."

Chu Yinlong smiled: "I can't teach this kind of... The kung fu I learned is all upright. His body is so slippery that I can't see the way. It's quite difficult to deal with, right?"

Shi Lu turned his head and looked at Jiang Dao a few times, his face suddenly became a little complicated: "It's quite difficult to deal with..."

As he spoke, he lowered his eyelashes, pursed his lower lip, and raised his face again: "Very good, you have found a friend who can compete with you again."

For some reason, Jiang Dao suddenly felt that standing here seemed a bit redundant.

Chu Yinlong and Shi Lu are old acquaintances, and the tone of their conversation is very casual. Moreover, the relationship between the two is not as pure as Chu Yinlong and Director Mu before. It seems that they are more than working partners and friends... But Jiang Dao I can't tell what the extra ones are, but I just intuitively feel that the atmosphere is a bit strange.

"Then I'll go for a run." Jiang Dao greeted with a little embarrassment, turned around and ran away.

Chu Yinlong's gaze followed Jiang Dao's back, and then quickly retracted.

He turned around and picked up the towel and mobile phone from the shelf next to him: "I'm leaving first. Xiao Dao, don't practice too late, pay attention to rest."

Jiang Dao didn't look back, he responded casually, and waved his hands behind his back.

Shi Lu stood up and said, "I'm going too, let's go back together."

Chu Yinlong didn't take it seriously, the two walked out of the gym side by side and turned into the elevator.

The elevator slowly ascended, and a sigh came from the small space.

After a moment of silence, Shi Lu said: "If you don't practice kung fu, you won't be able to do it. I used to think I was pretty good, but now I can't even beat young artists."

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong said: "Xiao Dao is not an ordinary entertainer, don't think he looks like a little girl even though he looks pretty, but he is actually quite cruel to me."

Shi Lu whispered: "Aren't we all very cruel to ourselves? People who practice martial arts, how can they continue to practice if they are not cruel to themselves... He is just like you, lucky, good-looking, and he can walk farther than us This kind is much wider. If you can stand in front of the stage, who would like to stand in the shadow of others?"

As he said that, he suddenly turned his head and smiled at Chu Yinlong: "However, with you, I would rather stand in the shadow."

For a long while, Chu Yinlong didn't speak.

The elevator arrived at the guest room floor, and the two went out one after the other and turned into the corridor.

"Stone Road." Chu Yinlong suddenly called out.

"Huh?" Shi Lu looked at him.

Chu Yinlong stopped, turned around, and looked at the person in front of him solemnly.

"Don't say what you said just now." He said calmly, but with a touch of alienation, "We are friends, so I am willing to get along with you in the old way. But if, your gratitude to me is not just simple Thanks...sorry, I won't take it."

Shi Lu was stunned.

After a long time, he showed a wry smile: "You can see that..."

Chu Yinlong didn't speak.

Shi Lu asked, "Is it because of Jiang Dao?"


Chu Yinlong answered quickly.

Shi Lu laughed.

"Do you believe this yourself? You may not have noticed how gentle you are when you look at him. If I didn't see the way you looked at him, I wouldn't be so anxious to say those words..." He closed his eyes Eyes, when they opened again, there was a lot more freedom in the eyes, "Actually, that's fine, say it out, I've tried your attitude, and I'll give up."

"However..." Shi Lu said, looking at Chu Yinlong with a smile, with a teasing tone, "... I don't think Kojima seems to be enlightened yet, why is the movie emperor Chu also unrequited love?"

Read The Duke's Passion