MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 134

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Xi Junjie took Zhen Zhen's hand, and when he opened his eyes almost instantly, he found himself in a lush forest. "Your ability is amazing." Xi Junjie sighed again: "If we go on a trip in the future, wouldn't we be able to go to several places a day."

Zhen Zhen smiled and rolled her eyes: "And it's very convenient to leave."

There are thick needles underfoot, and there are many wild fruits of different colors around. Except for the crisp bird calls, there is no clamorous sound.

The first time I came to this kind of virgin forest, Xi Junjie was very surprised. He touched a tree thicker than himself and asked, "Are we deep in the forest?"

"Yes." Zhen Zhen glanced at where she was and nodded: "Although the area of ​​this primitive Korean pine forest is decreasing every year, no one has ever stopped at this location. The place." After Zhen Zhen finished speaking, she picked a handful of "girl fruit" and handed it to him: "Try it, the wild fruit we have here."

The fruits that pass through Zhen Zhen's hands are the best and sweetest, Xi Junjie peeled off the yellow skin on the outside, revealing the yellow fruit inside that looks like a small lantern. The "Girl's Fruit" was gently bitten in the mouth, and the sweet juice mixed with seeds poured into the mouth, and the taste was very wonderful.

"Delicious!" Xi Junjie took another one and stuffed it into Zhen Zhen's mouth.

Zhen Zhen took out a small pot from the space, walked over to a bunch of blueberries next to it, and touched it lightly, the blueberries that were not very ripe immediately became round and big : "When I was a child, I liked to eat blueberries on the mountain. We picked some more watermelons and grapes to bring back."

Xi Junjie picked one and put it in his mouth, it really tasted better than the blueberries he ate when he was abroad, Xi Junjie picked a few more and put it in Zhen Zhen's mouth, vaguely "What should we say if we take the blueberries home?"

Zhen Zhen glanced at him, both hands were still busy: "Stupid, I just said that I met him in the market."

Xi Junjie couldn't help laughing: "I remember that you used to buy some delicious things, not that others gave them or bought them on the roadside. By the way, those who live and dance every winter Did you go to the beach to catch all the seafood you bought yourself? Let me just say, even if it is a special train, it is difficult to guarantee that the seafood will still be alive when it reaches the imperial capital."

Zhen Zhen laughed loudly: "Going to the sea to fish for seafood is super cool. When you have time, I will take you to the sea for a ride."

Xi Junjie was full of expectations after thinking about such a scene: "I think if we go to one place every day, maybe one day we can travel to all corners of the world."

Zhen Zhen listened and nodded: "Suddenly I feel that this kind of life is also very exciting, then when you resign, we can still travel around the world."

Picked all the blueberries on the branches, and in a blink of an eye, a full pot was picked, Zhen Zhen put the blueberries in the space, and took out another basket to pick mushrooms: There are many kinds of mushrooms, like the kind of chicken stewed mushrooms you like to eat is this hazel mushroom, and the round one over there is Hericium erinaceus."

Zhen Zhen has been picking mushrooms since she was a child, and Xi Junjie received an elite education since childhood, and has never experienced mushroom picking. While humming a song, the two picked all the mushrooms they could see and put them in the basket. Because this place was rarely populated and there was not much sunlight, the mushrooms grew fat and thick.


Zhen Zhen walked over and saw that this Ganoderma lucidum was only about the size of a palm, not too big in this virgin forest, she stretched out her hand and broke it down and handed it to Xi Junjie: "You can pick more Go back and make water for grandma to drink."

Xi Junjie put Ganoderma lucidum in the mushroom basket, and looked around again: "Is there any oversized Ganoderma lucidum with characters like the one you gave my grandma."

Zhen Zhen smiled and rolled her eyes: "Yes, come with me."

Zhen Zhen swept around with her consciousness, and soon found a ganoderma lucidum about the size of her fist ten meters away, Xi Junjie looked up and down, and asked in puzzlement: "It's nothing. Especially, it's not as big as the Ganoderma lucidum I picked up just now."

Zhen Zhen smiled without saying a word, she put down the mushroom basket, and found out from the space that the abrasive tool made in the past was put on the ganoderma lucidum, after about half a minute, Zhen Zhen took off the abrasive tool, the original Ganoderma lucidum, which is only the size of a fist, has grown to the size of a washbasin, and there is a clearly visible character "Shou" on the surface of Ganoderma lucidum.

Seeing Xi Junjie's speechless appearance, Zhen Zhen patted the giant Ganoderma lucidum and asked very domineeringly, "What other patterns do you want?"

Xi Junjie shook his head dumbfoundedly: "I thought it was a once-in-a-millennium wonder, but the truth is too cruel, you should hurry up and take off this Ganoderma lucidum, if you leave it here, If anyone finds out, it might be in the news." Xi Junjie looked at the thick and hard stem, and shook it with his uninjured arm, which did not shake the huge ganoderma lucidum at all. Xi Junjie asked Zhen Zhen with some embarrassment: "How do I get this down? Cut it with an axe?"

Zhen Zhen waved her hand and made Xi Junjie take a step back, she stepped forward and pressed the Ganoderma lucidum with both hands and gently twisted it, the Ganoderma lucidum that was connected to the tree was twisted like this down. Xi Junjie swallowed his saliva and touched his neck subconsciously, with a particularly bright smile on his face: "Wife, if you talk about going east, I will never go west; if you talk about eating fish, I will never eat chicken."

Zhen Zhen put the Ganoderma lucidum into the space and slapped him on the back with a smile: "Slippery tongue, are you scared when you see my force value?" Xi Junjie immediately pretended to be scared and hugged him. "Trembling" on her shoulders: "Oh, what should I do if my daughter-in-law is scared to death? I feel like my neck will be broken in minutes." Zhen Zhen was amused by his playful appearance, she grabbed a handful of mushrooms and threw him in the face .

The young couple laughed for a while and went back to the room to wash their hands, and when they came out again, they changed places. , squeezed his throat and said in the lowest voice, "Wife... Let's go in quickly... Let's change positions."

Zhen Zhen put her arms around Xi Junjie's arm and her smiling eyes curled up: "Seriously, you are much better than my fourth brother, the first time he saw Rhubarb, he urinated Pants. But at that time, Da Huang was in his prime, and he was more energetic than now."

"Rhubarb?" Xi Junjie doesn't seem to be able to accept that the name of the majestic forest king is more casual than the name of his own dog. He looked at the tiger sympathetically and couldn't help it. Asked: "Is it really called rhubarb?"

Zhen Zhen released Xi Junjie's arm, swaggered over to the tiger under Xi Junjie's frightened eyes, reached out and rubbed Da Huang's head, Zhen Zhen introduced with a smile: "It is a The tiger I knew when I was a child, I was not very good at naming it, so I named it Da Huang when I saw it was all yellow, and Da Huang and our family Li Mingzhong are also good friends."

Rhubarb snorted in disdain after hearing this, as if to say, "Who is friends with that cowardly dog?"

Zhen Zhen smiled and patted its big head: "A duplicitous guy, and said that he and my family Li Mingzhong are not friends, so what are you doing lying next to Li Mingzhong's grave every day?"

Only then did Xi Junjie realize that there was a dirt bag next to it, and a wooden board was inserted on it, which read: Li Mingzhong's Tomb, the font looks like it was written by Zhen Zhen.

"It turns out that you buried Li Mingzhong here." Xi Junjie stepped forward and pulled the weeds around the earthbag: "Nanny and mother are still whispering in private, but they dare not ask you. , for fear of making you sad."

"I'm not sad anymore." Zhen Zhen smiled and rubbed Da Huang's head and said: "After Li Mingzhong was gone for a few days, one night I saw its soul. It told me that it would live in the next life. I can be reincarnated as a human being, and there is Rhubarb in our family. Li Mingzhong said that when Rhubarb is old, he can be reincarnated as a human directly." As soon as Rhubarb heard this, he became invigorated, his big head rubbed against Zhen Zhen's body, his eyes were shining, it seemed Are you asking is it true?

Looking at the tiger like a big cat, Xi Junjie also felt less afraid, and came over and tried to reach out and touch its head. Da Huang smelled the smell of Zhen Zhen on Xi Junjie's body, so he obediently lowered his head and let him rub it on his head.

Take out a few slaughtered hens from the space and put them next to the rhubarb, Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie explained: "The rhubarb is old, and its predation is not as dexterous as before, so I occasionally Bring it some food."

Rhubarb looked at a few fat chickens and was not as excited as before, instead he kept going to cup Zhen Zhen's hand, wailing non-stop.

"It seems to want to say something." Xi Junjie looked at Da Huang, raised his head and asked Zhen Zhen, "Do you understand?"

"Well, it asked me if I could really be reincarnated as a human." Zhen Zhen smiled and patted Da Huang's head: "It's true, but only if you can't starve yourself to death. "Da Huang cried out a few more times, Zhen Zhen nodded: "Okay, I understand, you can eat quickly, we'll go first."

Rhubarb looked at Zhen Zhen with a bit of reluctance in her eyes, Zhen Zhen reluctantly touched the dull hair on her body: "I will come to see you more."

Rhubarb nodded humanely, picked up a chicken and gnawed beside Li Mingzhong's cemetery, Zhen Zhen took Xi Junjie's hand and walked back home.

Looking at the messy bed, with the touch of stroking rhubarb still remaining on his hands, Xi Junjie sighed: "This is amazing, just like a fairy tale. No, it's even more magical than a fairy tale. , Sun Wukong still has to turn somersaults only 108,000 miles away, you don't have to do some somersaults here, you'll be there in the blink of an eye."

Zhen Zhen raised her head proudly: "That's because I'm older than him, my grandmother said I was born by a god."

Xi Junjie nodded: "I didn't believe this before, but now you have really reshaped the world view. But..." He stretched out his hand and pulled Zhen Zhen to sit on his lap: "You If it's really an immortal, I won't be able to find you after we die?"

"It's fine, I'll find you when the time comes." Zhen Zhen put her arms around Xi Junjie's neck and kissed him on the mouth: "After all, it's hard to find a second one for such a handsome man, I have to catch you forever."

Xi Junjie smiled and hugged Zhen Zhen's waist, just about to deepen the kiss when he heard a knock on the door: "Zhen Zhen, Junjie, are you awake? Watermelon and grapes are hungry. ."

"Wake up!" Zhen Zhen stretched out her head and shouted, and kissed Xi Junjie hard, then she stood up satisfied and opened the door. Wang Sufen and Mrs. Li pushed the baby stand at the door. Seeing Zhen Zhen open the door, they couldn't help but ask, "How is Junjie? Is it better?"

Xi Junjie quickly came out and said, "It's nothing major, just a little skin injury."

Zhen Zhen went to wash her hands and brought out a plate of fresh blueberries: "I bought it when I went out yesterday, but I forgot when I put it in the house."

"Oh, these blueberries are really big." Mrs. Li took one and put it in her mouth: "It tastes similar to the blueberries on our mountain, and it's delicious."

Watermelon became anxious when she saw my grandma eating in front of her. He babbled and reached out to grab it. Mrs. Li took a handkerchief and put it on his clothes and gave him a hand He stuffed one inside, and Zhen Zhen took the grapes to the side to feed them.

Grape is a girl, and her appetite has always been much smaller than that of watermelon. After eating for a while, she is full. Zhen Zhen took her back and put her in Wang Sufen's arms, reaching out to pick up the watermelon. It was the first time that watermelon had eaten blueberries, the sweet and sour taste made him not even bother to eat milk, Zhen Zhen stretched out her hand twice but he avoided it. Grape watched his brother smashing a small piece of fruit, and he stretched out his hand towards the plate and screamed, Zhen Zhen hugged her daughter in her arms, and gave her one after putting on a bib.

Wang Sufen looked at Zhen Zhen and Junjie teasing the two children, and said to Zhen Zhen: "This time Junjie is resting at home, you should stay with him more at home, don't go to the company all day long to get busy How much money do you make when it's late?"

"It's not just to make money, it's just a sense of accomplishment." Zhen Zhen took the grapes in her arms and gave her a fresh blueberry: "I will I try to stay at home as much as possible, but I have to go to an auction the day after tomorrow, if I miss that piece of land, I will lose the chance to gain a firm foothold."

Xi Junjie knows that this is very important to the future development of Zhen Zhen's real estate company, so he also intercedes for her: "I don't care about it, I just discussed with Zhen Zhen, wait She won this fast land, we think about going out every day, and we haven't had much fun since we got married."

Wang Sufen said with a smile: "It's not good, you two should relax and relax, the child is at home, don't worry, just let Zhen Zhen keep the milk in the morning."

Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen looked at each other and looked forward to a life where they could play everywhere.


In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the land auction, Zhen Zhen brought Ming Bei to the scene early and chose a seat in the front. As time passed, many people came one after another. , and soon the auction hall was crowded to the brim.

This is the first auction of state-owned land use rights in Imperial Capital. It covers an area of ​​9,300 square meters and belongs to residential land. In today's more prosperous areas.

It was finally time for the auction. After introducing the basic situation of the land, the host announced the reserve price: "The starting price is 1.8 million yuan, and each time the placard is raised, 50,000 yuan."

However, there was no chance for these bidders to hesitate at the scene. Someone soon started bidding. Mingbei was the first to raise his placard, and other companies that wanted to buy land continued to increase their prices.

"Two million!"

"2.8 million!"

"Three and two million!"

The quotation is getting higher and higher, the scene is getting more and more enthusiastic, and the quotation soon reached 4.5 million, Mingbei's hands holding the number plate are sweaty, Zhen Zhen has already brought them After doing a budget analysis, the price at this time is still some distance away from the highest price in the budget, but it can't withstand his nervousness. More than four million, Mingbei felt that he might never have so much money in his life.

"Five million!"

Finally, a company raised the price to a new height, Zhen Zhen looked back at Ming Bei, and when he saw that he didn't seem to dare to raise the sign, he reached out and took the number plate: "Five hundred One hundred thousand!"

Mingbei is about to kneel to his own sister. Now that the price is so high, people have to hesitate to add 50,000 yuan. How about you suddenly increase the 100,000 yuan?

Sure enough, after Zhen Zhen raised the placard, many units who were hesitant before took a break. Seeing that the time was coming, the company that called for a quotation of 5 million raised the placard again: " Five hundred and one hundred and fifty thousand!"

Zhen Zhen answered immediately without hesitation: "Five and a half million!"

5.2 million! Everyone in the audience looked at each other, no one expected that the first auction of land use rights could reach such a high price, and many people stopped thinking for a while. Time passed by minute by minute, with the host's countdown to the silence, the auction hammer finally fell in the eyes of Zhen Zhen, Ming Zhen Real Estate Company got the 9,000 yuan at the price of 5,200,000 Lots of square meters of land.

The people who came to the auction this time are basically the heads of various construction companies or real estate companies. Some of them are familiar with Li Mingzhen, while others only know her reputation for donating cultural relics, but they don't know her very well. . This time, Ming Zhen Real Estate Company came out on top, and many people took the opportunity to come to congratulate him. In any case, it's always good to get acquainted first.

Zhen Zhen greeted the people who came to Hexi one by one, and then took Ming Bei to sign a contract with the people from the Bureau of Land and Resources. According to the contract, Ming Zhen Real Estate Co., Ltd. All payments are made within the day. If it was another company, the people from the Land and Resources Bureau might still be worried, but when they heard Li Mingzhen's name, even the Director Gao of the Land and Resources Bureau came to shake her hand: "I have long admired your name, but this is the first time I have seen you."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "I believe there will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future. After all, there will be more and more auctions like this."

Seeing the crowd gradually dispersing, Director Gao was very worried about her: "You really won't pay for this fast land at such a high price?"

Zhen Zhen only pondered for a while and said with a smile: "We will build an urban residential demonstration community and become a model of the imperial capital community, and we will not lose money."

"Then, I wish you good luck." Director Gao and Zhen Zhen shook hands again, and left the auction venue with the signed documents, Mingbei came over at this time, and fought with each other. The battlefield asked: "Did we really buy it? Five million and two hundred thousand?"

Zhen Zhen saw his sweaty face and said helplessly: "Where are you going? You are so scared."

Ah, more than five million, I think it's enough for me to earn several lifetimes."

Zhen Zhen hooked Mingbei's shoulders and gave him a sincere suggestion: "After our community is built, you can buy three sets of the best units, and don't wait for twenty years. Say five million, you have fifty million."

"You just fool around there." Ming Bei was amused by Zhen Zhen: "Whoever buys an old house for tens of millions is not stupid."

Zhen Zhen smiled and pushed Ming Bei out of the venue: "Okay, hurry up, let's discuss the construction of a new community."

Ming Bei and several of his classmates are top students in the Department of Architecture of Huaguo University, and they have worked in the Imperial Design Institute for many years, and their work ability is very strong. All kinds of houses, different from the current housing needs that are mainly based on life, the improved housing of later generations makes people more comfortable to live in. So Zhen Zhen put forward suggestions including north-south transparency, separation of dry and wet toilets, lighting, floor height, greening, fire protection, children's play area, elderly activity area, etc. Seeing a group of high-spirited young people, Zhen Zhen is very serious "The first community of Ming Zhen Real Estate Company will build a high-end community mainly for high-end users, leading the trend of living in the imperial capital." For these designers such as Ming Bei, Zhen Zhen's words can inspire them a lot. After two weeks, the design and planning drawings of the community construction have all come out.

Time is money. After the planning and design plan were approved, a few people from Mingbei immediately started construction with the construction team. There were only a few office clerks left in the office that had been lively for a few days. Zhen Zhen stretched and instructed her assistant to call her home when she had something to do, then she happily went home and took Xi Junjie to travel around the world.

This time, Zhen Zhen released the yacht directly from the space, and then took Xi Junjie to the yacht. The yacht floated freely on the seaside with the waves. Go fishing with a rod.

Looking at the fishing rod that didn't move for a long time, Zhen Zhen looked at him suspiciously: "Can we really eat seafood at noon?"

Xi Junjie was a little confused and forced to look at the completely unresponsive fishing rod: "I prepared the sea fishing rod and bait as you said, why can't it work? Why don't you try it?"

Zhen Zhen glanced at him suspiciously, and within a minute of taking the fishing rod from Xi Junjie's hand, the fishing rod sank, and Xi Junjie immediately regained his energy: "Look at it. I'll just say that the bait I prepared is pretty good."

Zhen Zhen threw up a big fish and stuffed the fishing rod into Xi Junjie: "Then you continue to fish, I'll go and stew the fish porridge first." Zhen Zhen put the sea fish on the chopping board , peeled and deboned the smooth and tender fish in the boiled porridge and sprinkled with some salt. The rice porridge wrapped the fish inside, and after a minute it rolled again. Seeing that the porridge was about to come out, Zhen Zhen turned off the fire and placed two bowls of fresh and tender fish porridge on the dining table.

Xi Junjie couldn't eat too much seafood due to the wound, so Zhen Zhen took out a lot of the stock in the space, sliced ​​roast duck, green vegetables, tender tofu , and the braised lion head that seems to have increased appetite.

There was a table full of dishes, Zhen Zhen saw Xi Junjie still squatting there motionless: "You can't catch it again?"

Xi Junjie smirked: "Maybe there isn't much seafood in this area."

Zhen Zhen glanced at him, picked up a net bag from the side and threw it down. After the rope was put down to the end, Zhen Zhen pulled it up without waiting. When the net bag came out of the water, the inside was impressive. Contains a large lobster as long as an adult arm. Xi Junjie threw the fishing rod angrily: "These things are too bullying."

Zhen Zhen smiled and put the net bag under Xi Junjie's feet: "Let's put it in the space first, and when your wound is healed, we will eat it."

Xi Junjie stopped competing with seafood, he slowly poured the prepared red wine into the glass, picked up one of the wine glasses and handed it to Zhen Zhen: "I think this is the most romantic date."

Zhen Zhen smiled and touched a glass with Xi Junjie: "There will be many more dates like this in the future."

Xi Junjie took a sip of wine and suddenly remembered the thing that had always made him very curious: "I remember that you bought two-thirds of the 1982 wine from Chateau Lafite. Inventory, what's the use?"

Zhen Zhen smiled: "I'm going to keep it for you to drink."

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