MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 524 Seize the power

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Just waiting for Jiang Chenxi to find a 裴一宁, I first received a call from Chen Yujiao. Chen Yujiao asked Jiang Chenxi to go to the hospital to talk about it, and also specially asked to bring Yin and Ning.

When Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi came to the ward, there were only Chen Yujiao and Zhong Lei in the ward. The two did not know what to say. Chen Xiaojiao’s face had a gentle smile. When they saw the two coming in, Chen Xiaojiao smiled. "You are here."

Yan Yining put the things that Chen Yujiao brought on the table. Chen Yujiao saw it and said with a warm voice. "How have you bought so many things?"

"Your body needs to be well nursed. This time it is a post-operative diet. I don't know which one is more suitable for you. I bought some." Yan Yining said.

"thank you all."

Chen Xiaojiao thanked me and looked at Zhong Lei. Zhong Lei stood up. "Gengjiao, there is something in my company. I will go first, and then come over after work."

"Well, drive carefully on the road." Chen Yujiao shouted.

Zhong Lei nodded to Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi and left the hospital.

Jiang Chenxi has not spoken since he entered the ward. Instead, Chen Yujiao took the lead to break the shackles. "Chen Xi, you sit."

Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi were seated, and Yan Yining looked at Chen Yujiao. "Is the body better?"

"It’s already much better. It’s time to leave the hospital after a while. I want you to come over this time. Actually, I have something to say to you.”

"You said," said Yan Yining.

"I know that because of my injuries, you have always been guilty about me. In fact, you don't have to. This is something that we can't think of. We are not afraid of your jokes. If you know this is the result, maybe I will not Do this." Chen Yujiao said calmly.

"Gengjiao, no matter what, I will find the best doctor in the world to treat you, and I will cure your illness." Jiang Chenxi said seriously.

"Doctor Peter is very good. I haven't thank you yet." Chen Yujiao called Shen Qingyi and knew from Shen Qingyi that Peter Jiang Jiangxi asked Shen Qingyi to help him find it.

"And I and Zhong Lei have a sloppy attitude towards whether we have children or not, and you should not be too concerned."

Yan Yining heard the words and heard the key point in her words, "You and Zhong Lei's wedding..."

Chen Yujiao smiled. "Our wedding is still held in March. At that time, I must have been discharged. We are going to wait until the end of the wedding to find a honeymoon on the island. We are still planning the route before you come."

I heard that Chen Yujiao said that her marriage with Zhong Lei did not ruin her. The hearts of Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi were also relieved. They really hope that Chen Yujiao can get happiness, but from this incident, it can also be seen that Zhong Lei The character is indeed a good man worthy of life.

"That's good. I know a friend of a travel agency. If you want a bad route, I can give her a call. You may wish to ask her for advice." Yan Yining said.

"That's really great. I didn't go out with Zhong Lei on weekdays. I don't know where it is fun. Your suggestion is really rainy." Chen Yujiao is very happy.

Yan Yining gave her friend's contact information. "You quote her name with her. If there is a group discount, there will be an internal discount."

"Thank you, Miss Yan." Chen Yujiao put the other party's contact information, and then looked at the two. "Yes, next week is your wedding. You should be very busy. I will let you come over today without delaying you." What?"

Yan Yining smiled slightly, "No delay." In fact, these days they did not have the heart to consider the wedding. At this time, although Yan Yining did not know that Jiang Jiang Jiang wanted to postpone the wedding, he had thought about it. Just didn't have time to communicate with Jiang Chenxi.

"That's good. When you got married, I should have not been discharged from the hospital. I can't attend your wedding. I can only send my blessings here. I wish you a good year and a good life."

"Thank you." Jiang Chenxi said, thank you, thank you for the blessing of Chen Haojiao, and thank you for all that she did.

Chen Yujiao read the deep meaning of Jiang Chenxi's words and smiled softly.

"Right, dear, we have found the perpetrators of the car accident, and sued her, and will open the court in a while, then you may need to testify in court, do not know if you are willing?" Yan Yining thinks about Jia Jiajia, Said.

"It is incumbent." Chen Yujiao said that this car accident is obviously not an accident, and the perpetrators must be severely punished.

After the business was over, Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi accompanied Chen Yujiao for a while, and then they left the hospital.

On the way back, Jiang Chenxi was silent all the way, and Yan Yin looked at him sideways. "Chen Xi, what happened to you?" Jiang Chenxi today is always strange.

"It's okay." Jiang Chenxi screamed, and did not say what he wanted to postpone the wedding. He wanted to hold the wedding on time. He had already let Yan Yining suffer too much wrong for him. In this matter, he I don't want to grieve her again, and the wedding invitations have already been sent out. If the wedding is postponed at this festival, then there will be many speculations in the outside world.

As for Chen Haojiao's embarrassment, he can compensate her in other ways.

Jiang Chenxi did not say that Qi Yining mentioned this matter first. "Chen Xi, I want to discuss with you one thing. Regarding our wedding, I wonder if I can postpone it first?"

Jiang Chenxi said, "Why should I postpone it?"

"Chen Yujiao was in the hospital to save us. Now that people are still lying in the hospital bed, we will go to the wedding. I don't think it is suitable. So I think it is possible to postpone the marriage until she is discharged from the hospital. Anyway, we have already obtained the certificate. Even if there is no wedding, I am already your wife."

"No, the wedding must be held on time. If you want to listen to me, I don't know what happened during the period. When this time suddenly delays, what do people think?"

"Chen Xi, I don't care about the outsiders."

"But I care, I don't want you because I am wronged. This wedding should have been given to you two years ago. She wouldn't mind if she was there." Jiang Chenxi advised.

He Yining hesitated, Jiang Chenxi continued to speak. "Inning, in fact, our wedding is held on time is the greatest respect for Jiaojiao."

Yan Yining was finally convinced by Jiang Chenxi, and Jiang Chenxi returned to Jiangjia and his parents to discuss this matter after he sent home.

"Since Jiao Jiao also hopes that the wedding can be held on time, then do not postpone it." Jiang mother sighed, in fact, Jiao Jiao is really a very good girl, but she has no relationship with Jiang Chenxi.


Tomorrow is the wedding of Jiang Chenxi and Yan Yining. Fu Hengyi naturally wants to come back to participate. After he came back, he realized that there were so many things happening in the middle, and the wedding was almost postponed.

"Alan came to the capital?" When he learned that Peter was coming, Fu Hengyi asked.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "They are now living in the apartment in my downtown." She looked at Fu Hengyi. "Do you mind?"

Fu Hengyi smiled. "I look so stingy?"

It is strange to say that Fu Hengyi, this big vinegar jar, never even eats Allan's vinegar, and doubts in his heart, Shen Qingyi directly asked. Fu Hengyi is still laughing, who has a chance with Shen Qingyi in this world, but Alan can't do it. People who are struggling in the dark can comfort each other, but can't fall in love.

"Fu Hengyi, why don't you talk?" Shen Qingyi looked at him.

"You only have the next one in your heart. I have something to eat with vinegar and eat more vinegar and stomach."

Shen Qing believes that he is strange.

The next day, Shen Qingyi went to the family early in the morning and married today. Although she is not a bridesmaid, she has to send her cousin to marry. An An today wore a small suit and looked very spiritual.

An An's temper is lively, still a little talk,

"Mom, is the bride beautiful?"

"Beautiful, the bride is the most beautiful person in the world."

"Is it beautiful than you?"

"Well, it's more beautiful than mom."

"That mom, you are also a bride, so you can be the most beautiful person in the world." Anan star eyes.

Shen Qingyi laughed, and Fu Hengyi, who was driving, heard this and said, "Your mother has already been a bride."

"Hey, when?" Ann was curious.

"When I was married to your father, where did you come from?" Shen Qingyi touched his son's face, it was a cute little guy.

Anan’s face was amazed. “Mom, how can I not remember when you are a bride?”

"When you were still in your mother's stomach, how could you remember?"

Anan became more and more curious. "I am in your stomach." He looked at Shen Qing's stomach. "I am so big, how do I get into it?"

"At the time, you were only so small." Shen Qingyi was screaming. "Then you will grow up slowly in your mother's stomach. When you are so big, you will come out of your mother's stomach."

An An reached out and touched Shen Qing’s stomach. "Mom, it’s amazing."

Shen Qing's gentle smile, life is a magical thing, just like this little guy, it was only the size of rice, and it is now so big. Will run and jump, will be entangled in her spoiled.

The wedding has been prepared for half a year, naturally there will be no mistakes, today is also a small suit, standing next to him is a little girl, they are the flower girl of today's wedding.

"Mom, my brother can attend his mother's wedding, why can't I?" Anan was a little embarrassed.

Shen Qingyi listened to this, and laughed and laughed. "You also participated, in the mother's stomach, with my mother."

"Oh." Anan remembered, and my mother told him earlier.

The wedding was held in the church. The best man was the two brothers Gu Yang and Gu Kai. Tao Ran, as the girlfriend of Gu Yang, naturally came.

"Qing Jie sister." Tao Ran greeted Shen Qing, Shen Qing knows that she does not know other people, let her sit next to her.

“How is it?” Shen Qingyu asked.

"Looking for an internship unit."

"You are not a junior? How do you start looking for an internship unit?" If you remember correctly, Tao Ran is a junior.

"Hey, I have already completed my own self-study course. My teacher suggested that I can find an internship unit and experience the difference between theoretical knowledge and practical application during the winter and summer vacations, but because I am going to New Year soon, The internship unit is not easy to find. It is estimated that it will wait until the summer vacation." Later, Tao Ran had some regrets.

There are still half a month away from the Chinese New Year. At this time, most of the companies are indeed not recruited, especially an intern.

"If you really want an internship, I can recommend going to a company." Shen Qingyi faintly opened.

Tao Ran’s eyes were first bright, then he reacted and shook his head. “Sister Qing Qing, thank you for your kindness, but no need, I know that I have a few pounds, a big company like Junyi Group, and my current ability is hold. Can't live."

Knowing that she was misunderstood, Shen Qing smiled and explained, "It’s not Junyi, it’s my cousin’s company. It’s not big. Although it’s doing real estate, they also have talent needs in this area. You just experience it. But you can go to him and try it first."

“Really?” Tao Ran asked in surprise.

Shen Qingyi nodded, just saw Shen Junze, called him over and told him about the passing of the incident. Shen Junze agreed in one go. "Then come over tomorrow, but my company is now in the development stage, and the internship salary is a bit low. ""

"I don't want to pay." Tao Ran said immediately, she just wanted to find a place to experience it, and it was a good idea to ask for the salary of others.

Tao Ran has already seen Gu Yang's parents. When she first learned that Gu Yang turned out to be a rich second generation, she was quite embarrassed. However, after seeing Fu Jingting and Gu Bowen, this embarrassment disappeared. They are far more approachable than they think. Bo Guwen does not say it. He has always been a very good person. Fu Jingting is a straightforward person, and he is doing things neatly, but it is a hit with Tao Ran. On weekdays, when Tao Tao is out of class, he will also call Fu Jingting and go shopping together to watch movies. The two get along more like friends.

When the wedding is about to begin, Duan Ling is coming.

Yan Yining was making the final preparations in the back. Shen Qingyi accompanied her and saw Duan Ling coming in. Shen Qingyi raised her eyebrows slightly, and the smile on her face gradually faded.

"Yining, you are so beautiful today." Duan Ling said, his eyes stayed on the face of Yan Yining and he was not willing to leave.

Hey Ning looks faint, "What are you doing?"

"One, don't misunderstand, I just came over to see you, I want to see how you wear a wedding dress."

"Now I saw it, you can go." In today's day, I don't want to see Duan Ling.

After listening to this, Duan Ling did not feel embarrassed, handed a box in his hand to Yan Yining. "This is the new wedding gift I sent you. I hope you like it."

Yan Yining looked at him fixedly, did not pick up, Duan Ling just stretched his hand and did not withdraw. "Ying, I sincerely wish you all the best. You will leave when you accept the gift." He smiled and hid The sadness in my heart.

Finally, I still took the gift, but did not open it, put it aside. "I accepted it. Can you leave now?"

For the cold words of Yan Yining, Duan Ling did not mind, said with a smile, "Although I hope that the person standing by your side today is me, but I look forward to your marriage to love now, I sincerely wish you, I wish you A hundred years of good fortune, a happy life."

"Thank you." Yan Yining looked faint.

"I know that you don't want me to appear at the wedding scene, I will go first, and I must be happy." Even if this happiness is not given to me.

Yan Yining said nothing, Duan Ling finally looked at her deeply and resolutely turned and left. Look

With the back of Duan Ling's back, the eyes of Yan Yining are somewhat lost. She used to really love this man. If there is no such thing as the year, she may marry the man and raise him with him.

"Cousin, are you okay?" Shen Qingyi asked her, Yan Yining smiled. "Nothing, just seeing this person, my heart is a little emotional." Her eyes fell on the box that Duan Ling sent.

The brocade box is not big, it is the size of the palm. She took it and glanced at it. It opened and there was a pair of jade bracelets. The jade is crystal clear, and it is a good thing at first glance.

Yan Yining took the jade bracelet and looked it up. He put it back and closed the lid.

"Cousin, the wedding is about to begin, I will give you a makeup." Shen Qingyu said, pulling back the thoughts of Yan Yining, he nodded.

Shen Qingyi put the pair of jade bracelets in the bag and picked up the cosmetic bag on one side to give makeup.

At the beginning of the wedding, Chen Yujiao appeared, and Zhong Lei accompanied her. At first, I didn’t find it because they were sitting in the corner, they were very low-key, and they were inadvertently seen.

Originally, Chen Yujiao did not intend to attend Jiang Chenxi’s wedding, but in the morning, Zhong Lei saw her staring out of the window and offered to take her to the wedding.

Chen Yujiao knows that Zhong Lei wants her to send this relationship for the final journey, so she refused to look at the happy smile on Jiang Chenxi’s face. Chen Yujiao thinks that she can really let go now, she holds Zhong Lei’s Hand, gently open, "Zhong Lei, thank you."

Zhong Lei pinched her hand. He did it for himself. He was trying to get Chen's heart.

The wedding went very smoothly, and Chen Yujiao immediately followed Zhong Lei after the ceremony, and Yi Yining and Jiang Chenxi did not even have time to say a word to her.


Lloyd Real Estate.

Today is the day when the regular shareholders meeting is held. Lu Jincai walked into the conference room and sat down directly on the main seat. "Since the people are here, the meeting will begin."

Wang Fu, who sat in his hand, whispered, "Wait, people haven't arrived yet."

Lu Jincai frowned at him. "Wang Dong, people have arrived."

Wang Fu smiled slightly. "It's still a very important person."

"Who?" Lu Jincai asked subconsciously, Wang Fu looked at the door. "Hey, he is coming."

Lu Jincai turned around and saw Shen Junze wearing a suit and a faceless expression. His face changed slightly and said with a strong smile, "Jun Ze, how come you?"

Shen Junze looked at him with a smile and smiled. "Today is the day when Lloyd's real estate opened a shareholder meeting. As a shareholder, I naturally want to attend."

Lu Jincai’s face was stiff, but he quickly reacted. “This incident is negligent and did not inform you to attend the shareholders’ meeting. It’s mainly because you have been notified in the past few years, you are not coming, so I have not notified you this year. You Shouldn't you blame it?"

Shen Junze casually found a position to sit down and said carelessly. "It doesn't matter if you forget the notice. Don't forget that I am a shareholder of the company."

"How can you forget this? Junze, you are getting more and more humor now, always funny."

"It’s good to be happy."

"Jun Ze, you are not willing to participate in the shareholders' meeting in previous years. How did you think about this year?" Lu Jincai’s face was with a kind smile.

Shen Junze flashed a glare at the bottom of his eyes and said with a smile. "This company is my father's punch and kick. After changing his surname, it can be regarded as my father's hard work. I am the only son of my father. Naturally. It is to see."

He also touched a nail that was not soft or hard. Lu Jincai flashed a sigh of anger, but he could not understand the purpose of Shen Junze’s appearance here today. I don’t know if he really looked at it or had another purpose, so he Endure no attack

"Jun Ze is really grown up now, and I am sensible."

"For any person who has experienced the betrayal of the closest person, he should grow up and be sensible." Shen Junze faintly turned back, looked calm, could not see the slightest anger, but said the words let Lu Jingcai win Uncomfortable.

It seems that today is not good, Lu Jincai thought. However, his own hands are 35% of the shares, which is the company's largest shareholder. In addition, he has been in control of the company for a few years. Most of the company is personally selected by him. The trustworthy person is not afraid of Shen Junze. What kind of moth, think of this, Lu Jincai is very determined.

"Jun Ze, you are here today. The company has developed rapidly in recent years, and you have been focusing on your own business. You don't understand the company's development. Just take this opportunity to get to know it."

Shen Junze nodded inexplicably. "Since people have arrived, the meeting will begin." A master's gesture.

Lu Jin was angry in his heart, but his face was not obvious. He said with a smile, "Get started." The words were told to the secretary.

The secretary sent the documents in his hand one by one.

Lu Jincai said, "This is the company's financial statements for the quarter. Compared with last month, the company's profit is still declining, but from the overall trend, the decline rate has slowed down, and colleagues in various departments of the company are also Working hard, so I have reason to believe that the company will soon be able to return to the peak of the past."

Wang Fu interrupted Lu Jincai’s long story and said, “The chairman, I interrupted. The company has been at a loss for the past year and its performance has declined significantly. I am skeptical about the so-called return to the peak state.”

Lu Jincai’s eyes changed slightly and he looked at Wang Fu. “Wang Dong, what do you mean by this, you don’t believe in my ability?”

“I admit that in the past few years, you have managed the company very well, and the company’s business is steadily improving. But what is the company’s business situation this year? Everyone knows well, those beautiful words don’t need to be said. We need It’s not that you’re talking pretty, but about doing things beautifully. As far as I know, there are big problems with this financial statement.”

"Oh, Wang Dong, I don't quite understand you, can you explain it to us." Zhou Jianye said very well. They discussed it early in the morning to pull Lu Jincai down at this general meeting and push Shen Junze up.

“I am the financial controller of the company, and the financial situation of the company is clear. In fact, the financial report in the hands of the chairman is fake.” Wang Fu said seriously.

In a word, the people's faces changed, especially Lu Jincai became particularly ugly, looking at Wang Fu coldly. "Wang Director, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, can't talk nonsense." The eyes imply a warning.

Wang Fu is not afraid. Today is destined to tear his face. Anyway, Lu Jin was soon about to be dismissed. What else is he afraid of? "I have not said that your financial statement is the deputy director of finance. I have checked it carefully and it does not match the company's accounts. That is to say, this is basically a false account. Your so-called performance recovery is an illusion. In fact, compared with the previous quarter, the company's performance has declined. More and more serious, it has reached ten percentage points. Even the company's capital chain has problems."

"You are nonsense." Lu Jin was angry. "Director Wang, you are the financial controller of the company, but you are not very concerned about the company's affairs. The work is often directly lost to the deputy director. In the past, I respected you as the company's veteran, to you. The behavior is one eye closed, but now you say that the financial statement is fake, Director Wang, I hope you can tell me, how do you know someone who doesn't even have a company thing?"

Wang Fu was angry in his heart. In the end, did he care or Lu Jincai deliberately emptied his power?

"Chairman, the company was founded by me along with Shen Jun, how can I ignore the company and I have always been concerned about the company's operating conditions. As for the financial statements, it is true or false, and you are very clear."

"Then you said that I have any reason to make such a fake financial report?" Lu Jincai asked.

"Nature is to keep your chairman's status." Wang Fu said faintly, he originally wanted to be financially motivated in the company, but after a check, he found that he did not need to do it at all, Lu Jincai personally pulled up the financial deputy. The director even guarded theft, misappropriated a large sum of money from the company, and forged the company's accounts, which was simply a sleepy person who sent a pillow.

"Director Wang, I know that you are dissatisfied with me, but you can't make fun of the company's business. The company has only experienced a decline in performance in recent months, but the company's finances are absolutely no problem." Lu Jincai said coldly.

Wang Fu’s face was calm and he took out a document from the bag. “This is the company’s real financial statement. It’s completely different from what the chairman said. The company’s performance is not only falling, but the company’s capital chain has emerged nearly one. The gap of 100 million."

"What? One hundred million!" Zhou Jianye changed his face, but this is more of a component of the play. Wang Fu told them a few times after he learned it. If it was originally dissatisfied with Lu Jincai’s overthrowing their power, now these shareholders are really going to tear up Lu Jincai. After all, he wants to force the company to die.

And other shareholders have changed their faces. "How can there be such a large funding gap?"

"Yeah, one hundred million, it's no wonder that the company's performance has been declining. It's not that someone is watching the company's situation is wrong, and the company's money has been taken away?"

Shareholders have speculated that they have to say that they have really guessed certain facts.

"Wang Fu, I respect you as the old man of the company, but you should not shame your face. What is the shortfall of a hundred million funds is simply nonsense. I think this is the fake property account in your hand." Lu Jincai Angry.

Wang Fu was not angry at the beggar. "Since I dare to speak in front of everyone, naturally there is full evidence. This financial statement is done by myself. And our financial deputy director Guo Zeyuan, because of gambling It is an indisputable fact that the amount of debt has been misappropriated by the company for a number of times, which has caused the company’s capital chain to break. This is an indisputable fact that you are a chairman, a crony, and an unclear person. fact."

Lu Jincai’s face was black for a while, and finally became Tieqing. “You are responsible for what you said. If there is a half-say, I will take legal responsibility for you.” Now he still doesn’t know what he is being bullied. I only thought that the misappropriation of public funds was made by Wang Fu at random, in order to embarrass him. Who asked him to overpower Wang Fu’s power? Wang Fu’s dissatisfaction with him was normal.

"I can naturally be responsible for what I said. If you don't believe that you can call in Guo Zeyuan, ask the truth of the matter, don't always be kept in the dark. And I can promise that if today, Wang Fu has a little bit of falsehood, then I am willing to resign and leave the company, and will give you the shares of the company I have for free."

Wang Fu said so surely, he even dared to make such a bet, so that Lu Jincai was very confused.

Guo Zeyuan was a talented person who had spent a lot of money digging from other companies. He was also the person he trusted the most. Otherwise, he would not be arranged in the finance department, as the deputy director of the finance department, or even the power of Wang Fu. If he really misappropriated a large amount of money from the company and caused the capital chain to break, then today it is very difficult. Even if he didn't do it by Lu Jin, he couldn't escape the relationship, and an unclear hat couldn't be picked up.

When Guo Zeyuan was called in, he was still inexplicably, but when Wang Fu took out the evidence of his humiliation, his face changed immediately. Lu Jincai saw that there is nothing to understand here, even if he I want to defend him for being powerless. Wang Fu took out the ironclad certificate. Even if he had the ability to live through the sky, he could not keep him.

Naturally, these evidences were not obtained by Wang Fu. Instead, after discovering the abnormal accounts of the company, he went to find Shen Junze. Shen Junze asked Shen Qingyi to help Guo Zeyuan to know the things behind this.

"Chairman, I hope that you can give us an explanation for these shareholders." Liang Tian screamed, although he had already known the truth, he could listen again, this anger did not decrease, after all, this company also had one of them. Share.

Suddenly, Lu Jincai quickly calmed down. "Guo Zeyuan’s humiliation is that I chose the wrong person. I am unclear. I do have responsibility. I will go to court with Guo Zeyuan. Here, I also Apologize to all shareholders." He said that he stood up and gave everyone a shackle.

Other shareholders face each other and do not know how to react at that time. After all, the person who confuses public funds is Guo Zeyuan, and his personal behavior. In fact, Lu Jincai is also an unclear responsibility.

“Hey.” Shen Junze applauded. “I didn’t expect it. When I first attended the shareholders’ meeting, I saw such a wonderful show. I really didn’t come.”

"Shen Junze, you shut me up." Lu Jincai screamed coldly. "Now, when you say cool words, you are also a shareholder of the company. The interests of the company are closely related to you."

"Now think of me as a shareholder of the company?" Shen Junze seems to laugh and laugh. When he first drove him out of the company like a dog who lost his family, Lu Jincai could regard him as a shareholder of the company.

"Shen Junze, if you are coming down the stone today, then let me go out now, the company does not welcome you." Lu Jincai tore off the hypocrisy, the impact of this incident on him today is too big, he has no I am free to talk nonsense with Shen Junze.

"Jun Ze, the chairman of the board is your elder, you are polite to him." Wang Fu said hypocritically.

"Uncle Wang said that it makes sense. I was offended. Lu Jincai, sorry, sorry." His apology was not sincere. Lu Jincai was so angry that he was so angry that it was only because there were too many people present.

"This time there will be such a serious mistake. I think the chairman has an unshirkable responsibility. The chairman, I think you are not suitable for the position of chairman of the company." Zhou Jianye said seriously, "This time it is The best proof."

Lu Jincai is black-faced. "Zhou Director, what do you mean by this?"

"I mean, since our company wants to develop, we need a strong heart. This heart is not only strong, but also young, energetic, you are old, and the decisions made are not in line with the company's future. The development, abdication to the genius is what you should do." Zhou Jianye did not turn around, directly pointed out the purpose of today.

"I am the company's biggest shareholder. What do I want to abdicate to let Yin?" Lu Jincai was full of anger, but it was a small mistake. They wanted to take away the company he had come to, and it was simply a dream!

"Hey, you probably don't know yet. Now the company's biggest shareholder is already me. I have 45% of the shares. I am 10% more than you. From today, I am the chairman of this company. Shen Junze stood up and said.

Lu Jincai looked at him incredulously. "Impossible, you only have 20% of your shares, you are lying!"

Shen Junze took out a document and placed it in front of Lu Jincai. "Then please ask my dearest one to see if I am really or not."

------Off topic ------

A matter of yesterday, there is no code word, today is updated late, I am very sorry.


Recommend friends to listen to the cold rain "rebirth eighty, the wife is a bit sweet"

In the past life, the daughter was alive and dead, and the husband and wife were respectful, and the mother-in-law, forget it, not to mention it.

After rebirth.

Gu Haiqiong, who is catching up with a child, only wants to protect her daughter, and her mother and daughter are well-prepared.

At the beginning of the eighty.

She only wants to get divorced, away from the man who made her sad and disappointed to her numbness.

Gu Haiqiong, the mother-in-law who is no longer tolerant, tears the little uncle, smashes the best, does business, buys a house, raises a daughter, and runs on the ground.

Ordinary is blessing.


A month of black wind murder, oh, hard sports couples communicate harmoniously night -

A man with a big eyebrow and a big face, his face is abrupt: the wife, holding my baby, crowning my last name, want to run?

Come, let's discuss the good life in bed!

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