MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 62

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【My heart is still like water now, I won't love anymore... 】

[Is it a memory chapter involving people and BOSS! ? The grass is really going to make a show! ? I can't wait! ! 】

[The boss is actually not Karasuma Renye, which means that the current boss is actually the second generation boss? 】

[I remember that Karasuma Renye did change the boss once ten years later...theoretically it does make sense]

[Zhuo, will the involved people return to the Black Organization next? In fact, people involved are originally black? ? What about Yuu? 】

[Wasn't Yuma an experimental body before? I think Yujin's appearance may also have something to do with Shiren...]

【hiss! I feel very close to the truth! Involving people is actually pure black! Just because pure black doesn't mean he will do bad things! 】

[Woooooo... I feel like there is an invisible knife that is about to chop me to death, in short, don't use the knife! 】

"Are you in a daze?"

The man's voice brought Tsujimoto back to his senses quickly.

He raised his head silently, noticed the hidden eyes of the people around him, and gradually understood something in his heart.

Although it was said to be [talk], the other party did not take him to a certain room [talk] by himself as he thought.

Boss seems to have other things to do.


After ignoring the barrage in front of him, Tsujimoto took his thoughts back and casually folded his hands on the table.

"I just don't understand what you want to do."

"It's okay, you'll understand soon."

The boss is still wearing a mask, and no one can see his face under the mask clearly.

If it weren't for the other person's chatting habits revealing his character, I'm afraid Tsujimoto would think that the mask would be another person.

However, Tsujimoto was not interested in the real appearance of the other party either.

"You should remember everything about Organization X?" the boss continued to ask.

"Why did you tell you?" Tsujimoto glanced at the other party,

"If you don't remember, it's impossible for you to compromise with me." The eyes behind the BOSS mask were filled with some kind of excitement,

"Do you want to escape? What about the members of the X organization who betrayed you and left you one by one?"

Organization X is just a fake code name.

That was just the name of the corporate organization they were in at the beginning. In fact, Organization X was just an ordinary pharmaceutical factory in the beginning.

As for the so-called betrayal, that is also a long time later.

"Want a cup of black tea? I heard that the black tea in this restaurant tastes good." BOSS suggested with a smile,

"Want a drink?"

"No." Tsujimoto Shiren waved his hand,

"Ghost knows if you're going to add anything else in there."

"You don't trust me so much?"

"When you chose to join forces with Karasuma Renye, I knew that I would definitely not be able to follow the same path as you." Tsujimoto said coldly,

"Who do you think Carmen and the others are the source of pain? If it weren't for you deceiving me, so many complicated things wouldn't have happened."

"In the final analysis, the source of all pain is you. I stayed for you, and you betrayed me for your so-called career and status."

"So it shouldn't be wrong, right? Is there anything else you want to refute?"

"But even so, I still choose to restore your memory."

"You just gave me back my [once] memories."

Tsujimoto Shiren pointed to his temple, his eyes narrowed slightly,

"Because you need [Pandora]. The medicine I left was not a complete medicine. So you can't really be immortal at all, right?"

"Only the past me knows where Pandora is, this is all you want."


The chatter still rang out in the restaurant, and no one seemed to notice the exchange between the two of them, and Tsujimoto didn't mind being heard by others.

It's just that the atmosphere between the two seems to be even more deadlocked.

"You still hate me?" the boss asked softly.

"Pfft, what are you joking?" Tsujimoto smiled.

"The word hatred is for people who are important to you, but you are not that important to me."

"I don't care much about the past. I have important family members and new friends. I think it's good now, but your presence is bad."

After the man joined the black organization, he completely threw the pharmaceutical factory, or the X organization to Tsujimoto Shito. Probably because of his trust in him, and the man also believed that Tsujimoto Shiren would not live up to his expectations.

And Tsujimoto also managed the organization very well. He may have been born with some kind of talent in the industry, and he was quickly treated favorably by the employees of Organization X.

But it was all ruined after an accident.

Of course, there is a habit of regular inspections within the organization, and it is also normal to have an occasional physical examination.

Tsujimoto never thought that his friend would do something about it.

"If it was that man, he would definitely be the most suitable experimental subject."

When he overheard such a conversation, Tsujimoto covered his mouth almost subconsciously, holding his breath as he listened to the two of them.

"I know you're reluctant... He's your most trusted friend, isn't he?"

One of them should be the boss of the Black Organization.

The other person, without a doubt, should be his friend.

What are they talking about? Own? What experimental body? ? Why use yourself as an experimental subject? ?

Numerous kinds of guesses emerged, and Tsujimoto Shiren didn't understand what his friend was doing for a while.

But when his friend said the next sentence, Tsujimoto was inexplicably relieved.

"No, no, no, everyone else can, but not involving people." The man's tone turned gloomy,

"If you have to do this, then it would be better for us to end our cooperation."

"Knew it…"

The man laughed for a while, and finally said:

"But actually you are also very interested in my experimental process, right? I know that you have been secretly trying to reproduce my experimental plan. And you also know that the most suitable experimental subject is Tsujimoto Shito."

"Are you sure I don't know what you're doing?"

The atmosphere between the two seemed to be extremely sharp, and curiosity drove Tsujimoto to continue listening, but the small and dark room was almost breathless.

"Tell me, where are the other people's experimental subjects?" Karasuma Renye asked.

"...The key is not with me."

After a long time, the man replied,

"On my friend, he may not know... I'll take you there someday."

"It's good that you know that."

The conversation between the two ended.

Tsujimoto muted his phone almost immediately, knowing that a man would call him soon.

The key is on him? ? What does that mean? ?

He remembered that his friends had given him a lot of keys, but he never cared what the keys were used for. Most of them can be unlocked by pupil pattern or fingerprint, and there is no need for a key at all.

If it must be said, only the undeveloped basement still needs to use the key.

The answer is actually pretty obvious.

He walked towards the basement at the fastest speed. He remembered every line of passwords on this floor, and what was behind every door on this floor.

The only thing that needs to be confirmed is the basement room.

He suddenly opened the door and touched the only lamp in the corner. At the moment when the lamp flickered with a cold white light, Tsujimoto's pupils dilated slightly.

It was a scene he had never seen before.

Countless [Tsujimoto Shito] who looked almost identical to him appeared in front of him. Most of them looked like children, but there was no doubt that they all had silver hair and blue eyes that were almost identical to him.

I don't want to make him an experimental subject, but I have to conduct an experiment...

So he chose to take his body samples and cloned other hotbeds suitable for [experiment]?

"I remember that scene."

The boss's voice interrupted his thoughts again, and Tsujimoto came back to his senses, only to find that there was a good meal on the table.

"The time you first discovered the experimental base. I actually gave it to you a long time ago. I told you you must never go into that room - actually I hoped you would, maybe that's all. , my heart will feel better."

"But you also know that if you tell me not to go, then I will definitely not go." Tsujimoto looked at him.

"I hate doing something on the premise of destroying other people's lives, you know that, and you do it anyway."

"Even if they were originally born for experiments?"

"As long as people have consciousness, they are alive." Tsujimoto lowered his eyes.

"Those who are alive should have the right to live, shouldn't they?"

But there is no way that man would understand this truth.

He explained to himself many times about the experiment, including the Pandora plan conspiracy with the BOSS about [Immortal Immortality], and the experimental process that requires experimental subjects, etc.

But Tsujimoto couldn't understand, and couldn't agree with their fanaticism.

He is not interested in longevity, but these children are always innocent.

The two quarreled for a whole week, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the atmosphere between them had stiffened. But no one really dared to persuade, who would dare to touch the secret between the two bosses?

However, this matter finally ended with the compromise of the man.

The two children who were experimental subjects were brought out and lived as normal children in the X organization.

And the relationship between Tsujimoto and the man seems to have eased a lot, at least the other party is willing to compromise, and he is indeed willing to take his friend in the eye.

When hesitating, Tsujimoto Shitoto also asked his friend, if the harm of the experiment is not too big, he can actually conduct the experiment as an experimental subject.

But this proposal was once again rejected by his friends.

This seems to be the bottom line of the other party, and he is not willing to let Tsujimoto Shitoo become an experimental subject.

This matter didn't come to an end.

Tsujimoto no longer told the man about the [Pandora]-related plans, and the man seemed to have gained a lot of status in the black organization, and brought a lot of money to the X organization.

He seemed obsessed with his gradual climb up the Black Organization, disappearing for months on several occasions.

And the X organization is naturally completely thrown to Tsujimoto Toshito.

As everyone thought, Organization X has gradually become what a man ideally looks like. It has infinite popularity outside, and has countless shareholders and giants investing in it. It is favored by many people, and there are also many listed companies under its name.

But Tsujimoto was not feeling any special emotions at all.

He doesn't care much about the pursuit of money, nor the so-called longevity. As a person who has always been very salty and Buddhist, what he pursues more is an ordinary but happy life.

The only thing that made him feel a little regretful was his friend who had been missing for two or three years.

It seems that it is not very accurate to say that it is missing, after all, the other party often writes back. Generally speaking, he wants to occupy the top position in the black organization. After gaining a certain position, the investment in the X organization will also increase significantly.

Tsujimoto Shito actually didn't want his friends to be involved in such a dangerous thing, but he knew that even if he persuaded him, there would be no results, and he finally gave up.

All in all, this matter has nothing to do with Tsujimoto.

However, the slightly broken relationship between the two has been repaired a lot. On a certain day on Tsujimoto's birthday, a man once gave him a gem... Well, actually Tsujimoto didn't know why the other party gave him a gem. His own gem, but since it was a gift from a friend, he should take it well.

It was a rather beautiful sapphire, similar to the color of his pupils, but a little darker. It is said that this gem has the ability to bless disasters, although Tsujimoto does not believe it at all.

As a return gift, Tsujimoto also spent some of his pocket money to auction a red gem as a return gift. The color of the gemstone and the man's pupils is also very similar, but it is more pinkish.

The heart of Tamir, the gem of [Victory].

Probably with some kind of blessing.

However, Tsujimoto felt that he was still a little naive. After all, the luxury of giving gems, which is completely inconsistent with his social habits, made him OOC. So in his reply, he also wrote that [there is no need to send similar gifts in the future] and so on, and in the end, this matter was settled.

Then, he got another unexpected news from the man.

"Karasuma Renye is dead."

The man's low voice rang from the phone,

"Now the boss of the Black Organization will be me."

"Really? Congratulations."

Tsujimoto's answer was as flat as ever.

But he was aware of some inconsistencies that were not easy to detect.

The two children who cloned him in the organization also grew up. One of the children is called Carmen. He has a lively and outgoing personality and is very popular with everyone.

The other child is called [Hope]... Unlike Carmen, this child is more introverted and not even close to people, especially Tsujimoto.

He seemed to hate that he had the same face as Tsujimoto, and he didn't like the name Tsujimoto gave him.

"I want to live like myself.": That's what the kid said,

"I don't want the name you gave me, I feel disgusting!"

So Tsujimoto agreed with the decision to change the face and dye his hair, and also agreed with the child to change his name.

And his later name was [Loren Cooper].

"Do you remember Loren? That kid who died tragically at the underground auction?" BOSS took the initiative to mention that incident.

"I don't remember." Tsujimoto said casually,

"Didn't that kid never like me?"

"Loren has always admired and liked you, but unfortunately you don't know." BOSS regretted.

"It doesn't matter, do you look like I care?"

"Are you still struggling with the [betrayal] thing?"

"Neither." Putting down the cup in his hand, Tsujimoto's eyes shifted to other places.

"I can barely remember."

The figures of several men flashed past not far away, and soon disappeared from sight.

At the same time, Tsujimoto Shitoto also noticed that a very dazzling gaze was focused on him. However, Tsujimoto Shito completely ignored that line of sight and looked back again.

"Compared to those things, the time after you became the boss of the Black Organization made me more memorable, right?"

When the man became the boss of the Black Organization, Tsujimoto Shitoo thought that everything would be fine, but the truth was not what he thought.

People around him suddenly started to leave or disappear under various excuses, and besides that, the last thing Tsujimoto wanted to see happened.

As a BOSS who just took office, a man must gain the approval of others as quickly as possible.

The most important of which is everything about the X organization.

The man intends to take the power of the X organization back from Tsujimoto Toshito. He voluntarily replaced most of the employees in the organization without even talking to Tsujimoto in advance.

So much so that when Tsujimoto found out, it was too late to turn it around.

He realizes what the man wants to do, and he realizes that he can't seem to change anything. It all happened so fast that there was only one thing he could do—

Disband the X organization and leave this place quickly.

If he doesn't leave, then more old employees in the organization will be persecuted.

He didn't want those innocent people to be tragic because of this.

But he didn't have any way to explain it to others. Rather than explaining, he must first keep these people safe.

As for money...

After that, he distributed most of his money to every old employee who left the company. With only a small amount of money left, he fled abroad for the first time.

Intuition tells him that if he continues to stay here, the result will not be very good.

And—men are sure to come for him.

Most definitely.

"I think you must have misunderstood me at the beginning." The man continued to talk about the previous topic,

"I didn't want to kill you, and I just persuaded those old employees to leave the X organization. You know, the black organization needs a special experimental hotbed. I didn't tell you because it was too busy at that time, really I can't find time to explain it to you."

"I can't believe what you said." Tsujimoto said lightly,

"I knew you weren't going to kill me, so you found me in the end, didn't you?"

And—it was at that time that he met Gin when he was young.

In other words, the gin at that time was not called gin, but Kurosawa.

The boy with short silver hair showed a vigilant look in his eyes. He clenched the handle of the knife in his hand tightly, and his whole body was tense.

"Don't be afraid, little one."

The man with long silver hair bent down, smiled and said hello,

"I just wanted to chat, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

—A wealthy man with no brains who doesn’t know where he came from.

Kurosawajin thought so at the time.

Children still distinguish between good and evil, so when the man in front of him took out food and money from his pocket and handed it to him, Kurosawajin's first reaction was that the other's brain was not very good.

"Are you a wandering child around here? Or are you separated from your parents?" The man asked again, seeing that the other party didn't answer, his face also showed a headache.

"Ah, forget it, it's my first time in Italy anyway, and I don't quite understand the customs here - but don't worry, although I'm not a good person, I'm definitely not a bad person."

Although he also felt that what he said should probably be nonsense, but what he should say should not be said.

"But you can't live alone in this kind of place, right? It's better to choose one."

The man took out the gun from his waist and held the purse in the other hand. He smiled at him with azure blue eyes.

"You can choose to take one thing, a gun to protect yourself, and money to live a good life for a long time. How? Which one do you choose?"

Tsujimoto is convinced that he does have a gambling element, but he is looking forward to the choice made by the child.

His eyes gave Tsujimoto a different feeling, and it was those eyes that attracted him.

How about giving him a gun? Can he really live in a place like this?

Impossible to think about.

Tsujimoto Shito himself has no intention of forcibly taking the other party away. He admits that he is indeed a kind person, but he is not a philanthropist either. If the other party doesn't want to go with him, he can't force the other party to go with him.

But what Tsujimoto didn't expect was the child's next move.

He took a step forward abruptly, clasped his fingers tightly around his wrist, and raised his head to look at him.

He didn't choose the purse or the gun, he chose him.

Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment, and then showed a helpless smile.

"What... I thought it would be difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect it to be quite pleasing..."

"I found it! That guy is indeed here!!"

"Damn it! Didn't I tell you to be optimistic about not letting him escape!? What the **** are you doing!"

"Who is that guy next to you?? My accomplice?? Don't care! Let's kill it together!"

... oh well.

Tsujimoto Shitoo instantly understood why the child wanted to catch him.

After all, he can't be sure that he will survive, so he must pull someone into the water! !

"Gin, you just watched them leave?"

In the rear parking space of the car not far away, the silver-haired killer was leaning on the seat, holding a cigarette in one hand, his green eyes staring out of the window in a trance.


Hearing Belmod's question, Gin inadvertently let out a humming sound,

"What else can I do? If that guy really remembers, maybe he is the one who has everything in his hands."

"As expected of the child who was picked up by that person, you seem very confident in him." Belmod smiled.

"As long as you get along with him a little longer, you will know his true strength." Qin Jiu said lightly,

"I would never deny his strength, I just hated his attitude towards me."


"...Never mind. Nothing."

The way he looked at himself was still the same as the way he looked at him at first.

He was willing to reach out to help him, but there was never any partiality in those eyes.

And now, they are just back to where they started.


I don't know how long it took, when Jin Jiu's cell phone suddenly made a vibrating sound, he subconsciously looked at his cell phone, but his eyes froze when he noticed the content of the text message on the cell phone.

It was a text message from a stranger, and the content of the text message was very familiar.

[Gin, if you want to get the so-called answer, I hope to meet you. ]

[Of course, that doesn't mean we're in a partnership, everything I do is just for him. ]

There is no signature, it is the information obtained from the dark web intrusion, and it is obvious that the other party is quite familiar with their internal network.

There is only one answer.

"Grenz wine..."

The only person who has earned Tsujimoto's trust.

Maybe it's because the first meeting is like a blank sheet of paper, without anyone from the past, it's easier to gain his trust, right?

Gin was silent for a moment, and his fingers finally typed a line on the phone:

[Sure, I look forward to seeing you, Glenz. ]

He is also curious about what the boss and Tsujimoto will do next...

It would probably be quite unexpected for him.


"It's done."

Tsujimoto Yuma closed the computer and lay down on the sofa. It could be seen that he was really tired.

"You actually went to make an appointment for gin..." There was still a bit of disbelief on Jiang Gu Ling's face.

"I used to be an internal intelligence member of the organization, and I know everything about their intelligence network." Tsujimoto Yuma yawned,

"Things within the organization are basically one-way transparency for me. I'm afraid it is also for this reason that the boss has always wanted to control or kill me."


The first time I saw this Grenz wine, the mood of the valley zero was still very complicated.

After all, the two people in the organization had always been at odds, but now that the two meet again, it is normal for Tsujimoto Yuma to treat him.

But what has happened has always happened, and it is still very uncomfortable to have that thorn stuck in my heart.


Zhu Fu Jingguang whispered his own young taming,

"Don't worry too much. In fact, Yuzhen is not as difficult to get along with as he imagined... He is just arrogant."

"Zhufu Jingguang, do you think I can't hear what you said?"

"Sorry." Zhu Fu Jingguang said with guilt,

"I just don't want zero to misunderstand you."

"What about misunderstandings? Do you think I care?"


Still angry.

However, Tsujimoto Yuma sometimes gets angry for no reason at all, and after a while, he actually gets used to it.

"I didn't recognize your identity when I was in the organization before, it's a little contradictory... In short, I'm sorry." Ling Gu still said what was in his heart, but the latter showed an even more disdainful expression,

"Is it Bourbon? I remember you. It's not a big problem, because I almost have a conflict with the destroyer of the Black Organization. I don't like them, that's all."


That seems to be correct.

But when a person decides to use a malicious attitude as a protective layer to face everyone, it does give people a feeling of [very difficult to get along with], right?

After all, Yuma Tsujimoto at that time would definitely be very uneasy...

"Can you talk to us a little bit about your past?"

Jiang Gu Ling continued to ask, but at the moment he asked, he noticed the changing face of Zhu Fu Jingguang.

-Wait a moment! ? Is it impossible to ask? ?

Thinking about it, it seems a bit too abrupt to ask directly about Yujin Tsujimoto's past, but it's still...

"You want to know?" Tsujimoto Yuma glanced at him, and the emotions in his blue eyes seemed a little complicated.


"It's not that I can't tell you."

Tsujimoto Yuma pulled his gaze back, his eyes staring at the ceiling quietly,

"I can only say—as far as I can say, I can reveal some necessary information for you."

"Within the range that can be said?" Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment.

Can you say it! He had always thought that Tsujimoto Yuzhen would be more resistant to this...

However, it seems that the previous trust level has not reached the standard. Now, because the brother's affairs have almost settled down, and he has indeed won the trust of Tsujimoto Yuzhen, so the other party is willing to say it, right?

Thinking about it this way is indeed a difficult process.

"I shouldn't have appeared in this world." Tsujimoto Yuma said lightly.

"Or, without my presence, perhaps my brother would be a little more relaxed."

"Why do you say that?" Zhu Fu Jingguang was puzzled.

"The X organization used to be Shiren's hard work, but it became the property of the black organization soon after." Tsujimoto Yuma said quietly,

"This shouldn't have happened - I mean, if the original black-clothed organization boss was still the second generation's purpose, maybe it really wouldn't have happened."

"But he's long gone."

"It's no longer meant to be..."

"You should know that after Karasuma Rianye died, [that gentleman] quickly became the new boss of the Black Organization." Tsujimoto Yuma looked at the two of them,

"But actually... Karasuma Renye is not dead."

"He's been alive all the time, it's just that all of you are blinded by his fake death."

Tsujimoto Yuma knows much more information than Tsujimoto is involved.

Most of his memories were spent in the laboratory, and if it weren't for the fact that he communicated with Tsujimoto for a while later, he might not have known anything.

In fact, he didn't want to tell anyone about this, but if he kept hiding it, it wouldn't be very beneficial to Tsujimoto's next actions.

Tsujimoto Shiren didn't force him to say it, but after spending so long with Zhu Fu Jingguang, he also hesitated to think that maybe there are people who can be trusted in this world.

"I actually deceived Shiren." Tsujimoto Yuzhen's voice was very soft,

"He may or may not know. But that doesn't matter."

"He just needs to know that I will never betray him."

So what does it matter? People always have their own selfishness. It's as if the man once wanted Tsujimoto to stay, even destroying the entire laboratory.

There are too many false things, but at least people's feelings are unchanged.

Since Tsujimoto agreed to play the role of twin brothers, they are twin brothers.

This will never change.

If the secrets of the black organization were told to them, maybe there would be a different result?

This was also the first time that Tsujimoto Yuma had such an idea.

"Of course, my meeting with Gin is just a trade-off." Thinking of Gin's face, Tsujimoto Yuzhen's expression sank.

"If the talk breaks down, I'll leave it to you, Zhufu Jingguang."

"Give it to me??" Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment.

"If the negotiation fails, I must kill him, otherwise why would I leave him alive that day?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen looked at Zhufu Jingguang in confusion.

"…I understand."

Well, I can only say that I hope the negotiation process doesn't turn into a shootout process.

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