MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 68 Military school student -068

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Chapter 068. Reunion

Udil's eyes are extremely gentle, but the action is fierce and overbearing.

The separation for many years seems to have completely inspired the man's infinite desire to suppress his heart. Ling Feng was changed several times by his posture, and his body was sore and soft. Later, he was physically weak and tired and slept.

The sweat-stricken sex-love after this long-awaited reunion continued until late at night, and Udil declared such a man’s possession with such a crazy approach, but it was only... afraid of losing.

He has lost one time and can no longer bear the second time.

Looking at the man who was tired and fell asleep in his arms, Udyr had a slight tingling in his heart.

The man's face is still in love with the emotions - the redness after the desire, the nose under the nose, the beautiful lips are kissed red and swollen, the whole body's streak kisses - the traces are all left by their own, his body It was even filled with its own essence.

- This man, once again completely belongs to himself.

This kind of cognition makes Udyr's heart filled with a touch of warmth.

However, at the same time of satisfaction, he is particularly distressed. I am distressed by all the sufferings he has suffered over the years. I want to go back to the past and hold him tightly into my arms. I wish I never forgot him and let him go.

It is a pity that the past time cannot be repeated. I can only use the rest of my life, treat him well, and never let down.

After Ling Feng fell asleep, his brow was still slightly stunned, and he seemed to have dreamt of some bad things. Udil knew that it was the years of escape that filled his subconscious mind with a sense of wariness. Even if he slept in his own arms, he did not completely let go.

Udil gently reached out and smoothed the brow of Ling Feng, and printed a gentle and pious kiss on his lips, sticking to his lips and whispering: "Ling Feng, I love you."

Ling Feng, who was sleeping in a dream, turned over a little, uneasily, looking for a heat source, and took the initiative to rely on Udil's arms.

Udil’s heart was soft and his movements gently hugged him.

Lingfeng has cleansing, must take a bath after doing it, and the liquid stays in the body, he will sleep uncomfortable all night.

Udil came to the bathroom with Ling Feng, put a good tank of warm water, put him in the bathtub, gently helped him wash one side of the body, the liquid left in the back - hole was carefully cleaned out, see him there. Slightly red and swollen but not injured, Udil just let go of his heart, wrapped him in a large bath towel, and took him back to the bedroom.

This set of movements, Udile is very skillful and incomparable, completely did not wake up Ling Feng.

The bed in the bedroom was a mess, and the sheets were wrinkled into a ball full of spotted fine-liquid traces. Udil hugged Ling Feng to the sofa next to it, and put a new sheet of paper out of the cupboard, which brought him to the bed.

Ling Feng was probably too tired to sleep very well. Udil took him all into his arms. He took the initiative to face the body of Udir’s arms and put his face on the chest of Udir. before.

Udil smiled and bowed his head and kissed his forehead. He said softly, "Good sleep, good night."

- Good night, my lover.

- Every morning in the future, you will wake up in my arms.

- We are no longer separated.


After Snow and Lin Yuan went back from Lingfeng this day, they chatted alone in the bedroom and even locked the door.

Brian and Nishizawa are sitting in the living room watching TV. The TV series just happened to be a wonderful part of the finale. But Brian’s mind is not on TV. Just kidding, the finale of those TV shows can be ignored. Excluding.

Nishizawa is not interested in TV dramas at all.

The two were on television to cover, but their minds were completely on their own omega.

- Where have they been today? Why is it not right when I come back?

- And also close the door to talk? What are you talking about?

The two were upset and completely ignored the background sound of the TV series.

Only Bai Yu was particularly happy to become a feather floating in the air, watching TV with relish.

The TV series just happened to be the plot of the confession. Bai Yu flew excitedly to Brian and said, "This heroine is too stupid. It is clear that the male number two is gentle, right? Bubu?"

Brian drove it away impatiently, "Look at your TV!"

White feather: "...oh."

After a while, Bai Yu flew to the front of Nishizawa, excitedly said: "Master owner, this man is really handsome, what do you think?"

Nishizawa frowned. "You give me a quiet time!"

White feather: "...oh."

The white feather, which was both rejected by the owner and Brian, floated back to the corner silently, watching the TV series in a lonely way.

In Snow's house, the two omegas still seem to be talking secretly, and the door is locked and they don't want to bother.

Brian and Nishi are like two big dogs abandoned, sitting on the sofa in the living room, but their eyes are always looking in the direction of the bedroom.

Brian couldn't help it anymore. He whispered to Nishizawa and asked, "What do you say they are going today?"

Nishizawa’s eyes were deep, “I don’t know. The expression of Xiaoyuan looks a bit abnormal.”

Brian said: "Snow looks a little nervous... Wouldn't it be that their omega identity was discovered?"

Thinking of this possibility, the two men’s hearts were shocked at the same time, and they looked at each other and immediately stood up and walked to Snow’s door.

Brian knocked on the door lightly. "Snow, do you stay up late?"

"No." There was a cold, faint voice from Snow.

After a while, Nishizawa asked again: "Small, the assignments that the professor has arranged are you finished?"

Lin Yuan said: "Do not worry, the day after tomorrow!"

Brian and Nishizawa looked at each other with a glance.

How is this situation especially like the tragic man who was driven out by his wife?

Nishizawa and Brian had to return to the living room again.

In the house, Snow, who raised his ears alertly, heard the footsteps of the two men leaving, and he let out a sigh of relief and continued the topic. "My dad told me before, he wanted to take me away this time. After all, omega has a certain risk in studying at the military academy. I think he should say this thing when he meets us on weekends... If he really wants us to go with him, how do you plan?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and said, "I definitely know the whereabouts of my father. I really want to go see him with my father, but... I am afraid I will not come back after I go, and the school will not allow me to ask. So long time..."

Lin Yuan’s mood is very contradictory.

On the one hand, he would like to go to see Ling Yu with Ling Feng, but as a military school student, the discipline of the school is very strict. He can't be absent from work for a long time, otherwise he will be expelled from school.

Choose to continue to leave reading, or choose to leave the military school to go to Dad?

Lin Yuan certainly wants to stay in school. He promised that Rosen would go to the Glory Legion after graduating. If he gives up now, he can't get a diploma.

I don't want to go to my father. Just, Lin Yuan also has his own dreams and things he wants to stick to.

At this time, Lin Yuancai felt that there was a wonderful thing about the omega brothers who could discuss things. A lot of words, he is not good to say to Nishizawa, but I don't know if I should talk to my father. It is better to let Snow out of his mind than to be alone.

Snow sees Lin Yuan, who always smiles, and looks like a frown. He can't help but feel soft and his eyes are softened.

Probably knowing that he is his younger brother, Snow’s heart inexplicably produced a kind of brother’s idea to protect his younger brother. He reached out and patted Lin Yuan’s shoulder and whispered, “Don’t worry, I will Stay with you."

Lin Yuan widened his eyes in surprise. "Do you choose to stay?"

Snow nodded and said calmly: "If we leave now, then we have been persisting for so many years, is it not halfway?"

Lin Yuan’s eyes brightened and he nodded hard: “You are right!”

Although there is a risk of reading as an omega, they are more disgusted by the boring life of being held in the house and having children. Like an eagle with its wings broken, it can no longer fly freely, and can only be imprisoned in cages as an ornamental animal.

They have their own dreams that they want to persist, and they have a good vision for the future. Just when they are young and impulsive, they are not afraid of tigers. At least, they want to work hard for themselves, instead of simply obeying "and "recognize".

Snow always wanted to be a doctor, he would not give up easily.

Lin Yuan has always wanted to be a soldier, and he is even less likely to retreat in the middle.

The two exchanged a look and immediately smiled heartily -

Yes, there are brothers/brothers, even if the roads in the future are extremely difficult, they are not alone.


When the two omega exchanges were completed, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening, and the two came out together to eat late at night.

When I first came back, my looks were as strong as the enemy. As a result, I chatted for a while. Both of them were in a good mood. Lin Yuan had been laughing and laughing. It was not surprising that he smiled happily. But strangely, even the cold, Snow, lips There was a smile on the side.

The two sit in the restaurant and chat while eating, and the warm picture looks like...

It seems that they are a couple!

In the living room, Brian and Nishizawa were treated as transparent air. Brian snorted in the bottom of his heart and leaned into the ears of Nishizawa. Some grievances said: "If you don't know that Lin Yuan is an omega, I have to be jealous. ”

Nize grabbed his eyebrows and glanced at Lin Yuan’s smile on Snow’s smile. He said uncomfortably: “...each.”

The two alphas who were depressed and ate dry vinegar immediately went to the restaurant with a cheeky face.

Brian pretended to inadvertently pulled a stool and sat next to Snow, blocking Lin Yuan’s line of sight with his back. He said softly to Snow: "I bought your favorite rice cake in the refrigerator today, you want Eat it? If you can't eat it, you can have breakfast tomorrow."

Snow said: "Thank you, eat it tomorrow."

Lin Yuan was about to talk to Snow. Brian suddenly got in. Lin Yuan looked at Brian's head and licked it. He didn't respond. Xize pulled him up and smiled and said: "Professor The homework is very difficult. Let's discuss it."

Lin Yuan: "...I remember to pay the day after tomorrow?"

Nishizawa said: "There is no harm in doing it ahead of time."

Lin Yuan: "...oh."

Thus, the two alphas acted separately, separating Snow and Lin Yuan.

Brian and Snow stayed up late at night in the restaurant, and Lin Yuan was going to the bedroom to discuss his homework.

The two are alone with their own omega.

Brian and Nishizawa at the same time felt that... the depressed mood was finally a little comfortable.


Two days later, on the weekend, Snow and Lin Yuan set off for the residence of Lingfeng in accordance with the previous agreement.

Brian and Nishizawa were affected by their plans. The two got up at 7:00 in the morning, and Snow left a big note on the table of the restaurant, saying: "I have something to do with Lin Yuan, maybe Go back very late, don't worry."

Soon I went to the residence of Lingfeng, worried that the door would disturb him to rest in the morning. The two deliberately strolled downstairs for a while, and went to the door at eight o'clock. After ringing the doorbell, the door quickly opened, and Snow and Lin Yuan stayed in place for a moment.

The man who opened the door had a pair of deep blue eyes, a bodybuilder, and a white robe. The nightgown was obviously small for him, and the length was above the knee, revealing the firm muscles of the calf.

This length... is obviously the clothes of Lingfeng.

Snow and Lin Yuan were in the same place. After a moment, Snow immediately said, "Sorry, I am going wrong."

It was said that Lin Yuan turned and left, but the arm was pulled gently by the man. Although he did not hurt him, the tough strength made him unable to break.

There was a man’s low voice behind him. “Snow, come in and talk, okay?”

"..." Snow's face is extremely stiff.

Lin Yuan looked at Snow in a curious manner, and looked at General Udil again, suddenly discovering -

Their eyes seem a bit like? Hair is also a bit like...

No, it is very like!

Is Udil... the alpha that marked the tomb? Snow's biological father?

Reminiscent of the fact that Udil asked him about the spar necklace before, and now Udyll is wearing a nightgown in Lingfeng's home, the answer is almost certain.

Lin Yuan immediately said wisely: "I have something to forget, Snow, I will go back when I go."

Snow talked to his father. Lin Yuan was really not good. Snow had nodded. Lin Yuan immediately turned and went downstairs.

Snow's expression was stiffly brought into the room by Udile. He glanced at the closed bedroom door and asked coldly, "What about my father?"

Udil said softly: "He is still asleep, don't bother him first... Snow, you sit down, I have something to tell you."

Snow frowned and sat down on the sofa, faintly said: "Let's talk."

Udil looked at the boy in front of him, and his heart was distressed, but he didn't know where to start.

In fact, after recovering from memory when he woke up yesterday, he immediately checked Snow in the entire network of the Empire. He found that the military medical school of the broken military star had a student named Snow, and not long ago, the students of the medical school. Just went to the General Hospital of the Military Region. Obviously, this is the reason why Ling Feng suddenly came to break the military star - he came to find his son.

Looking at the cold and faint appearance of the teenager on the photo, Udil's mood is particularly complicated.

The boy inherited his father's graceful appearance, but inherited his own eyes and hair color, which mixed his appearance with Ling Feng, and Snow's indifferent expression, at first glance it does not seem like any of them. A person, if you look closely, you will find that the child has a shadow of both of them everywhere.

This is their son, the crystallization of their love, the treasure they should protect and the most loved.

However, for various reasons, this child actually left alone.

Looking at the "parents' death" in Snow's data, Udir's heart could not help but burst into a violent pain.

——How many hardships did the child have experienced before he developed such a cold personality?

- How did he get alone in these years?

Udile did not dare to imagine.

At this moment, Snow sat in front of him like this. It was no longer the soft child who rushed into his arms and sticked to his mech story. Snow had grown up and grew into a slender teenager. The expression is cold and alienated.

Udil wants to reach out and touch his son's hair, and he has to look back at his cold eyes.

After a moment of silence, Udil whispered: "Snow, I know that any explanation can not make up for your hard work over the years, but I still want to tell you that it was not my intention to leave you in the past. I was After returning to the Shaman family, my grandfather was forcibly washed away and remembered all the experiences of those years."

Snow looked up in shock. "You mean... have you been treated for memory removal?"

Udil nodded and looked at his son gently. "Snow, I love your father, and you. You two are my most important people. If you are not forcibly washed away, I will It is impossible to leave you."

"..." Snow lowered his head and gently tightened his fist.

Udidton paused and whispered: "Although it is too late to say that now, I still want to apologize to you seriously. Sorry, son... is the father who is too derelict, does not protect you... Sorry... ”

Listening to the gentle apology of the man’s words, Snow’s eyes suddenly turned sour.

When he was a child, he always looked forward to his father's return. However, he could not expect his father's return, but even his father left him to leave.

A happy childhood before the age of four, a difficult time after the age of five, such a sharp contrast is like a heavy life.

Later, after Uncle Ward died, he was left alone. He rented a ten-square-meter house in the cold place of the planet Oman. The ten-square-meter room recorded his hard-growing teenager. Time.

He learned how to support himself and protect himself. Although a person is lonely, he does not have to worry about other people's affairs. He only cares about himself.

He thought that he would live alone for the rest of his life.

However, now that Dad is back, his father suddenly appears in front of him.

In his childhood memories, he always likes to hold him to his knees, intimately use his forehead against his forehead, and smiles and says "baby son, grow up quickly". After a few years, it seems that it has not changed. How many.

Time did not leave too many traces on this man's body, Udyr is as handsome and straight as the memory.

This tall man once propped up a sky for him. He used to carry him on his back and play snow in the snow. He once gently gave him food. He taught him to talk, teach him to walk, and teach him to recognize. The word even taught him a lot of truth.

This is my father.

The most admired father in childhood.

Over the years, Snow has never been hated, though he has worked hard.

When Udil left, Snow was too young to know why his father left, but his heart was very sad and lost.

Now, the man in front of him finally explained the truth of the year, and even apologized to the pride of his voice, and Snow found that he had no way to blame this person.

After all, being washed away is not what he wants, and he is forced to forget the two most important people. He is probably too sad.

Snow thought a little bit sadly.

Their family actually had a day of reunion, just like dreaming.

Udier saw his son's head down, and he was distressed. He finally couldn't help but reach out and gently put Snow into his arms, gently touched his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, son……"

Listening to the man repeatedly apologizing in his ear, recalling the same kind of love and gentleness that he held in his hand when he was a child, Snow finally softened his heart and replied softly: "Not all is your fault, I don't blame you."

Udil hugged Snow and said in a word: "I will be a good father in the future, give me a chance to make up, okay?"

Snow is silently silent, the familiar arms of men are as warm as in memory, and the blue eyes that are similar to themselves are full of pets and gentleness... You can really have a good father, a home, no longer Is it alone?

Snow still feels unrealistic until now.

Udil softly said: "Snow, forgive me, please? Our family, come back."

After a long silence, Snow gently nodded and said, "Okay."

Udyr looked at him gently, and reached out and touched Snow's platinum hair. He smiled and said, "Son, your character is really much colder than when you were young. I am facing you now, than facing your father." under pressure."

Snow looked up and asked seriously: "Do you have pressure on your father?"

Looking at the clear blue of the sky in the eyes of the teenager, Udil’s heart was soft and softly said: “Fortunately, your father is as soft as you, he gave me the last chance, I started. Still worried that he will not forgive me."

Snow whispered: "Dad has been very hard these years. Don't let him down."

Udil smiled slightly and said decisively and firmly: "Reassured, never."

In the bedroom, Ling Feng, who just got out of bed and wanted to go out, heard the conversation between the father and son outside the house. He stopped and walked behind the door, letting the tears blur his eyes.

Happiness comes too suddenly, like a dream that is not true.

The person sitting and chatting outside the door is his favorite man and the most precious son.

He never thought that their family of three would have such a reunion day.

The author has something to say:

Udyr's surgery did not shave the hair, don't entangle this kind of thing! In the era of the Great Universe, it is possible to do minimally invasive surgery. After the head is shaved, a little hole is opened. Just~ I can’t imagine the shaved head...

Thank you for your dear friends.~~

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