MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 134 Magician (6)

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Shi Jingge didn't look for Mrs. Qian at all, he walked around from the outside, and wandered back to the kitchen.

Sure enough, the bowl was empty.

Shi Jingge picked up the bowl and looked at it carefully for a while, but didn't find the "mark" left by him.

Clearly, this isn't the bowl it started with.

So, who is the one who can quietly take away the original bowl, and put an almost identical bowl here like a steal?

Besides that, can there be anyone else?

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, a little funny.

Wouldn't it be over if you pick it up as soon as possible, and you still want to do this kind of trick here secretly?

Also, this little trick is too simple, isn't it testing his IQ?

Is this a devil or a ghost?

The smile in Shi Jingge's eyes deepened when he thought of the man's mouthful of "devils".

The commonality between the awkward ghost and the devil may lie in the word "ghost".

Okay, the similarity is as high as 50%, rounding up to 100%, there is no logical problem!

Shi Jingge couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing all of a sudden. He licked the corners of his lips, and a mischievous gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Stealing" is "stealing", so you have to "check".

How can you let the "thief" have fun, right?

So Shi Jingge put on a panicked look, ran up to the top floor, and knocked **** the man's door.

The man hadn't eaten a few bites of his noodle soup, and when he heard the knock on the door, he fell into deep thought.

Pretend you're not there, okay?

"Big brother!" Shi Jingge's voice came suddenly, mixed with strong anxiety and panic, "Big brother, are you there? Big brother, I have something to ask you, big brother!"

That voice was much sharper than usual, with a hint of helplessness.

Where can this man sit still?

He put the bowl on the table, countless magic elements floated around, and an invisible enchantment was born, covering the entire table, and at a glance, it was empty, not even a table.

Only then did the man open the door with satisfaction, stared at Shi Jingge, and said coldly, "What a fuss."

After a pause, he asked lazily, "What's wrong?"

Shi Jingge frowned, and said worriedly: "I just went down to put things in the kitchen, went to find Mrs. Qian, and walked for a while, but when I came back, the bowl was already empty!"

"Brother," Shi Jingge looked up at the man, and asked sincerely, "Will there be...bad people in the castle?"

The man's heart tightened, but there was no change on his face, he just sneered and said, "You mean, that man went all the way into the castle and hid it so deeply just to steal a bowl of noodles?"

"Why not?" Shi Jingge looked at the man fixedly, "Maybe someone likes that bowl of noodles, but secretly takes it away..."

After a pause, Shi Jingge smiled suddenly, and the ending sound picked up, even with a hint of sweetness, "Do you think so, big brother?"

The implication of this sentence is very clear.

Shi Jingge originally thought that with this awkward temper, he would fly into a rage, but who knows, he didn't.

The man smiled coldly and lowered his eyelids, "Your imagination is getting more and more interesting."

A flash of surprise flashed in Shi Jingge's eyes at the right time.

The man put his expression back in his eyes and snorted coldly in his heart.

What, thought he would be furious?

Isn't that equivalent to admitting it?

He is not that stupid.

He closed his eyes, as if he didn't bother to pay attention to Shi Jingge.

But in fact, what came to mind was the smile; what came to my ears was the almost sweet "big brother" with a smile.

A strange heat slowly rose from the bottom of his heart, making him suddenly at a loss.

…what is this?

What made him even more ignorant was that his heart beat faster.

This is an experience I have never had before.

But his feeling is not so bad, it's just a little confused.

"Big brother? Big brother!"

Shi Jingge yelled several times in a row, but the man ignored him, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and gave the man a gentle push.

The man opened his eyes suddenly and grabbed his arm with his backhand, like a conditioned reflex.

But Shi Jingge knew that was not the case.

The man didn't use his strength.

Immediately afterwards, the man came to his senses and let go of Shi Jingge.

Just at the moment when he let go, the man's fingers touched Shi Jingge's fingertips.

Just for a split second, as fast as anything, and light enough not to attract any attention at all.

If Shi Jingge hadn't been concentrating on observing the man's every move, he wouldn't have noticed this detail at all.

How would the man react?

Shi Jingge waited leisurely for the man to speak.

Sure enough, the man opened his mouth, aggressively, but what he said was not quite what Shi Jingge imagined.

"Who allowed you to push me?"

The tone is gloomy and indifferent, and the aura is extremely strong.

For a moment, Shi Jingge was stunned.

Just... that's it?

"Get out!" the man said gloomily, pointing to the room on the other side and said coldly, "Go back to your room."

At this moment, Shi Jingge suddenly understood.

The man is adopting an escape strategy, directly pretending that the "intimate contact" just now does not exist.

Evasion is shameful but useful?

Shi Jingge almost couldn't help laughing.

"Okay," Shi Jingge nodded obediently, and walked outside. The man behind him looked at him quietly with gloomy eyes.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Shi Jingge walked very slowly, and the man couldn't help counting his steps in his heart.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge suddenly turned around, acting as if he had suddenly remembered, "By the way, brother, I don't think there is even a table in your room, where is your table?"

Before the man could reply, Shi Jingge asked again with a smile: "Should I tell Uncle Zhao and choose another table for you?"

"Without a table, it's inconvenient for elder brother to read a book."

"Of course," Shi Jingge spoke quickly, never giving the man a chance to interrupt him, "If the elder brother doesn't need it, just pretend I didn't say it."

"I just care about my brother."

Shi Jingge shrugged, "Okay, I'm done talking, I'm leaving."

Shi Jingge quickly ran to his room, opened the door to enter, turned his head and closed the door, the whole process was done in one go, so fast that the man didn't even have time to speak.

The man stared fixedly at the direction where Shi Jingge disappeared, and after a while, he lowered his head and looked at his fingertips.

The surrounding magic elements didn't dare to make any moves, they didn't even float, they always felt that the current little master was very strange.

It was like that, as if the magical power in his body was about to explode in the next second.

After a while, he closed his eyes and said two words coldly.


Just two words, without any emotional ups and downs, but the magical power of his physical strength has been rising, as if to break through some shackles.

The door was slowly closed.

The enchantment formed by the magic elements also slowly dissipated, and the noodle soup on the table appeared in front of the man again.

He walked over slowly, looked at it for a while, and then reached out to touch the spoon.

The moment he touched the spoon, all the boiling magical power in his body was suppressed. He put the sliced ​​meat into his mouth, and his brows frowned, "It's really unpalatable."

With the export of these three words, those oppressive feelings gradually dissipated, and everything seemed to return to calm, and the surrounding magical elements floated over, trying to comfort him.

The man lowered his eyelids, and the man's hand appeared in his mind again.

It is a pair of extremely beautiful hands.

Fair and slender, with a kind of strength.

Did these hands make this?

It seems... not so unpalatable.

At this time, in the empty room at the end of the corridor, Nie Ziyu was still thirsty alone.

— Where is his water?

— How long can you take a piece of water? Is it really not on the way to death?

Nie Ziyu waited for a while, but she couldn't stand the thirst, so she decided to make enough food and clothing by herself.

He decided to go out and fetch water himself, and see where the guy was.

When he went out, Nie Ziyu was still a little scared, but after he opened the door, the strong magic element attracted his mind and made him forget everything else, including his thirst.

But he worked hard for a while, but still couldn't absorb these magic elements, and he felt a little more annoyed.

Magic elements cannot be absorbed, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the purity of these magical elements far exceeds the magical power in your body, so there is no way to absorb them, just like a baby wants to eat a roasted whole lamb, is it possible?

The second is that these magical elements have a "master".

A magician can absorb magic elements to strengthen the magic power in his body, and in turn, he can naturally use the magic power in his body to give birth to magic elements.

But this process is very difficult, and if you are not careful, you will hurt your own magic source, so basically no magician will do that, and at least the top magician can do this.

So Nie Ziyu doesn't think that these magical elements were born by that person, so there is only one possibility left.

The purity of these magic elements is very high.

Too high for him to absorb.

A look of jealousy flashed across Nie Ziyu's eyes.

With such resources, who can't become a great magician?

Nie Ziyu went downstairs to drink water, and didn't bother to find that person. Wanting to speed up his plan, he went to Shi Jingge.

He just knocked and knocked outside Shi Jingge's room door, but there was no response.

What about the time scene song? Fell asleep? It shouldn't be.

Even if he fell asleep, knocking on the door like this would still wake him up.

Full of doubts, Nie Ziyu went to Uncle Zhao and asked about Shi Jingge's whereabouts.

Uncle Zhao thought about the fact that Jing Ge came to ask him for a bed in the afternoon, his eyes flickered slightly, could it be true?

"Young Master Nie," Zhao Bo said respectfully, "Young Master didn't have much food for dinner. At that time, Young Master was worried about Young Master, so he went to the kitchen to make dinner himself, and delivered it to Young Master."

Mrs. Li was still afraid of accidents, so she came to Uncle Zhao to report.

"If you want to find Master Shi now, why not go to the top floor to have a look?"

Uncle Zhao gave advice.

Nie Ziyu's face froze slightly, go to the top floor? What did you go for? angry?

Nie Ziyu snorted coldly in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, he just thanked Uncle Zhao with a smile, and then asked nonchalantly, "Xiao Ge can cook?"

Uncle Zhao shook his head, "Master Shi, this is the first time cooking."

"Oh," Nie Ziyu said goodbye to Uncle Zhao with a flash of light in his eyes, turned and went upstairs.

Only instead of going to the top floor, he went to his own room.

He comes here many times a year, and naturally there is his room in the castle, because he had a "good" relationship with Shi Jingge at the beginning, so he cried and clamored to live next to Shi Jingge, the adults had no choice but finally agreed .

It's just that the room is different from the room.

Nie Ziyu's room is connected with several surrounding rooms, so the area is very large, with everything in it, very luxurious, and even a cloakroom, living room, sun room and the like.

Nie Ziyu usually ran towards Shi Jingge, and almost never let Shi Jingge come to his room.

Nie Ziyu still remembers that when he was young, Shi Jingge was very interested in his room. Every time he passed by, he would look inside curiously, but it was not obvious what he did because the master didn't invite him.

And every time, Nie Ziyu pretended not to see, and never mentioned about letting Shi Jingge in.

When he was young, Nie Ziyu actually looked down on Shi Jingge from the bottom of his heart.

A housekeeper's grandson, if it wasn't for the kindness of his uncle and aunt, he would have been living on the streets. How could he deserve to live in this castle?

Especially after Nie Ziyu "tested" Shi Jingge again and again, he became even more angry with Shi Jingge.

Such a thing really has such big ambitions and covets this castle?

How to match the time scene song?

But it's different now.

Nie Ziyu's eyes sparkled brightly.

Shi Jingge took the initiative to cook for that guy, and even sent it up specially to find an excuse to watch him, right? Afraid of what that guy would do to him?

It's kind of loyal.

Moreover, it would be beneficial for Shi Jingge to have a good relationship with that guy. What if Shi Jingge managed to get something out of that guy's mouth? Wouldn't his plan be smoother?

Nie Ziyu was lying on the rocking chair, listening to the movement outside, and made up his mind to pull Shi Jingge into his room when Shi Jingge came back.

It's just that the rocking chair was too comfortable. Within a few minutes, Nie Ziyu fell into a deep sleep.

And Shi Jingge didn't appear at all.

I have already challenged that awkward ghost many times tonight, Shi Jingge felt that I still need to give the awkward ghost a time to digest.

Don't really **** people off.

So he looked at his empty room and sighed.

Really going to lay the floor today.

Perhaps too many things happened today, when Shi Jingge put on the blanket, the feeling of drowsiness came wave after wave like ocean waves.

He soon fell into a deep sleep, the kind that he couldn't wake up even if the sky fell.

And soon, a figure appeared in Shi Jingge's room.

He looked at Shi Jingge condescendingly, and after a long while, he said slowly, "Stupid."

Would rather sleep on the ground than go to him.

The man closed his eyes and his breathing became much lighter.

...But because of a certain person, he provoked him again and again.

She obviously didn't want to see him or get close to him, but she did so many things that caught his attention.

...just to keep him from paying attention to Nie Ziyu?

So stupid.

The magical elements slowly condensed and formed on the ground, forming a soft and comfortable bed, propping up Shi Jingge and his bed.

Even the pillows and blankets are wrapped in magical elements to make them more comfortable.

Shi Jingge turned over, perhaps because he was too comfortable, he couldn't help sighing in satisfaction, and even the corners of his lips gradually turned up, revealing a bright smile in his sleep.

The man froze for a moment, and returned to his room in the next second, panting heavily while grabbing his collar, feeling faintly embarrassed.

The heat from the bottom of his heart came at a more surging speed, almost igniting his blood.

For the first time, he felt the heat so clearly.

The coldness in his body seemed to be melting, the man's face was flushed with heat, he looked around in a daze, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

…What should I do?

After hesitating for a while, the man circulated the magical power in his body to suppress the heat.

He wanted to see Shi Jingge again.

But as long as he thinks of Shi Jingge, the heat suppressed by him is like a lit torch, and the flames are jumping out.

Eventually, he dismissed the idea.

But he didn't forget to tell those magical elements to disappear when Shi Jingge became conscious, and he must never let Shi Jingge know that he was sleeping on the bed.

Shi Jingge didn't even come to him, so why should he provide a bed for Shi Jingge?

That's because the magic elements acted on their own regardless of his opinion. He didn't know anything in his sleep.

The man is not sleepy.

He found a notebook again and controlled the quill to write something.

Just writing and writing, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

He tried to remember, but couldn't remember anything.

Since you can't remember it, it's not a big deal, just forget it.

The next day, at breakfast time, the moment he saw Nie Ziyu in the restaurant, the man suddenly realized something.

It turned out that Nie Ziyu was forgotten.

So, the man took the lead and said, "It's my cousin."

"Yesterday we had a good talk, but due to time constraints, we couldn't finish the chat."

"Why don't we continue today?"

Nie Ziyu: "?"

Fuck, come back?

But can Nie Ziyu refuse?

He can't!

So Nie Ziyu pretended to be flattered, and said excitedly, "Okay, cousin."

"As long as my cousin doesn't think my words are annoying." Nie Ziyu lowered his head, pretending to be shy.

"How come?" The man raised his eyebrows, "Since my cousin thinks so, why don't we go to the top floor to get together now?

Nie Ziyu: "???"

He was just being polite!

"Of course I would, but..." Nie Ziyu paused, and said distressedly, "My cousin's body still needs breakfast."

The man nodded, and said slowly: "It's good to have someone deliver it."

Nie Ziyu: "..."

Say more, make more mistakes, say less, say less mistakes and never say good things. The ancients never deceived me.

There was no room for rejection anymore, Nie Ziyu could only admit it.

He didn't eat much for dinner yesterday, and he was quite hungry today, but he knew that his breakfast flew away.

And tell this guy a story through hunger.


The two left the restaurant smoothly, Shi Jingge looked at the man's back thoughtfully, frowning slightly.

How do you feel that he is thinner?

Ever since the man appeared in the restaurant, Shi Jingge had this feeling.

After a series of observations, Shi Jingge finally confirmed that he had indeed lost weight.

I ate something last night, and today I lost a lot of weight. Is it noodles or poison?

The effect is too immediate, right?

He didn't eat?


Shi Jingge quickly rejected this possibility. If the man doesn't eat, there is no need to make such a fuss.

So... Could it be that men can't eat?

This makes sense.

Can't blame men for never eating.

She couldn't blame the man for running when he came, and even pulled Nie Ziyu up to bring breakfast up, creating the illusion that they were having breakfast.

Shi Jingge was annoyed and funny in his heart, and also felt a little guilty. Would this awkward ghost rather go around in such a long circle, without knowing what to say?

If he didn't find out in time, he didn't know how many times he would have to toss that guy.

When Shi Jingge thought of that person's skinny appearance, it was rare for his conscience to notice.

Let that guy take a good rest these two days, and stop irritating that guy, right?

Looking at the breakfast in front of him, Shi Jingge suddenly lost his appetite.

That guy is really too thin.

Is there any way to make him fatter?

These foods are not good, so is it possible for magic potions and the like?

Shi Jingge circled around, and his heart sank slightly.

According to the financial resources of the owner of the castle, men will certainly not lack magic potions.

Does this mean that magic potions are useless to men?

Thinking about it carefully, these days, it seems that no man is really seen taking magic potions.

So what to do?

Shi Jingge frowned in distress.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Shi Jingge's mind.

From system 111.

[Host, do you need help? 】

Shi Jingge's eyes lit up.

And the man was in the room at the end of the corridor on the top floor, listening to Nie Ziyu telling stories.

Time passed by, and the man's eyebrows frowned involuntarily.

...not yet? Nie Ziyu is here, hungry and hasn't had breakfast.

After waiting for a while, the man noticed the time. It was more than an hour before breakfast time, and he couldn't help but feel even more confused.

...Really not coming?

...Don't you feel sorry for Nie Ziyu?

Not to mention the man is waiting, Nie Ziyu is also waiting.

Storytelling also requires energy, he is already very hungry, okay?

What about breakfast? What about the breakfast you promised to bring over? Why hasn't he seen it yet?

Did this guy do it on purpose?

Did this guy discover something and use this method to warn him?

— so ruthless!

Nie Ziyu became more cautious. He originally wanted to intersperse something when telling the story, to test this guy, and get as much information as possible. Now it seems that it is better to be cautious.

Nie Ziyu changed the topic and returned to the interesting things about the college.

So here comes the problem.

What should I do when the school fun is over?

One morning passed like this.

When it was time for lunch, Nie Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Cousin, how about we go down to eat first?"

"For the sake of your body, you should eat at least two bites for this lunch."

The man didn't lift his head, and said in a calm tone, "Someone will bring it up."

Nie Ziyu: "..."

I believe you ghost!

That's what you said for breakfast!

The results of it? There is a fart!

You did it on purpose, right? Is he trying to show him off in this way? Just so afraid of him?

Thinking of this, Nie Ziyu suddenly felt a little more elated.

It turns out that you also fear others.

Nie Ziyu raised his chin slightly, his eyes gliding over the man's legs, and he felt even more happy.

You are so afraid of my talent, so when I change my talent, how afraid should you be?

The man didn't pay attention to Nie Ziyu's emotional changes, but just silently looked at the door, frowning slightly.

— Why hasn’t Shi Jingge come yet?

The author has something to say: Shijingge: Thank you for the invitation, in order to make you fatter, I am swimming in the ocean of knowledge stuffed by the system

Devil's Diary:

What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?

I get it.

Happy 520!

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-19?23:58:53~2021-05-20?23:58:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Pinlu Chengjiang? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Yanxiu? 10 bottles; Coke Sprite, Zhou Jin, Yanwu? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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