MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 60

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Save the people who come here. The land at the foot of the mountain where Lao Li's family is located is not only large, but also has a lot of vacant land. When Li Muwu went to the street and said that his son was going to marry a wife, the street immediately approved a piece of land. Getting married and having children is a big deal these days. With a small population in Beicha, how can they support socialist construction if they don’t have many children?

Seeing that the people on the street were easy to talk, Li Muwu hesitated and asked: "My three boys are getting married next year, but the fourth boy Yan Zhan has also graduated, and my second child is in the army, but he points out I might have to come back sometime, so just give me the land."

It's a little overhanging? Look at how much space you have, and let me tell you, it's not because other people don't want to build a house, and they don't have the money to build it. Don't just ask for a place and leave it there for me when you come back. I can't speak for you."

Li Muwu didn't know what to say. He smiled honestly and tried to explain more clearly: "I'm thinking about covering the third boy first, and then the fourth one at the end of next year. The money for the house is not only from my salary, but also from the pension my eldest brother and fourth brother gave to my mother, and my second child also earns a lot of money, otherwise there is so much money to build three houses."

As soon as the people on the street heard it, they remembered that Li Mingxi could send back the allowance of nearly 600 yuan in half a year, and immediately envy: "Your second boy is really good, you can get it as soon as you graduate. With such a high salary, it is also the first in our street. By the way, what is your second boy doing in the army? Is there a partner? I have a niece who graduated from high school and is very handsome. Would you like to introduce your second boy? ?"

"I don't know either, it's a secret, and I haven't come back for a few years. What are you introducing? It's a waste of time for other girls." Li Muwu smiled honestly: "What, my Do you approve it?"

"Approval!" The clerk on the street quickly stamped the official seal: "As long as we have the ability, we will approve it."

Li Muwu went to a literacy class and knew some words. He took it over and read it again and felt that there was no problem. He quickly folded the approval document in his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He took out one and handed it to a few people in the room: "This is what my fourth child brought back from Bingcheng during the Chinese New Year last year. We didn't sell it." Those people hurried over and thanked them. , Some put the tip of the nose and sniffed it, and then caught it in the ear.

Seeing that things were done, Li Muwu hurriedly went home and handed the approval note to Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li glared at him and tapped his **** with a cigarette bag and pot: "I forgot you. Madam, I can't read? Read it to me again, what do I dictate?"

Li Muwu stammered and finished reading it, and then Mrs. Li took the approval slip, opened the box and put it in a used notebook, patted the kang and motioned Li Muwu to sit up: "Now It's autumn, and it's going to snow in a month. Find someone to build the house while it's empty, or it won't be able to thaw until after the Qingming Festival. Another one, you'll go to the carpenter's house first. I ordered a big wardrobe, two big boxes and a kang qin, and he finished playing it all winter." Li Muwu remembered them one by one, and hurriedly got off the kang to do it.


Mingnan works in the power plant of the hydrolysis plant. The power plant and the baths, barber shops, hospitals, supply and marketing cooperatives, fire brigade and the like are all in the same area, which belongs to the logistics support. From noon to noon, Mingnan quickly washed his face, brushed his short hair in front of the mirror, and went to the hospital in a good mood.

Li Mingnan is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and always speaks politely, so the little nurses in the hospital remember him. He went to ask, "Why is Li Gong here? Did you come to get medicine?"

Ming Nan shook his head absently: "No."

The nurse also asked if she wanted to see the patient, Mingnan suddenly saw Meng Xiaoxi coming out of the office, her eyes lit up instantly, and she jumped over in a few steps. Meng Xiaoxi looked up at him, her face was a little red: "Are you here?"

"Yes!" Ming Nan nodded stupidly, looking at Meng Xiaoxi for a long time before he remembered his purpose: "Well, I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat."

Meng Xiaoxi nodded, glanced at Ming Nan with big bright eyes, and turned her head shyly: "I'll change clothes."

Looking at Meng Xiaoxi's figure, Ming Nan couldn't help grinning, and the girl who took the initiative to talk to him but was left to the side by Ming Nan was a little embarrassed, while returning to the nurse station as if nothing had happened, while He couldn't help but asked, "Are you dating Meng Xiaoxi?"

He glanced at him: "Stupid."

Meng Xiaoxi took off her white coat and wore a sea soul shirt with white and blue stripes inside, looking energetic and good-looking. Meng Xiaoxi walked to Ming Nan for a while and then walked forward, Ming Nan hurriedly followed, and when he opened the door and saw no one beside him, he whispered, "You look so good in this dress, I also have sea Soul shirt, we will wear the same tomorrow."

Meng Xiaoxi smiled, her big eyes turned into two meniscus, revealing two dimples on her cheeks: "Who wants to wear the same clothes as you? Are you ashamed?" His heart was beating fast, as if it was about to jump out of his chest with excitement.

The hydrolysis plant occupies more than half of the urban area of ​​Beicha District, so not only does each branch have its own canteen, but also has a shared canteen in each area. Although the food in each place is similar, it is still very fresh to eat in a different place from time to time by one chef and one taste.

The two took their lunch boxes and lined up at the window. It is autumn, and the canteen has a rich variety of food. Mingnan stretched his neck and watched for a long time. Three types of catfish stewed eggplant. Ming Nan is a big boy. Now he is just twenty years old, when he can eat, he stood at the window and ordered not only large portions of catfish stewed eggplant and pork stewed beans, but also two multigrain steamed buns. Meng Xiaoxi, on the other hand, has a small appetite and likes sweet and savory dishes, so he only bought stewed potatoes with melon and two ears of corn.

Ming Nan looked at the rice in her lunch box, and put the two pieces of fish she bought into Meng Xiaoxi's lunch box: "The stewed eggplant with catfish killed the old man, this is the first time that the canteen has stewed catfish this year. Well, try it to see if it tastes good."

Meng Xiaoxi looked at the lunch box a little worried: "But I'm afraid I can't finish it and waste it."

"It's okay, isn't there me now?" Ming Nan looked at her and smiled: "The leftovers are mine."

Meng Xiaoxi blushed again, bowed her head and took a bite of the fish toward Ming Nan Yile: "Delicious!"

In an instant, Ming Nan felt that his soul was about to fly.

Mingnan was always honest when he was in school. He didn't read any romantic books like Mingdong did back then, so he always had the most simple and sincere ideas about love. He is so kind to her that he can't wait to give her the whole world.

Meng Xiaoxi met the straightforward and enthusiastic Mingnan at the beginning of her love affair, and fell deeply into it within a few days. She began to think about Mingnan all the time, looking forward to having dinner with her and going to Xiaohe together Take a walk, or even suddenly laugh at home while doing the dishes.

Aunt Meng was worried when she looked at the girl who was silly from time to time, she couldn't help but poked Master Meng and motioned him to look at Meng Xiaoxi, who was wearing a sweater: "Look at your daughter, you're the only one with Li Mingnan. Yue, the soul seems to be lost."

Master Meng saw that although Meng Xiaoxi was constantly playing the sweater with both hands, his eyes looked in the direction of the void and pursed his lips and smiled from time to time. Master Meng coughed softly: "So now the country advocates free love, and if you have an emotional foundation to get married, you will have to live like honey in the future."

Aunt Meng sneered: "When you give birth to a bunch of children, you will have no honey when you have a bunch of children all day long, and it will be almost like drinking bitter water. But Xiaoxi is always better than me..." She glanced at Glancing at Master Meng, he turned his face away in disgust: "She has drank honey, but I have drank bitter water in my life."

Come back. What do you call bitter water? What do other maids drink? Arsenic?"

Aunt Meng couldn't help but be amused by what Master Meng said, and scolded him with a smile. Master Meng couldn't help himself: "You don't have to deal with these useless things. It's true that Mingnan's child can come to the house for dinner someday. You said that they both have been in for a month. Now, Mingnan brings Xiaoxi back from get off work every day, and he hasn't come to our house to have a serious meal."

"Just call Ming Nan's family, you and Ming Nan's father have a chat, and I will have a good talk with his mother." Aunt Meng slapped her thigh and made a decision: "Yes Why don't you just go to work this week?"

Master Meng touched a cigarette and tapped on the table: "We didn't buy much pork last month, can we buy pork this week?"

"It should be almost the same. After I talk to the neighbors, and let them borrow us meat for a month, I have to make it decent." Aunt Meng said: "Last time I was at Mingnan's house again. It's both fish and meat, and a whole pot of flying dragons, the meat is so fragrant, I still ate two when I was born Xiaowei."

"That's because his family can hunt." Master Meng said dully: "I'm not good at this. We don't necessarily have to cook the same dishes as her family. , I have to kill a chicken, wrap it with a curtain of pork and celery dumplings, and go back to the supply and marketing agency to buy some canned food. It looks so bright.

"In the future, my mother-in-law has invited me, so Ming Nan quickly tidied up his clothes and followed Meng Xiaoxi upstairs.

Aunt Meng looked at Ming Nan up and down, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. The boy's spirit is good for his own girl, and there is no burden on the family. This marriage is what I like.

"Mingnan, is your home going well recently?" Aunt Meng La Mingnan sat down at the dining table and brought the prepared poached eggs in sugar water: "It's a very tiring day at work, eat A few poached egg pads for the stomach."

Mingnan looked into the big bowl and saw that there were five eggs in it, so he hurriedly said, "Mother, this is too much, take another bowl out, and I'll dial it for Xiaoxi. Two, she didn't eat much at noon, so she's probably hungry by now."

Seeing that Ming Nan was thinking about her daughter all the time, Aunt Meng grinned happily: "I'll have dinner at home, you can eat."

Ming Nan pushed the bowl to the side of the stream, and habitually said to her, "You still eat first, and I will eat your leftovers later."

Meng Xiaoxi smiled at Ming Nan, picked up a spoon and ate an egg while Aunt Meng was stunned, and drank half a bowl of sugar water, and pushed the rest aside, Aunt Meng suddenly didn’t know what to say That's good, he tapped Meng Xiaoxi's forehead with his finger: "Why are you so honest, you can eat what you want, how can you let Mingnan eat your leftovers?"

"It's okay, auntie, we both are like this in the cafeteria." Mingnan quickly helped Xiaoxi to block his hand, worried to see if her forehead was poked red. Aunt Meng looked at it and saw that one of them was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, so she stopped talking too much. She looked at the young man with amused and speechless frowns, and looked at her own girl, except for Mingnan's mother. Forget it.

Ming Nan finished eating the poached egg and drank the sugar water cleanly, then got up to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Aunt Meng grabbed him and put it on the table, pulled him and sat down again: "Don't It’s useless to be busy with this, listen to the aunt talking to you about the business. You and Xiaoxi have been together for so long, why do you have to let your family come to recognize the door, and this Sunday invite your family to come to our house for dinner, let’s talk together of."

As soon as Ming Nan heard that his mother-in-law was satisfied with him, he nodded happily: "I'll tell my mother when I get home."

"Okay, then you can go back early, it will be dark in a while." Aunt Meng did not leave him after finishing her business, Ming Nan quickly stood up to say goodbye, looking at Meng Xiaoxi reluctantly .

Meng Xiaoxi stood up and said with a blushing face: "I will send Mingnan to see." Aunt Meng looked at the backs of the two with joy and sadness: "My daughter is too old to be good. stay."

Mingnan's mother-in-law invited me to dinner, and the old Li family was suddenly busy, and the old lady was not afraid of wasting electricity. Have you been bitten by insects?

Zhen Zhen sat on the kang in Mrs. Li's house and played with the sheep's crutches while teasing Mrs. Li: "Milk, can you see such a dim light?"

Mr. Li squinted her eyes and touched a little: "If you can't see it, you have to look at it. If there are insect eyes, you have to sew them up quickly, or the more you pull the holes, the bigger the holes will become, and you will be blind to this beautiful dress. Oops, all the cloth tickets saved by our family are used by your eldest brother, and the rest is enough to make a patch or something. In the past few months, I have to save it for your third brother when he gets married, and I don't know when enough time."

The more Mrs. Li talked, the more worried she became, Zhen Zhen also sat next to her and sighed, Mrs. Li was worried about the lack of cloth, and Zhen Zhen was worried about the young and old in the western-style building of the space. What excuse do you use to take it out.

Mr. Li sighed, Zhen Zhen followed with a sigh, and when Mrs. Li sighed three or four times, she finally realized that something was wrong, she looked at Zhen Zhen Le: "What do you have? What a sigh, the whole family only has many and neat clothes."

"I don't want cloth." Zhen Zhen sits on the kang with her cheeks supported: "When the third brother gets married, he has to make bright clothes for Sister Meng, so that he will look good when he picks up the relatives. Besides, the bedding has to be made two new ones."

"No way." The more old lady Li said, the more worried she became, but Zhen Zhen suddenly remembered something: "Mom, I heard that people in the past could spin cloth, what did they use? Will it be at home? At least I can be a quilt or something."

Once Mrs. Li heard this, she was refreshed: "If you don't tell me, I would have forgotten about this, just use cotton, but our spinning wheel has long been broken. But it doesn't matter, that thing is not rare. , go back and ask your uncle carpenter to help us fight another one."

Wang Sufen brought a pot of hot water to Mrs. Li and let her wash her feet. Hearing their grandfather and grandson talking, she asked, "What are you fighting again?"

"When I hit the spinning wheel, Zhen Zhen said that she spun a bed sheet and quilt." Mrs. Li hurriedly told Li Sufen: "Tell me about my brain, when Zhen Zhen planted cotton in the past two years. I didn't even think about it."

Wang Sufen was also interested when she heard it: "I'm good at spinning this thread. I can't go out of the house because it's winter, so I'll be spinning at home."

Mr. Li nodded happily and said, "The cloth spun from cotton is soft, and it will be good for Mingnan children to be diapers in the future."

Seeing that Mrs. Li was running more and more, Zhen Zhen tried her best to bring the topic back: "Then what about my third brother's wedding clothes?"

"Save, and ask others to borrow some cloth tickets. Don't you do that now?" Mrs. Li put her feet in the hot water basin and sighed comfortably: "Give it to me again. Bring a pot of hot water, and I'll continue it myself, soak it for a while longer."

Wang Sufen went out to get the kettle, Zhen Zhen finally thought of an excuse she could say: "Milk, I can get some cloth."

Mr. Li looked at her with a look of disbelief: "Now the cloth is in short supply, just your third aunt and her niece's classmate are selling cloth in the supply and marketing agency, saying that now defective products have to collect cloth tickets. ."

"Don't worry about it." Zhen Zhen was afraid that if she talked too much, Mrs. Li would ask endless questions, she hurriedly got off the kang and pretended to be very sleepy, and even slapped her face. Yawn: "I don't have to do this either, I'll talk about it later."

Zhen Zhen went back to the house and plugged the door, her figure flashed into the space, she went into a foreign-style building on the far side to find the accumulated fabric. The owners of these foreign-style buildings are all capitalists, and the capitalists' wives like to wear cheongsam the most. But in the current trend, not only wearing a cheongsam is to be criticized and contested, but even wearing a fancy color will be said to be a manifestation of the "entitlement, capital, repair" and "decadent" lifestyle. Fortunately, in these people's homes, men's clothes are mainly gray, black, and dark blue, and there are a lot of fine woolen fabrics in the home, which are soft and thick when touched.

Zhen Zhen found a furoshiki, filled it with three or four meters of gray woolen fabric, three meters of dark blue woolen fabric, and took ten feet of blue silk and put it on top . Woolen fabrics can be used to make coats in winter, but when Mingnan got married it was summer, and Zhen Zhen thought about going to the department store in the imperial capital some other day, where there were a lot of good fabrics for sale.

But the marriage is still early, and the old Li family's mind is now on the matter of visiting Meng Xiaoxi's house. Zhen Zhen pondered that she is a big family, Mingnan and Mingbei are very good at crafting, it is estimated that they can eat three catties of food for others, why do they have to bring things to the door.

Mr. Li prepared a basket of eggs and ten catties of white noodles, Zhen Zhen went to the mountains to catch two hares, two pheasants, and two big fat fish. Mingnan also wanted to get some wild things before, but he went to work during the day, and it was dark when he got home at night, so he couldn't go up the mountain at all. Seeing that Zhen Zhen brought back so many things, Ming Nan excitedly hugged Zhen Zhen threw it up: "My dear sister, you are so kind."

Zhen Zhen was two meters away from the ground, scared and slapped Ming Nan on the head: "If you dare to throw me, I will stew these things at night."

Ming Nan smirked and put Zhen Zhen down: "I forgot that you are a big girl when I'm not happy, so what, next Sunday, brother will invite you to watch a movie, this month's new one The movie is good.”

"Okay." Zhen Zhen happily agreed: "I will sit between you and Sister Xiaoxi then."

Mingnan immediately held back his words: "Well, if I give you the money, you can show it to your fourth brother."

"Okay, okay!" Mingbei was very happy: "Zhen Zhen, you called your late autumn sister, then you will sit between us, I have no problem."

Ming Nan couldn't help laughing: "It seems that your opinion works, if Zhen Zhen can't go, can you go to the movies in late autumn?"

Mingbei's face immediately turned green: "I haven't graduated yet. After graduation, the matter between me and Yu Wanqiu will be completed. She knows that I like her."

"You must know, even the blind can see it." Ming Nan chuckled: "But that girl has an idea, as you are simple-minded and well-developed, she may not really see it. "Seeing that Ming Bei's face turned green, Ming Nan quickly added: "There is still more than half a year, you can't act like you haven't grown up all day, at least let the girls see that you can be reliable." Row."

Ming Bei calmed down when he heard this, he scratched his head and looked confused: "I'm not as tall as you, why don't I grow up?"

Ming Nan stretched out his arms and put his arms around Ming Bei's shoulders: "Growing up is not about your size, but about your maturity in psychology and behavior. Let me ask you, do you like other girls and want to have **** with others? Someone got married?" Seeing Ming Bei blushing and nodding, Ming Nan couldn't help laughing: "Then you have to make her feel that you are reliable, don't do anything all day long. Sex, at least prepare for the factory test now, let her know that you have a good idea of ​​the future."

Mingbei nodded, and looked at Mingnan worriedly: "But since you entered the factory, the hydrolysis factory has not recruited workers for the past two years. What if it doesn't recruit next year?"

"Then go to pick up Dad's class." Mingnan rubbed Mingbei's head: "Just thinking about marrying a wife, I forgot about my work."

Mingbei nodded with a smile: "Then I won't be afraid, I'll tell her when the work is done."

Mingnan waved at him with a smirk, and whispered to her: "It's not bad for half a year, tell her that you can take over when no one is there, this girl is smart, You must know what you mean, and give people a time to think about it."

Ming Bei nodded seriously, looking at Ming Nan with a look of admiration: "Brother, you are really my brother!"

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