MTL - Ace Evolution-Chapter 13 Suggest

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The boss Geng Qiang stood up and just said:

"Brother Zhao, this ..."

Before being finished, she was rudely pushed back to the bed, and Fang Lin stood up slowly and said:

"it's me."

The two boys immediately dragged him out of the house and dragged them downstairs. Fang Lin raised his eyebrows. He wanted to bring down the two hands, but he couldn't help but consider the consequences afterwards. When he got downstairs, he saw two girls cuddling with a girl who was crying red and comforted. Then suddenly there was a severe pain in the abdomen, but someone punched him up!

The elder brother Zhao is called Zhao Ming. The old man is the eldest brother in the city. He has his father and his son, and his personality can be imagined. Watching the men hold the boy in front of him, this tug pulls Fang Lin's hair, and a thick sputum spit on his face, sneer:

"Which hand did you touch?"

But Fang Lin suddenly broke free of the two who pressed him, and threw Zhao Ming directly to the ground!

The two rolled over in one place, the people next to them were stunned, and they beat Fang Lin in the hope that he could let go, but the boy didn't say anything for a while, and the others hit him multiple times, and he returned untouched. To Zhao Ming! Zhao Ming looked much stronger and heavier than him in the scream, but was surprised that the boy's hands seemed like an iron hoop, limiting him to immobility!

At this time, someone nearby saw that the situation was not good. He picked up a brick and wanted to knock on Fang Lin's head. This was really light and heavy, but Fang Lin seemed to have eyes behind him, and snorted. Pull out the pen in your jacket pocket! She plunged into Zhao Ming's eyes!

This finally made this 纨 绔 children collapse, shouted, "Stop!" There was also a cry in the tone! At this time, the pen tip was less than 2 cm from his pupil! The man behind him hesitated, but still didn't dare to drop it.

Bian Fanglin wiped the blood on his face, spit blood and spit back to Zhao Ming's face, pulled him up and patted his face, made the collar for him, and whispered in his ear:

"Brother, don't force me."

哪里 Where can Zhao Ming speak? Fang Lin went to the side and was stunned in front of Hu Jia, saying seriously:

"The swimming pool thing is a misunderstanding. I didn't mean it."

He laid his left hand flat on the flower table, bent down with his right hand, picked up a brick, and suddenly smashed it hard! The three women screamed, but Fang Lin put the bleeding left hand in front of Hu Jia, who was pale, and said calmly:

"Let's even draw it."

After speaking, he went away! For a while, the people around were silent, but few of the people brought by Zhao Ming were embarrassed, but no one dared to stop him!

After about a day of this incident, Fang Lin's injuries were much stronger than ordinary people, and the surface was covered with gauze. In fact, the basic functions of the limbs had been restored. After that happened, he apparently noticed that the people in the bedroom talked and acted kindly to him, and of course he was unfamiliar. However, he still lives in a regular way.

After finishing his exercise at noon on this day, Fang Lin went to the cafeteria for a meal. In recent days, because of the increased amount of exercise, the amount of meals has also increased a lot, and he has also deliberately paid attention to the nutritional mix. Because of his membership in the Nightmare Space, he was no longer afraid of the wanted order of the state machine.

———————————— He has tested it in private now. If he runs at full strength, it only takes 13 seconds to run 100 meters by himself, and he can run 5 kilometers at this speed. His strength has nearly doubled that of an adult. , The ability to resist attack and recovery is also nearly doubled, you can hear the voice of others down ten meters away, thinking more sharply.

A person's strength is usually directly proportional to his guts. Fang Lin was confident that he was surrounded by a group of special police. With his calmness and wisdom, as long as no accidents were hit by stray bullets, the probability of successful escape was above 90%. So although he kept a low profile, he was not as cautious as before.

There are a lot of people in the cafeteria. After Fang Lin prepared the meals, the good surrounding area was full. Only a table next to the window was illuminated by the bright sun. Even the tables and chairs were hot. No one went to sit, but Fang Lin didn't pay much attention to these things. He had just run five kilometers and made 400 push-ups in an unoccupied area. He was in need of a rest. It wasn't really a hot sun. It doesn't make any sense to him at all.

I am just a young man who looks very thin, but holding a dinner plate full of rice, standing alone at a table, eating his head, this situation is naturally a bit dazzling. Fang Lin took a few sips of rice, took the soup next to him and took a sip, but his frown was unknown. Among the girls sitting opposite him to eat, he had the last thing he wanted to do. Hu Jia dealt with it.

Fang Lin didn't see the girl's appearance until now, her black hair was not long or short, she was shy and gentle. At this time, she wore a purple dress, and her skin tone was even more pale. If you saw flowers in the mist in the swimming pool that day, and you tasted hazy and gentle, then you can see it with a smile. Once clear, there is a pure charm.

I probably noticed Fang Lin's unscrupulous gaze, and Hu Jia's face suddenly turned red. She immediately buried her head and focused on her plate. Fang Lin just looked around, and quickly suppressed the feeling of restlessness in her heart, and ate in a big mouth. *

He originally said that the two would not have any intersection since then, but when Hu Jia was about to close up, he suddenly received a call. When she saw the number, she stood up very tightly, thinking that it was because of the poor signal in the dining room. The girl letter walked to the window, which was very close to Fang Lin.

Her voice is very low. Normally, no one else can hear it. However, Fang Lin has a strong ear now, and she can also dimly recognize some essential content. It is nothing more than a harsh story between a father and a wayward daughter. The father and daughter later quarreled and finally broke up. Hu Jia's eyes were filled with tears, and the phone was angrily closed. Then he had to hold the book at hand and leave.

But she was very angry, and of course she was unavoidably careless. When passing by Fang Lin, she slipped under her feet and screamed suddenly. The lunch box, books, and phone that were holding in her hands fell down together. Nothing else, but the phone and the ink bottle can't be dropped. Suddenly a hand came out next to it, and it was very stable to catch these two things in the air.

Hu Jia took a long breath, but found that the helper was the guy who had been rude to him, his face suddenly turned red, and he took the thing in a panic and said thank you in a whisper, somehow, since she saw this boy in front After smashing his hands with bricks, he no longer hated him. The indifference and indifference was deeply rooted in her psychology, as if facing a wolf, although fearing, but faint There is also a longing for that loneliness.

Hu Jia did not dare to look at him, and whispered a thank you. He hurriedly packed the lunch boxes on the ground, but Fang Lin said lightly beside him:

"A blind collision is not a solution. To achieve your purpose, you can take a twist and twist. Your father wants to come and be the same person. You have a straightforward collision. Then there are some things that you want to talk about, but you will only talk about collapse. of."

"You ......... you overhear!" Hu Jia anxiously. She suddenly remembered that when she called before, her voice was indeed a bit louder, and she stared at Fang Lin. "How devious!"

Wu Fanglin smiled slightly, took a bowl of vegetarian soup with no money and took a sip:

"Actually, this is not a big deal for you. It is nothing more than going to camp on the weekend. The main reason your father wo n’t let you go is to worry about your safety. As long as you dispel his concerns, and then apologize in peace, you may not No. "

When Hu Jia heard it, he felt that he was very reasonable. He didn't say anything, and his heart was moving a little. Can not help but follow his words:

"How to accompany me? My dad is so busy that he will just ignore me after a quarrel."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"You can send gifts. Belts, lighters, ties, anything."

佳 Hu Jia's eyes lightened, and she pinched her fingers and said:

"No lighter, let him quit smoking, tie my father does not often wear a suit, useless, but a good belt."

Her fingers are also red and white, and her fingernails are lightly pink, which looks more beautiful, Fang Lin added:

"You have to choose carefully, and when you give the gift, you have to let your dad know that you have taken a lot of thought. As soon as he is happy, he will discuss it."

Hu Jia frowned:

怎么 "Why bother buying a belt?"

Wu Fanglin smiled slightly:

"Belts can protect men's waists, help with abdomen, and good-looking belts can increase a man's external masculinity. Your father and I have heard that they are special police captains. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not encounter an emergency. In critical times, belts can also be For weapons. "

Hu Jia was so stunned that she suddenly looked at Fang Lin, her bright eyes were bright and her face was red:

"You're right, you might as well accompany me to pick?"

Wu Fanglin didn't expect her to be there, and then she smiled bitterly:

"I'm afraid it won't work. I heard that shopping with girls is time-consuming. I have to work in the afternoon."

Hu Jia did not expect that he offered to invite the boys, but he was still rejected, and immediately displeased:

"What do you work for?"

Wu Fanglin shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly:

"I didn't lie to you, I didn't believe you asked my bedroom."

Hu Jia bit her lower lip. She felt a sense of dissatisfaction in her heart.

"I don't care, who told you to give me an idea?"

Her lameness and plump **** trembled slightly, immediately causing the illusion of dryness in Fang Lin's throat. He could only look away for a moment, but Hu Jia also noticed the boy's abnormality, knowing that he was Frightened by his own appearance, somehow, there was an indescribable pleasure in his heart, and he laughed softly:

"That's it. After you accompany me to choose a belt, you will go to your business."

She was talking, her face was flushed and her voice was lowered:

"Just when you gave me a gift last time."

Fang Lin was very helpless and sighed. After chopping up the rice three times and two, he took the dishes to wash. Hu Jia also happened to be together. The girl's heart was always thinner. She brought the dishwashing detergent with her. I took Fang Lin's plate and washed it. The two put things away at the school where they put their dishes. They walked side by side towards the nearby mall.

On the road, Hu Jia saw Fang Lin went to the public to make a phone call and asked for leave. At this time, he realized that he was not an excuse before, can not help but wonder:

"Do you really work outside? I just want to experience the experience, what do you do there, and no one else?"

Lin Fanglin looked at Hu Jiaxue, who was white and tender, and spring onions, like ten fingers, and could not help but smile:

"I'm quite scarce there, but I think you're not interested in this job either."

Hu Jia said unwillingly:

"You're changing the law and saying I can't stand it?"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"My job is actually very simple, chop 500 pounds of spare ribs every day. Can you do it?"

Hu Jia paused and looked at Fang Lindao seriously:

"Don't you mean it?"

Lin Fanglin said lightly:

"I rarely lie."

Hu Jia rolled her eyes and said:

"When I didn't say hello."

The two of them could not find any topic for a while. Hu Jia found that Fang Lin was always staring at himself, and naturally felt a little embarrassed. However, there was also an indescribable joy. She was inconvenient to blame, and blushed and leaned away from him.

The two went to the mall to pick a belt together, but when the girl entered the mall, it was certainly impossible to just buy one thing. She always bought a lot, and incidentally helped Fang Lin pick a shirt and grab it. Paid the money, thank you for being with him. It was the first time in his life that Fang Lin had received a gift from a girl of the same age. For a while, it seemed like he wanted to quit, and he felt an abnormal feeling in his heart.

When he came out, Hu Jia said that he was thirsty. Fang Lin happened to see the Pizza Hut next to him engaged in entertainment activities and queued up a long list of people. He rushed over in his heart and waited for a long time before buying an ice cream.

抿 Hu Jia pursed his lips and smiled, a pair of eyes fixed on Fang Lin, took the ice cream and said thank you softly. She took a bite to find the taste unique, and was surprised when she saw the wrapping paper:

"Wow, it's Haagen-Dazs."

Haagen-Dazs ice cream is known as Rolls-Royce in ice cream. It is said that vanilla comes from Madagascar, coffee from Brazil, strawberry from Poland, chocolate from Belgium, nuts from Hawaii, green tea from Japan, mango from India ... Stir together with the romantic sunshine of the French origin. The grade is evident. If it wasn't for Fang Lin's great strength, he squeezed in, I believe he would have been out of it for a long time.

When Hu Jia eats, her eyes are slightly quilted, and she looks more eye-catching and charming. Fang Lin didn't dare to look at it, and silently accompanied her for a while, hurriedly saying:

"I have to go to work."

I walked away hurriedly after speaking, but Hu Jia didn't stay, just biting the ice cream, her lips slightly raised, she looked like a non-smile, like a sly little female fox.

……………… ..

Wu Fanglin bowed his head on the road. At this time, he can be said to be penniless. In fact, in the past ten days, because he has to keep up with the high-intensity exercise, his meals are also very rich. As a result, the economy has been in deficit for a long time, and the Haagen-Dazs ice cream that Hu Jia bought earlier became the last straw that crushed the camel.

However, in Fang Lin's concept, there is no such thing as an economic crisis. He always considers himself a rich man, but he temporarily stores money in the pockets of others, and when he needs it, he just picks it up.

Therefore when he stepped into the scented hot pot hall, no, now it has been renamed as hot pot city. He went directly to Boss He.

"Salary increase?" Boss He's careless voice came from behind the newspaper. "Okay, okay, let me tell Xiao He, I will raise your salary by 25%."

It seems that Fang Lin's treatment is indeed appallingly low, and even the iron rooster is inconspicuous. He promised to be as refreshing as ever, and he answered very artistically. 25% salary! However, Fang Lin only made 200 yuan a month, and 25% of his salary was ... 50 yuan. I have to admire the language art of He Tiecock.

Wu Fanglin still stood there, saying calmly:

"The salary I asked for was fifteen thousand."

He Ho rooster bounced off the leather sofa as if he had been pierced with a butt, took off his golden glasses and looked at the boy in doubt. He also seemed to think that the boy had a cure, and planned to do the ideological work of the boy with a big lion's mouth. The next two words added by Fang Lin made boss He completely lose his interest in speaking. He waved his hand directly, and let the kid go out like sweeping the trash.

Wu Fanglin added two words:

"Weekly salary."

Uh ...............

Fang Lin has a good relationship with his colleagues. Although he had nothing to help with when he left, there were still many people who heard the news came to see him off. It was just that he had to know the inside story to laugh at him. A kid who works hard, dare to ask for a weekly salary of 1,500. Doesn't that cost 6,000 yuan a month? Although the rooster is rich, but the character of five eggs and fried rice for one of his eggs, can you ask for this kind of cheap? It was the Lin who twisted her **** as a escort, and it was three thousand days a month.

When I walked to the door, it was natural to say that everything went smoothly. Fang Lin suddenly looked up and smiled:

其实 "Actually you don't need to say goodbye. We will meet again every day."

All the people were puzzled, and they didn't notice that the young man's body had been sharply sheathed, regardless of spirit, temperament, and changed his appearance. This street is the city's dining and entertainment center, less than one kilometer. On the road, there are dozens of bars in the Hot Pot City alone, so that the original street name was not called, so everyone here called it delicious street. Fang Lin had no long objects, and went straight into the "Old Eater" hot pot restaurant opposite.

At this time, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon. It was the time just after the rush hour, and the boss lady was crossing her hands to drink the waiter sweeping the bench. When Fang Lin came in alone, he frowned:

"Eat hotpot at night."

Her shop has been sold at a loss for three months due to the strange fragrance run, and she will soon be closed. Naturally, she does not have a good face for customers who do not follow the regular licensing. Fang Lin said:

"I'm here to give you money."

If the proprietress is proud in the spring breeze, she must have driven the nerved baby out with two brooms, but at this time she is considered to be on the verge of death and is about to end her life. She can hear the word fortune. , Just looked up and down, wondering:

"What money do you have for me?"

Fang Lin said lightly:

"Your business is going to be crushed by the strange fragrance?"

This sentence hits the pain point of the lady boss. The opposite “He Luoji” opened a shop for more than half a year, and she made a run from big profit to small loss, and is about to transition to a big loss. Scolding, but listening to Fang Lin's slow and logical analysis:

"Our store has the same geographical location as the strange fragrance. The shop decoration is larger than him, and the service attitude is better than him. Why can't we fight him? The reason is naturally out of the question. Of course, it tastes bad."

"You put ..." The last fart was swallowed back by the boss lady. She thought about it, and felt that she was really right. Therefore, he did not pay attention to the words "our shop" in Fang Linkou. "So what does this have to do with sending money?"

Wu Fanglin smiled and said:

"I worked for Qixiang for half a year. Basically, I learned 90% of this skill."

The boss was surprised:

"You ... do you really have this ability?"

Fang Lin smiled slightly, stepped into the kitchen with a daring chest, dragged two ribs out, cut it quickly like a wind, chopped it quickly, and then adjusted the ingredients with dazzling movements, giving the feeling of busyness and chaos in Ma Li. A pleasing pleasure. In less than half an hour, a pot of spicy pork ribs was prepared, and before the entrance, the strange fragrance floated to the heart of the street!

I tasted the thigh with a bold and bold taste! Sun Erniang's style:

"I really want it! You will come to the kitchen in the future, with a monthly salary of 2,000 in the probation period. Let's talk about it later."

下午 On the afternoon of the same day, the "Old Eater" played a discount card of 88.8% and set the hot pot table on the sidewalk. Today, Fang Lin fired the boss' squid, and the supply of spare ribs could not keep up immediately. Some people who came to eat the hot pot with strange flavors couldn't wait. The smell of the opposite smell seemed good, so they patronized here. After eating it, I felt that the taste of the two was similar, and the "Old Eater" was cheap and affordable. So the boss lady did four hours of business from seven o'clock, and the capital of the day was fully earned. The historical turnaround was Yes, every guest at the table gave away two more bottles of beer. The opposite He Rooster saw these banknotes that belonged to him falling into other people's bags, and jumped angrily and scolded his mother! But after thinking over and over again, he couldn't find out what went wrong.

In fact, this is not to blame He's inadequate security measures. It can only be said that Fang Lin is too terrible. Although He usually cleans the hot pot when he mixes hot pot ingredients on weekdays, he keeps himself alone in the kitchen. Invisible. But how strong is Fang Lin's memory? He took the opportunity of cleaning and directly memorized the weight of all the spices in the kitchen visually and mentally. After Boss He finished the ingredients, he went in and visually calculated the weights of various spices once. The amount of the recipe is out. He stayed there for half a year, and this secret recipe was already ripe in his heart. When it was to be used at this time, of course, it was handy.

On that day, when the business was done, the boss had calculated the general ledger. Although it was a discount and a free drink, she still made more than 2,000. Of course, she was overjoyed. Immediately, the overwhelming staff of the villain almost set the hot pot table. When I went to the street, I was going to demonstrate to the opposite side, and I wanted to show my anger that was suppressed for more than half a year! Fang Lin naturally took the first seat. He turned his head and looked at the colleagues who had been there before. He smiled and waved, and everyone was amazed: Sure enough to say goodbye, and meet every day.

On the third day, Fang Lin's probationary period was ended by the boss lady and turned straight, because he not only had to season the check, but also did not leave the old work of chopping pork ribs on the opposite side. The workload was equal to the head chef + two handymen. The proprietress is also savvy, and thinks that the young man's asking price of six thousand is higher, but it is a man who is alone. What's more, the chops he chopped out with the hot pot did add a lot of flavor, so he made a deal.

The days passed quickly. Fang Lin was chopping pork ribs in a sweaty day. Suddenly, the mysterious feeling of flashing light flashed in his heart. He waved dozens of knives in a row, and the large ribs in front of him were immediately "popping." In the sound, the scattered pieces became small pieces of equal weight. For the instant, the other side Lin could only use pleasure to describe it, as if the eruption of men and women during the climax was general, short, but impressive.

At this time, the nightmare mark on the chest suddenly burst into heat. Fang Lin's instinct was in his heart, and he greeted the person with a smile on his face. Then he went into the quiet place next to him, closed his eyes and asked, immediately two A piece of information came to mind:

"Please enter the nightmare space within 24 hours."

"Your combat skills: Real Slicing has been upgraded from LV1 to LV2."

虽然 Although this information does not explain what is the consequence of not entering the space within 24 hours, the next order can be judged by guessing. Fang Lin was surprised by the second message of UU reading, but he was immediately relieved that the real cutting operation was a combination of his own special ability and nightmare space skills. Aura appeared in his chop ribs. When flashing, it is equivalent to successfully performing this skill once, so the increase in proficiency has caused qualitative changes.

At this time he called up the attribute introduction:

Real cutting effect LIVE2 effect: using real cutting operation will cost 1 mental power. The spoils obtained can be processed and divided. There is a 4% chance to process high-level unknown treasures, a 65% chance to increase the value of the spoils, and 8% to the spoils. There is a 18% chance that the processed item will disappear completely. This mutant skill can only be advanced through the accumulation of proficiency, and cannot be improved using potential points. Note: When processing equipment, the chance of completely disappearing will double. Cutting range is limited to white, blue gear, food, and some valuables "

The probability of increasing the value of loot has increased by 5%, and the probability of appearing other possible possibilities has also slightly increased, and the possibility of making the item disappear has also become lower.

For the sake of security, he said hello to the people in the shop, then went up to the third floor, then went downstairs, and concentrated his thoughts on the nightmare mark.

The stairs became long, and I quickly walked to the place where they should be at the bottom, but there was a deep staircase leading to the unknown and mysterious world. Fang Lin went down silently, not only was there no fear and timidity in his heart, but instead There is a long-awaited excitement!

After walking through the 13-story stairs, there was still a dark mist in front of him. The shape of the nightmare mark on his chest was a tattoo of two-horned ghost heads. Two eyes shot red light, shining a path. Fang Lin followed the path, and soon I saw the elevator that got out of the nightmare space again.