MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 68

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Zhen Zhen ran into the house excitedly, and shouted happily: "Second brother!" She rushed over and hugged Mingxi: "Second brother, if you don't come back, I will forget what you look like. already."

Mingxi tugged at Zhen Zhen's pigtail and smiled dotingly: "I will forget my second brother in just a few years, I hurt you in vain before." Zhen Zhen hehe He smiled, holding Mingxi's arm without letting go.

Old Mrs. Li couldn't close her mouth when she saw their brother and sister being close, but seeing that Zhen Zhen didn't see anyone else, she quickly reminded her: "Don't make trouble with your second brother, no Do you see any guests?"

Zhen Zhen looked back and saw a girl standing in front of the kang smiling and looking at her, with short hair, big eyes, and a very energetic look.

Zhen Zhen returned a smiling face, then pulled Mingxi's hand, and asked slightly sarcastically, "Should I be called elder sister or second sister-in-law."

Mingxi bent her fingers and knocked on Zhen Zhen's forehead, smiled and said, "Sister Yanan."

Zhen Zhen loosed Mingxi and walked over: "Hello, sister Yanan, I'm Li Mingxi's sister, my name is Li Mingzhen, you can just call me Zhen Zhen."

The short-haired girl smiled generously: "Hello, my name is Xie Yanan, and I am your future second sister-in-law."

Zhen Zhen suddenly laughed: "I know, this is the first time my second brother has brought a girl to the house, you can see the way my milk smiles and see only the teeth but not the eyes, you know our family What a welcome to you."

This is true. Mrs. Li originally thought that her grandson had not returned from the army for so long, and she did not know when she would be able to solve her personal problems. When a girl came back, most of the things that Mrs. Li had hidden in her mind immediately went away, and she immediately regretted not building Mingxi's house together, otherwise she would be able to hold the wedding.

Looking at the girl, she was also very generous, and she directly talked about her relationship with Mingxi. After a long time, Mrs. Li finally dared to ask: "Yanan, when are you and Mingxi going to get married? Can you go home for a wedding?"

Yanan glanced at Mingxi with a smile, and Mingxi immediately replied: "I was just about to discuss with you, but my family sent a few letters to the army a few years ago, and they will be forwarded to me after they have been reviewed. The place where I am located has arrived in May, and Ya Nan and I have discussed and issued a request for instructions, and the organization has approved my marriage with Ya Nan after review. The two of us have discussed our work at a critical juncture. Come back again, and take advantage of this time to arrange a wedding for Mingnan, so I simply do the two of us together."

Mr. Li was so shocked that she almost fell off the kang, she immediately grabbed Xie Yanan's hand, laughing and embarrassed: "You two children, why is such a big thing not Say it earlier. Oh, it's good to know that we will build a new house for you together. What can you do? You haven't played the kang and qin in your wardrobe, and you haven't prepared clothes and bedding for your wedding.

Xie Yanan smiled and patted Mrs. Li and said, "It's alright, milk, Mingxi and I don't care about the form, just clean up a room."

Mingxi also hurriedly said: "Milk, you really don't need to be so troublesome. Before we came, we all brought a new military uniform. As for the bedding, we don't need to cover it with quilts in summer."

There are two in Mingnan, one for each of you. You also have to buy the washbasin, tank, etc. First, buy what you can use in the past few days, and if you can't buy the others, you can buy them later."

Zhen Zhen used her consciousness to look at the supply and marketing agency. There were only two dark blue towel quilts on the counter, and one dark blue one was not good-looking, she immediately said: "Honey, this is I'll just do the trivial things, and you and mom will prepare the other things at home tomorrow."

Mr. Li nodded: "Okay, you have a good eye and can pick things, you can buy it tomorrow, let your brother and Yanan rest at home, and get married the day after tomorrow. "When it comes to getting married, Mrs. Li's mouth opened involuntarily, for fear that others would not see her happy appearance: "It's too fast, hahahaha."

Mingxi and Xie Yanan couldn't help laughing when they saw Mrs. Li's appearance, Zhen Zhen went to wash a pot of wild fruits, placed them on a plate and invited Yanan to eat: "Two Brother, how did you and Sister Yanan know each other? We thought you were both men in the army, and you will be a monk in your life."

Mingxi smiled and sat next to Xie Yanan: "I just returned to the army, but I am not in the army. Well, Xie Yanan and I are in a scientific research project team, and it is a colleague relationship."

"Oh, you two go to work together." Mrs. Li half-understood: "Can I write to you often from now on? I never receive your letter. I miss it."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Mingxi's face showed a bit of apology and guilt: "This project needs to be kept secret and the location is very remote, but I guess it will last three or five years at most. It's almost time."

"Three to five years." Mrs. Li sighed in disappointment, but when she saw the guilty look on her grandson's face, she immediately changed her smile: "Actually, three or five years is not long, if You didn't bring Yanan back, I guess I always have your marriage in mind, and now that you have a family, I'm relieved."

Ms. Li got off the kang and opened the box, took out an envelope with Mingxi written on it and handed it to Yanan: "This is the salary that Mingxi has sent back in the past two years. The standard of 20 yuan a month is to take out the money for the family, and the rest is regarded as a deposit for Mingxi, just as the two of you are back, hurry up and put it away, in the future, you two will have a lot of money to live on."

"It's not just you, I did the same for their other brothers." Mrs. Li took Xie Yanan's hand and put the envelope in her hand: "Wait to go home every month in the future Just send 20 yuan, this is his responsibility."

Xie Yanan looked at Mingxi at a loss, Mingxi smiled and picked up the envelope and returned it to Mrs. Li: "I don't need money to build a house for me, my father's salary can be saved A few, I'll talk about the money after I get married, and the money before marriage is given to the family."

Xie Yanan also nodded again and again: "You can take it, you can see that we can't take care of your home or you when you're outside. If you don't want this money, we will feel even more sorry for it. Besides, Mingnan and I have state control over our food, lodging, and clothes, and we don't need a few dollars a year, so you really don't have to worry about us." Seeing that her grandson and grandson-in-law are filial, Mrs. Li's heart is sweeter than honey.

The next morning, Zhen Zhen took the money and tickets given by Mrs. Li and did not go to the supply and marketing agency, but went to Yidong and bought everything for marriage according to Mrs. Li Come back, hurriedly put it at home and then go up the mountain again.

Mingxi saw the sweat on her running side, and quickly grabbed her and handed her a jug of water: "Look at where you're going when you're in a hurry."

"Are you going up the mountain to hunt?" Xie Yanan looked at Mingxi and Zhen Zhen curiously: "My hometown is in the plain area and I haven't been up the mountain yet, can you take me to see it? I heard it before? Mingxi said he slapped a wild boar to death."

Zhen Zhen burst out laughing, and immediately nodded when she saw Mingxi's embarrassed expression: "It's not that, that wild boar rushed towards my brother, my brother slapped When I went down, I smashed the wild boar's head into pieces. At that time, we were all shocked. Every day, people came to praise him. It was my brother who was humble, and when people praised him, he would hide in the room and not see anyone. "

Mingxi had a black line on his face. When he recalled that incident, his legs were weak. He had to be forced to recall it once when he heard it. Neither will mention this heroic deed that almost made him wet his pants.

Seeing Zhen Zhen confirming this, Xie Yanan looked at Mingxi with a look of admiration: "Then you will come back with a wild boar today, I haven't eaten wild boar yet."

Mingxi's legs softened, but luckily he held on to the cabinet in time to avoid falling. After so many years as a soldier, it's not that he was timid, it was the wild boar back then that cast a psychological shadow on the whole Now, when he closes his eyes, he can still remember the way the wild boar with tusks swooped in front of him, which is really scary.

Zhen Zhen smiled and pressed Mingxi's arm: "Second brother, this time you have a shotgun, I have a slingshot, let's come back with more wild animals, and wait for a few more courses tomorrow. Meat dishes."

As soon as they heard that the three of them were going to hunt in the mountains, Ming Nan and Ming Bei, who had just returned from Youth Point, both wanted to go. Zhen Zhen saw that Xie Yanan was very interested in the slingshot in her hand, so she brought the extra beef tendon and an axe at home: "I'll make one for you when I go up the mountain."

A group of people went out in a mighty way, before Zhen Zhen left, she asked Wang Sufen to ask for a bag of cakes that had just been pasted and put it in the basket: "Mom, we don't need to prepare our meal at noon, we Roast hares on the mountain to eat."

Xie Yanan looked at Zhen Zhen's confident appearance, turned her head and asked Mingxi, "Is this mountain good for hunting?"

Not to mention, sometimes a few people can fight wild boars together, and most people often go for nothing and can't even touch a pheasant feather."

Mingbei fiddled with the hunting knife in his hand and smiled: "Second brother, you don't know, the most powerful hunter in our family is not our father."

"Who is that? It's you!" Mingxi looked at Mingbei and thought he was going to brag about himself, but Mingbei smiled and said, "I can't do it, our family is the most powerful. It's our sister. As long as you follow her up the mountain, there is no time to come back empty-handed. I really thought I was a good hunter, but at the youth point, I caught a rabbit in total, and I chased it with a few educated youths. "

Mingxi looked at Zhen Zhen who had just reached her chest in amazement, and couldn't believe it: "Your fourth brother is bragging, what can you hit like this, is it a coincidence?"

Zhen Zhen rolled her eyes at him, took out a round stone from the schoolbag she was carrying, and shot it casually with a slingshot, Mingxi smiled and said, "It's quite There's that stance, but you have to aim, you can't..."

"Bang!" A pheasant fell from a tree twenty meters away, startling a flurry of birds.

Mingxi ran over a few steps and picked up the pheasant from the ground. He saw that the head of the pheasant had been punched in a hole, and traces of stones could be seen on it.

He looked at Zhen Zhen with a smug expression, his face full of admiration: "Old girl, your hands are too beautiful, if you leave the army, you must be a sharpshooter."

Zhen Zhen put her hands behind her back, raised her chin and proudly pouted at Mingxi: "I'm dumbfounded, you will underestimate me in the future."

"I don't dare to underestimate you." Mingxi smiled and threw the pheasant into the basket carried by Mingbei: "Second brother, I didn't know about our family's Zhen Zhen because I haven't been at home for a few years. It's so powerful, the second brother apologizes to you, and the second brother will give you roast pheasant and roast rabbit at noon."

Zhen Zhen nodded with satisfaction: "This is what you said, if it's not delicious, I'm not happy."

Mingxi laughed and rubbed Zhen Zhen's head: "You little girl, you are getting more and more weird."

A few people walked for half an hour to the most dense area of ​​hares and pheasants, Zhen Zhen took off her shoes and hugged the tree trunk three times and climbed to the tree, choosing a suitable tree Fork, he pulled out the axe from his waist, and chopped off the tree branch with a few strokes. Ming Nan's eyelids jumped when he saw it, he didn't wait for Zhen Zhen to slip down from the tree, he couldn't help but say to her: "Your second, third, and fourth brothers are all standing here, what are you doing to prevent us from doing this? Well, you still need to climb the tree and cut branches yourself."

Zhen Zhen held the axe and laughed shyly: "I'm not used to it." Ming Bei stepped forward and took the axe from Zhen Zhen's hand and asked: "Do you want this tree branch? For what?"

Zhen Zhen hurriedly dug out the beef tendon from her immediate bag: "I don't want to make a slingshot for the second sister-in-law."

Mingbei smiled and handed the axe to Mingxi: "Then the second brother must do it himself, we can't mix it blindly."

Mingxi did this thing a lot when he was a child, and he did it in three strokes and five divisions.

Because they wanted to eat roasted rabbits, Zhen Zhen took them to a place with a mountain spring, which was convenient for cleaning the prey.

When they got there, Mingxi, Mingnan, and Mingbei started to pack their prey. Zhen Zhen turned around and disappeared after a while. When the firewood was set up over there, Mingxi looked at Zhen Zhen. Zhen's disappearance was startled, and she hurried to find her.

Ming Nan flipped over the grill and said: "Second brother, Zhen Zhen is in Changshan in winter and summer, you don't have to worry about her, she will come back when the rabbit is cooked."

Mingbei nodded in agreement, strung the pheasant on the branch of the Korean pine, and put it on the fire: "Second brother, do you know who is the king of the forest of the Korean pine forest? When Mingxi couldn't answer, Mingbei said, "It's Zhen Zhen, the tigers are not as powerful as her."

Mingxi laughed and scolded: "How can you say that about your sister, and the tiger is not as powerful as her, then she will not become a tigress."

As soon as the voice fell, a tiger roar sounded, Mingxi immediately turned pale and quickly blocked Xie Yanan: "Damn, there are really tigers on this mountain? Mingbei quickly picked up the gun, let's go together. Step back and hurry to find Zhen Zhen.”

Just a few steps back, a colorful tiger jumped down from a height, and suddenly everyone dared not move, Mingnan stiffened and scolded in a low voice: "Let's go It's not too deep, how could I meet a tiger, Mingbei hurriedly handed the gun to the second brother, he aimed at it."

"Wait, don't hit him yet." Mingbei swallowed, looking at the tiger he hadn't seen for so many years but still dreamed of, and tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "Big... rhubarb Ah, do you remember me... I'm Zhen Zhen's brother... I even rode you... Do you remember?"

Mingxi and Mingnan looked back at Mingbei at the same time, looking at the expression of an idiot, they almost wrote: Are you ill?

Mingbei didn't have time to fight with Mingxi Mingnan at this time, he looked at Da Huang's yawning expression somewhat relieved, it didn't look like he wanted to prey: "Da Huang, you are Didn't you come looking for Zhen Zhen? Why don't you lie down there and take a break? Zhen Zhen will be back in a while."

Mingxi's expression changed suddenly, he stared at the tiger vigilantly, and grabbed the gun in Mingbei's hand: "You are crazy, want Zhen Zhen to help you stop the tiger?"

Mingbei was afraid that Mingxi's shooting would provoke the tiger, so he quickly took it back: "Brother, don't shoot first, this tiger was raised by Zhen Zhen."

Mingxi suddenly became angry: "Nonsense, who the **** will take care of... tiger..."

"Rhubarb, who told you to go down the mountain." Before Mingxi could finish speaking, he heard a familiar voice from behind, and saw Zhen Zhen holding a honeycomb and throwing it to Ming Bei: " Look at some pheasants, but don't burn them. I just found a wild beehive, and I quickly put some honey on the chickens and rabbits, it's delicious."

Mingxi watched Zhen Zhen walk past him, sat on the tiger's back carelessly, rubbed the tiger's head and asked, "I didn't say that you are not allowed to come. Where is someone coming? Who told you to go down the mountain." Da Huang cried out in grievance, as if complaining that Zhen Zhen hadn't seen her for too long.

Because of her supernatural powers, Zhen Zhen has an aura that makes animals comfortable, Rhubarb likes to let Zhen Zhen sit on her back and help her smoothen her hair, but Zhen Zhen recently There are too many things to do. Usually, I go up the mountain, catch a few pheasants and leave, and I can't stay for ten minutes in total. Rhubarb has not seen Zhen Zhen for almost a year. Today, Da Huang was sensitively aware that the comfortable aura emanating from Zhen Zhen was getting closer and closer to him, so he disregarded what Zhen Zhen had explained before, and went down the mountain to look for her.

Seeing the familiar appearance of one person and one tiger, Mingxi turned his head and glared at Mingbei: "How dare you lead Zhen Zhen to raise tigers on the mountain."

Mingbei was so embarrassed that he almost knelt down to his second brother: "You look at Da Huang and want to look at me more, this tiger was rescued by Zhen Zhen when he was a child, it has nothing to do with me at all , I was scared to pee when I saw it for the first time." Seeing Mingxi's increasingly dark face, Mingbei silently retreated to the barbecue grill: "Well, I have to roast the pheasant, it will burn in a while. Zhen Zhen is not happy."

Mingxi ignored Mingbei and tried to take two steps in the direction of Zhen Zhen, Da Huang immediately turned his head and stared at Ming Xi, and let out a threatening howl.

"Crack!" Zhen Zhen raised her head and slapped Da Huang's head: "What are you screaming, howling, Li Mingzhong doesn't want to go up the mountain with me to play with you, just look at you. You scared his brother last time, and he urinated for two days after returning home."

Rhubarb lay on the ground aggrieved, covered his head with his claws, Zhen Zhen rubbed its head vigorously, and then stood up from the tiger's back: "See, they all It's my family, don't scare them in the future."

Rhubarb immediately turned his head and rubbed on Zhen Zhen's hand, with a reluctant look, Zhen Zhen couldn't help laughing at it: "You're such a big tiger and still acting like a spoiled child, okay? Hurry up and go back, we have to hunt for a while." Da Huang rubbed Zhen Zhen twice before running into the deep mountains.

Zhen Zhen squatted by the mountain spring and washed her hands, and found that except for Ming Bei, who was calmly smearing honey on the roast chicken and roast rabbit, other people seemed to be unable to come back.

Xie Yanan saw that the tiger was gone, so she stuck out her head from behind Mingxi and looked at Zhen Zhen with a look of admiration: "Zhen Zhen, you have even tamed the tiger, this is too amazing ."

"What tame." Zhen Zhen smirked and pulled her braids: "I know it since I was a child, it looks similar to my Li Mingzhong in my eyes."

Mingxi looked at the footprints of the tiger on the ground, and then looked at the silly and bold smile on her sister's face, and suddenly shook her head helplessly: "What a silly and bold."

Zhao Zhen Zhen, whom Ming Nan admired, gave a thumbs up: "Ming Bei is right, you are the king of the forest."

In any case, I met a tiger, and watched the tiger behave like a kitten under my sister's hands. The Mingxi also frequently lost his mind, and did not hit a single prey in the subsequent hunting.

The most disappointing thing for Mingxi is not that he lost to his sister in hunting, but that after Xie Yanan saw that Zhen Zhen dared to be friends with tigers, her eyes shone when she saw Zhen Zhen. On the way back, Xie Yanan kept holding Zhen Zhen's hand, no matter what Zhen Zhen said, Xie Yanan nodded in admiration, and then added: "Zhen Zhen, you are really amazing."

Mingxi felt that if Zhen Zhen was a boy, she would have nothing to do with her when she got married tomorrow.

In this era, the marriage was done at night, but the family still got up early on the wedding day. Wang Sufen cleaned up the house again and began to prepare a few dishes for the evening banquet. Ming Nan stared at the alarm clock for a whole morning, and finally after lunch, he couldn't wait to pick up his relatives.

The mighty went to the hydrolysis plant.

In this era, it is a very shameful thing to take the two or eight bars to kiss, not to mention that Li Mingnan is also very energetic, and the neighbors can't help but praise the two as a good match.

Meng Xiaoxi sat on the back seat of the bicycle, and Ming Nan happily pushed back. There were no entertainment programs at this time. As soon as I heard that the relatives were not setting off firecrackers and carrying bridal sedan chairs as before, many people watched the excitement. Mingbei was singing revolutionary songs cheerfully, and when he turned around, he saw Yu Wanqiula Holding her brother's hand, she stood near the family building to watch the excitement.

Ming Bei's voice paused for a while, and his singing was obviously out of tune. Ming Shu and Ming Xin tried their best to pull the tune back.

Aware that Mingbei was looking at him, Yu Wanqiu smiled and nodded at him, Mingbei was stunned for a moment, then quickly returned a polite smile, then turned his head and looked ahead , continue to sing at a high voice.

Ming Bei went farther and farther, but his absurd out-of-tune singing could be vaguely heard, and Yu Wanqiu had some indescribable feelings in his heart. Li Mingbei likes himself, but Yu Wanqiu has always known it, but to be honest, Yu Wanqiu didn't have much affection for this carefree boy at first. Being stunned, lacking in strings, and being unrealistic are all things she hates the most. She swore to herself that she would never find someone like her father in the future, and Mingbei's problems are exactly the same as her father.

But at the same time, Yu Wanqiu was unconsciously attracted by his enthusiasm, simplicity and simplicity. He always felt that Mingbei was like a fire that could burn himself to dispel the gloom in his heart. , able to release the enthusiasm that has been suppressed for many years.

But as time passed, Mingbei was at a loss when he first saw her, and now he smiled lightly and left without any reluctance. Yu Wanqiu didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or regret, after all, that one became more and more like a Li Mingbei, who is a real man, has become farther and farther away from him.

Ming Nan pushed Meng Xiaoxi to the house, Ming Xi and Xie Yanan were ready with the red book, the union chairman of the hydrolysis plant and the grain depot led them to take the oath, but they never met The neighbors, who had married the brothers together, crowded the house and the outside.

The two couples sang "The East is Red" together. After reciting two paragraphs of the chairman's latest instructions, they bowed together like the chairman's portrait, and bowed to Li Muwu and Wang Sufen.

I grabbed a handful of fruit candies and distributed them to the neighbors and colleagues who came to watch the ceremony. The tables in Lao Li's yard were also set up. This season, vegetables and fruits are all fresh. , There are also wild vegetables on the mountain. Hare stewed potatoes, mushrooms stewed pheasant, tofu stewed river fish, and then a plate of dipping pickles, each table is placed with bulk white wine, this is a very good meal.

The two children were married at the same time, and Mrs. Li sat on the table and never closed her mouth. As soon as she heard people praise her two granddaughters, she tried her best to serve them dishes. The people who ate the noodles dispersed, and Mrs. Li was drunk for the first time in so many years.


In the blink of an eye, the revolution that lasted ten years has finally ended, and the already slim Zhen Zhen sent the latest newspaper to the mountain nest. Ten years has not made these people old, but the natural and beautiful environment, like-minded friends, and professional improvement that has not given up over the years have kept them young.

Several people packed up their things and reluctantly looked at the place where they lived for nearly ten years, as if passing through the cave, everything here will never be seen again.

"Teachers, hurry up, Mr. Ego is waiting outside." The slim Zhen Zhen smiled and urged, Su Weiran and the others then retracted their gazes, passed through the small cave, and returned again to the world.

In the second year after receiving the Nobel Prize, Huaguo sent a special person to Switzerland to pick up Wangme back to China. Although Wangme was worried that the nightmare would repeat itself, he couldn’t let go of his close friends in China, Worried that he would not be able to return to his hometown in a hundred years, he resolutely set foot on the plane.

Fortunately, things were not as bad as they had imagined. Hua Guo re-assigned him a place to live, and he was also received by the leaders. Although he wanted to go back to that mountain nest to see his friends day and night, he was worried that he would expose their residences and bring them a disaster. Finally, when he thought he would never see them again in this life, he finally waited for the dawn of victory.

Forgive me stood on crutches and waited outside the cave for a long time, finally Su Weiran was the first to get out of the cave, I went up to him and hugged him, laughing and laughing suddenly cry.

Xie Shurang said sullenly in the cave: "Can you move out and cry, blocking my way."

Forgetfulness wiped her tears and laughed again, dragged Su Weiran away from the cave, watched the people inside come out one by one, and hurriedly greeted them to get in the car. This time, I came to pick them up and specially applied for two cars, a few people got in the car, and I waved to Zhen Zhen: "Come up quickly, I have reserved a seat for you."

Zhen Zhen waved her hands and said with a smile: "You guys go first, I'm not in the same direction as you guys."

Forgetting to know that Zhen Zhen has been alone all these years, guessing that she may have other things to do, so she left this place with everyone.

Zhen Zhen stood in front of the cave and waited for a long time, until she saw with her consciousness that the others had returned to the Imperial City, then she got into the cave and came to the place where they lived before, and checked the western-style building, Seeing that there were still some messy books, calligraphy and paintings in the study, they seemed to be no longer needed, so they were all put into the space.

Zhen Zhen left this place in a flash, and then the earth in the mountain swayed slightly, the western-style buildings were toppled and boulders fell, and Su Weiran and others had lived for ten years. The sight of the past can no longer be seen.


"Zhen Zhen, stop reading." Mrs. Li came over and said while pulling out the light bulb in the room: "The black light is blind, and you are not afraid of damaging your eyes."

Zhen Zhen stood up with a smile, seventeen years old, she was more than a head taller than Mrs. Li, the small cheeks that used to be bulging have become melon seeds, only that one The eyes that are big and aura are exactly the same as when I was a child.

Stretching, Zhen Zhen glanced at the calendar on the cabinet: "Oh, it's the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, my uncle and my second brother should come back."

"It should be these two days." Mrs. Li said with a smile: "Your uncle was so busy hitting the back of his head when he was transferred back to the imperial capital last year, and he didn't get it home for the New Year. It's good now. , without those messy things, we can have a good reunion year."

"It's not that bad." Zhen Zhen smiled and helped Mrs. Li pinching her shoulders: "My second brother and the others have finally been transferred back to the imperial capital from the Northwest. When my second brother comes home, I will I have to ask if he bought the book I asked him to buy."

"What books are you buying? You're almost graduating high school, and you didn't take the university entrance exam. You're wasting your time." Mrs. Li touched the cigarette bag, but she was silent again under Zhen Zhen's gaze. He put it back on the ground: "Oh, didn't I smoke three times a day, I haven't smoked this night yet."

Zhen Zhen twitched the corners of her mouth and snorted: "What did you do after squatting in the room with a cigarette bag and pot in the afternoon, thinking I didn't see it?"

Mrs. Li had no choice but to put the cigarette bag and pot aside, and couldn't help muttering: "We only have sharp eyes, and I can't hide anything from you."

Zhen Zhen smiled and helped her up from the kang: "Since you know that you can't hide it from me, you won't be allowed to do this next time, it's for your own good to let you smoke less, you still want to Don't you want to help me take care of the child?"

"Such a big girl is not ashamed to talk about children, I will pinch how thick your skin is." Mrs. Li stretched out her hand to pinch Zhen Zhen's face. The door was pushed open, Zhen Zhen raised her head and smiled: "Fourth Brother, Fourth Sister-in-law, you are back!"

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