MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 21 girl in love

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After dinner that day, Haitang cut the rewarded watermelon into small pieces and served it to the table. Everyone sat around in the yard, chatting while eating the melon.

Seeing that it was still early, the pastor suggested playing a small game for evening entertainment.

"Everyone here is from the circle, let's play something that everyone is familiar with." The pastor said and took out a small square box, "I have a set of character cards here, let's play 'you play and I guess', just as Entertain the audience."

Seeing the box in Mu Zhixing's hand, Cheng Zhiyi immediately lay down on the table and groaned, "Director Mu, why did you take out my dad's training card as a game..."

To put it bluntly, this set of cards was originally used for performance training. Not to mention Qi Peng and Chu Yinlong who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, even Cheng Zhiyi has "played" card-drawing games, which is very difficult. Sometimes, several people even draw cards separately, and then forcefully put together a logical and self-consistent play with these characters.

Now that Mu Zhixing uses it as a game, to Cheng Zhiyi, it is no different from being asked to do homework suddenly.

"Just play this, this is good." Qi Peng obviously colluded with Mu Zhixing, "Hai Tang, An An, and Xiao Dao probably haven't played this before, and it's fun for the audience to watch... Let's make rewards and punishments , is more interesting."

Everyone spoke to each other, and the rules of the game were quickly established—the guest drew a card from the box, and then showed the content on the card through physical performance. He is not allowed to speak, nor is he allowed to imitate the voice, and the rest can only guess the content of the card through his action performance.

The guest who is guessed the fastest in each round can ask the guest who has been guessed wrong the most times to tell the truth or take a big risk.

"It's settled. You are not allowed to cheat and guess wrong on purpose." Before the game started, Qi Peng set the rules first, and You Qi pointed in the direction of Cheng Zhiyi, "Everyone can see that and guess wrong on purpose, then punish him Run ten laps down the hill."

"No, Dad Qi, we can behave ourselves!" Cheng Zhiyi shouted.

The game started quickly, and the pastor drew a card first as the proposer. He squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, walked to the field, made a movement of shaking some kind of fabric, then retracted his arms, and straightened his hands as if holding something, and then began to operate with both hands in the air on that thing , to comb hair and use scissors.

"Sculptor?" Haitang asked.

The pastor shook his head regretfully.

"Barber?" An Zhe tentatively guessed.

"Oh, how is it possible, I think..." Cheng Zhiyi hurriedly interjected, "I think it might also be the bonsai master who spread the tablecloth, moved the flowers to the table, and then trimmed and trimmed..."

No wonder Qi Peng reminded like that at the opening meeting, so there really is a master who doesn't follow the rules and talks nonsense.

Fortunately, the eyes of the others are discerning, An Zhe also gave the correct answer, and was not entangled by Cheng Zhiyi's nonsense.

Next, Qi Peng drew a relatively difficult "stewardess" card and was guessed wrong three times. Then Haitang came on stage, and the "tailor" who performed was guessed wrong twice.

Then it was Chu Yinlong's turn. He stretched out his hand to open a card, raised his eyebrows slightly, and slowly put it back on the table.

Chu Yinlong got up and entered the arena, his back was hunched up as he walked, his legs and feet seemed to be dead, he limped with his knees bent, his sharpness was restrained, his eyes were dull and numb looking at everyone , stretched out a trembling hand in the direction of the table silently...

All are quiet.

Then Qi Peng couldn't help laughing out loud: "Xiao Chu, you played too seriously, didn't you show your real kung fu?"

Chu Yinlong turned a deaf ear, his eyes turned slowly as if they were about to die, his eyes fell on Jiang Dao, and then he handed over his hand feebly.

Jiang Dao looked at Chu Yinlong for a moment, and said in a low voice, "...a beggar."

Hearing the correct answer, Chu Yinlong's eyes instantly recovered, he straightened his body, and curled his mouth: "It's a beggar, I guessed it right."

He walked back to the dining table with a smile, picked up the card box and put it in front of Jiang Dao: "It's your turn."

Jiang Dao withdrew his gaze, reached out and took out a card from the box, opened it, and saw that there was only a simple word on it - "cat".

what's the situation?

Ejima raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Why is it that other people perform professionally, but he becomes an animal?

Moreover, this game clearly states that onomatopoeia is not allowed, so he can’t rely on meowing to get tricks, but can only express it through movements... But the physical structure of humans and cats is so different, how can he act like a cat? ?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Dao put the card back on the table, recalled the cats he had seen, got up and walked slowly to the field, then—slumped down, pouted his buttocks, stretched his arms, and stretched slowly and lazily Lazy.

Cheng Zhiyi slapped the table: "Bar Gigolo!"

Jiang Dao: ...

He said, how can normal people think in the direction of animals!

This card was too much for him.

Recalling the behavior of cats he had seen, Jiang Dao squatted down slowly, opened his hands to make a claw shape, and began to grind his claws on the ground.

"Hahahahaha!" Cheng Zhiyi laughed, "Are you playing Taotao Digging? Did you draw a dog? Oh yes, I remember that there was an animal in the character card...Is it a dog Xiaodao?"

Jiang Dao looked at Cheng Zhiyi speechlessly, not sure whether the other party made a mistake on purpose or really didn't see it.

Thinking carefully again, Jiang Dao lowered his head, imitated the cat's movement, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and began to squint his eyes and pretend to lick his arm.

"Oh, cat." Cheng Zhiyi guessed right this time.

After a sudden realization, he added: "The most obvious difference between cats and other animals is that they can lick their fur by themselves. You should perform this from the beginning, and I can't guess wrong."

Jiang Dao smiled, noncommittal, got up and returned to his seat.

Next, Cheng Zhiyi and An Zhe also drew cards to perform. Cheng Zhiyi is worthy of being a well-known young talent, and his performance was lifelike, which An Zhe guessed at a glance.

But An Zhe was not so lucky. Not only did he get a reverse role like "Maid", but he didn't have any special expression.

"There are two winners in the first round, which one of you will give An An a question?" Qi Peng said with a smile, "An An, do you want to tell the truth or take a big risk?"

An Zhe hesitated for a moment: "I choose the truth."

Chu Yinlong smiled and waved his hands: "Then Xiaoyi ask."

With a smirk on his face, Cheng Zhiyi stretched out his hand to hook An Zhe's neck: "Then let me ask you, have you ever had a crush? Hmm? Don't lie!"

An Zhe hesitated for a moment, and looked at the camera hesitantly.

Cheng Zhiyi turned his face back: "Hey, don't worry about the camera. You see how righteous I am. I didn't ask who you had a crush on, but whether you had a crush on it before. Just tell me if you have, and you don't need to say your name... hurry up!"

After a long while, An Zhe nodded, and then whispered an excuse: "When I was in middle school, it's normal to have a secret crush!"

Cheng Zhiyi's eyes widened: "Wow, middle school! Then you are not only in love secretly, but also in love early!"

Everyone responded with good-natured laughter.

Soon, the second round of the game began.

This time, Chu Yinlong drew "Mother".

Although he played a reverse role, relying on his excellent acting skills and mastery of the character's temperament, he was only guessed wrong once by Cheng Zhiyi, and he successfully passed the test.

Recalling Chu Yinlong's happy and gentle appearance when he played the role of "mother", Jiang Dao's understanding of "actor" also quietly changed in his heart.

In the past month, he has watched a lot of dramas and movies, and he has also watched the movies starring Chu Yinlong. But because Chu Yinlong is a kung fu star, he is mostly a tough guy in the movies, and his temperament is very similar to his own, so Jiang Dao didn't feel any touch.

But just now... Chu Yinlong could have such a gentle expression on his face, pouted to tease the "baby" in his arms, and lifted the hem of his clothes to pretend to "feed" without any embarrassment, Jiang Dao did not expect.

The "entertainment circle" he has experienced and seen these days seems to be a little different from what he read in this novel?

"Okay, it's time for the island." Mu Zhixing's voice interrupted Jiang Dao's thoughts.

Jiang Dao came back to his senses, smiled apologetically at Director Mu, stretched out his hand to open a card, and saw the word "Hunter" on it.

This role is familiar to him.

Jiang Dao snapped the card back to the table, got up, turned around and grabbed an air "gun", raised his hand to support the non-existent brim of his hat, then raised his legs and walked over the "grass" and "shrubs". After walking a few steps, he leaned over to check the "footprints" on the ground, searched for a while, then stopped suddenly, set up the "gun" in his hand, waited patiently for a moment, and pulled the trigger.

The recoil pushed his body slightly, and then he stood up abruptly, ran forward a few steps over the "leaves of grass", squatted down beside the "prey", drew out the "dagger" from the back waist, and began to deal with the "prey" .

Off the court, Mu Zhixing and Chu Yinlong looked at each other and smiled lightly at the same time.

Qi Peng couldn't help nodding his head in appreciation: "This 'hunter' has caught the essence."

Being guessed right once, Jiang Dao walked back to the table with a smile, subconsciously glanced at Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong hooked the corner of his mouth and gave Jiang Dao a thumbs up.

In the end, the second round of the game ended with Jiang Dao winning and Anzhe losing again.

An Zhe chose "truth" again, and Jiang Dao didn't make it difficult for him, but only asked him to pick an embarrassing story from his childhood.

"Okay, let's do the last round."

Mu Zhixing smiled and took back the cards that everyone had just drawn out, then took out half of the box of cards, carefully sorted out a few more, and put the remaining half of the stack on the table.

"Increase the difficulty, let's have a round with emotions."

It was only then that Jiang Dao discovered that the cards taken away by Director Mu were all blue card backs, while the cards left on the table had red backs, which were probably the "emotional" cards that Director Mu said.

Sure enough, Mu Zhixing, who was the first to play, performed "Angry Granny". This time, the difficulty of the performance was greatly increased. Everyone guessed five times before they got it right.

Afterwards, Qi Peng performed "A Woman Fallen in Jealousy", Haitang performed "A Boy Who Admires Herself", and Chu Yinlong performed "A Broken Old Man". Chu Yinlong was lucky, and temporarily took the lead with a good result of being guessed wrong twice.

Jiang Dao raised his hand to rub his jaw that hurt from laughing, and stretched out his hand to open the character card that belonged to him.

In the next second, his smile froze at the corner of his mouth. I saw a few provocative words written on the card—

"Girl in Love".

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