MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 144 Lord (3)

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Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu were taken aback when they heard the words, and when they looked at Song Mingyu again, their eyes were filled with shock and inquiry.

"Are you sure?" Shi Lingyi looked a little weird, he was silent for a while, noticed Song Mingyu's eyes, and said bluntly, "This is not a good choice for you."

Saint servants are different from ordinary knights, they are very particular about loyalty and reputation. Generally speaking, they only swear allegiance to one person, and once they swear, it is a lifetime.

Even if the person they swear allegiance to dies, they can be hired and become other people's knights, but they will never become other people's holy servants again.

And once you swear allegiance to the second person, no matter what the first person's character, temperament, behavior and behavior are, and no matter whether there are other reasons, in the eyes of other holy servants, this is "betrayal"!

And "betrayal", for a holy servant, is a sign of lack of perseverance, which is very contemptible.

And most of the holy servants are born in down-and-out aristocratic families, and their ancestors have had glory, so they are more particular about some things, and it is rare for them to "change their appearance" and abandon their surnames to serve the second master. Pursue glory for one's own family, one's surname, and reproduce the glory of the ancestors.

So it is conceivable how much they value their reputation.

Therefore, if Song Mingyu became Shi Jingge's holy servant, among other things, at least his reputation would be flawed, not a small one.

That's why Shi Lingyi said, this is not a good choice.

Song Mingyu was stunned.

Before saying this sentence, he thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect such a straightforward and short response.

However, this response was completely from his point of view, without any other bias.

Song Mingyu was a little moved and excited, he opened his mouth and said, "I..."

It's just that before he could say this, Shi Lingyi interrupted him gently and irresistibly.

"Think about it again, it's not urgent."

"You are all the pillars of the territory, we will make good arrangements, don't worry."

Shi Lingyi reached out and patted Song Mingyu's shoulder to comfort him, "It's getting late, go to bed early."

The corners of Song Mingyu's lips twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything, just nodded in response, and turned to leave.

Just at the corner of the stairs, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu had already walked out of the room. They stood in the middle of the two rooms, as if they couldn't even stand still, supporting each other, looking for strength.

They looked at this room and then at that room. Even if Song Mingyu couldn't see their expressions, he could still feel the sadness.

Like a raging tide, endless.

Song Mingyu's heart trembled, and he quickly looked away, unable to bear to look any further.

Early the next morning, Shi Jingge went downstairs and sat in the chair at the long table in the restaurant, waiting for Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu.

When the servants saw him coming, they counted the time and felt that the time was almost up, so they brought the breakfast bit by bit, deliberately slowing down to wait for Ling Yi and Zhu Mu to talk.

It's just that when the porridge was served, Shi Jingge, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Seafood porridge?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, his tone not very good.

"Yes, young master." The servant replied respectfully, but he was still a little puzzled. Isn't seafood porridge the young master's favorite congee? How do you hear the sound? Isn't it right?

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, then suddenly sneered, and raised his chin facing the chair opposite, full of arrogance.

"Don't let that guy spoil my seafood porridge," Shi Jingge lowered his head, stirring the seafood porridge in his hand with a spoon, "Don't give it to that guy, he doesn't deserve it."

After a pause, Shi Jingge said harshly: "He only deserves to drink plain porridge, and adding some green vegetables is a reward for his palate."

The servant froze for a moment, and more doubts appeared in his eyes.

...In that position, the young master is talking about the elder master?

The servant wanted to ask clearly, but as soon as he raised his head, he was taken aback by Shi Jingge's ugly face, and he didn't dare to ask any more. He just answered "yes" hastily and ran away.

...Who said the young master is just a playboy?

...It's obviously so scary!

The servant returned to the kitchen non-stop, with a confused look on his face. Mrs. Zhang glanced at him and asked, "What's the matter? Did the young master order something?"

He nodded hesitantly, and said slowly: "The young master said that the young master is not worthy of seafood porridge."

In fact, he wasn't sure if the person the young master was talking about was the eldest master, but there were only four people who could sit at the main table, and after the young master himself was excluded, there were only three left.

The young master can't say master and madam, can he?

Isn't that only the young master left?

Mrs. Zhang responded, "What else?"

"Also said... Eldest Young Master only deserves to eat vegetable porridge." The servant said hesitantly, "But Eldest Young Master..."

...Isn't it already gone?

Before finishing this sentence, she swallowed it back under Mrs. Zhang's sharp eyes.

Mrs. Zhang said coldly, "Make a pot of vegetable porridge."

A few people nearby responded in a low voice. Although the servant was also puzzled, he still got busy with preparing ingredients.

Mrs. Zhang was silent for a long while, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Vegetable porridge is the young master's favorite porridge, but when there was a conflict with the young master, the young master took advantage of it, and the young master never drank vegetable porridge again.

To be precise, I never drank porridge again.

So, so many people also defaulted that the young master doesn't like porridge, and few people remember that the young master likes vegetable porridge.

It turned out that it has been so long.

Eldest young master, have you seen it? The young master still remembers your preferences, he has never forgotten that he is asking you for peace.

You have always doted on this little brother, this time, can you stand up and accept his peace proposal?

When the vegetable porridge was ready, Mrs. Zhang brought the porridge up with her own hands and placed it on the opposite side of Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge lowered his head and drank his porridge, as if he didn't care, but Mrs. Zhang noticed the anticipation shining all over him.

But this expectation is doomed to fail.

Later, Mrs. Zhang heard that that morning, after the master and wife left after breakfast, the young master lost his temper in the dining room, and then asked someone to send him the bowl of vegetable porridge upstairs.

It was only in the afternoon that the servant found the bowl in the young master's room.

The vegetable porridge inside remained untouched.

Everyone has seen the situation of the young master. The therapist who went around in the mansion has already explained the problem, and the matter of the green vegetable porridge made everyone sigh. Before, everyone was too indifferent to the death of the young master because of Shi Jingge And the chills and anger that were generated have almost disappeared in these two days.

The young master was not indifferent, but just couldn't accept it, so he fell ill.

So, instead of those chills and anger, it is sad and sigh.

Song Mingyu also heard about this soon. After thinking about it for a while, he finally couldn't resist the impulse in his heart. He went up to the second floor and knocked on the door of Shi Jingge's room.

Shi Jingge opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, he still had some proud joy on his face, like a cat.

But when he looked up and saw Song Mingyu, the joy on his face immediately froze, followed by intense anger, a little bit of exasperation, as if he was being played by someone.

"What are you doing here?!" Shi Jingge's voice was surprisingly cold. He squinted his eyes and leaned against the wall with a fierce expression, as if I'd strangle you to death if you couldn't give me a satisfactory answer.

From the spring breeze to the ice and snow, it only takes this short moment.

Song Mingyu felt a little flustered.

"That," Song Mingyu laughed dryly, and then stopped laughing when Shi Jingge's expression almost went berserk, and said cautiously, "...are you free to chat?"

As soon as these words came out, Song Mingyu wanted to bite off his tongue.

What the **** is he talking about?

Seeing Shi Jingge's eyes getting more and more terrifying, Song Mingyu felt that he was about to ascend to heaven!

"I mean…"

Song Mingyu couldn't continue talking, he was not a good talker in the first place, but with Shi Jingge's cannibalistic expression on his face, he felt that his mind went blank and he couldn't say anything.

"Can't tell, can't you?" Shi Jingge suddenly sneered, narrowed his eyes, and his voice was full of suppressed rage, "Do you want me to speak for you?"

At that moment, only two words remained in Song Mingyu's mind.

- It's over.

Song Mingyu was ready to accept the baptism of the storm, but to his surprise, Shi Jingge didn't say anything.

That is, the sound of breathing is extremely heavy, obviously struggling to suppress it.

Finally, Shi Jingge uttered the word "Get out" coldly, and slammed the door shut.

- "Bang!"

That sound was extremely heavy, and it rang in Song Mingyu's ears. Song Mingyu took a step back subconsciously, staring blankly at the door.

Suddenly feel a little overwhelmed.

It's like he's... **** up.

Song Mingyu lowered his head. What did he want to say when he came to find the young master?

It seems... I didn't think about it.

Just so impulsively, I came here.

Song Mingyu was even more annoyed.

And at this moment, Song Mingyu heard something, subconsciously raised his head, and saw the door in front of him move.

Immediately afterwards, what appeared in front of Song Mingyu was Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly. Song Mingyu swore that he heard the sound of Shi Jingge grinding his teeth.

For some reason, at this moment, Song Mingyu's mood suddenly lightened up.

Song Mingyu didn't say anything, just looked at Shi Jingge quietly.

Under such attention, Shi Jingge's expression became even uglier.

In the end, in this duel of "perseverance", it was Shi Jingge who was defeated.

He said fiercely, "What did that guy tell you to tell me?"

Song Mingyu was taken aback for a moment, his expression turned into astonishment, "What?"

Perhaps his expression pleased Shi Jingge, and Shi Jingge's expression was obviously better. He raised his head high, and said arrogantly and naturally: "If it wasn't for that guy who asked you to tell me something, can you wait for me?" Are you still so polite here?"

Shi Jingge sneered, disdainful, "It's just you and me here, so there's no need to pretend, right?"

"Do you think I have a crush on you?"

Song Mingyu completed that sentence consciously in his mind.

[You don't like me, do you think I like you? 】

Yes, Shi Jingge didn't know about his emotional change, and in Shi Jingge's perception, they still looked at each other and hated each other.

Song Mingyu's heart suddenly felt bitter, he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, "He..."

Shi Jingge's eyes lit up.

Even if you try to restrain yourself, you can feel the anticipation.

Song Mingyu suddenly thought of Shi Jingge's expression when he opened the door for the first time.

...At that time, did he think it was the young master?

Suddenly, Song Mingyu couldn't continue speaking.

After a few seconds of silence, under Shi Jingge's impatient gaze, Song Mingyu said slowly, "He said that vegetable porridge is delicious."

Shi Jingge's expression was joyful for a moment, but then his expression became fierce. He scolded the vegetable porridge loudly, occasionally mixed with some insults, and then quickly burned the flames of war on his brother, talking endlessly. The Jedi cursed for a long time before closing the door with a bang.

Much quieter than before.

Song Mingyu looked at the door and wanted to laugh, but for some reason, he felt something strange on his face.

When he reached out to touch it, it felt a little wet.

Song Mingyu was stunned for a long time before he suddenly realized that he seemed to be in tears.

But why is he crying? A man who bleeds but not tears.

At this time, the figure of Shi Jingge suddenly appeared in Song Mingyu's mind.

Even if his eyes were full of anger and he shouted loudly, he couldn't erase the sadness that came from him.

How similar.

The figures of Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu gradually appeared in Song Mingyu's mind again. The sadness on them and the sadness on Shi Jingge attracted each other and intertwined into thin threads, tightly intertwining the three of them.

Even though they look different on the outside, they are the same on the inside.

After all, Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu are old and have a way to vent, but what about Shi Jingge?

Song Mingyu looked down at his fingertips.

These tears must be shed for the young master.

That stubborn young master still refuses to admit the truth, lives in his own fantasy, refuses to shed tears, doesn't even have a way to vent.

Is it really okay to go on like this?

Song Mingyu's heart trembled.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely firm thought flooded into his heart instantly.

—He had to bring the young master out of this state.

So what to do?

Definitely finding a good therapist.

But the lesson from the past is still here, so these people can't be allowed to directly contact the young master as a therapist. This will make the young master vigilant and reject him. They have to approach the young master with other identities and take it easy.

For example, pretend to be a knight, a teacher, a servant, etc., and get in touch with the young master first. If you get in touch well, move on to the next step slowly, and if you get in touch with badly, quickly change to another one.

Song Mingyu's thoughts became clearer than ever before, and he didn't waste any more time. He just hurriedly packed his bags, greeted Shi Jingge's holy servant, and asked him to take good care of Shi Jingge under the vigilant gaze of the young holy servant. .

The young Saint Servant frowned, "Of course I will."

Song Mingyu smiled, and said again: "Young master, he may... go up and have a look occasionally at night."

After finishing speaking, Song Mingyu turned around and left, knowing that he didn't have much time to waste.

The young saint watched his back with some doubts in his eyes.

...What's the matter with Song Mingyu's attitude?

All the excellent therapists in the Shi family's territory had been found, Song Mingyu could only go to other territories to find therapists, and drove all the way, day and night, not daring to waste a second, before reaching the nearby territory at the fastest speed, looking for Excellent therapist.

But therapists have always been respected, let alone excellent therapists?

What good therapist is willing to leave his own territory and travel to another territory? No matter how high the price Song Mingyu offered and how tempting Xu's promise was, so what? Moving away from home means a lot of danger, and no really good therapist wants to take that risk.

Song Mingyu was very anxious.

As time passed by, he couldn't find a suitable candidate, and he didn't know the situation at Shi Jingge's side. His worry and anxiety turned into a fire, which made it difficult for him to sleep.

And on this day, he met a wall with an excellent therapist again. When he left, he was dejected, his eyes were black and black, his heart was angry, and he was very haggard.

And at this moment, he heard a soft voice like a spring breeze.

"This gentleman—"

Song Mingyu suddenly turned his head to look, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

That man is very young, but he is just showing his youth, his facial features are unique enough, his every move is even more pleasing to the eye, and he has a unique temperament that makes people feel awe.

Just like facing the divine flower on the top of the snow mountain, it makes people look down and sigh again and again.

"Maybe," the man laughed, "you need help."

At that moment, Song Mingyu's heart trembled suddenly, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

Perhaps, he found the person he was looking for.

"My name is Jiu Ri, and I'm a therapist." The man introduced himself with a smile.

The name Jiuri made Song Mingyu vigilant, but soon, this vigilance disappeared.

This man is a top therapist!

The identity card from the Therapist Association is unique and no one can copy it.

And on this identification card representing a top therapist, Jiu Ri's name was clearly written on it.

And the nine-day healing technique is indeed very superb.

But just to be on the safe side, Song Mingyu made a special trip to the branch of the Therapist Association in this territory to further confirm Jiu Ri's identity. Then he suppressed his excitement and explained his purpose of coming to Jiu Ri.

Song Mingyu has been rejected a lot in the past few days, and he felt so uneasy in his heart. In addition, Jiu Ri is a top therapist, so he decided to promise a little more, but before he could speak, Jiu Ri interrupted him.

"No problem." Jiu Ri agreed very readily, "It just so happens that I'm going to travel too, so it's a good place to go there."

Before Song Mingyu could open his mouth, Nine Ridge asked again, "When will we leave?"

Song Mingyu hesitated for a moment, "Of course, the sooner the better."

"That's fine," Nine Ridge nodded, "Let's do it now."

Song Mingyu: "?"

Why does it feel like this person is more anxious than him?

Song Mingyu said politely, "Don't you need to pack something?"

"Is there anything to clean up?" Jiu Ri said casually, "Of course the things the therapist needs will not leave his hands, once they leave his hands, it means that they are not necessary."

"Since it's not necessary, why bother to clean it up?"

After a pause, Nine Days said casually, "It's something that can be solved with gold coins."

Song Mingyu: "..."

It does seem to make sense.

Song Mingyu had repeatedly confirmed Jiuri's identity, and before Jiuri actually entered the territory, he would definitely be checked clearly before being released. Song Mingyu was not afraid, and quickly took Jiuri on the road.

On the way, Song Mingyu brought up the plan and tactfully advised Jiu Ri to make preparations early.

Jiuri chuckled and said, "Aren't my preparations sufficient?"

Song Mingyu: "?"

... What did you prepare?

Nine Ridge shrugged, and asked back: "Looking at me, do you think I look like a therapist?"

Song Mingyu was silent for a while, then shook his head.

That's why he repeatedly confirmed Jiu Ri's identity.

Jiu Ri laughed again, "What does that look like?"

Song Mingyu said slowly, "...the young master of a great family?"

Jiu Ri smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, he spread his hands, and said in a very natural tone, "Isn't this the end?"

"It's convenient to be a teacher or a knight, but it's easy to have a sense of distance after all."

"But if it's a friend with a similar background, similar personality, and the same hobbies, isn't it a matter of course to accept and trust each other?"

Song Mingyu frowned subconsciously, as if he hadn't seen it on Nine Days, and asked with a smile: "Do you think your young master and I will become good friends?"

Song Mingyu's brows frowned even deeper, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. He didn't answer the question, but said: "We're going to go a little further, and we're leaving this territory. Afterwards, we'll go through a wild place. Before that, I Materials will be prepared, if Mr. Jiu needs anything, please let me know in time."

Jiu Ri didn't care whether Song Mingyu responded to him or not, he just smiled and said, "No problem."

This problem was finally bypassed, and Song Mingyu was slightly relieved to see that Jiu Ri did not continue to pursue the article.

But not long after, Jiu Ri opened his mouth again.

"Speaking of which, what does your young master like?"

"I'm here to make friends with your young master. First impressions are very important. If he likes me the first time he sees me, he will get twice the result with half the effort. If he doesn't like me, he will be in a lot of trouble."

"So, you have to prepare some gifts for him that he likes."

"If you prepare a gift that he doesn't like, wouldn't it hurt your heart?"

"You should know your young master's preferences, right?"

"The preparation of the gift is up to you."

Jiu Ri said it lightly, with a very casual tone, but Song Mingyu's expression became more and more rigid.

...He really doesn't know what the young master likes.

After a while, Song Mingyu said slowly, "I see."

"It will be ready for you."

Looking at Song Mingyu's expression in September, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Why, this person doesn't know what their young master likes?

It's really unbelievable.

Jiuyue chuckled, but didn't take this matter to heart. He yawned, leaned lazily against the car window, picked up the leaves falling outside, fiddled with them, and then lowered his head to go to the car window. Look.

—[The place I went to this time will have unexpected gains. 】

—【Every day in the future, you will sincerely praise this journey. 】

Is it such a beautiful meaning?

Then I look forward to this trip even more.

Better hurry up.

Time can't be wasted on the road.

The man chuckled, twisted his fingers vigorously, and the leaf in his hand turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

...what will happen?

The author has something to say: Answer: I will meet your treasure.

Ye Zi: What kind of skill is bullying Ye Zi!

There will be more changes, but it is estimated that it will be in the morning when I finish writing. I even doubt that I can write until the morning. I suggest to come back at noon...cough

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-29?23:59:17~2021-05-30?23:35:19~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: one nonsense representative of the Chinese class, Ji Jinhuan;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Tian Yutian? 125 bottles; Adorable Baby? 50 bottles; Nonsense Chinese class representative? 10 bottles; Ji Jinhuan? 7 bottles; Zhou Jin? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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