MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 58

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After breakfast, Zhen Zhen went to school with her schoolbag on her back. Since the beginning of spring last year, all schools have resumed classes. The wild and boundless Zhen Zhen was immediately taken back to school by Mrs. Li, and she specially asked The teacher told her to take good care of her, and don't let her skip class.

Zhen Zhen's teacher's requirements for Mrs. Li are somewhat inexplicable: Li Mingzhen is so good, she has been taking double percentile exams since she was in school. The quality of the results is still well understood.

Zhen Zhen's head teacher Li Mingzhen likes the pink-faced Li Mingzhen very much, she is handsome and well-behaved at ordinary times, the teacher can't wait for the whole class to look like Zhen Zhen .

Mr. Li, who knows Zhen Zhen's temperament and temperament, is a little worried, but she can't reveal her granddaughter's secret outside, so she can only keep telling the teacher that if Zhen Zhen skips class, she must tell herself.

Zhen Zhen drooped her head and followed the teacher into the classroom, and now the teacher doesn't call names in class, just a few students, looking up and knowing who came and who didn't buy. Zhen Zhen felt a little unbearable after listening to it for a few minutes. In order to restrain her thoughts of truancy, she took out a tome from her schoolbag and read it. This is the homework assigned by Mr. Selfless. In the future, I will have to discuss and communicate with him.

In the past two years, there have been several famous people and two famous old Chinese medicine practitioners in the western-style buildings in the mountains. much better. When the people who came later left home, because they had read the letters written by Mr. Ecstasy and others, they made preparations in advance, and they all brought out their savings and treasures over the years. The people in the western-style building usually use money to buy some food from Zhen Zhen, and they grow and eat the rest of the food themselves. They also raise a dozen additional chickens, so they can basically be self-sufficient.

There are too many people who need to be saved in this era, it is impossible for Zhen Zhen to save them all back to the small building, one is limited space, and the number of people who disappear will inevitably cause suspicion, like forgetting me and them At that time, when they left, they all left a book with a pen at home. Afterwards, Zhen Zhen also left their blood-stained clothes with suicide notes near various wild lakes in the imperial capital, creating the illusion of suicide, and someone in the province would track them down.

There are very few people who can save Zhen Zhen back to the mansion, but she can't do it to let her watch innocent people suffer. She always feels that with great ability comes great responsibility, and she hopes that she can help others more in a safe situation.

Therefore, Zhen Zhen often uses her consciousness to cover all parts of the world. Whenever she finds such things as beating and insulting, she will use her supernatural powers arbitrarily, either to cause a rat infestation, or to a group of evil birds, leaving The mountains closer to the mountain are often entangled by snakes, but some large-scale movements have limited impact on animals alone, so Zhen Zhen makes some small-scale precise ground movements and cracks, which can also scare them.

When I was sleeping, I always felt that someone was talking in my ear, and slowly I started to get scared. Among them, one of the most fierce beatings had just recovered the **** belt, but when he turned his head and fell to the ground for some unknown reason, he had a big hole on his head and bleed, and he was almost unable to be rescued.

The box had just been filled, but the box buried in the ground disappeared. The combat team dug more than a meter deep, but did not even see a single piece of wood slag. What they didn't know was that when they left, the old couple closed the door and stretched out the shovel to the bottom of the pit. With a bang, they hit the wooden box. They pushed the soil and looked at the wooden box. distance of one centimeter.

Some guards found other people's books and materials and threw them together. As soon as they put a fire on their front feet, they burned their own firewood when they got home. Can watch it burn to the ground. The most frightening thing is that anyone who has done the above evil things, no matter what they plant in the house, they will not get any harvest. The plants that have already produced ears will not rot overnight, or all the ears that were full will become shriveled. But for those who only posted posters and shouted slogans, nothing happened.

It was a coincidence that such a thing happened once, and it was an accident twice, but it happened many times. Some people even wondered whether it was the ghost of the person who killed them to take revenge. When there are many such incidents, even the above know about it, and investigators are also sent to investigate, but each and every one seems to be an accident, and there is no trace of human beings at all, so the guards who have the accident are educated. They were told not to spread rumors of feudal superstitions, and some of them even had big-character posters posted on them.

Since these things cannot be explained by science, nor can they be explained by feudal superstition, the guards can only restrain themselves one by one, and easily dare not do anything to others. The confiscated things didn't dare to be burned or smashed, so they could only send them to the garbage collection station by car, and let Zhen Zhen take the opportunity to collect a lot of good things.

Frightened by Zhen Zhen pretending to be a ghost, the situation outside is getting better and better day by day, and the movement of the guards has become civilized. situation. For the past few years, Zhen Zhen and others have been in contact with Zhen Zhen, and they feel that she is not only very smart, but also has a strong learning ability. She reads a lot of newspapers every day. When children watch.

Zhen Zhen handed them the newspaper and asked, "Now that the outside world is much more peaceful, do some teachers want to leave this place and return to society?"

However, several people looked at each other and shook their heads, Mr. Forgetfulness said bitterly: "Even if you don't get beaten, you will still be charged with various charges. That foreign crime."

Zhen Zhen looked at him with a smile on her face: "It's okay if others don't go out, the teacher must go out." Mr. Forgetfulness was startled, and his face turned pale.

Zhen Zhen didn't dare to tease him again when she saw this, and said quickly: "I heard on the street that the teacher was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and now the Swiss ambassador is looking for you. If you don't go out again, , our country is about to miss the first Nobel Prize in Literature in history."

When everyone heard the words, they stood up and congratulated forget me, but forget me had some concerns: "I'm afraid I won't see the envoy of the country and I will be locked up."

Zhen Zhen pondered for a moment and said, "Why don't you write a letter to me first, and I will hand it over to the envoy of the Kingdom of Switzerland for you, and let him complete the relevant procedures before we leave. After winning the award, you might as well stay there for a few years, and come back when things are calm here."

He nodded his head ecstatically: "That's all, I just hope that I can return to China as soon as possible after receiving the award. I'm already in my 70s and 80s. If I stay in Switzerland, I don't know if my soul will return to my hometown. That day."

Forgetfulness used to have some old diseases, but after being recuperated by Jing Dongning, the master of Chinese medicine, and living here comfortably, Forgetfulness not only does not worry about external affairs, but also has three meals on time and rests regularly, besides reading books every day When I write, I have to go out with Jing Dongning to do five animal operas. In the past two years, not only has my body been in great shape, but I have also gained ten pounds more than before.

Zhen Zhen playfully patted the slightly bulging belly of forget me, and said with a smile: "With the teacher's physique, ten or eight years will not be a problem."

Nian's hiding place, if I was found here, wouldn't I be a sinner? Why don't I go to the north of Hebei for a few days and pretend to be the illusion that I have been hiding in the north of Hebei for all these years." He looked at Zhen Zhen: "I still I have to trouble your family to help me find a place to hide my past."

Zhen Zhen nodded and stood up: "I'll go back and discuss with my father."

The mountain stream is two directions away from the north of Hebei, Zhen Zhen teleported over, and found a 77-year-old uninhabited house at the border of the north of Hebei with thick straw on the roof , two bricks and a wooden plank in the house can be regarded as a bed. Zhen Zhen found unwanted tattered quilts and tattered cotton mattresses from her own barn and put them on top, leaving some traces of life in the house. In order to dress up a little more, Zhen Zhen also turned over a piece of land in the back, sprinkled some seeds to promote the birth to the proper state of this season, and it was considered that the preparation work was completed.

Zhen Zhen thinks she has already thought about everything, if there are any flaws, I am afraid it is the selfless teacher herself. When Zhen Zhen went to pick him up, she looked at him and sighed: "Why don't I change the house, you can see that the white fat you eat looks so good, it doesn't look like you have stayed in that bad place for two years. people."

I forgot to touch my belly and regretted eating too much. Still, Jing Dongning, the master of Chinese medicine, came up with an idea. It can turn into a khaki color, and at a glance, it is known that it is a diseased seedling. As for fat, don't worry about it. Nowadays, many malnourished people are like this. When they look at their whole body and become fat, they are actually hungry and swollen.

Two days later, Zangme successfully connected with the ambassador of Switzerland, and people from the government also received the news immediately and met Zangme. During the conversation, he really asked about the place where Wangme lived for the past two years, and Wangme told the place where Zhen Zhen had prepared, and explained: "If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't hold on any longer, I wouldn't want to come back. When people talk about what's in the newspaper, they come quickly."

The man saw that he was wearing ragged clothes, his face was gray and his whole body was swollen, and he believed what he said. After getting my passport, I forgot myself and left China by plane with the Swiss ambassador.

After dealing with the imperial capital, Zhen Zhen concentrated on registering the cultural relics in the space. Since she can control the flow of time in the space, she controlled the time in the space to a static state. If nothing else, at least the painting and calligraphy can keep the original color unchanged. In the past two years, Zhen Zhen has read a lot of books about antiques, and she can often ask the archaeologist Xu Mengguo for advice. In addition, there are plenty of antiques that can be used for comparison, and Zhen Zhen's level of treasure appreciation has skyrocketed.

Put the Ming Dynasty porcelain in her hand on the shelf and quickly make a note in the notebook, Zhen Zhen stretched her waist and came out of the space. As early as last year, Zhen Zhen moved to the hut where Osmanthus lived before marriage in Xi Li Jian on the grounds that she wanted to be independent when she was too old, and even pestered Mrs. Li to put a bolt in the house.

Come out of the room, Zhen Zhen came out and rubbed her eyes: "Ma, when are you having dinner, I'm sleepy?"

"Are you tired of doing your homework?" Mrs. Li hurriedly came over and looked into her eyes: "It's amazing, go out and play for a while, your sister-in-law has stewed fish today, and you will Eat more. Let me tell you, eating fish is good for the eyes and smart, don't you know?"

Zhen Zhen looked at Mrs. Li Zhile: "I told you this, did you forget?"

Mr. Li smiled and clapped her hand: "Didn't I tell you, this little girl won't suffer at all."

After dinner, Zhen Zhen excused her sleepiness and hurriedly washed herself and went back to the room to sleep, and specially shouted: "I want to block the door, no one will disturb me."

Mr. Li knew that her granddaughter didn't like others to come into her house casually, so she responded immediately: "I see, you go to bed quickly, you have to go to school tomorrow morning."

Zhen Zhen laughed and got into the house and plugged it in. With the acquisition of more and more antiques in the past two years, only half of the original large yellow croaker is left. Zhen Zhen saw that her future venture capital was decreasing little by little, she couldn't sit still, but it reminded her of something in her previous life.

In the past life, Tiannan was a tourist destination, and there were many people all year round. In her sophomore year, she and her roommates went to Tiannan for a self-guided tour. At that time, she visited an aristocratic manor in a remote place.

It is said that the last owner of this manor is a bully who has done everything he can to do bad things. As the bully was shot and the manor was abandoned, the hiding place of the 300 chests of gold also became a mystery. It is said that many people who know this story have come to hunt for treasure in the past few decades, and they have also found a few places. Secret passage, but nothing inside. I don't know if the Sanbaixiang gold disappeared, or if the real treasure was not found.

Zhen Zhen and her roommates guessed many answers with great interest at that time, but now she knows the truth, this gold must have been taken by herself, because she is going to Tiannan tonight Check out the Golden Manor.

For this expedition, Zhen Zhen made preparations early, bought flashlights, batteries, etc. Be prepared for emergencies. She checked what she had prepared and waited for her family to turn off the lights on the kang before Zhen Zhen disappeared into the room in a flash.

One of Beicha and Tiannan is in the northeast of China and the other is in the southwest. Every time Zhen Zhen teleports, she re-senses the new range of consciousness in her mind. Took about half an hour.

Golden Manor is located in the broad-leaved mountain area in the central part of Tiannan. It used to be a gathering place for bandits during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Because Zhen Zhen has traveled here and can easily see every inch of Tiannan in her mind, it was very easy to find the Golden Manor.

The golden manor under the sun is very gloomy and dilapidated, not to mention late at night, it is a haunted place, so the local people rarely come, even when Zhen Zhen flashes the flashlight on the dark and gloomy manor , and also a little shudder.

This is the first time I came to this kind of place at night, Zhen Zhen was a little shivering, she always felt that it was easy to see ghosts here. She didn't believe in ghosts or gods originally, but she was able to suddenly transcend and still carry such miraculous abilities. It wouldn't be surprising if a ghost or something suddenly appeared.

Rubbing her cheeks, Zhen Zhen took out the kettle and took two sips of honey water, then concentrated her energy to find the hiding place of gold.

Although the manor covers a large area, it only occupies a small corner of Zhen Zhen's consciousness, and soon Zhen Zhen found 300 boxes underground three kilometers away from the manor, according to her consciousness In the image shown here, the correct route is through a passage under the manor.

But this is a passage for normal people, like Zhen Zhen, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, she directly appeared on the ground of the three hundred chests of gold, her right hand made a playful scratching gesture, the earth Like a naughty child, he shivered slightly. Zhen Zhen stomped her feet, the earth immediately became quiet, then a gap opened slowly, three hundred chests of gold rose up from the ground, Zhen Zhen's mouth was so happy that she couldn't close, she swung her hand Three hundred boxes were stuffed into the space, and they did not leave this place until the earth returned to its original state.

Back to Beicha, Zhen Zhen entered the space without even leaving the passage, three hundred boxes were neatly placed together, Zhen Zhen waved her hand, all the box lids opened at the same time , the densely packed gold bars glowed with golden light, Zhen Zhen looked at the countless pieces of gold, and all the happy ones almost fainted.

300 chests of gold were dug up, Zhen Zhen was smiling when she slept, when she woke up in the morning and opened the door, Mrs. Li looked up at her: "Yo, why are you so happy? Dreaming? Pick up gold?"

No one can share the joy of Zhen Zhen's full stomach, and it's uncomfortable to hold it in her stomach, so she can only half-truth and nod her head wildly: "I dreamed of picking up three hundred boxes of gold, and I'm still on it. I was rolling, but I panicked and woke up before I finished rolling."

Mr. Li sat on the kang and laughed: "You really dare to dream, and you still have three hundred boxes of gold, what are you going to spend so much gold?

Zhen Zhen poured a jar of water and drank half of it, then wiped her mouth and said, "At first glance, poverty limits your imagination. In fact, these three hundred boxes of gold are really not worth spending. I will take it. Buy antique calligraphy and paintings, buy courtyard courtyards in the imperial capital, and buy one row at a time.”

Mr. Li shook her head and said with joy: "It's all worthless and useless things, you can just dream."

Zhen Zhen smiled and went out to wash and prepare for breakfast, Ming Bei, who had just finished brushing his teeth, tugged at Zhen Zhen: "Remember to call me when you are sitting on this sweet dream next time, maybe I can dream of picking up gold too!"

Zhen Zhen almost swallowed the toothpaste in her mouth when she heard this, she squinted at Li Mingbei: "Then you can continue to dream of marrying a wife?"

Mingbei nodded immediately, and a silly smile appeared on his face.


From spring to autumn, the school for workers, peasants and soldiers is in full swing, especially the agricultural college is a hot spot for registration. Students from the surrounding areas have been sent to Anbei Agricultural College to study, and some are even older than Mingdong's grade. Mingdong's teaching is not just on paper. When he was in college, he often went to work on the farm. When he arrived in Anbei, he worked hard for a year. Combining theory and practice, Mingdong not only taught well, but also answered questions. Problems encountered by young students in the past when farming.

Here you can learn useful things and answer your previous doubts, so the students respect Mingdong very much, and none of them say that he is bad. However, because this was the first semester of labor reform on the farm, Mingdong did not dare to go home during the summer vacation. When the school started in the fall, seeing that the situation was as peaceful as before, and seeing many colleagues calling their family members, Mingdong also had some heart.

He made a report to the school. The school still attached great importance to Mingdong, the only teacher who graduated from Dongnong University. I wrote a letter at home, asking Osmanthus to bring the meat buns and bean buns to Anbei for reunion.

The family was busy again after receiving the letter. Anbei was colder than Beicha. Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen took off the cotton jackets and trousers of Osmanthus and her son, and added new cotton to thicken them. After a layer of quilt was re-bounced, a lot of new cotton was added to it.

Wang Sufen has quick hands and feet, and has prepared all the winter things in ten days. Zhenzhen brought back a lot of wild things, sweet-scented osmanthus or pickled, smoked, or fried, after all the things are sorted out Packed in cans and bottles one by one, ready to bring Mingdong to improve life.

Although the letter said that there is a cafeteria in the school where you can eat, but the old Li family believed that there was no such thing as a cafeteria, and it was only by cooking at home every day.

In the past, Osmanthus wanted to take good care of Mingdong's body. She always felt that the food in the cafeteria was not as good as the food made by herself. There are half bags of rice, white noodles, and rice each. It's not that Mrs. Li is stingy, but Osmanthus is worried that the new arrival will be too conspicuous. If someone catches the little braid, it will cause trouble for Mingdong, so she is more willing to order more coarse grains.

All the money Mingdong earned when he first went to work was sent to his home. He had no salary in the year of the labor reform, and now he has returned to school before he has income again. Mrs. Li was very clear about Mingdong's income and knew that he didn't save any money. When Osmanthus was leaving, Mrs. Li gave her a handkerchief: "Here is the money Mingdong has earned over the years and the Seed tickets, it will not be easy for you to live on your own in the future, you have collected them carefully and spent some flowers, but don’t be lavish and famine.”

Osmanthus hurriedly pushed back after hearing this: "I have spent a lot of money on food at home with my two boys over the years, and besides, this is not going to give me so much food, I can I can't."

"You listen to me." Old lady Li put the money into Osmanthus' hands firmly: "If you are at home, I will not give you any money, this is not going out to live, and it is not just biased. You guys, I will do the same with Mingxi and Mingnan in the future. You have always been ignorant at home, and living outside is not so easy, so hurry up and put it away, and you will be angry if you push milk again."

Osmanthus shoved things into the inner pocket of her clothes when she heard this, and then Mrs. Li smiled with satisfaction: "You two have been married for so many years, and you haven't been together for a few days. Good day. This time, you can be together every day from now on, maybe I will be able to hold my great-granddaughter when the new year turns around."

Zhen Zhen listened beside her with a black line on her face: "Milk, my sister-in-law hasn't gone out yet, so you should assign the task of giving birth first."

Mr. Li smiled: "You know what, they are called Xiaobiesheng Newlyweds."

Osmanthus' face turned red.

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