MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 15

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"I want you to do something for me."

The man with long silver hair was sitting on the swivel chair, his body leaned back slightly, but most of his body was submerged in the darkness.

"You should know that with my current physical condition, I can't hide by my brother's side... If I guessed correctly, Jiang Jiao Xiushu will definitely guide him to other places."

"You have to stay by his side and know everything about my brother on my behalf. I ask you to send me regular messages, and I will make you a good background and change your appearance."

"Of course, as long as you dare to reveal your identity... As a result, you should know."

It's still the familiar command tone, but this time the content of the command is different.

Glentz rarely agrees to get along with his former contemporaries, but only this time, Glentz has loosened its grip on him.

"Eat this and you can turn into a child's appearance." Tsujimoto Yuma gave him a capsule with a playful tone.

"You don't have a choice, you can do it yourself."

"What is this for?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked.

"The drug developed by the organization will make your body smaller after you eat it." Glenz Wine said casually.

Although it wasn't a tissue medicine at all, it was just a capsule with some sugar pills in it.

Tsujimoto Yuma's skill [role-playing] can be used on other people. It's not a big problem to change his face, but it's hard to explain if he can make people's bodies smaller.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for him to directly take the medicine from the organization to take the blame. Even if the car overturns, he can be used as a wicked servant like Jinjiu, and he wants to kill Zhu Fu Jingguang. , and can also increase his black square value.

"What? Don't you dare to eat?" Seeing Zhu Fu Jingguang's frozen figure, Grenz Jiu laughed,

"Do you want to disobey my orders?"

"of course not."

Aware of the oppression conveyed by the other party, Zhu Fu Jingguang quickly obeyed the other party.

After all, he doesn't have much choice, does he?

The high fever caused by the drug nearly made him faint. He didn't know what the Grunts did, and when he woke up, he found himself in a hospital bed.

The sunlight fell on him through the glass window, the curtains fluttered with the breeze, and occasionally there were birdsong, and after floating in the air for a while, it slowly sank into the green shade outside the window. .

It's been a long time since I felt that kind of peace of mind.

[If you wake up, remember to report your news to me regularly. ]

The voice that sounded in his mind made Zhu Fu Jingguang shudder, and he quickly woke up.

...wait a minute, how did the sound reach his ears? Is it the technology of the organization again?

[You can think so, I can probe what's going on in your head, so it's best not to think of strange things to me. ]

The skill group [Sympathy] can empathize with the same person as the designated one. The affected party must completely obey the command of the sensing party, otherwise the empathy will fail.

However, the skill cannot be continued continuously, and it also has a certain consumption effect on the san value, so Tsujimoto Yuma may not be online at all times.

[I understand. ] Zhu Fu Jingguang replied, [So I was sent to the hospital by the police officer involved? ]

[You can think so, now you are an abandoned child in the orphanage, find a way to entangle him and let him stay by your side. ]

He doesn't seem to be able to do such a shameful thing.

But since it was an order, he could only follow it.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sat up with difficulty, he looked at his completely smaller hands, and felt a little complicated for a while.

It's a delicate feeling to be a child...

"Ah, are you awake?"

The door was pushed open just at this moment, and Zhu Fu Jingguang nervously looked at the person coming at the door—it was indeed Tsujimoto, but he looked a little embarrassed, his hair was wet with rainy days, and he had dark circles under his eyes. It is also very heavy, and the camel coat is full of wet water stains, and I am afraid I have not slept all night.

Although he has heard about Tsujimoto's deeds, Zhufu Jingguang also knows that the other party is a good policeman who is quite conscientious.

It was the existence he admired the most and yearned for the most.

It's not surprising that such a light is followed by people, right?


Realizing that his voice was too immature, Zhu Fu Jingguang was not even used to it.

"Good, don't move."

That gentle hand rubbed twice on his head, as if to comfort him,

"Do you remember how you lost it?"

Great, here comes the key point.

If I remember correctly, according to Tsujimoto Yujin's request, he has to play a play here.

"I...I forgot."

The little boy with black hair and blue eyes raised his head, those eyes stared at him blankly, tears fell in big drops,

"I'm sorry big brother...I don't even remember..."

Really ashamed.

If it weren't for the compulsion to collapse, all Fu Jingguang wanted to escape from this world at the speed of light.

"I understand, if you can't remember, don't think about it."

The silver-haired man was stunned for a moment, then slowly crouched down. His hands clenched his wrists, and those blue eyes, which were very similar to Glenz wine, but not the same, were also watching him, but they gave him a very reassuring feeling.

"Don't be afraid, I will help you investigate the situation. Just stay in the hospital for a while, and leave the rest to me."

Tsujimoto looked at him strangely, which made Zhu Fu Jingguang a little uneasy.

Rather... He looked at him with a feeling of seeing a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

But he had never seen each other, how could he show such an expression? ? ?

However, Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't know at this moment that the current Tsujimoto Shiren was about to explode.

The explosion point is of course the child he picked up, but who is that child... The barrage is even more explosive than him.

[I am grass, I am grass, I am grass! ! Who is this! Who the **** is this? ? 】

[Zhufu Jingguang? Is that you, Zhufu Jingguang? ? 】

【Black hair and blue eyes! And those big clear eyes! Isn't this Zhufu Jingguang Lily! 】

[Wait a minute, isn't Zhu Fu Jingguang already dead? I still remember committing suicide, the one with the gun to the heart... How could it be alive? 】

[I mean, is it possible that this is actually a cousin or relative of Zhu Fu Jingguang? 】

[Not very likely, right? Didn't this kid say he had amnesia? Could it be that this is the same as Conan Xiaoai and the others who were fed A medicine and then shrunk? ? 】

[But why did the shrinkage come out now? That's weird, right? 】

[I also find it very strange, or is this child cloned by Zhu Fu Jingguang? 】

【Help! If Tou Zi saw this child, he would definitely be shocked! 】

【Uuuu my Toko, my Hiro...】

Zhufu Jingguang?

Tsujimoto Shiren still remembers the setting of Zhu Fu Jingguang, which seems to be Amuro Toru, that is, the young taming of the valley zero, and also a character who died early in the plot.

But shouldn't Zhu Fu Jingguang be dead? Why is he still alive?

Is it the ghost of Yuzhen again? ?

He pressed the button of the hearing aid for the first time and tried to make a call to Yuma Tsujimoto. Soon, Yuma Tsujimoto's lazy voice rang from the other end of the phone.

Tsujimoto almost couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Yuzhen! Zhu Fu Jingguang he..."

"Zhu Fu Jingguang is already dead."

Tsujimoto Yuma seemed to know what he wanted to say and answered one step ahead.

"Are you serious??" Tsujimoto took a breath.

"Then who is the kid I picked up last night? He really looks a lot like Zhu Fu Jingguang!"

"Did you make a mistake?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen was a little confused.

"Don't all the characters in Conan have similar faces? It's just black hair and blue eyes. Don't call it Zhu Fu Jingguang when you see a child."

Tsujimoto involved: …

I believe you a ghost! !

"Okay, I see." Tsujimoto said he understood,

"You really mean that you don't want this news to be known to others, right? I won't tell others that he is Zhu Fu Jingguang."

"Hey, I said no-"

"Just, if you want to help me, you don't have to be so direct."

Tsujimoto lowered his eyes, his expression was a bit complicated,

"You also have to protect yourself, don't get hurt again, I will be sad."


Tsujimoto actually knew exactly what the other party wanted to do.

Although it is not 100% sure, if Zhu Fu Jingguang passes his hand and returns to the barrage again, then his popularity value of the red party will be greatly improved.

What Tsujimoto Yuma did was simply pushing him to a higher position.

But... what about him?

How is he himself?

Tsujimoto is worried about people involved, but Yuma never discloses his own affairs. In addition, he did not have many direct disputes with the winery at present, and it was not easy for Tsujimoto to investigate.

As a result, it was just so stalemate.

"You think too much, brother."

Tsujimoto Yuzhen's voice was soft,

"Have a good rest, don't stay up late."

"Wait a moment-"


As a result, the call was directly hung up.

Tsujimoto put down his hand helplessly, only to feel a little tired inside.

What should a child who is suspiciously like Zhu Fu Jingguang do?

He also has to take time off to investigate matters related to the child, but the child must be taken care of. Matsuda Jinpei is dealing with a case recently. He is very busy, and I am afraid he has no time to take over this.

So... how about going to Amuro Toru?

Although Tsujimoto didn't plan to tell Amuro Toru that Zhu Fu Jingguang was still alive, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if he asked Amuro Toru to take care of the child temporarily in other ways.

At least, if this child is really Zhu Fu Jingguang, he must also want to be close to his friends, right?

What's more, if he really wants to adopt this child, Zhufu Jingguang Lily will meet with An Shitou sooner or later, and then it will be really unclear.

It is better to make it clear from the beginning, in order to reduce suspicion to a greater extent.

So, Tsujimoto looked at the adoption signing agreement on the table and fell into contemplation.

"This child was originally a lost child from the [Charity Ambassador]. Since Officer Tsujimoto wants to take over the adoption, it is not impossible for us to agree."

The man named Dawu Ueda who rushed to the hospital was very open-minded. He smiled and chatted with Tsujimoto Shiren about relevant events. After confirming his identity, he also directly agreed to Tsujimoto Shiren's adoption.

"This child's name is Hiroshi Hashima, and he is a very introverted child. It is also a great blessing for this child to be adopted by such a good person as Officer Tsujimoto."


Tsujimoto's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say for a while.

So why is the pronunciation also hiro? ? Could this hint be a little more obvious? ?

"Is there a problem?" Ueda Dawu asked in confusion.

"No... Thank you for your understanding." Tsujimoto choked for a long time, but finally replied politely.

The result was a lot of complicated adoption procedures.

At least Tsujimoto Yuzhen had ulterior motives in throwing Zhu Fu Jingguang by his side, and he couldn't just throw Zhu Fu Jingguang to others for foster care, let alone let others know his identity so quickly.

And... the look in the eyes of Zhufu Jingguang, I am afraid that he has also been threatened by Tsujimoto Yuma, right? So I never dared to reveal my identity.

Tsujimoto sighed deeply, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

When he returned to the hospital exhausted again, he saw that Amuro was taking care of Zhu Fu Jingguang. Probably because his friends were by his side, Xiao Jingguang felt quite at ease when he slept.

I don't know what he's thinking now.

"Thank you for your hard work, Amuro-kun." Tsujimoto sat on the chair wearily.

"I just adopted this child, mainly because I'm too busy. I really don't have time to take care of him today. Please take care of him all day."

"It's okay, I didn't expect Officer Tsujimoto to adopt a child." Amuro smiled.

"Since he will escape from the charity ambassador organization, it must be because he doesn't want to stay there, right?" Tsujimoto said,

"I have no position to evaluate this organization, but this child is quite pitiful, and I don't lack the money to raise a child, so I adopted it."

"What's his name?" Amuro asked coldly.


Tsujimoto Shito finally said the name with difficulty,

"Hiroki Hashima, this is his name, and the adoption information is also here..."

He handed the information in his hand to Amuro Toru, still feeling a little uneasy,


The blond young man's eyes seemed to move, and an obvious smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"That's a pretty good name."

Both Tsujimoto and Zhufu Jingguang, who was lying on the bed pretending to be asleep, stiffened instantly.

What does it mean? Could it be that he found it? ?

No, it's impossible. Without any evidence, it's impossible for Amuro to discover the truth.

What's more, Yuzhen actually changed the face of Zhu Fu Jingguang. As for why the barrage admits the mistake at a glance... I can only say that 73's drawing method is too similar, after all, it can draw Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito. It's not surprising that the barrage audience will admit to being a person with one face.

"Then I'll go back first. If there is any need for me in the future, Officer Tsujimoto can come to me." Toru Amuro slowly got up.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work!" Tsujimoto Shiren breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Amuro did not find out, after all, no matter how outrageous Zhu Fu Jingguang was, he should not have been adopted from the charity ambassador organization.

This document cannot be faked.

"However, Officer Tsujimoto should also remember to take a good rest." Todo Amuro urged,

"Your injury hasn't recovered yet, and now you're staying up all night again. When the time comes, Officer Matsuda will be angry again when he finds out."

"I will definitely pay attention! But don't worry, Officer Matsuda will definitely not be able to beat me." Tsujimoto Shiren nodded earnestly.

"Officer Tsujimoto, you got the point wrong again..."

All in all, Amuro Toru should have concealed it.

So the question is, how should he arrange Zhufu Jingguang next? ?

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