MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 515 Parent-child Garden Association

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When Fu Hengyi came back at night, he heard Shen Qingyi say that his son was fighting in the kindergarten today. He accidentally raised his eyebrows. "Is the person's nose and face swollen?" He didn't believe it. On the small body of Anan, a small fat man is made into a pig head?

"Tomorrow you sent him to school, you will know it at a glance, your son is a tiger." In fact, Shen Qingyi is still wondering now, how does Anan put the little fat man on the ground, according to Xiao Xie’s description, at that time, the little fat man did not have the power to fight back.

According to the age, in fact, An An is one year younger than the children in the same class. If it is calculated according to the body, An An is a small body.

"If he loses, he loses his face." He and Shen Qingyi are both practicing. If the son born is actually a shoulder bag, even the fight is lost. Fu Hengyi thinks he will be depressed.

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyi gave Fu Hengyi a white eye, "Fu Hengyi, you are to teach the bad son." Where is someone educated, is this to teach him to fight? Or do you think that fighting is a very glorious thing?

Fu Hengyi smiled slightly. "An An is not here, I will tell you." In the face of the child, he certainly would not say so.

"But this kid can, at a young age, learn to save the hero." Well, it is much better than him.

Shen Qingyi: ... Is this the point?

In the evening, Fu Hengyi bathed his son and found a small bruise on the back of Anan. He pressed it gently. "Is it painful?"

Anan frowned, "pain."

"I heard that you are fighting with children in kindergarten today?" Fu Hengyi asked faintly, the tone was very calm, and Anan's small body was stiff. His most admired person was Fu Hengyi, but the most feared person was him.

"Dad, I am wrong. I promise not to fight in the future." Ann held a small hand and stood three white and tender fingers.

"If you are bullied, you can fight back. Men can't be too timid." Fu Hengyi said faintly, "but you can't take the initiative to find something."

"What is the initiative to find things?" An An is a good boy who is open-minded.

Fu Hengyi explained slowly to him, boy, can't develop too weak temper.

"Dad, I understand. Do you mean that if someone hits me, I can fight back, but he doesn't beat me, can't I beat him?"

"Okay." This understanding is also true.

The father and son came out of the bathroom, Fu Hengyi took a bottle of safflower oil in his hand, and the piece of bruise on Anan’s back was still to be opened.

"Dad, it hurts." Anan frowned and said, with a hint of crying in his tone.

"Resist." Fu Hengyi said with a blank expression, but the force in his hand was subconsciously light.

Tonight, Fu Hengyi unexpectedly took An An to sleep in the room. Shen Qingxi saw it, some accidents. Since Anan learned to speak, this is the first time Fu Hengyi took the initiative to let Anan sleep with them.

When Anan fell asleep, Shen Qingyu came out of the bathroom and saw that Fu Hengyi was arranging the quilt for Anan, lest he should be cold, and Shen Qing’s eyes flashed a smile. Don’t look at Fu Hengyi’s favorite time to be jealous with his son. But if there is anything, he is the most distressed son.

"Distressed?" Shen Qing asked with a smile.

Fu Hengyi took his eyes back from his son's body and looked faint. "I have a good heartache, not a girl, so what I am doing."

Shen Qingyi did not reveal him. "Is there a wound in Anan?" She already smelled the safflower oil.

"It's a piece of bruise, nothing."


Early the next morning, Fu Hengyi said that he didn't care, but he still sent his son to school. "Dad, do you send me to school today?" When he was eating, Anan asked Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi put a peeled egg in An'an's bowl. "Well, eat it quickly, and send you to kindergarten after eating."

"Dad, I don't like to eat this." Anan likes to eat poached eggs, and does not like to eat boiled eggs.

"Eat the eggs, children can't picky eaters."

"Oh." An An frowned and ate eggs. If he changed to Shen Qingyi today, he must bargain, even if he eats less.

Fu Hengyi sent his son to the kindergarten. Throughout the distance, Anan said to a fat woman at the door. "Dad, yesterday was the fat aunt who bullied her mother."

When I took a shower last night, Fu Hengyi carefully asked about the passing of An'an. The memory of Anan was very good. Every word that the fat woman said was remembered, including the words of the fat woman who said Shen Qingyi.

When I heard my son, Fu Hengyi’s eyes were very cold. The fat woman had already seen An’an. It was not Shen Qing’s but a man who sent him. He wondered if this man was An’s father.

"Xiao Xie teacher is early." An An smiled and said hello to the class teacher.

Xiao Xie took the hand of An An. "An An early, Mr. Fu, are you here to send An An?" Xiao Xie rarely saw Fu Hengyi sending An An to school, usually Shen Qingyi or Chu Yunrong, occasionally Shen Junyi Will also send, see the number of Fu Hengyi is very rare, know that he is a soldier, all year round in the army.

Fu Hengyi nodded. "Xiao Xie teacher, Anan will trouble you." Seeing the woman has been secretly looking at him, and said, "An An’s back has a bruise, and I hope Xiao Xie can help take care of him. ""

Xiao Xie’s teacher heard the words, his eyes changed slightly, and he asked anxiously, “How can there be bruise on An’s back? Is it a fall or something?”

"Yesterday was hit by people fighting." Fu Hengyi said, the corner of the eye is paying attention to the look of the fat woman, and sure enough, the face of the fat woman has changed.

Xiao Xie’s teacher heard this and his face was awkward. “That... Mr. Fu, I was really sorry about the incident yesterday. I didn’t have the responsibility of a teacher.”

"It’s normal for a child to have a bump between them. Xiao Xie doesn’t have to worry about it, but Anan’s back is still not good. Today, Xiao Xie’s teacher helps me to look at it, don’t let him be too naughty. I bumped again."

"Okay, Mr. Fu, I will definitely be optimistic about Anan, you can rest assured." Seeing that Fu Hengyi did not pursue her, Xiao Xie teacher relieved, this job was hard to find, if Fu Hengyi had the heart If she is held accountable, then the head of the school will definitely let her go.

"Dad goodbye." An An waved at Fu Hengyi, Fu Hengyi nodded. "When you listen to the teacher at school, your mother will pick you up at night."

"Dad, don't you pick me up at night?" Anan was disappointed. He thought that Dad would pick him up from school.

"Dad is a little bit at night, my mother will pick you up, and Dad will send you to school tomorrow morning."

Wen Yanan was happy when he was happy. He waved his hand to Dad and followed Xiao Xie’s teacher. Fu Hengyi saw his son go, and he planned to turn and leave. The fat woman stopped his way. "Mr. Fu..... "The fat woman licks the opening

Fu Hengyi looked indifferent and coveted the woman in front of her eyes. "Is there something?"

"Mr. Fu, I am a chubby mother, the mother of the little child who was fighting with Anan yesterday. I am here to apologize for the incident."

She waited at the entrance of the kindergarten early in the morning, just looking for Shen Qingyi to apologize, but did not wait for Shen Qingyi, but waited for Fu Hengyi.

Yesterday, after Shen Qing’s departure with Anan, she was called to the head of the school’s office alone. She was beaten by the head of the garden. She knew that Shen Qingyi was actually the grandson of the Fu family she guessed. And An An is the most precious grandson of Fu Laozi. And she turned out that An An was not educated. At the thought of this, the fat woman couldn't help but have a cold sweat. Especially after going back in the evening, the husband who never dared to speak with her even quarreled with her, and even said that if he could not get Fu's forgiveness, he would divorce her.

The fat woman regretted from the moment she knew the identity of Shen Qingyi, but she did not have the contact method of Shen Qingyi. She could only adopt this method of waiting for the rabbit. She was worried that she would miss it with Shen Qingyi. The fat woman did not open the door today. I was waiting here.

"Yesterday is that you said that my son's wife is not educated?" Fu Hengyi's eyes are very cold.

The woman heard the words, the cold sweat on her body, "Mr. Fu, yesterday was a misunderstanding. It was because I didn't figure out the truth of the matter. I didn't teach it. I didn't have any education. I have no eyes. You don't care about villains. Don't care about me. I originally came to Mrs. Fu to apologize, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Where is the fat woman who is arrogant and arrogant yesterday, she only hates that time can't go back, and gives her a chance to save her mistakes.

"This wife is well-educated, and the son who taught him went to the skirt of the little girl." Fu Hengyi taunted, he rarely talked to people in such a tone, obviously because this woman insulted Shen Qingyi to make him feel very good. accurate.

The fat woman did not dare to refute Fu Hengyi’s words, but said awkwardly, “I didn’t teach my son well. After I went back, I taught him a lesson. All this is my fault. I only ask Mr. Fu to forgive. We are this time."

Fu Hengyi looked at him coldly. The woman was suffering from his gaze. He only felt that his legs were trembled, but he did not dare to have the slightest movement. He could only endure the baptism of this kind of gaze, and the woman would insist on not insisting. When he lived, Fu Hengyi removed his gaze and fainted his mouth. "If you have time to think about these things, you might as well spend more time thinking about your son."

Yesterday, the woman said Shen Qingyi in a similar way. Today, Fu Hengyi gave it back to her. The woman heard the cold sweat and nodded. "Yes, Mr. Fu, I was really sorry yesterday."

Fu Hengyi also didn't want to care about such a small person who was inflamed. After she crossed her, she left. When he went far, the fat woman dared to reach out and wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. This man is really terrible, even though Fu Hengyi did not. When you say something ugly, you can't even say a word, but that gaze is more scary than any words.

Fu Hengyi came back to the meeting this time. By the way, the supervisor of the higher level reported the work, so he left the home after sending An An to the kindergarten.

At night, An An came back from school. I didn’t see my father at home. I was a little disappointed. “When is Mom and Dad coming back?”

Shen Qingyi heard the words and asked, "What's wrong?" An An is not a sticky father. In addition to the few months since he was born, Fu Hengyi has a big hand, so he is particularly sticky, but he grew up. After a little, I didn't stick to it. I didn't see his father in this week.

But on the way back today, he has asked several times. When he returns home, he continues to ask, which is a bit abnormal.

Anan is carrying his hands. "I have something to tell my father, is Dad coming back today?"

Shen Qingyi nodded. "Come back, when your dinner is over, your father will come back." She didn't know when the father and son had a little secret with her. Whenever Anan had anything to do with her. Said.

Just arrived at dinner time, Fu Hengyi still did not go home, An An wrapped around Shen Qingyi asked Fu Hengyi's whereabouts, Shen Qingyi could not, had to send a text message to Fu Hengyi.

"Your father said, you must come back before you go to sleep."

Anan’s eyes lit up. “Then I will wait for my father to come back and sleep.”

An An said that the little guy who had been sleeping at 8 o'clock every night had waited until 9:30, and his eyes were still squatting.

Shen Qingyi looked at his little head a little bit, and some of them felt distressed. "An An, you should go to sleep first."

Anan shook his head. "No, I have to wait for Dad to come back."

"What's the matter, wait for you to wake up tomorrow morning and tell your father, okay?"

Anan continued to shake his head. "I want to tell my father today, Dad said, he will come back before I go to bed."

Seeing his son stubbornly refused to go to sleep, Shen Qingyi sent a text message to Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi said that he was already on his way back and immediately arrived home.

"An An, then you go to bed first, Dad is already on the way back, and I will be home soon."

"Really? Ann came to the spirit.

"Well, it's true. When did my mother fool you? Dad will come back soon. Are you waiting for Dad in bed first?" Ann nodded.

Fu Hengyi knew that his son had waited for a few hours and returned home. Even the rice was too late to eat. He went to Anan’s room to see his son in the first time.

"An An, why are you still not sleeping so late?"

"Dad, I am waiting for you, I have been waiting for a long time, I have to fall asleep." Anan was a little wronged, and Dad came back too late.

"It’s not good for Dad. It’s late to come back today. What do you wait for Dad to do?” Fu Hengyi asked, but in fact, after a day’s meeting, he is now a little dizzy. The superior leaders had new arrangements for the work in the army, and a group of people had a meeting late.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

Fu Hengyi sat down at his son's bed and whispered. "Well, let me, I listen."

"Today, Xiaopeng apologized to me and brought me a lot of food. I also gave him the snacks that my mother gave me. Our two fairies are friends, and we won’t fight in the future. Dad, you said me. Is it right?"

"It’s done right, Xiaopang really apologizes to you, you can’t always remember the past, the man is generous.”

"Hey, I want to think like this." Ann laughed.

Fu Hengyi raised his eyebrow slightly. "You have been waiting for Dad for so long, just to tell me this?"

Anan shook his head. "More than that, Dad, are you still at home the day after tomorrow?"

Fu Hengyi nodded, "at home."

"Today, Xiao Xie said that there is a kiss the day after parent-child garden party, yes, this is the name, saying that you want to let mom and dad join together, can you accompany me and my mother?"

The day after tomorrow is Saturday, Fu Hengyi does not have to go back to the army, "I want my mom and dad to go together?"

Anan nodded hard. "Other children are mom and dad."

This is the first parent-child garden meeting that An An has participated in since school. Fu Hengyi does not want to let him down. Naturally, he will not refuse. "Well, then Mom and Dad will go with you."

An An’s small face was full of smiles. He picked it up from the bed and took Fu Hengyi’s face on his face. “Thank you, Dad, good night!” He said, he lay down in the quilt and closed his eyes.

Fu Hengyi touched his son's face. The bruise on his face was not good, but he was already stunned. "Sleep, Dad waits for you to fall asleep."

Anan’s eyes were closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth rose high.

It was already late today, and Anan slept very quickly and fell asleep in less than five minutes. Fu Hengyi sat there and looked at the little face that his son was asleep for a while. The more he looked at the son, the more his son was actually not only like Shen Qingyi, but also the outline of Shen Qingying in other places. His eyebrows became gentle. .

Before meeting Shen Qingxi, all his enthusiasm was dedicated to the army. He never thought about personal problems. He never thought that one day he would have a love with his beloved woman and upgrade to a father. And now that I have Anan, watching this little guy grow up day by day, his body gradually has the shadow of Shen Qingying, and his heart suddenly becomes extremely soft.

on Saturday.

Today, An An wakes up very early. She got up from the bed early in the morning and wore her own clothes. Although the clothes were dressed in a mess, even the buttons were not buckled accurately.

He ran to knock on the parents' door, for fear that Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi would sleep late. As a result, Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi came back from the outside. The two men wore sportswear, apparently just finished running.

"Dad, mother, we should set off." Anan saw his parents and immediately said.

Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi looked at each other and Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. "An An, now it is only 7 in the morning, the kindergarten has not opened yet."

She crouched down and helped her son to arrange the messy clothes, and said with a warm voice, "You should go to Zhao Grandma and let her prepare things for you. Mom and Dad, come down and find you after changing clothes."

"Well, Mom and Dad, you must be a little faster." Anan can't wait.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "It will be very soon."

After breakfast, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi set off with their sons. The three of them wore a set of identical parent-child costumes. This was bought by Shen Qingyi a few days ago, but I didn’t expect to use it so quickly.

This parent-child activity was conducted outdoors, on a farm in the suburbs. It is not so much a parent-child garden party, but rather an autumn tour organized by the class. Parents can take their children to barbecue, fish, picking fruits and vegetables on this farm, and the activities are rich and colorful.

Lunch is for mom and dad to do with the baby. It can't be a ready-made lunch box, so the parents bring some raw ingredients.

Every family has its own simple cooktop, Shen Qingyi stays to deal with the ingredients, and Fu Hengyi goes to the farm with Anan to pick the fruits and vegetables. Most of the ingredients they bring are meat, vegetables need Now pick.

Shen Qingyi looked around and found that the mother who was cooking was basically a mother. The fathers were playing with the baby or playing the farm with Fu Hengyi.

Shen Qingzhen is cutting the pork, her knife is very good, each pork has the same length and length. Looking more like a work of art, the young woman came over and smiled and said, "Are you the mother of Anan? You Ok, I am a quiet mother."

Shen Qingyi looked at the people, the look was mild, the other side looked like a quiet and gentle, like a woman who came out of the ink-and-wash Jiangnan, not a very beautiful woman, but with a gentle temperament, Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. "Hello there."

Jing Mama smiled. "Quiet told me what happened in the kindergarten that day and always wanted to say thank you."

"It doesn't have to be so polite, it is the friendship between the children."

Jing Jing Ma did not say much, but looked at Shen Qingyi’s chopping board and said with amazement, “Your knife is really good.”

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. Although she was talking to Jingjing Ma, her movements did not stop. She quickly cut the shredded pork, picked up a fish and began to cut the fish. The thin fish fillet was crystal clear. Clear, look at the quiet mother is amazing, "You look so good, you must be great to cook?"

Shen Qingyi only felt awkward when he heard this. "I will not cook, I will do this."

Jing Jing Ma only thought that Shen Qingyi was modest. "An An Mama, see your knife workers know that your cooking skills must be good."

Shen Qingyi Khan, she is also a knife worker, she made things, even An An is full of face disgusting, last time with Anan to the military area, Fu Hengyi did not come back, Anan was hungry, Shen Qingyi gave Anan I made a omelet, and Ann took a bite and said, "Mom, let's wait for Dad to come back. I am not hungry now."

Fu Hengyi and An An soon returned, and An An’s hand carried a small basket filled with the results.

"Mom, my father and I are back." He heard Anan's voice across the distance.

Jing Jing Ma looked back and saw that Fu Hengyi was returning with An An. "Sure enough, the parents' genes are good, and the baby born is also very good." She has been chatting with Shen Qingyi for a while, and they are already familiar with each other. Now, I’m free to talk.

Shen Qingyi smiled. "Quiet is also very good."

"That's her father's good-looking, quietly not like me." Jing Mama admits that she looks good, "I should start cooking again, I will go first, wait for lunch, we will come again." ""

"it is good."

Fu Hengyi and An An can be said to be full of rewards. Before they came closer, they couldn’t wait to tell Shen Qingyi about their harvest.

"Mom, my father and I picked a lot of things, a lot of delicious food."

When Shen Qing’s rumored, he saw An’an walking hard in front of the basket. The basket was not so much as it was carrying it, but Fu Hengyi was casually behind, not at all. Help the son.

"Mom, I picked the persimmons for you, very red and very red, so delicious."

Shen Qingyi is somewhat curious. Is this farmer still planting persimmon trees? When Anan took it out and showed it to her, Shen Qingzhen suddenly felt a little dumb, and it turned out to be a tomato.

"An An, this is a tomato, not a persimmon."

Anan’s face was puzzled. “But it looks the same as the persimmon in the book.”

Shen Qingyi: ... Where do the two look like?

Shen Qingyi patiently explained to the son the difference between tomato and persimmon, while Fu Hengyi has rolled up his sleeve and started cooking.

In the families present, the basics of cooking are all mothers. Like Fire Fu Hengyi, Dad is cooking, and there are only a handful. Some women look envious of Shen Qingyi's gaze. Her husband is handsome and cooks. Her blessing is just too good.

Shen Qingyu noticed these gaze, but pretended not to see.

Because many of the ingredients Shen Qingyi have been processed, Fu Heng has been going to cook the pot, so the speed of cooking is very fast. When they finished eating, they went slowly to find a quiet family. She made an appointment with Jing Mama, and the afternoon activities were with the two families.

There was a small sports meeting in the afternoon. It was necessary for the children to participate with the parents. Shen Qingyi won the championship without exception. Anan held the little trophy and smiled very happy. As a result, the trophy was given to the quiet.

Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi looked funny, especially Fu Hengyi, whispering in the ear of Shen Qingyi. "It seems that we can't find a daughter-in-law in the future."

Shen Qingyi looked at him silently.


As the wedding season approached, Yan Yining was idle. Everyday except for going to work, there was almost nothing to do. Their new homes had already been renovated, and even the furniture had been placed. The rest of the details about the wedding also had Jiang Chenxi determined that she became the most leisurely person.

昊昊 Last time I went back to Duan Ling’s hometown, Duan Ling’s parents were very embarrassed, and even personally called Yu Yining, hoping to let them go and see them, so a few days ago, Duan Ling took it again. I went back.

I will come back with Duan Ling today, so Yan Yining left the company early, and she will go to the airport to pick up her son.

When I arrived at the airport, Yan Yining did not expect to meet Gu Jiajia. She originally knew Gu Jiajia, but when Duan Ling sent it back, the person who followed him was Gu Jiajia, and he also mentioned this person with Yan Yining. No stranger.

Gu Jiajia knows that Yi Yining is a mother who is awkward, but she has not contacted her. She met here today and looked at her eyes with some bad feelings. "You are the one my brother-in-law likes?"

Yan Yining frowned, she did not like Gu Jiajia's tone of speech, so she ignored Gu Jiajia. Seeing that Yin Yin ignored her words, Gu Jiajia was annoyed. "Hey, I said, what happened to you? I am talking to you. You should also have a voice, no politeness." Just like her son, Every time I see her, I don’t even call.

裴一宁眸光光, "Is there something?"

Gu Jiajia looks awkward, she is really okay, but... her eyes turn and open, "I really want to say to you, I know that the person you used to like is my brother-in-law, you There is also a child, but I hope that you will not use your child to approach my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law will not like you any more."

After listening to this, Yan Yining wanted to laugh, and she really laughed. "Gu Jiajia is right. I wonder if you misunderstood what? I am getting married soon, just at the end of next month."

"I know you are getting married soon, so I just remind you."

"That's really a thank you reminder. But I think that if you say this to me, it would be better to say to Duan Ling."

Gu Jiajia Wei Wei, "What do you mean by this?"

"Just literally."

Gu Jiajia actually knows the meaning of Qi Yining. It is because he knows, so he is more and more embarrassed. "Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. You just want to hang Jiang Chenxi while hanging my brother-in-law. It's just you. There is a child between my brother-in-law. I tell you, my brother-in-law will not like you. The person he likes is my sister. Otherwise, I will not abandon you for my sister, even the children in your stomach. Don't want it. Now he is good to your child, but because he has no other children, he will have children with other women, and you will never like the children you born. Your son is just my brother-in-law. The doctor is an illegitimate child."

Yan Yining’s face gradually sank and looked at Gu Jiajia. “I also hope that he will not bother to disturb the life between our mother and child. But this does not seem to be something you can decide.” She said that she can do it, but It is impossible to say that her son is not.

"Hey, I found out that you are a special person, and you have to marry Jiang Chenxi while hanging your brother-in-law with your child. What do you say?" Gu Jiajia was angry.

Gu Jiajia hates swearing, not just because there is a child between Yan Yining and Duan Ling. But because it has been for so many years, Duan Ling still remembers her, and even her sister’s jealousy has been forgotten. This makes Gu Jiajia unacceptable. Gu Jiajia has become accustomed to Duan Ling's good for her sister, and she has done a good job of her sister's stay in Duan Ling's life. She didn't want to fight with her sister, just want to accompany her sister in Duan Ling's side. Becoming a partner of his life, but whoever wanted to kill a bit of gold, Duan Ling’s heart really likes her sister. Thinking of this, Gu Jiajia looked at Yan Yining's eyes and became more and more unsatisfactory.

Gu Jiajia likes Duan Ling. This is what Yin Yining saw from her words and Gu Jiajia’s eyes.

"You like Duan Ling to fight for himself. Don't push anything to the head of others."

Gu Jiajia's face changed slightly. "Who said that I like my brother-in-law, you don't want to talk nonsense." Although she doesn't feel like a shameful thing about her brother-in-law, others may not think so.

"I don't like your own heart. I only say it once today. I used to have a relationship with Duan Ling, but it is already a thing of the past. The person I love now is Jiang Chenxi, the person to marry. It is also Jiang Chenxi, I have nothing to do with Duan Ling."

"Then why do you want your son to meet with Duan Ling? If you really don't care about him, you shouldn't let their father and son meet." The more this kind of Ling Yue is not forgetting her, she will not see her better. .

"They are fathers and sons. This is an indisputable fact. I don't like Duan Ling is one thing, but I can't deprive my son of the right to enjoy his father's love. You like Duan Ling, you can tell him directly, don't be in front of me. If you say that there is nothing, you will not solve any problems except that you are not educated."

"You said who is not educated?"

"Who is talking about who knows in his own heart." Unlike Gu Jiajia's anger, Yan Yining is calm from beginning to end.

"Hey, you have nothing to say, if you were born because of your unmarried child, do you think my brother-in-law will look at you more?"

裴 宁 闻 闻 , , , , , , , , , , , 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴Since you won't talk well, then I will teach you."

Gu Jiajia didn't expect that Yi Ning would suddenly start, and she looked at her and couldn't react. "Do you dare to hit me?"

Dare to insult her son, let alone slap. It’s just that if you come back to the palm of your hand, you won’t be soft. “I’m teaching you, and if you’re a human being, you should talk to people.” Yan Yining’s face is calm and self-confident.

"Which sentence is wrong? Isn't that child born to you unmarried? But a woman who is a little self-respecting will not do this. You are a jealous woman."

"Oh." It was a slap in the face of Gu Jiajia. He looked at the eyes with a slight sigh, looked at Gu Jiajia coldly, and noticed the people who came not far away, faintly opening. "That is better than some people I remember my brother-in-law."

Gu Jiajia was beaten twice, and he would be willing to go back. He just raised his hand and just got it up. He was held. "Gu Jiajia, what are you doing?" The cold male voice rang in Gu Jiajia’s ear, Gu Jiajia The body trembled and looked at the coming person, "Sister, brother-in-law."

He has already ran to the side of Yan Yining, and he looked at Duan Ling. "Look at your people, don't let her bite people here. It is not a slap in the face to dare to insult my son next time." When I left, Duan Ling didn’t even have time to say a word to Yan Yilin. She could only watch her back.

"Sister, why do you help her? He beat me?" Gu Jiajia is dissatisfied.

Duan Ling looked at her coldly. "I don't want to beat people casually. What did you say?"

Gu Jiajia flashed a guilty conscience. "No, I didn't say anything. My brother-in-law is a slap in the face."

"Gu Jiajia, don't let me ask for the second time." Duan Ling sinks his face.

Gu Jiajia is most afraid of Duan Ling's face, biting his teeth and saying, "I just let her not wander around you, she is a person who wants to marry other men right away, and use the child to approach you all day, treating you as Spare tire, brother-in-law, I feel bad about you."

"I don't come close to me, I am pestering her. Gu Jiajia, today is the first time and the last time. If I let you see that you are not good at her next time, don't blame me for being a brother-in-law who doesn't miss your sister's old feelings." ""

Gu Jiajia looked at Duan Ling, and his face was hurt. "Sister, the person who was beaten today is me. The person who was wronged is me. You helped an outsider to teach me! When my sister died, let you take good care of me. But you, I have been wandering alone in the country for the past few years. Now it’s hard to come back. If you don’t help me, I’ll forget it. I’m still teaching me because of an outsider! How can you be worthy of my sister’s entrustment?”

"Don't tell me your sister. Gu Jiajia, your mind I know, but I can tell you with certainty, I don't like you, I won't like you in the future." Gu Jiajia will be difficult to meet, not because of the death of Gu Jiamin This point, Duan Ling is very clear.

Gu Jiajia's face is getting pale. "Do you know my mind?"

Although Duan Ling did not speak, he did not deny it.

"Sister, you know that I like you, why are you doing this to me? Which one is not comparable to my sister, and what is it?" Gu Jiajia felt more and more injured.

Duan Ling turned and left, Gu Jiajia refused to let him go, and stopped in front of him. "Sister, today, since I have said this to you, then we will make it clear, I like you, I want to marry you."

"Gu Jiajia, don't mess around. I said, the person I like is a sigh of peace." Duan Ling frowned.

"But she is getting married, you are not possible, brother-in-law, I like you so much, are you with me? I know that you like children, I can give you a lot of children in the future." The children of Duan Ling, there is no chance between them.

"Gu Jiajia, I haven’t heard this when I listen to it today, and I won’t say it later."

"Duan Ling, why do you like my sister, you can like it, you can't like me? I have something wrong with you, I change."

Duan Ling decided to look at her. "You are not bad, but the feelings are two people's things. I don't feel anything about you. And you are Jiamin's sister. In my eyes, it is my sister. It's that simple."

"Go to your sister, I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your wife." Gu Jiajia tears her eyes.

"Jia Jia, you will meet someone who really loves you in the future, don't waste time on me." Seeing her crying, Duan Ling eased her tone.

"I don't want to, I just like you, just want to marry you. I didn't dare to say it before because I thought you have feelings for my sister, but since you like people, you have to marry now. So why can't we be together?"

"You must be so obsessed with it?"

"I will not give up." Gu Jiajia said firmly, she will marry Duan Ling, even if it is not a stop.

------Off topic ------

Ten thousand words are served.


Recommend a friend ‘九宫莲’ text – “School Grass Tips: Kiss Ann, Little Sweetheart”

A wave of strong campus, sweet, not sweet, don't want money~

This is a smart and calm girl who is sullen and sullen. She silently smashes the enemies who are turning around her at the same table. Finally, she captures the heart of the male god, but pats her **** and slaps away... and finally gets rid of the bed. The story.

The following is a connotation dialogue from the handsome schoolmaster and his idiots at the same table.

Little cute, waiting for you in the playground.

Why, why go to the playground?

There is grass in the playground, it will be one of you.

... grass you?

v double, chicken flying eggs, wonderful campus life, the story basically depends on each other, the number of words is basically coincident

Like sweet and sweet can come, sweet all the way~

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Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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