MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 85 Military school student-085

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Chapter 085.

This is undoubtedly an absurd dream.

The dream returned to the closed cell of 19 years ago. Ling Yu dreamed that he was sitting on Rosen’s body and holding the man’s shoulder tightly. His legs were on his waist, letting the man invade the body. The stock market rushed over the sensitive nerve endings repeatedly. The rainy rain opened its mouth and violently breathed. The two men were like entangled beasts. They only furiously demanded each other...

The confusing scenes in the dream made the whole body of the rain rain heat up. When I woke up in the morning, the clothes had been soaked in sweat and the shirt was stickyly attached to the body. The mausoleum found that my body actually started. The reaction, the semi-standing stand-up, held up a clear outline in the panties, and the liquid spilled from the tip was wet with the panties.

Ling Yu took a deep breath and forced the impulse of the body back.

He actually made a spring-dream.

Probably because of the influence of dreams, a deep sense of emptiness suddenly appeared in the depths of the body. The desire to just suppress it seems to have a tendency to look up again. The back of the rainy rain is suddenly stiff – he suddenly perceives the body. The pheromone began to fluctuate uneasily. The smell of this omega pheromone must spread in the air. So, will Rosen also notice it?

Ling Yu could not help but look back and looked at Rosen.

Rosen still didn't wake up, because the side fell asleep, the handsome man's face was facing himself, breathing evenly, his brow stretched out, and it seemed that he slept very comfortably.

Ling Yu rarely saw such a relaxed expression on Rosen's face. In his impression, Rosen, a general of the Legion, has been cold and serious, and his face has always been calm and waveless, like a layer of ice. However, at this moment, this marshal, who is famous for his empire in the cold, lying in a quiet sleep, gives a illusion of gentleness.

The original resolute face contour, because the brow stretch is also inexplicably softened a lot. Under the open shirt, the well-defined solid chest and healthy honey-colored skin all exude the unique charm of adult males. The taste of alpha pheromone is natural and pure.

Ling Yu heard the sudden heartbeat of his own acceleration.

- Do you want to tell him the truth?

- My estrus is coming soon. If I can't leave the Peacock at the time, please ask me... help me through it?

If this is so embarrassing, how can the pride of Ling Yu be said to be exported?

Sadly, if there is no inhibitor around, please ask Rosen to help through the estrus period, but it has become the only choice.


Ling Yu licked the sore temple of the sore, and opened the quilt and got out of bed.

His feet did not fully recover. There was still a slight tingling in the ankles when he walked. However, for the rain, this little pain is completely unnecessary. The rainy look went to the table, and it was simply brushed up. He picked up a few fruits and ate it. He didn’t notice it. The moment he got out of bed, the man lying in bed behind him suddenly opened his eyes. Thoughtfully looking at his back.

The Black Dragon does not need to sleep as a mech. When the owner sleeps, it stays at the door of the cave, like the most loyal guard.

Ling Yu walked over to him and asked softly: "Black Dragon, have you found clean water in the forest these days?" Because of the fear of waking up the alpha of the bed, Ling Yu deliberately lowered the voice, "No. It must be drinking water, river water, lake water, I want to find a place to take a shower."

The black dragon looked back at him, and the golden eyes flashed lightly. He quickly scanned the forest 3D simulation image stored in the database for a few days, projecting a scene to the front of the rain, saying "General, there is a natural lake here, it should be free of toxins... need me to take you?"

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of Ling Yu. "Well, take me to see."

He has not taken a bath for a week.

Like his brother Ling Feng, Ling Yu is also a very clean and clean person. His clothes are always neat and tidy. The military uniforms are quite straight like ironing.

When he was in the Legion, he would take a shower before going to bed every day under conditions. Since landing on this strange planet, let alone bathing, even eating and drinking water is difficult to guarantee. He has not changed his clothes for several days, plus sweat from last night, the shirt is sweaty. After soaking it, it is tightly attached to the body, and then it is not washed. The rain only feels that the whole skin is as uncomfortable as being pinned.

Fortunately, the Black Dragon has traveled through the forests during the past few days of eating, and indeed found a lake in the depths of the forest. Ling Yu ate a few wild fruits to fill the stomach, and took the medicine box, said to the black dragon: "Let's go."

Black Dragon nodded: "Okay."

After that, it became a large-scale mech and friendlyly lowered the cockpit.

Ling Yu was about to enter the cockpit, and suddenly there was a deep voice behind him: "Would you like to go out?"

Rosen, who had been listening, just pretended to wake up and walked over from the bed and walked to the front of the rain. He said seriously: "The trees in the forest are carnivorous. You will have trouble going out and find food to make the black dragon. Just go, we don't have to follow it personally."

Ling Yu: "........."

To Luo Sen's deep gaze, Ling Yu was somewhat uncomfortable to remove his sight.

I have long noticed that the owner has woken up, but the owner pretended to be ignorant. The Black Dragon had to cooperate with Rosen to act. The report said: "Master, the general said that he wants to take a bath. I found a lake in the forest and can take him directly. Fly over."

Rosen looked at the rain: "Do you want to take a shower?"

Going out, the environment is so hard, even the food that is eaten is hard to find. The forest is full of mutated plants that eat human flesh. At this time, I still want to go out to take a bath. Can wear this dirty clothes, the rain is really uncomfortable, the feeling of being wrapped in sticky sweat almost makes him crazy.

Ling Yu turned his head to avoid Rosen's gaze, and said: "The clothes are too dirty, I want to wash."

Rosen’s eyes could not help but be gentle. “I know.”

- The omega's estrus is coming soon. He will continue to sweat low before the estrus period. Last night, he obviously sweated all night. If he does not keep his body and clothes clean, he will feel very uncomfortable.

The estrus period nineteen years ago was caused by the sudden failure of the inhibitor under the influence of the drug. The estrus period came too fast, and the rainy forest collapsed even when it was too late to respond. This time, it is different. Natural estrus caused by the inability to inject inhibitors, his body will gradually change, such as the skin becomes extremely sensitive, the body appears low heat, it will love clean and so on.

Although the rain did not say, Rosen noticed his changes and had already known it.

Rosen smiled and whispered: "I will accompany you. I am not at ease when you go out alone."

Ling Yu wrinkled his frown, and wanted to say something. He looked at Luo Sen’s serious eyes, and closed his mouth and endured it back--

Forget it, anyway, when the estrus period really comes, he has to do more intimate things with this man. Moreover, the black dragon belongs to Rosen's mech, and the rain can't drive it directly. If it is really dangerous, Rosen will take care of each other.

When I thought of it, the rainy rain nodded and said, "Okay."


In the cockpit of the Black Dragon, the original bed and sofa were moved to the cave by Rosen, leaving only one bridge, which looked empty. Rosen sat in front of the bridge, and the rain was sitting next to the co-pilot. The nerves in the black dragon were gently wrapped around Rosen's wrist, and the master's brain and the central system of the mech were immediately matched.

Rosen has been driving Black Dragon for many years. The owner and the mech has already become very acquainted. The Black Dragon can directly receive the information in the master's brain. Rosen does not need to speak out, and he decisively flies toward the lake deep in the forest. On the big screen in front of me, I also posted a 3D simulation of the entire forest scanned over the past few days. The two were sitting in the mech, and watching the forest scene projection on the screen was like sightseeing.

... If it weren't for those plants that would eat people, the scenery of this forest is actually very good.

The Black Dragon quickly flew with two people to the location of the lake.

There are no carnivorous plants in the forest with dense stalks around the lake. The lake is large in size, the green lake is crystal clear, and there are many large and small pebbles at the bottom of the lake. The colors are different in the forest. Against the backdrop of it is particularly beautiful.

There are no carnivorous trees by the lake, but they are covered with a strange wild flower. The petals are like nails. The blue, white and red petals are arranged alternately. The six petals are rounded. The vitality of this flower looks very strong, and it is very densely beside the lake. It looks like a large sea of ​​flowers from afar. When the breeze blows, there is a faint scent of flowers.

The three-color wildflowers look very good, but it is difficult to protect humans as food after the variability of trees in the forest. The rain does not dare to touch it easily, and asks the black dragon: "Is there any problem with this flower?"

Black Dragon said seriously: "I have not landed here, I will give it a try."

As I said, I reached out to the big hand of the mech and touched the flower on the ground.

The flower that it touched was immediately shy, and the petals were quickly taken up and turned into a spherical flower.

Black Dragon: "........."

Rosen walked to Ling Yu and smiled and said: "Don't worry, this flower is called three-color flower, it is not poisonous, and its vitality is very tenacious. Similar to mimosa, it will be retracted when touched."

Ling Yu had never seen this flower, couldn't help but stick out his finger and poked it. The flower that he poked immediately shyly folded the petals.

"..." Ling Yu looked back at Rosen. "How did you know?"

Rosen said calmly: "I have been to General Udil's home. He has raised a lot of three-color flowers in the garden, but he has three white, yellow and orange flowers. What he sees today is It is white, blue and red, and the colors are different. The variety should be the same. The three-color flower is extremely rare in the empire, and I only saw it once in Udir."

Ling Yu nodded. He had no interest in plants. It was normal for precious plants to be seen. Now that you know that this flower is harmless, you can let go of your heart and take a shower.

His foot injury is not all right. The wound can't touch the water directly. Fortunately, when he came out, he took the medicine box. The rainy rain sat down and took off his boots and socks. He untied the gauze at the ankle and found a transparent one. Medical waterproof tape is carefully attached.

After the paste, Ling Yu looked up and looked at Rosen and said calmly: "I am taking a bath here. Do you want to take the black dragon to find out if there is energy stone nearby?"

Rosen whispered, "Are you alone?"

Ling Yu said: "Nothing, there are no animals in this forest. There are no carnivorous plants nearby. This kind of flower is not dangerous. Give me twenty minutes, just wash it."

Rosen knew that the character of Ling Yu could not let him watch him bathe. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "I will leave this communicator to you."

The communication device inside the black dragon can be directly connected to the intelligent center of the mech, and the rain meets any danger. Just click on the communication device and the black dragon can immediately sense it.

The Lingyu results communication device said: "Thank you."

Rosen smiled. "I am nearby. You should be careful. Call me whenever you have any questions."

Said to take the black dragon to find energy stone nearby.

After their backs disappeared, Ling Yu looked back at the lake - a lot of flowers around the lake, Jingyi's lake is like a decorative green mirror, the rain has taken a breath of fresh air, sit At the lake, I quickly took off my clothes.

Dark blue military uniform, light blue shirt, belt, pants, underwear...

One piece of clothing was taken off and placed in the flower next to it, and the rain after the light-off was immediately eager to enter the lake.

To his surprise, the lake was not as cold as he thought, but with a touch of warmth, probably because of the light. At this moment, the light in the forest is the strongest time of the day, and the lake becomes like a hot spring.

The warm lake water gently washed the skin, and the rain could not help but sigh.

Soaking in the water for a while, Ling Yu took a clean towel and carefully washed the body.

A sticky sweat was washed clean by the lake, and the feeling of refreshing body finally made the rain rain stretch.

Soaked in warm water, the whole body is lazy, and even do not want to come out comfortably...


Rosen took a black dragon around the circle and found no energy stone. Instead, he discovered a novelty food, the red-brown wild fruit hidden in the grass. The result of the black dragon test is rich in protein and sugar.

Rosen took a bite after wiping it clean. The juice is the same color as milk. It tastes sour and sweet. Eating this fruit is like eating yogurt. I remember that I liked to eat strawberries before the rain. The taste of this fruit should suit his taste...

Rosen happily picked up a lot of small wild fruits to store.

Seeing that twenty minutes is coming, it is driving the black dragon back to the lake.

- What I didn't expect was that when I returned to the lake, the rain had not yet showered.

He is taking a bath while swimming in the middle of the lake.

The lean waist and slender legs make his body look very fit. Although there is no strong muscle like alpha, the arms and legs of Ling Rain look very powerful. As a soldier, the perennial campaign left many small scars on his body. The scars represented the glory and suffering he had experienced, but they also added a different style and charm to the man.

The clear water makes his body unobstructed, and even the tiny scars and the hip muscles on the back are clearly visible...

Rosen jumped in his heart and suddenly felt that breathing became difficult.

Ling Yu spotted someone behind him, and looked back, just in the face of Rosen.

The two looked at each other across the lake and shook their eyes away.

Ling Yu pretended to calmly turned and swam toward the lake. Just swam a meter, and suddenly there was a strange feeling of emptiness in the body. This emptiness made his knees suddenly soft and his legs and hands seemed to be After pumping away the strength, the warm water gently slipped across the skin, actually caused a fierce battle in the depths of the body - Li...

Sensitive bodies seem to be eager for more contact, eager to be caressed, embraced, and be...

- Is it estrus early? ! !

There is indeed such a possibility.

Because before the official estrus period, many factors can accelerate the pheromone activity in the omega body, leading to a sudden advance in estrus. The large amount of blood loss before the injury may be the most direct stimulation of the pheromone in the body!

Under the shock of the tomb, suddenly he was in a hurry, his body was sore, his hands and feet could not make any effort, let alone swimming, and the body that lost his support almost immediately sank toward the bottom of the lake!

When Rosen heard the movement in the middle of the lake and looked back in confusion, he saw the rain of the storm sinking into the bottom of the water.

"...Low rain?"

Is his water quality not very good? I was awarded a prize in the swimming competition that year. Is it a sudden cramp in the leg?

Rosen had no time to take care of the other, immediately took off his military jacket and jumped directly into the lake to save people.

This lake is much deeper than expected. Fortunately, the lake is very clear. Rosen quickly sneaked into the bottom of the water. The arm accurately hugged the waist of the rain and brought him up from the bottom of the water. The action of saving people was crisp and neat. Even less than thirty seconds.

The rain of the tomb was indeed very good. Although it accidentally fell into the water, it was in the air in time and was not caught. After being rescued by Rosen, he immediately opened his mouth and took a few fresh air.

Seeing the rain, there was nothing wrong with it. Rosen was relieved. He whispered, "Is it okay? How did it sink suddenly? Is it because of the injury on the foot..."

Speaking of here, I suddenly stopped.

Because Rosen suddenly noticed that the heat of the man in his arms was somewhat unusual, and the waist that was caught by himself was also trembled, and the nose smelled of a strong omega pheromone. The aroma made Rosen's breathing suddenly confusing.

Enduring the strong impulse in the body, Rosen quickly swam to the lake, sitting on the smooth stone by the lake, looking down at the red-naked man in his arms, hoarsely asked: "How are you? Can't stand it. ?"

Ling Yu opened his eyes and looked at Rosen. "...What do you say?"

The black and clear eyes of a man are like a layer of love-like water, looking up at himself, pretending to be a calm and calm gesture, but because of the fascinating red tide on the face, it is particularly embarrassing. .

Ling Yu was soothing and breathing, looking up at Rosen Road: "Have you discovered it already?"

Rosen said calmly: "What did you find?"

Ling Yu was silent for a while, and looked away from Rosen’s face. He said coldly: "I didn't bring the inhibitor... The estrus has arrived... There is only one alpha here... Do you want me to teach you how to do it?"

Rosen reached into the chin of the rain, forced his face back, and stared at him deeply. "So, let me help you through this estrus period? Just because you only have me around me." Alpha?"

Gently press the finger of the lower jaw to make the rain frown.

Rosen’s low voice was a little angry: “If you change to someone else, would you let that person help you? Do you think it’s as easy to help you through the estrus period? You don’t understand this mark. Meaning?!"

Ling Yu did not answer, but the deep gaze on Luosen, the heart could not help but tremble slightly.

- Change to someone else?

He never thought about this problem, because the person who marked him for the first time was Rosen. At the moment, it was Rosen. In the past few years, there was no one who dared to beat his idea. Ling Yu didn’t think that he would talk to other people. Alpha together.

Rosen suddenly raised this question, think carefully, what if you let another alpha tag? Can you bear it? When I thought of separating my legs from each other and invading my body, the rain would feel the hair on my back.

I am afraid that before the person touched him, he would disgustedly solve the other party.

Only Rosen is what he can tolerate.

Only Rosen, even if he was marked in the most shameful posture, possessed him, even kissed him, he did not feel sick...

Except that the two are comrades-in-arms for many years, maybe there is something else?

The feeling is unclear, he only knows that Rosen is special to him.

The sense of emptiness in the depths of the body is getting stronger and stronger, and Rosen is quietly waiting to be on the side without action, posing a gentlemanly style.

Ling Yu rushed to breathe for a while, and finally couldn't bear it. He turned over and rode to Rosen's body. He looked at him condescendingly, his fingers trembled to untie the man's belt, and some were impatient: "Rossen... help me... ..."

Rosen calmly grasped the hand of the rain, and whispered: "The question you just said, do you want to understand?"

Ling Yu: "........."

Rosen said seriously: "Ling Yu, you are the only one for me. I mark you because I love you very much... What about you?"

Ling Yu: "........."

The desire to scream in the body is almost mad, but Rosen has to discuss the "uniqueness" problem at this time. Ling Yu impatiently glared at Rosen. After a while, he finally coldly said: "... are also to me...the only this satisfied?"

His face looked a little cold, but after saying this, he was uncomfortably moving his eyes away and his ears were red. Obviously, he himself feels that this kind of confession is very embarrassing.

Rosen had been observing his expression carefully. After a while, he raised his lips slightly and whispered: "I am very satisfied... I love you, the rain."

After all, he turned over and poured the rain under his body, and kissed him unceremoniously.

The author has something to say: I have seen too many birds throwing thunder these days. Thank you all! List of fighters, etc. I will come back from my aunt’s house and reorganize~~

In addition, yesterday, I said that I have sent a red envelope to the top 100. If you find that your message is in the top 100 but you have not received the red envelope, you can leave a message in this chapter to explain the situation. It may be a pumping or your message. Being drowned, I didn't mean it~

Hey everyone! I have not received the red envelope for your great blessings, I wish you good health and good luck!

There is a plot for tomorrow night, I know that the card is not kind, and definitely not card tomorrow! 2k novel reading network

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