MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 3 He even forgot to eat

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When the strain on Jiang Dao's waist eased a bit, the director team didn't delay much, and quickly arranged to re-record the guest entrance session.

This time he didn't play tricks, Chu Yinlong came in from the hall door normally, and greeted several guests.

After filming the greetings of the guests, the voice-over began to announce the challenge process of this episode:

"Today, we invited Mr. Zhang, a famous chef from Zhushi City, to cook his special dishes for us. Mr. Zhang prepared sweet and sour fried fish, Huaishan roast chicken and Languo dishes for our lunch, but these dishes were not Not everyone gets the chance to taste it."

"Next, we arranged three challenges. The guests were divided into two teams according to the color of their clothes. Each time they won a challenge, they could choose one of the three dishes as a reward. The team that failed the challenge could only get one dish each. Pack mustard or a salted duck egg."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao couldn't help frowning, and glanced lightly at Chu Yinlong standing beside him from the corner of his eyes.

They are all wearing red clothes, and they are destined to cooperate with each other to win the game.

Well, in order to eat delicious food, he can bend and stretch.

Also on the same team as Jiang Dao was Yi Bailu, who leaned over at this time, inserted between Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong, smiled at the two, and turned to look at the director team intently.

The voice-over continues to explain the rules of the game:

"Zhu City is a famous hometown of martial arts. The Zhu Huai Temple, the 'master of martial arts' that appears in many martial arts works, was created based on the monk system of the Huaishan Temple in Zhu City. Therefore, the challenges we arranged today are all related to Martial arts-related. The three challenges for lunch are 'Standing', 'Swordsmanship' and 'Footwork'."

Hearing this, Yi Bailu slapped his hands and said excitedly: "Wow! Then our team has Brother Long, isn't it a sure win? Isn't he a monk from Huaishan Temple?"

"That's not possible." Next to him, Lu Yun shook his head, "It's impossible for the program team to let us practice martial arts. I guess it's some kind of magic reform. Besides, Xiao Tang is also very good on our side... right? Little Tang?"

Tang Yao said with a smile: "As long as it's not about practicing martial arts, I think we have a better chance of winning. After all, we have filmed together for three seasons, and the tacit understanding is definitely better than them."

When everyone came to the outdoor prepared challenge area, Lu Yun and Tang Yao became more confident.

Because the challenge venue didn't look like a ring for sparring at all, but in a pool filled with soft foam blocks, two cylindrical stakes with a height of one meter and a diameter of about one meter were erected.

"Do you call this 'pile work'?" Chu Yinlong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, pointing at the two pillars, "Is it really a pile?"

The voice-over quickly announced the rules: "As you can see, the first challenge is 'Pile Gong'. Three people in the team need to stand on the cylindrical stakes in the field at the same time, and the team that lasts longer wins. The stakes are held every ten seconds. The clock will shrink a circle, and if one of the three members of the team falls, it will be considered a failure."

"It still shrinks?" Yi Bailu was surprised, "How can it shrink?"

"Can we take a look first?" Tang Yao also asked, "At least let us know how small it is? Otherwise, with Brother Lu around, we will all be squeezed out."

Lu Yun: "Tsk, what are you talking about!"

While speaking, Tang Yao and Chu Yinlong had already climbed up the piles on both sides and observed carefully.

The prop master also controlled the shrinkage of the stakes—the outer layer of the two stakes, the ring-shaped volume about the width of a palm, slowly descended and retracted into the foam block, and the stakes instantly became thinner. After four rounds, the pile was only 30 centimeters in diameter, and only one person could stand on it.

"Are you sure you want three people to stand here at the same time?!" Tang Yao looked at the director team in disbelief, "Can we exchange brother Lu for the island?"

"Change!" Lu Yun feigned anger, "Brother Long certainly doesn't dislike me as much as you do!"

"If you don't change it, I despise you." Yi Bailu made up the knife with a smile.

Of course, it is impossible to change people, and the guests are just making fun of each other.

After a few words of squabbling, the two sides took advantage of the time when the props were reset, and began to discuss how to persist on this pile for a longer period of time.

"I think we still have a chance to win." Lu Yun tried to find his own advantage, dragged Tang Yao and muttered, "Look, we have cooperated for the third season, and Wei Wei is not hypocritical. The two men over there They are not familiar with each other, and Bailu is a female artist, which is inconvenient. I think we have an advantage!"

Tang Yao glanced at him: "If you can lose half of your weight, we do have an advantage."

Back to Jiang Dao and Yi Bailu, Chu Yinlong asked, "How much do you two weigh?"

Yi Bailu didn't hide anything: "Ninety-two catties."

Jiang Dao subconsciously said, "Seventy-five kilograms."

"You?" Chu Yinlong was startled, "How much are you?!"

As he spoke, he looked Jiang Dao up and down a few times, a little confused: "Impossible?"

When Chu Yinlong asked, Jiang Dao also realized that he had changed his body.

With his current small body, not only is he not as tall as he used to be, but he also doesn't have any sense of strength in his body. Even if he is not skinny, it is impossible to reach seventy-five kilograms.

Although he himself didn't know how heavy his body was, he changed his words immediately: "Sixty-five."

Chu Yinlong didn't delve into it, turned his head to Yi Bailu and said, "You are not suitable to be crowded with us. In this way, go up in a while, and take advantage of the rough space at the beginning, and you sit on my shoulder."

Yi Bailu blinked his eyes when he heard this: "Sit on your shoulders? Is this okay? I'm quite heavy."

Chu Yinlong said: "It's less than a hundred catties, so it's fine to carry it for a while... Or, you don't want to?"

Yibailu dared to be hypocritical in front of Chu Yinlong, and quickly waved his hands: "I don't care! I haven't experienced anything in recording this program, it's nothing!"

After solving Yibailu's stance plan, Chu Yinlong looked at Jiang Dao again: "Your side..."

Jiang Dao twitched the corner of his mouth: "I'll try to stick to you when the time comes, let's try."

Chu Yinlong nodded, and said again: "Let's try now, and also prevent confusion after going on stage."

However, the director team did not give them the opportunity to test in advance.

The two stakes were quickly reset, and the voice-over sounded without warning: "Guests, please get ready, you have ten seconds to climb the stakes. After ten seconds, the challenge timer will officially start!"

Over there, Lu Yun yelled loudly, turned his head and rushed into the foam pool.

Here, Jiang Dao didn't hesitate, and followed Chu Yinlong and Yi Bailu to the stakes that belonged to them.

The pile is not high, so it is easy to climb up, but after going up is the beginning of technical difficulties.

Soon, the challenge timing officially began.

Jiang Dao stood on the edge of the outer circle of the pillar, giving the place to Chu Yinlong and Yi Bailu.

Chu Yinlong half-kneeled on the ground, and waited for Yibailu to ride on his shoulders. With both legs, he stood up very easily.

"Wow! Look at them!" Opposite, Zhou Wei shouted.

"Good idea, you come too!" Tang Yao said, kneeling on the ground in the way of Chu Yinlong, and asked Zhou Wei to ride on his neck.

Sitting on a high place, Yi Bailu shouted angrily: "You stole our ideas!"

Tang Yao staggered and stood up straight, grinning at Yibailu without speaking.

At this time, ten seconds passed, and the first circle outside the pile slowly fell.

Jiang Dao approached Chu Yinlong step by step, and stood face to face with him, stepped one foot between Chu Yinlong's feet, and landed on the smallest area in the center.

"Sister Bailu, you can put your legs on my shoulders." Jiang Dao suggested, "In this way, Teacher Chu and I can stick closer."

As he said that, he slightly bent his body sideways to make it easier for Yi Bailu to change his posture.

Sure enough, when Yi Bailu put his legs on the shoulders of the two, Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong's bodies were already tightly attached, without the slightest gap. As a result, they had to turn their faces away slightly in the opposite direction so that Chu Yinlong would not kiss Jiang Dao's nose.

However, since Yi Bailu's legs were still resting on their shoulders, it was impossible for Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong to turn their heads completely, otherwise they would kiss Yi Bailu's thighs again. As a result, Chu Yinlong's lips could only stop on the side of Jiang Dao's cheek.

This distance is too short, every time Chu Yinlong breathes, Jiang Dao can feel the air flow gently on his face.

The nostrils are filled with the fragrance of flowers from Yibailu and the faint fragrance of grass and woods from Chu Yinlong. It is not pungent, has no sweat or other weird smells, which makes Jiang Dao relax a lot.

Even, he gradually discovered that the feeling of being so close together was not as annoying as he had imagined fact, it was a bit...intoxicating.

When the body touches, even through the clothes, it seems that you can still feel the other person's body temperature.

Only then did Jiang Dao realize that he hadn't been so close to anyone for too long.

When was the last time you came?

It seems that when he was seven or eight years old... or nine years old, he acted like a baby to his mother for the last time.

Before Jiang Dao could sink into his memories, the stake under his feet suddenly trembled slightly, and the outer circle shrank for a second time.

Jiang Dao was close to Chu Yinlong, and both of them stood as firm as Mount Tai.

There were several screams from the opposite side, accompanied by Yi Bailu's heartless laughter.

But Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong couldn't turn their heads to look. Judging from the fact that the timing was not over, Tang Yao's side should have been a false alarm, and no one fell.

Another ten seconds passed, and the stake shrank again.

Jiang Dao swayed slightly, and subconsciously put his arms around Chu Yinlong's waist to stabilize his figure.

The two of them stuck together even tighter, and felt the pressure of hugging hard between their chest and abdomen.

Chu Yinlong turned his head quickly and pursed his lips.

At this time, a series of screams came from the opposite side, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling into the foam block one after another.

Yi Bailu laughed loudly from a high place: "Brother Yao, don't hit him, Brother Lu has already tried his best, really!"

Judging that the challenge on the other side failed, they automatically won, and Jiang Dao immediately let go and jumped back off the platform.

He turned his face away, took a breath slowly at an angle that Chu Yinlong couldn't see, closed his eyes, and tried to dispel the feeling of the hug just now.

Now he finally understands why in the world outside the book, when everyone is struggling to survive, there are still some people who are willing to pay a few canned meat for a moment of pleasure.

It turns out that the feeling of being close to people is unexpectedly... craving.

"This round of challenge, the red team wins!"

The voice-over from the director's team interrupted Jiang Dao's thoughts.

"Now, the red team members can choose one of the three dishes for lunch. The white team members can choose one of mustard and salted duck eggs."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao suddenly returned to his senses.

That's right, he tried so hard to win just now, but he was only going for the delicious food!

How could it be just a hug that made him forget his food?

Read The Duke's Passion