MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 114 robbery

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"That's right." Lao Ming was actually a little triumphant: "You think, if the little **** is so bold? Then it must not be? What does this mean? It means that our ancestors are definitely a chief executive A great eunuch."

"You don't know what level he is in co-authoring?" After listening to Zhile, Zhen Zhen didn't understand what he was proud of.

Lao Ming picked his face and looked regretful: "In the past, there was an autobiography left by the ancestors, saying that it was written after leaving the palace in his later years, but the world has not been peaceful since then. It's gone." He touched the nine entwined Chilongs on the jade seal, and said with great joy, "Fortunately, this treasure is not lost, I hope to sell it for food in the next life."

Zhen Zhen looked at him stroking the jade seal and seemed to be reluctant to part with it, so she couldn't help but persuade: "There are a number of these things, you can't find the same thing after you sell them, so Said you'd better think about it before selling it, don't wait for me to buy it for a few years before you cry with me."

"You wear a mask all the time and I don't even know where you are going to cry for you?" Lao Ming sneered, turned and sat on the chair beside him, his feet on the stool next to him Shang Lai: "I know you're kind, but it's not necessary." He looked at Zhen Zhen with some condescension: "I'll eat enough for my family and not be hungry, and I don't know who will be cheaper if I keep this baby in my hands, it's better Now that I sell it, maybe I can marry a daughter-in-law and have a son or something."

After Lao Ming finished speaking, he looked at the four men who had been silent, and then looked at Zhen Zhen: "Hey, did I say you all brought money? If you don't have money, don't sway me. , I'm not the Forbidden City, and I'll show you cultural relics and so on. Even the Forbidden City has to buy a ticket." Speaking of the ticket, Lao Ming's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, I said that you will not buy it for a while. Pay me the ticket money, I can't read this jade seal in vain."

"Who knows if your jade seal is real or fake, so let me pay for the ticket? Let me tell the truth." A young man seemed to be tired of talking and couldn't help but say .

"Okay, let's take a look." Lao Ming scratched his head and pointed to a few of them: "It takes 10 minutes for each person to line up. Then, in addition to the ticket money, I have to get started. Fee, fifty cents per person."

Zhen Zhen laughed out loud at Lao Ming's stingy look, Lao Ming glanced at the obviously angry young man with a crooked nose, first pointed at Zhen Zhen: "How many of you? This little girl looks pleasing to the eye, so let the little girl read it first." After saying that, Lao Ming actually turned out a pair of white gloves and threw them on the table: "Touch the gloves and be careful when handling them. , the sale of the house is not enough for you to pay." Lao Ming also counted the price of the jade seal, meaning that the price of three or five hundred should not be reported.

Lao Ming's voice just fell, and the man who had been standing at the end suddenly showed a hesitant look on his face. His family is not very rich, but he has some spare money in his hand, thinking that he will keep it, it is better to buy a baby that can be a family heirloom and keep it for the children. Prosperous antiques are gold in troubled times. Now the life of the common people has been getting better and better in the past two years.

I have to say that his intuition is very sharp and his ideas are very good, but there is one more embarrassing thing is that his money is not much. Of course, according to ordinary people's homes, it is not too small, there is a full 500 yuan, but listening to Lao Ming's meaning, it is not enough, he hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "Lao Ming, what is your base price? Let's get some air out first."

Although Lao Ming is a bit of a rogue, his eyes are quite good. He rolled his eyes around the man's bag and said with a smile, "If you don't have a thousand in your bag, Just leave early."

As soon as he heard this, the man knew that there was no drama, and while Lao Ming was going to get a cup to drink water, he slipped away from behind silently. When Lao Ming put down the cup and looked up, he found that there was no one in the room, and he laughed angrily: "Hey, this grandson, he ran away without paying for the ticket."

The hot-tempered young man rolled his eyes just now: "I've also bought a lot of antiques, and I've never seen a ticket to buy antiques."

Lao Ming didn't feel embarrassed at all, but said carelessly: "That's because their stuff is not as good as mine, so I'm embarrassed to accept tickets."

He picked his face, looked at the four people in the room, and suddenly became happy: "Actually, I think this method is good, if you don't buy it, I can still collect tickets for the next batch, earn money That's enough money to feed me for a week."

Although Lao Ming was chattering and talking non-stop, Zhen Zhen still unmoved to check all the details she knew about this jade seal. There is nothing wrong with the appearance, Zhen Zhen used her consciousness to look at every part of the jade seal and even the inside, the year and workmanship are correct, Zhen Zhen concluded that this jade seal is indeed genuine.

Put the jade seal back to its original position, Zhen Zhen stepped aside for the next person to see, after a few people had seen it, Lao Ming closed the lid and finally had a positive look on his face : "You bid."

The hot-tempered young man rolled his eyes at him, and couldn't bear it for people who didn't play cards according to the routine: "You can quote a reserve price."

Old Ming pondered for a moment, then his eyes rolled around the faces of the four people and suddenly said: "Why don't you hand in the tickets first, if someone buys them in a while, the remaining three people run away I have to lose five dollars."

The young man laughed angrily, took out fifty cents from his pocket and threw it to him, Zhen Zhen also handed over the money with a speechless expression. Lao Ming received a bunch of gross receipts and said cheerfully, "The reserve price is one thousand."

The grumpy young man didn't hesitate, and opened his mouth to add one hundred: "One thousand one."

The two men in the back looked at each other, as if they did not expect the sudden price increase to be calculated by one hundred, the two muttered, and one of them glanced at Zhen Zhen: "I will pay one thousand one hundred and five. "

"One thousand and two." The young man seemed to want to overwhelm his competitors with arrogance, and he did not hesitate to quote the price. Zhen Zhen looked at his rich and wealthy appearance and smiled slightly, she has never lost more than money. The jade seal represents imperial power, and the number is very limited, not to mention that it was used by Yongzheng. Zhen Zhen still has a good impression of the emperor Yongzheng, one is because of his own historical achievements, and the other is because Zhen Zhen often read novels in Jinjiang Literature City in his later life, and the fourth master of Qingchuanli was very busy with various novels. Being the male protagonist here has given him a lot of presence.

The two people still only added fifty, and the young man raised the price to one thousand three.

The young man smiled contentedly as he watched the two give up the competition. As for Zhen Zhen, he didn't pay attention to her at all, even though Zhen Zhen was wearing a mask, she could tell from her eyebrows and figure that she was a very young girl, even with a bit of student air. The young man saw that she asked a lot, but he didn't bid once, so he thought she was just here to watch the fun.

Just after thinking about this, I heard a crisp voice from under the mask: "One thousand five."

The young man frowned directly, he didn't expect this girl to be more arrogant than himself, and actually rose two hundred at a time, Lao Ming was happy: "Girl, you finally spoke, just now I I thought I had to be bought by this violent temper, but it scared me to death."

Zhen Zhen looked at him and couldn't help laughing: "Why do you still sell things?"

"That's right, who doesn't want to sell the baby to be pleasing to the eye." He gave the young man a white look, meaning he was not pleasing to the eye.

The young man's hair stood up in anger: "Two thousand, will you sell it? If you don't sell it, I'll go."

Old Ming immediately turned his attention to Zhen Zhen, Zhen Zhen touched the table in her hand: "Two thousand five."

This price is not low now, at least in the emperor can buy a small courtyard with a general location, the young man's eyes widened in disbelief, as if he did not expect this girl to be so rich, Lao Ming Seeing that the young man didn't make an offer, he immediately pointed at Zhen Zhen and said, "I'll sell you, pay for it!"

Although there is not that much money in the large schoolbag that Zhen Zhen is carrying, but she has room, she slowly opened the zipper, took the opportunity to move some money from the space, and put a stack of two In a blink of an eye, the money was piled high on the table. The young man looked at her schoolbag and didn't seem to understand why so much money was put into it. You must know that he came with a money box.

Lao Ming looked rough, but he was meticulous about money. At first, he checked the money paid by Zhen Zhen one by one. , he looked at Zhen Zhen and asked in a hoarse voice, "Whose family do you belong to?"

Zhen Zhen didn't like the way his eyes were on his forehead, he acted like everyone's uncle: "Whose family has anything to do with you? No one sells jade seals that you ask. so many."

"That's it." Lao Ming couldn't help but interject after counting the pile of money: "Looking at his age, he has more **** than me."

The young man didn't take any anger when he saw it, his face flushed with a word, he turned around and walked away angrily, the other two looked at Zhen Zhen, exchanged glances, Follow the boy out.

Zhen Zhen held the jade seal in her arms, looking at Lao Ming's look of financial fanaticism, she couldn't help asking: "How many people do you know who sell antiques? Introduce me."

"You mean a prodigal like me." Lao Ming seemed tired, he grabbed the cigarette case on the table, took a cigarette, lit it and spit it out lightly Circle of Smoke: "There are many prodigal sons from each dynasty and generation, but there are differences between these prodigal sons." After taking a cigarette, Lao Ming was still a little self-satisfied: "Like I am a prodigal son who knows goods, at least those who are good and bad things still understand. , I also know how valuable this thing is, and it can be sold at a high price. Of course, there are also people who sell it for money, such as Kangxi bottles and Qianlong bowls, which are sold for dozens of mouths, without any distress. "

Zhen Zhen nodded, the Feng Er she met was such a person, and she asked him to quote a price of twenty-one. At that time, Zhen Zhen thought she was hallucinating. But Feng Er felt that it would not be a waste to sell this thing for such a high price. If it is not eaten or drunk, it will be a bowl.

Spit out two eye sockets, Lao Ming said: "We have something in our hands, our ancestors know how much, many people fled to Tsushima together at the beginning. Now our descendants are descendants. , people who have a good life will naturally ignore us. Two **** like us must always get together. Now that the situation is better, the people have more spare money, and some are willing to buy antiques. A few years ago It's a gift that people don't dare to ask for. Anyway, as far as I know, several boys want to sell things, and I can introduce them to you, but you can't let me work in vain, right?"

“It’s not enough to earn me so much.” Zhen Zhen motioned him to look at the 2,500 yuan on the table.

Old Ming smiled and said: "One size is one size, I don't ask you to ask for more, you give me one dollar for one item, and I promise not to interrupt when I get there, after all, some grandchildren are ten The master who dares to sell one if you come for a dollar." Lao Ming smiled: "If I talk too much and you spend more money, it won't be worth it, right?"

"Your buddies are really more fragile than plastic." Zhen Zhen looked at him with a tut: "But the hard work you want is not too high, and I can save myself by looking for it myself. So be it."

As soon as Zhen Zhen agreed, Lao Ming didn't even count the money, he found a ragged pocket and swept the money into it: "I'm going to save the money, you first find a Eat somewhere, wait for me under the Drum Tower at 12:30."

Zhen Zhen agreed, put the jade seal in her schoolbag and was about to go out, when suddenly she stopped and said, "If you know that Feng Er, you don't have to take me to his house, He sold me twenty-one things from his family before."

Old Ming laughed uncontrollably: "Then the grandson still claims that his ancestor is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and his vision is not as good as that of our eunuch's descendants. No wonder he has been so generous in his hands and feet in the past two days, and he dares to eat two when he drinks. Meat dishes, co-authoring and making money from you."

Zhen Zhen nodded and said generously: "I made a lot of money."

Old Ming sneered: "Feng Er guessed that he still made a lot of money. When he told me last month, he planned to sell a piece for ten yuan, and he estimated that twenty would be I gave you room to bargain, but I didn't expect you to even pay the price." The more he talked, the more happy he became, and he sat on the chair with his stomach covered and laughed.

Zhen Zhen looked at him speechlessly: "What's the matter with your **** ancestor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs?" Seeing Lao Ming smiling and speechless, Zhen Zhen glanced at his watch: " Then in the afternoon, you can remember to find me someone who really has something, I don't want any kind of folk kiln and the Republic of China, it's not enough to waste time."

"I know." Lao Ming finally changed over and waved his hand with a smile: "Don't worry, you can spend so much money on my jade seal, how can you be a normal eye. "

Zhen Zhen chuckled lightly and turned around and walked out, just ten meters out, she used her consciousness to see the two men who were looking at the jade seal at Lao Ming's house sneaking behind her. Zhen Zhen is really happy this time, thinking about how many years no one has robbed her, today she finally bumped into two idiots again.

Looking at the time on her wrist, it was still too early for the agreed time, Zhen Zhen looked at it with her consciousness, found a small alley and got into it, the two looked at each other and immediately followed.

Just after walking through the small alley, the two of them looked around quietly and then boldly chased after her, one stretched out her hand to grab Zhen Zhen’s bag, the other was about to grab Zhen Zhen’s arm and covered her mouth, for fear that she would run away.

Zhen Zhen turned around and kicked with her long legs, the man who was holding the bag kicked his back and flew out, and the other two stretched his hands halfway and didn't understand what was going on. The arm was grabbed, and then a sharp pain came from the arm. Just as he was about to scream, he was blocked by a rag, and then kicked out and fell on the side of his companion.

Zhen Zhen walked over and looked down at them: "Didn't I tell you, I've never lost a fight."


Seems to see what the two are thinking, Zhen Zhen's tone is very relaxed: "Do you think it hurts me to kick people? Actually, let me tell you, the last time I stretched my legs and kicked a wild boar, but it But it's not as good as you, and it's gone with one kick."

The man clutching his chest couldn't help but move back after hearing this, but he bumped into a firewood chopping at the door of a house, and a piece of wood with a diameter of twenty centimeters fell off, Go to Zhen Zhen.

Zhen Zhen put her toes against the wood, her eyes became cold when she saw the two of them: "Go to the police station and surrender yourself."

Zhen Zhen sneered and said: "This is not the first time, right? Haven't you robbed before?" Twenty centimeters thick wood turned into pieces in the blink of an eye.

"I'll say it again, turn yourself in." Zhen Zhen retracted her foot: "If you don't believe me, you can run and try, but if I catch you, you won't be so lucky."

Watching Zhen Zhen's back disappear into the depths of the alley, the two stood up with each other: "Brother Ning, what kind of person is this, it's too powerful?"

"I don't know, it's not big at first glance. Did you grow up learning martial arts?" The other was also confused.

"Are you stupid?" The guy named Ning slapped the boy on the back of the head: "We didn't steal someone, if we go in for ten or eight years, we won't be able to come out. . This time the life is really not smooth, and I didn't dare to rob Lao Ming and the result was even worse." He gritted his teeth: "No, let's go directly to the train station, run first and then talk about it."

Although Zhen Zhen has gone far away, he can hear the words of the two clearly. For such people, even if they are sent directly to the police station, I am afraid that they will not tell the truth. It is better to let them run first, and when they are scared, they will explain it.

So desperate Ning Ge and his younger brother took the train for three days and three nights to Lu Province, and just got out of the train station to eat something hot, they saw a big-eyed man wearing a mask The girl stood in front and looked at them.

The trousers of the two men were about to fall, and they turned their heads and ran back. This time they took the train going south again to Jinling. When he arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief. He went to a restaurant and asked for a salted duck, and Liulong Baozi was ready to eat.

As soon as the duck was served, Brother Ning stretched out a chopstick and put the duck meat in his mouth, when suddenly a familiar figure on the front table made his duck "slap" on the ground plate. Poke the younger brother, Ning brother's voice trembled: "Wang Jiu, you don't look at the back image like a ghoul."

Wang Jiu was holding a duck leg and just took a bite. Hearing this, he turned his head blankly, just as the man in front turned his head, and his face was basically covered by a white mask. There was a slight smile in his eyes.

The two of them didn't even bother to eat the duck, so they stood up and ran out, panting all the way into the train station to find a hidden place, Ning Ge leaned against the wall and gasped: "Is this person enough to eat, does she have nothing else to do? Why do you always follow us?"

Wang Jiu was about to cry while holding the duck legs: "Brother... Ning... or we should surrender."

"Don't think about it!" Brother Ning snatched the duck leg in his hand and took a bite: "I thought we were in a hurry before, and we would get into any car, so let her I know our whereabouts. This time, let's find a place to hide first, and get in the car two days later, to make sure she can't find us. "

Zhen Zhen listened to the two murmurings in the restaurant, consciously planning the route, and smiled lightly: "Waiter, help me pack three salted ducks and take them away after I finish eating. "

"Okay, but you have to pay first." The waitress was almost crying when she saw it: "Actually, I don't want to do this either, but you see, I just need to serve a dish. , those two people ran away without paying, and I have to pay for it myself."

Zhen Zhen looked back at the empty table and smiled at the little girl: "I'll pay for them."

Ten days later, at Huadu Railway Station, the two of them were taken to a small alley as soon as they got off the train: "It's a long run. Are you planning to go to Hainan Island next time?"

Brother Ning knelt on the ground and his legs were soft: "Auntie, stop chasing, I'll surrender now."

Wang Jiu nodded while crying, this man was more scary than the police.


Zhen Zhen dropped into a pile of clothes and returned to the imperial capital. She sorted the clothes in the space and sent them to various stores. As soon as she got home, she was caught by Mrs. Li: "You are here again. Where did you go, I only came back after running for a long time."

Zhen Zhen smiled and hugged Mrs. Li's arm: "I won't go to the factory."

I told you, don't talk about opening a factory at home, your fourth aunt has shallow eyelids, and your cousins ​​are not familiar with each other. If there is such a skinless and shameless person, don't mess with it. That kind of shit."

"Milk, I know." Zhen Zhen smiled and hugged Mrs. Li's arm: "Don't show your wealth."

The old lady Li was very happy: "I told you that you are not allowed to run out these days, I still have a lot of things to ask you. By the way, I just told Junjie, You can't see each other three days before the wedding, don't slip into the back garden at night while we sleep."

Zhen Zhen was stunned after calculating the date: "Then I won't see Junjie today?"

"Shit!" Mrs. Li tapped on her forehead with her hand: "I'll let you play more with Junjie during the holiday, you're better, you're more busy than work, and I don't know What are you busy with? It’s just that Junjie loves you, and he protects you whatever you do, and he’s not happy to leave others alone.” Mrs. Li shook her head helplessly: “Okay, hurry into the house with me, you The third aunt made your favorite dishes today."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "Aunt San's craftsmanship is better than my mother."

Thinking about the two tables full of people in the main hall, each with more than a dozen dishes, Mrs. Li couldn't help sighing: "This time we're at a loss, you must know let them get married It’s enough to arrive on the first day, alas, so many people can eat ten catties of rice a day.”

Zhen Zhen's laughing eyes are all bent: "Milk, you are really picky."

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