MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 528 An An beaten

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Shen Junze looked faint. "Mom, I actually have a question and always want to ask you."

"What?" Lu Yaqin is puzzled.

"In your heart, what am I supposed to be? Once Lu Jincai was like this to me, you let me bear, let me not care about him, let me love him, and now he is self-satisfied, self-satisfied, you let me help him, Is it in your heart, is he the blood of your heart?"

"No, Junze, you listen to my mother, you are my biological son, and I have a lot of love for you."

"I don't think so, Mom, you know, now I see you, I can understand Grandpa's practice that year, but I don't understand my dad's choice. Mom, you make me afraid." Shen Junze said deeply, said The voice was very light when it was said, and it fell into Lu Yaqin’s ear as if it were a heavy blow.

She stepped back two steps and stared at Shen Junze, "Jun Ze."

Shen Junze flashed a sorrow in the eyes, and it quickly disappeared. "I will help him find a lawyer, but this is the last time. It is a reward for your parenting. If you are fine, don't come to me." ”

"Jun Ze, mother..." Lu Yaqin wanted to explain, but Shen Junze did not want to listen any more. She said it was good, but the things she did often made him sad. He is an individual, a flesh-and-blood person. If a heart is hurt, it will hurt and be tired, even if this person is his biological mother.

"Jun Ze, don't treat mom like this, mother only has one child." Lu Yaqin was heartbroken. She didn't think that just letting Shen Junze help, it would cause Shen Junze to react so much. At this time, she did not stand in the position of Shen Junze for her. She thought a little bit more, she would not appear here today.

"You can regenerate one. As for me, you should have never been born." Shen Junze has no expression.

Lu Yaqin is pale, "Jun Ze."

"I still have a lot of work. If it's okay, then let's go. I will pay for the living expenses on your card. We will not meet each other if we can see you later. You may swear by me, ungrateful, our This is the second time that Shen Junze said this. Compared with the last anger, this time he seems more calm, but it is such a calm, let Lu Yaqin know that this time Shen Junze is Said sad.

"Jun Ze, my mother knows wrong, do you forgive my mother?" Lu Yaqin grabbed Shen Junze's sleeves and his tears fell.

Shen Junze was indifferent to her tears. "I let people send you back." Said, telling the secretary to come in.

Lu Yaqin looked at Shen Junze with tears and tears, but Shen Junze turned her head and didn't look at her. The secretary made a gesture of asking, "Mrs, let's go."

Lu Yaqin sighed deeply and left.

After Lu Yaqin left, Shen Junze asked the secretary to go to the lawyer. At noon, I received a call from Chu Yunrong, letting him go to Shenjia to eat at night.

When she came to Shen, Shen Qingzhen was just there. Shen Junze sat on the sofa and silently watched An An building a building block with his eyes flickering.

"What happened?" Shen Qingyu noticed his anomaly and asked softly.

Shen Junze returned to God and hesitated on the eyes of Shen Qingqing. He said Lu Jincai’s thing. Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. “Is man dead?”

Shen Junze shook his head. "I don't know, I didn't ask."

"But in any case, it saves you a lot of trouble." They were prepared to follow Lu Jincai's counterattack, and now they don't have to worry about it.

"Sister, I am saddened by my mother. Why do she stand on Lu Jincai every time something happens? I was born in October, isn’t it that I am closest to her?" Shen Junze sadly Said, although he is very ruthless, but his heart is still sad.

"Some things are constantly going against them, and these reasons don't require me to say more." Shen Qingyi faintly opened.

"But she was not really such a person before. How did it become like this now?" Shen Junze couldn't figure out. When his father was alive, his mother looked at him as a good woman. As a result, his father died, his mother... ...

"Some people can only see the essence when they encounter something." When Shen let him live, Lu Yaqin is well protected. She is an ordinary grandfather. She is carefree every day, not shopping, beauty salon, any No need to worry about things, and at that time, Lu Jincai did not stand opposite them, there was no conflict, how can you see these hidden things in the depths.

Shen Qingqi patted his shoulder, "just keep the distance properly." The so-called distance produces beauty.

Shen Junze nodded. "I know my sister. When the company is formal, I plan to go out and distract."

Shen Qingyi glanced at him and his eyes were meaningful. "Alright."

"Clear, go up and ask your nephew to go down to eat." Chu Yunrong shouted in the restaurant, Shen Qingyi said, Shen Junze said, "With An An to wash your hands, eat immediately."

Shen Junze nodded and stood up and took An An to wash his hands.

Wen Yuyao has been pregnant for six months, and her belly is like a balloon. It is somewhat inconvenient in action. In order to take care of her, Chu Yunrong has already moved the husband and wife back to the old house, Shen Qing. He helped Wen Xiaoyao sit down and sat next to her. These days, Shen Junyi went abroad for a business trip.

Shen Laozi and Fu Laozi are sitting on the top, and Shen Junze is sitting next to Chu Yunrong.

"Jun Ze, today's soup is very nutritious, you drink a little more, see you have recently lost a lot." Chu Yunrong will be filled with a bowl of soup in front of Shen Junze, said softly.

"Thank you, Aunt."

"This is for Yaoyao." Chu Yunrong said, "Yuyao, this is specially for you to stew, you drink more."

She was busy taking care of everyone, and Shen Qing screamed at her. "Mom, don't be busy, it's a family. Just want to eat what you like."

"Yeah, Yunrong, are all family, you are so polite to do." Fu old man echoed.

Chu Yunrong smiled a little, no longer talked, bowed to eat.

Half eaten, Chu Yunrong suddenly said, "Jun Ze, you still have no girlfriend?"

Shen Junze held the hand of the chopsticks. "Not yet, how did the big aunt suddenly think about it?"

"This is the case. A colleague from a former band had a daughter. She had been studying abroad for a while. She has recently returned to China to develop, and she is also single. I think you are quite old, just thinking about whether you will introduce you." After telling Shen Junze that he wanted to introduce him to his girlfriend, Chu Yunrong put this matter in his heart and kept paying attention to him. He did not, finally, one.

"The big aunt, I don't have the girlfriend's thoughts for the time being. You know that I just got back to the company. There are a lot of things in the company waiting for me to handle it." Shen Junze declined.

"What's the relationship? Your current career has begun to get on the right track. It's a good time to fall in love, and just talk to each other. You don't want to be with you. When you have time, you can talk more. See you. Face to face, eat a meal, if you feel good about each other, then continue to communicate, if you feel bad, then you should know a new friend." Chu Yunrong said with a smile.

"Your aunt is right, the male is married, the female is married. You are not too young, you should start thinking about it." Shen Laozi echoed. This incident, Chu Yunrong said to him before, the girl's photo he also saw, is a very correct girl, he nodded. In Shen Junze’s marriage, Shen’s father was very concerned. After all, Shen’s example was still in front of him.

Shen Junze secretly asked Shen Qingyi for help. Who knows that Shen Qingyi turned a blind eye to his help, and directly lowered his head to feed An An.

"Grandpa, aunt, I am only 24 now, don't worry." Shen Junze said with a smile.

"24 is not small, you have been a mother when you were 24 years old." Chu Yunrong advised. Lu Yaqin is unreliable. Shen Junze himself is not at all worried about this aspect. They are 24 years old. They haven’t even paid a girlfriend. If she doesn’t help with the snacks, it is estimated that the child will become a male.

"Jun Ze, in fact, can get along with each other." Even Wen Yuyao also helped.

A group of people, you say a word, said Shen Junze can only surrender in the end, "big aunt, then I would first talk to someone on WeChat?"

"That's right, look at the young, look for it quickly, wait until you get along and get married again. I will call someone when I finish eating. You two plus a WeChat, talk first, Wait until the weekend, when you go out to eat a meal with a girl, watch a movie, boy, take the initiative." Chu Yunrong is very satisfied.

Shen Junze nodded and was helpless. He was going to be blind at this age. It was terrible to think about it, but he knew that this was the concern of his elders. He could only accept it.

After eating, Chu Yunrong couldn't wait to call.

Shen Junze glared at the enthusiasm of Chu Yunrong, and was very helpless. He whispered to Shen Qingyi, who was sitting next to him. "Sister, why didn’t you just talk to me?"

"Grandpa is right, the male is married, the female is married, you really should find a girlfriend." Shen Qingyu looked faint.

Shen Junze bitterly, "Sister, I am only 24 years old, even if I am 34 years old, I can find a girlfriend."

"You have to wait until the age of 34 to find it again. You see if Grandpa will be white. The work is important, but the family is also very important. If you really don't want to fall in love, you should know a friend, many friends. Multiple roads."

On the issue of Shen Junze's fall in love, Chu Yunrong talked with Shen Qingyi privately. It is not so much that Chu Yunrong is anxious. It is better to say that Grandpa is worried that Shen Junze will repeat his father's mistakes and find a woman who is not reliable. I want Chu Yunrong to help me with the check.

"But I don't know how to get along with other girls." Shen Junze is guilty. There is no such thing as a girlfriend in his life. No matter whether it is before or now, his mind is not on this.

"Then don't treat people as girlfriends, just like a new friend. You will always get along with your friends. If you feel right, you will develop and develop in that area, and you will say that you have a good family and you have a stable future. The family can concentrate on the cause more carefully. And if there is someone supporting you, you will not feel lonely."

Shen Junze thinks that this is a truth, and he can't get married in his life. If you do, you should know it with the family, if you have the right one. Thinking so, Shen Junze did not have such a conflict with the blind date. After Chu Yunrong gave the other party's contact information to him, he took the initiative to add the other's WeChat.


Zhang Wenli was finally rescued. She did not die, but she was seriously injured. Lu Jincai’s knife was cut on her spine. Even if it was good, she would spend the rest of her life in bed.

Because the evidence was conclusive, Lu Jincai’s verdict quickly came down and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

When Shen Junze came to prison to see Lu Jincai, he found that he was ten years older than the last time he met.

"You are the same as your mother, is it to see my jokes?" Lu Jin was determined to look at Shen Junze, calm.

Shen Junze shook his head. "The joke can't be said. I just want to know what kind of expression my dear 舅舅 lost after the freedom she got." After the verdict, Lu Jincai even accepted the judgment without even appealing.

In the face of Shen Junze is a bit ridiculous, Lu Jincai did not respond at all, and now it is more like a walking dead.

Once he calculated Shen Junze, he was deliberately trying to win the company for his two sons, but now his son is not his own, then what is the significance of doing all this? Doing more is just cheaper than others. Thinking of this, he only feels sad.

"You have seen the jokes, no one can threaten your status in the future, and no one will calculate you with all your heart and mind. You can rest assured, you go, I don't want to see you." Lu Jincai said with a blank expression.

"Actually, I don't want to see you. I just want to tell you one thing today. Your eldest son is your own." Shen Junze threw a blockbuster.

Lu Jincai suddenly looked up.

"I have given you a paternity test with two sons. The eldest son is indeed your biological child. But it doesn't make sense to say that now, you have already entered, your son has also been sentenced to your ex-wife, but, according to you The current situation of his ex-wife may not be good for your son." Shen Junze said he was leaving.

Lu Jincai shouted at him, "Jun Ze."

Shen Junze stood.

"Although I know that it is shameless to say this, I still want to ask you. If you can, can you help me take care of him?" Lu Jin was dumb.

"I am sorry, this can't help." Shen Junze refused. He just wanted to see Lu Jincai's reaction. If he could see him regret it, then it would be better.

Lu Jincai is not surprised at this. "Jun Ze, the past thing is that I am sorry for you. You hate me too. I just don't want my child to be miserable in the future. I don't ask you to take him to your side. I just hope that you can look at him at an appropriate time. Whether I can go out in my life is still unknown, you should be my last request to you." Lu Jincai pleaded.

Lu Jincai is already in his 50s, and he has been in prison for ten years. According to his body, whether it can last for ten years is still an unknown number.

"Jun Ze, I beg you." Lu Jincai said, directly on the ground, Shen Junze was shocked by his behavior, fixedly watching him for a long time. ..

Lu Jincai looked at him with a sincere look. "Jun Ze, the past things are my fault, I am greedy, it is my wolf, my heart is wrong, everything is my fault, I am here to apologize to you, my next life is estimated I can only spend it here. I have nothing else to give to you. As a redemption, as long as you promise me, my property in Beijing is yours." This is the only property left by him, and he is the only one. Can give Shen Junze something.

"I will let people go to see him regularly." Finally, Shen Junze said, Lu Jincai's eyes shed light, "Thank you, Junze." Thank you for your heartfelt heart.

Shen Junze was undecided and turned and left. He promised not because he sympathized with Lu Jincai, but for the heart of Lu Jincai’s eyes to his son.


An An is about to have a four-year-old birthday, and Shen Qingyi intends to take him to the Beijing Military District to stay with Fu Hengyi for a while.

Anan packed up his little schoolbag and stuffed one toy after another. Shen Qingyi frowned. "Anan, what did Mom say to you?"

An An reluctantly glanced at the toy in his hand and put it down. "Mom, I don't bring it."

Shen Qingyi looked at his schoolbag, "What else?"

"Mom, I will bring these two pieces, is it good?" An An holding Shen Qing's thighs spoiled, Shen Qingyi stipulated that he can only bring a toy to the military region, and other things are not allowed.

"An An, the promised thing must be done." Shen Qing whispered.

Anan looked up at her and talked with Shen Qingyi. "I know, but my mother, I like these two toys. It was given to me by Uncle Allen. Let me take them, I Guarantee this time, next time I definitely only bring one."

"No, you can choose any one to take away, but you can't bring two pieces. We must abide by our agreement."

An An sees Shen Qingyi is the idea, knowing that Jiaojiao is useless, had to pout and let go of her legs. "Well, I can only bring one." He hesitated between the two toys. For a long time, I finally selected one and put another one back.

On the way to go, An An’s mouth is not finished. “Mom, you said why Uncle Allen is not married yet? He looks so beautiful.”

"You should ask your uncle Allen instead of asking me about this."

"I asked, Uncle Allen said that his heart belongs, mother, what is the heart?"

It’s that you, Uncle Allen, already have someone you like. "

"There is someone who likes, why is he not married?" An An became more curious.

Knowing that my son is a small talker, I can say that it is endless, and Shen Qingyi regrets that he has just received this statement. He simply ignores him.

"Mom, why do you say that someone who likes can not get married?" Even if Shen Qingyi does not pay attention to him, Anan can talk to himself all the way.

It’s still Meng Liang who picks up their mother and son.” Xunzi, the captain is a little busy now, let me pick you up.”

Shen Qingyi nodded. "Working hard."

Meng Liang took the luggage in her hand. "What kind of hard work is this, just give me a chance to be lazy. I will send you home first."

"Uncle Meng Liang, how do you only say hello to my mother, don't talk to me?" An An looked at Meng Liang and had a small emotion.

Meng Liang reached out and touched his little head. "How dare I not talk to you. But Anan, if you don't see you for a while, you seem to be fat again. Look at your little belly and it will protrude."

An An is stinky, licking his own little belly, "Uncle Meng Liang, you are wrong, I am not fat, I am called rich, not fat."

Meng Liang laughed, "An An, you should lose weight, or you will not find a girlfriend in the future." He is funny.

"I have a girlfriend, she looks good." Anan speaks amazingly.

Shen Qingyan heard the accident and looked at An'an, and Meng Liang was a look of interest. "Is there a girlfriend? Who?"

"It’s the quietness of our class, quietly saying that she will be my bride when she grows up."

"An An is so powerful, even a small girlfriend has it!"

Anan’s little face is proud. “That is, I can like me quietly. Many girls in our class like me.”

"But you don't like fruit? Fruit is your future wife, how can you let your girlfriend be quiet?"

Referring to the fruit, Anan frowned, and his face corrected him seriously. "The fruit is the sister."

"Now is my sister, I can become a wife in the future." Meng Liang teased him, a four-year-old child, very fun.

"No, my sister is my sister." An An confessed that it was difficult to change things. This is like Shen Qingyi.

"Is that your wife after quiet?" Meng Liang continued to ask.

Anan twisted the eyebrows and seriously thought about it. "I want my mother to be my wife, so I can sleep with my mother every day."

Shen Qingyi listened, the forehead was full of black lines, this little guy who didn't cover the mouth, Meng Liang was laughing, losing his captain, or you were miserable.

Because Fu Hengyi was upgraded to be a father, the original one-bedroom was not enough. The troops changed Fu Hengyi to a house. It was a small three-bedroom, still in the original family building, but it turned into the sixth floor, the family building. There was no elevator in it, and the Anan little guy climbed up the sixth floor himself.

"That scorpion, I put it here, there is a good dish in the kitchen, and the captain said that he will come back to cook at night." Meng Liang put his luggage at the door and said.

"Okay, it's hard for you."

"Uncle Meng Liang worked hard." Anan said with a milky voice.

Meng Liang smiled and reached out and touched An's little head. "Uncle left first, Ann goodbye."

An An waved his hand at Meng Liang.

The house is very clean, Shen Qingyu just put the luggage in order, "An An, my mother to sort out the bags, you will wait for yourself, do not touch the kettle to know?"

Anan nodded. "Good mom, mother, I want to go downstairs, can I?" He saw a few children downstairs when he came.

"Yes, but don't bully other children." Shen Qingyi.

"Good mother." An An nodded, Shen Qingyi sent him downstairs, and this was returned to the building. He was not worried about the safety of An An. Here is the family building of the military area, and there is a sentry at the door. And Shen Qingyu, the parents of the children downstairs, met and asked them to take care of them.

Not far from the downstairs is a small playground, which is specially prepared for the children of the military family.

An An was not the first time to go to the military region. He had been familiar with these children. Without Shen Qingyi’s constraints, it was a great pleasure to play with children of similar age or two years older than him. Just like a little mud monkey.

A boy pulled Anan into the corner and said softly, "An An, have you been to the military camp?"

Anan looked at him inexplicably. "What is a military camp?"

The boy pointed to the direction of the training ground, "it is over there."

"I have been there, my dad took me there. There are a lot of uncles in the army, but I can be handsome." Anan nodded. He liked Fu Hengyi to take him to the training ground. In the past, he came to the military camp. After the meal, he was wrapped around Fu Hengyi and let him take him to the inside for two laps.

"Is it fun inside?" The boy looked forward.

Anan nodded. "It's fun." Fu Hengyi took An'an to see the soldiers' training. For Anan, those training programs are very novel and very fun.

The boy listened, envious of the eyes. "I want to go, but my father won't let me go, or else, can we sneak in now?"

Anan hesitated with a small face. "If Dad knows, Dad will marry me."

"Then we don't want to tell the adults, we secretly go, and then secretly come back, Mom and Dad will not know."

The boy is called Xiaojie, who is in the same family building. Fu Hengyi lives on the sixth floor. Their family lives on the third floor. It is the best of all the little friends who play with Anan. Every time An An is in the military area, he is looking for him to play. .

"Well, then let's hurry, wait until my mother will come down to find me." Anan whispered.

"Well, let's go here." Xiaojie was two years older than An An. This year, she was only six years old. She took Anan's hand and the cat was on the waist. She escaped the sight of several parents and ran with Anan. The training ground.

At this moment, there are many soldiers on the training ground who are training every day. When they see two little guys coming in, they can't help but sweep their eyes. An An and Xiaojie are not afraid, watching them curiously.

An An also waved at them, compared to a gesture of flying kisses. Some soldiers saw it and couldn’t help but laugh. This was a big move, and naturally attracted the attention of others. A officer looks like a glimpse. They came towards the little guy.

When Xiaojie and Anan saw each other's face, they were a little scared. They turned and turned and ran.

The officer originally wanted to come and greet the two little guys. As a result, when he saw him, he ran and couldn't help but laugh. He glanced at the direction of the little guy running and smiled.

An An and Xiaojie ran to the cafeteria. There is no one in the canteen at this point. An An and Xiaojie strolled around the canteen, and suddenly Ann’s nose moved. “It’s so sweet.” He seemed to smell the flesh.

Xiaojie sighed and heard, and his eyes lit up. "There is delicious."

The two little guys glanced at each other and touched their stomachs. They said in unison, "Let's go eat."

They followed the scent and came to the kitchen, and the back door of the kitchen was hidden. The two slid directly into it.

"An An, here." Xiaojie pointed at the stove, a pot of chicken soup was being stewed on the stove, but there was no one in the kitchen.

Anan swallowed the swallow. The fragrance was really tempting. Xiaojie looked around and saw a chair and pushed the chair over. "An An, go bowl."

Anan nodded and found a bowl and handed it to Xiaojie. Xiaojie had opened the lid. The taste of the chicken soup was more intense. Anan’s little belly had already started to scream. “Xiaojie brother, I am good. hungry."

Xiaojie is also hungry. They just played very awkwardly. They have already consumed the things they had eaten at noon.

The spoon was set aside, and Xiaojie carefully took out a bowl of chicken soup. Because of the unstable spoon, it also sprinkled a lot on the stove.

"An An, this chicken leg is for you." Xiaojie put a big chicken leg in Anan's bowl.

An An’s face showed a big smile. “Thank you Xiaojie brother.”

The two ate a few pieces of chicken and drank a bowl of chicken soup. They did not continue to eat. Xiaojie carefully re-covered the lid.

The two little guys were full of food and were planning to sneak away. Anan’s eyes suddenly saw a bottle and stopped. “An An, go.”

Ann did not move, pointing to the bottle not far away, said, "Little brother, Yang Mei."

Xiaojie twisted his eyebrows, "Yangmei is sour"

“It’s not sour, it’s delicious.” Anan said that in June last year, Shen Qing’s took An’an to the orchard and picked Yangmei. An’an liked this sweet and sour fruit, but it’s a pity that Yangmei’s time to market was very good. Short, he didn't eat a few times and he didn't have it. He has been thinking about it. Now that he sees it, he can't move.

"Xiaojie brother, I will eat one well?" Let him taste the taste and solve it.

Xiaojie hesitated for a moment, looked at the door, did not see people, nodded, "go."

Yangmei is in the bottle, the wine bottle is very big, the two little guys have spent a lot of effort to open, just opened, a burst of alcohol is blowing, the two frowned.

"How is the taste of this bayberry different?" Anan whispered.

"This is the bayberry that is soaked in the wine." Xiaojie said, "My grandfather's family has it. I have eaten it, but it is difficult to eat."

"Is it not good?" An An looked hesitant.

Xiaojie nodded very surely. "It's not good at all."

Anan looked at the bayberry in the bottle and swallowed. He still wanted to taste one. He thought so, he had reached out and took a bayberry into his mouth.

The little brow suddenly wrinkled. He wanted to spit it out, but he just intended to vomit, his wrinkled brow stretched out and chewed. "Xiaojie brother, sweet."

Xiaojie looked at him suspiciously. "Is it delicious?"

Anan nodded and swallowed Yangmei. He did not forget to spit out the nucleus. "It started to be unpalatable, but it was delicious later." He said, and took another one.

Xiaojie saw it and took one. It’s exactly the same as An’an said. Although this bayberry is soaked in wine, it has been pickled with sugar and tastes good. They are one by me, and I have eaten several times. One.

"Hey, who are you?" A man came in at the door, and An An and Xiaojie looked at the people in confusion. Although this bayberry is sugary, but after all, it is soaked in wine, it will be intoxicating when eating too much, and the two little guys are not old and young, now the wine is coming up, and the face is blushing.

When people come to see the scenes in the kitchen, what else does not understand, there are children in the military area besides the family building, there are other children, these two must have sneaked in from there.

Looked at the chicken soup on the stove, the bayberry on the ground, and the two little guys sitting on the floor holding the bottles and yawning, the black lines on their faces.

Today, a leader is coming over. The squad leader asked him to cook some chicken soup. He went to the toilet with a stomachache. Who knows that he has met two "small mice" that he stole.

The person has already recognized An An. It is really Anan’s face that is too recognizable. He called Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi is writing a training plan in the office. He wants to hurry up and then go home to accompany his wife. As a result, he receives a call from the accident class and puts down the matter at hand to get people.

When Fu Hengyi arrived, An An and Xiaojie were already asleep, and the little mouth was still awkward. It seems that it was a dream of something delicious.

"Master Fu, the two children stole the scented Yangmei, drunk." Chef Xiao Liu explained.

Fu Hengyi looked at his son, his face was black, and said to Xiao Liu, "I am in trouble for you."

Xiao Liu waved his hand. "Do not tighten, just don't know if the two children are eating too much. Do you want to ask the doctor to see it?" Did not mention that the two children also stole the chicken soup.

"I took them to the infirmary." Fu Hengyi said, holding the two children up.

Simply, they don’t eat much, just fell asleep, and when they wake up, they’ll be fine. Fu Hengyi, holding the two back, saw Shen Qingyi and another parent looking for a child.

Shen Qingyi arranged the luggage downstairs to find An An, and the result was gone. However, he did not worry much. He only thought that he was hiding and hiding.

When I saw the son who was drunk and was taken back, Shen Qing was really shocked. He took a look at Fu Hengyi’s cold face and sympathetically looked at the son who was still unaware that he was about to be unlucky.

An An woke up at night, Fu Hengyi was sitting at his bed waiting for him. When Anan saw his father's face, he knew that things were exposed, bowed his head and didn't dare to speak.

"Fu Yuxuan, put on clothes." Fu Hengyi said coldly, got up and went out.

Even the big names were called out, and Anan suddenly realized that it was not good, and he walked out of the room and stood in front of Fu Hengyi.

Shen Qingyi sat on the other side and saw his son coming out and gave him a look that couldn't help. Son, not mother didn't want to help you, it was you who didn't really obey this time.

Fu Hengyi calmed his face and held a ruler in his hand. "Do you know that you are wrong?"

Anan saw the ruler and shook his body. "Dad, I know it is wrong."

"Where is the fault?"

"You should not steal chicken soup and bayberry."

Fu Hengyi did not expect that he even stole the chicken soup, and his face was cold. "What did Mom and Dad teach you? Can you eat something without permission from others?"

Anan shook his head. "No."

"Hands are sticking out."

Anan put his hand behind his back and looked at Fu Hengyi pitifully. "Dad, I know it is wrong."

"Fu Yixuan."

Anan hesitantly extended his small hand and closed his eyes.

------Off topic ------

Suddenly remembered when I was a child, I was about five or six years old. I had stolen my family’s soaked Yangmei with my neighbor’s brother. As a result, both of them were drunk. Later, they were discovered by the parents. I was held by my dad. Xiaozhuzi took a meal, and still think that the buttocks hurt so much. (I was a skin monkey when I was a child. I often do it because I am too skinny. I think it’s so sad.)

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