MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 64 Military school student-064

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Chapter 064. Family

In Brian's impression, Snow is always so cold and faint, solitary, not talking or even laughing, as if he doesn't care about anything, he doesn't care about anyone. However, at this moment, the teenager who came back alone in the cold night, with the coolness of the night wind, was like a straw, and leaned firmly into his arms.

Brian was keenly aware that Snow was a little abnormal tonight. He was pale and cold, like a fish from the freezer. It seemed that even the blood was freezing.

Looking at the teenager's face buried in his chest, Brian was so sad that he immediately reached out and carefully stroked his hair, and asked softly: "What happened to you? If you encounter any difficulties, you can tell I, let me help you find a way..."

Snow shook his head gently, tightened his arms, and leaned his body into Brian's arms. He felt the warmth from his chest. He whispered, "Don't talk, let me hold for a while." ”

Snow offered to "let me hold for a while", Brian was flattered, and he didn't know where to put it when he was in the same place.

Snow didn't come back one night, and the communication device couldn't even connect. Brian sat in the living room and waited for most of the night. I didn't expect that it would be Snow's active hug...

Brian stood there, and Snow was holding it tightly, feeling that he was really...all worth it.

The urge to guard this person suddenly filled the entire chest.

Brian no longer hesitated, immediately hugged Snow, Snow asked "Don't talk," Brian stopped talking, just acting to express his distress and care.

Brian stroked his back with his fingers over and over again, using his body to slowly heat the cold Snow.

Being touched feels very comfortable...

Snow couldn't help but relax and closed his eyes gently.

When he was a child, he liked to be in his father's arms. Dad always touched his head like this and patted his back so that he could fall asleep with peace of mind. Later, Dad left. He has been alone for many years. When he is sleeping, he is always used to curling up and wrapped himself tightly with a quilt. Nowadays, I feel the long-lost warmth again, which is the warmth from Brian.

In the past, he always waited for his father at home, waiting for his father, waiting for Uncle Ward, but they did not say goodbye.

Only Brian will wait for him to come back.

Because Brian waited so stubbornly for him, he suddenly reluctant to leave.

Before he was too young, he was always powerless to leave those people. Now grown up, this rare warmth... He wants to cherish it and want to hold it tightly.


Udil made a long dream.

In the dream of a heavy snow, the whole world is covered with silver, the weather is very cold, but the bottom of my heart is extremely warm.

He lives in a small villa and seems to be a small town far away from the city. There are not many residents around and it is very quiet.

In a fuzzy dream, a man is squatting in the kitchen around the apron. The smell of fragrance fills the room. He sees himself go forward, gently hugs the man’s waist from behind and puts his chin on On the shoulder of the man, he whispered, "What are you doing delicious? Let me help you..."

The man smiled and said, "Don't help, go out and wait."

Udil hugged him without hesitation, and his hot lips kissed his neck.

The man's neck is white and slender, and there is a distinctive tooth print on the back. In the dream, the pale pink mark is vivid. Udil saw himself open his mouth and bite it with his teeth. The man in his arms trembled and immediately tightened his body. Udil smiled slightly, and one hand stretched out from his loose bathrobe.

"Oh... don't..." The voice of the man's low voice sounds extraordinarily sexy, and every word is screaming at the depths of the body. Udil narrowed his eyes and simply slid his pants down and reached for the sensitive part of his lower body.

Just want to be intimate, a sudden sound in my ear -

"Dad, I am so hungry... Is your soup still not done?"

The man's face suddenly turned red, the casserole being cooked was directly knocked over, and a large amount of soup was splashed out. Udil's eyes were fast, and he stretched his hand and pulled it in his arms. The hot soup was poured on his wrist.

Udil suddenly woke up from his dreams.

The scene in the dream is so realistic that he can even clearly feel the burning sensation of the wrist being burnt.

The faint shower gel on the man’s body, the dark eyes were full of worried eyes, the soft voice when you asked “You’re okay”, the child who was scared to hide after the door, and was sprinkled The kitchen of the soup...

It was similar to the breath of "home" and even made Udil's eyes burst into heat.

Looking down at my left hand, there is indeed a scald trace on the wrist. It has a long history and has already grown new skin, leaving only a shallow scar. In fact, the current medical technology can completely deal with this scar, but Udil is reluctant. For him, any trace of his body may represent a precious memory...

Unexpectedly, I had a fever yesterday, but I remembered some memories in my dreams.

Recently, I have been doing all sorts of strange dreams, but Udil feels that maybe it is not a dream at all, but a memory that has existed in reality! The memory that is lost by yourself is gradually recovering in the way of dreams.

Thinking of this, Udil couldn't help but think of the doctor who came to see him this afternoon.

The doctor looks ordinary, but has a pair of extremely black eyes, so similar to the one in the dream...

Udil licked his sore temple, sat up, just feel thirsty, turned his head and saw that there was a glass of water on the bedside table -

Was the doctor left?

This feeling of being taken care of has never been realized in his life for so many years. The gentleness of the man, let him want to hug, want to possess, want to be tying forever... The doctor named Charlie will be related to the man in the dream? Why do you have a feeling of familiarity when you see him?

Udil walked to the window with his slippers and looked at the night outside the window.

Different from the prosperity of the capital star, the broken military star field is a military base specially developed. The whole planet is sparsely populated. The artificial moon hangs high in the sky, and a silvery moonlight is sprinkled on the earth, and the endless plain appears. Broad and desolate.

Udil was thoughtfully silent for a long time, finally dialing a number of a confidant, simply leaving an order.

"The doctor at the Military General Hospital, named Charlie. I want his details."

"Yes, general."


That night, Brian finally didn't figure out why Snow was so abnormal. He guessed that Snow might have encountered any difficulties. Snow didn't say that he didn't ask much, he could only do it himself. Fortunately, Snow's body was not hurt, but his mood was somewhat low, and he calmed down quickly after he was comforted.

If Snow came back with a wound, Brian estimated that he would go crazy.

After the official start of school, the school hours of the medical school, engineering department, and command department were unified. The schedule of the four people was also adjusted to a frequency. At 7:00 the next morning, four people heard the alarm clock and got up at the same time, each in the bedroom. Wash.

When Snow walked out of the bedroom, he happened to meet Lin Yuan from the next door. Lin Yuan came forward and asked with concern: "Snow, where did you go last night? So late?"

On the eyes of Shanglin Yuanliang Jingjing, Snow's heart could not help but warm.

When he was a child, he always lived with his father. The word "friend" was even strange to him. Later, he experienced too many twists and turns, he was wary of people, used to be alone, never thought about making friends in the past.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan, who encountered the spaceship, actually became his first friend.

Probably Lin Yuan's simple and cheerful personality is easy to let people put down their defenses. Moreover, his dark eyes are a bit like the gentle father in memory, and Snow always has a strange affection for him.

Seeing Lin Yuan’s face worried, Snow whispered: “Nothing, come back late. Go eat together, say as you walk.”

"Good." Lin Yuan followed Snow and turned to go out. When passing through the bedroom of Nishizawa, he saw that Nishizawa was still wearing a coat. Lin Yuan said, "Czeze, I am leaving, bye."

Nishizawa: "Wait..."

Before I finished, I saw Lin Yuan and Snow walking side by side and shut the door.

Brian, who had finally washed his face in the bedroom next door, went out and looked for Snow everywhere. "Snow? I just heard him talking."

Nishizawa whispered: "Don't look for it, he and Lin Yuan have already gone out."

The two looked at each other and said that they were very helpless about their own style of omega. Had to quickly pack up the good things, turned and followed the footsteps of Snow and Lin Yuan.

Fortunately, they did not go far, and Nishizawa and Brian quickly chased them up. When they approached, they seemed to hear that Snow was talking to Lin Yuan: "After school today..."

Before he could hear it, Snow immediately stopped the conversation with vigilance.

Brian walked over to Snow and curiously asked: "After school, Snow, what happened after school today?"

Snow said calmly: "Nothing."

Nishizawa is also puzzled: "Small, what are you talking about? So mysterious?"

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "Nothing."

Nishizawa: "..."

Brian: "..."

The two omega secretly whispered, and they were not allowed to know that Nishizawa and Brian had a feeling of being "isolated".


The whispers of the two omegas are actually very simple. Snowy Lin met at the school gate after school and said that he was going to take him to see someone. Lin Yuan did not doubt, and immediately agreed.

In fact, this is the request of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng let Snow take Lin Yuan to look for him. Snow's heart is very doubtful. I don't know why Dad knows Lin Yuan. However, he is not in a hurry to know the answer, and it will naturally be revealed after seeing his father.

After school, Snow and Lin Yuan met at the school gate.

It’s not easy to get rid of the two large followers of Nishizawa and Brian. Snow said that he has something to do. Lin Yuan also said that something happened tonight. When Nishizawa and Brian met, they knew that Snow and Lin Yuan were definitely “together”. What are you plotting?" What is more excessive is that they are not allowed to know.

The two alphas that were abandoned were very depressed, and they went to the dining hall to eat together.

Snow and Lin Yuan came to the residence of Lingfeng.

The man who opened the door looks like Sven, there is a very strange familiarity between the eyebrows, especially the black eyes, the gentle smile that makes people feel special kindness...

Lin Yuan stunned. "You are...?"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Come on, I am Snow's father."

Lin Yuan looked back at Snow with shock: "Your father?"

Snow nodded.

Lin Yuan remembers that Snow had told him on the spaceship that his parents were doctors. This man did not seem like Snow.

Ling Feng’s curiosity on Shang Linyuan could not help but laugh.

This child is really cute, a pair of big eyes revealing aura, when laughing, it is like a face full of sunshine, cheerful personality, not like his father's cold and stubborn look.

The man in front of Lin’s vision had been smiling and looking at himself. Some of them were embarrassed and scratched their heads and said, “Are you looking for me?”

Ling Feng said: "No hurry, eat first."

Ling Feng turned and prepared the prepared food from the kitchen. The four dishes and one soup were very rich.

His cooking skills have always been very good, and he will cook all kinds of ingredients. Lin Yuan and Snow have been hungry for an afternoon class. They will not be polite when they see the home-flavored dishes, and pick up the dishes. Eat it.

Ling Feng gave each of the two children a bowl of soup. Seeing how they ate their heads, the more they saw it, the more they liked it.

The appearance of the two teenagers is very different, and the personality is completely different. But the kind of blood from the nature, so that the pictures they eat together are extraordinarily warm.

Their fathers are twins, they are brothers, and they are the closest family members of their peers.

After dinner, the three people went to the living room to sit down. Ling Feng said this: "Xiaoyuan, Suzaku is in your hands? You should already know who your father is?"

Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly stunned. I didn’t know how to answer it. I saw the man in front of me smile, and said: “Don’t be afraid, I know a lot about you, I am your father’s brother, my name is Ling Feng. ""

When Ling Feng’s words came out, Lin Yuan and Snow were shocked and wide-eyed.

Ling Feng continued to smile and said: "Snow, Xiaoyuan is the son of your mausoleum, your brother."

Snow: "..."

Lin Yuan: "..."

The two looked at each other and didn’t know what to say.

Little brother? Lin Yuan is actually a younger brother?

When Snow felt shocked, there was another feeling of "it was so".

He is always full of wariness against others. However, when he met Lin Yuan for the first time on the spaceship, he felt that Lin Yuan gave people an inexplicable intimacy, except that Lin Yuan’s personality is very easy to infect others. In addition, there is another reason, probably this magical **** embarrassment.

Their father is a twin brother, who has similar blood and inherited a similar gene. Especially Lin Yuan, the black and clear eyes are like a dad. It is normal to see Lin Yuan feel kindly.

Lin Yuan is certainly surprised to hear this news!

Snow is a brother, this is something he never dreamed of. Regarding Ling Feng, he only got a little clue from Suzaku. He only knew that Ling Feng was the father of his father's fraternal twins. He did not expect that Ling Feng actually had a son, and he also happened to be Snow.

The magical fate actually brought their brothers together.

Ling Feng also explained that Snow had been frozen for a few years because of surgery. Lin Yuan explained it to Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan looked back at Snow. The name "Brother" is really not called. After all, in his opinion, Snow has been the same 18 years old like him...

When Snow saw Lin Yuan’s face, he took the initiative to say: “You don’t have to call your brother, it’s still the same as before.”

Lin Yuan scratched his head and said, "Well..."

Then I turned back and looked at Lingfeng and said, "Hey, I heard about you from Suzaku. I didn't expect to see it myself."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "I came here, in addition to watching Snow, your father also asked me to check your body in detail, which is why I came here about Xiaoyuan today." Ling Feng turned and put the detector The class of equipment was taken out on the table and asked, "What kind of inhibitor do you use now? Is there any discomfort in the body?"

The two looked at each other and silently silenced them.


This kind of thing is hard to say in front of Dad/舅舅.

Because they were alpha-marked, they did not use injection inhibitors for the three months. Unfortunately, the temporary mark of the gland that is bitten by alpha can only work for the first time, and the second time is completely useless. That is to say, after three months, they must face the problem of hair-esentence again. Continue to use inhibitors to control.

What happens when I get there, can I suppress it with an inhibitor, which is not sure.

Ling Feng took out a disposable syringe and took the blood of two people for detailed analysis and analysis. Snow and Lin Yuan hanged their heads uncomfortably.

Sure enough, Ling Feng, a doctor, quickly discovered abnormalities in serum data.

"You..." Ling Feng looked back at the two teenagers stiffly and asked hard, "has it been marked by?"

Snow: "..."

Lin Yuan: "..."

They didn't expect the other party to be an omega, but they didn't expect the other party to be tagged too.

It is simply a pair of brothers and sisters.

Who is the person who marked them, just guess it, Snow is definitely Brian, Lin Yuan is definitely Nishizawa.

The two looked at each other and their faces were more stunned.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yuancai boldly said: "When I went to the capital star to participate in the competition, the inhibitor had a problem. I am an alpha friend to temporarily mark me in order to delay the estrus period."

Lin Yuan said that it is a fact, justifiable, not at all guilty.

When Ling Feng thought about it, he asked: "Is it the Prince of Nishizawa?"

Lin Yuan nodded, "Yeah."

Lin Yuan’s situation is quite reassuring. After all, his Majesty knows Xiaoyuan’s affairs. If the person who temporarily marks Xiaoyuan is Nishizawa, he does not have to worry that he will reveal the secret.

Cosno is here...

Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked back at Snow. "What happened to you?"

Snow is different from Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan was completely unconscious when he was marked, but Snow took the initiative to send Brian a bite. After he finished biting, he found that Berg gave him the inhibitor. At that time, he regretted it. Now In the face of Dad's eyes, Snow did not know how to explain, so he had to bow his head and not speak.

Ling Feng looked at his son's pale face and looked pale. He couldn't help but feel a distressed heart. He said softly, "Snow, are you being marked if you don't want it? Is that person trusting? If you can't believe it, Dad will help you deal with it."

Snow: "........."

What does it mean to deal with it? Will Brian slice with a knife?

Snow had a cold back and said: "No, I can trust him. He knows that I am omega and I am willing to help me on my side."

Although Lin Yuan felt that Snow and Brian were like a stupid wild boar eating wild seafood, Brian’s character was quite reassuring. After all, Brian was a good friend of Nishizawa who grew up together, and Nishizawa talked about loyalty. Will Brian definitely not be bad?

Seeing Snow's expression, Lin Yuan also followed Brian. "Hey, Snow's boyfriend is very good, and his relationship with Nishi is always good, and should not betray us."

Ling Feng stunned, "boyfriend? Do you know?"

Lin Yuan realized that he seemed to help him down, shrinking his neck and not talking.

Snow had to confess: "He is my roommate, called Brian Bech, who is... the only child of General Behe."

Ling Feng’s heart trembled slightly.

Brian, the only child of General Behe... is also a big family of the military.

The memory buried deep in my heart suddenly came up. Udyr, who was the most loved grandson of Shaman’s old general, loved each other so much, but the good times did not last long. The strength of the two of them finally did not fight the entire Shaman family. In just four years of happiness, I exchanged for 18 years of separation of flesh and blood.

Ling Feng’s fingers trembled and clenched his fists. The skin on the back of his hand was almost transparent, and even the blue blood vessels were exposed...

Snow knew what he was thinking and couldn't help but gently hold his hand, "Dad..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stabilized his mood. Looking back at his son, he said in a word: "Have you forgotten the attitude of the military to the undercurrent? Why do you believe that the person named Brian will You, against the entire Bech family?"

Thinking of the scene when his father left, Snow's heart was suddenly cold.

He knows the importance that the big military family attaches to the inheritance of the lineage. He also knows how difficult he is with Brian, but... he is reluctant to give up Brian.

Brian is the only person who will wait for him to go back in the cold night. The feeling of waiting and paying attention makes Snow not want to let go.

Brian, who always accompanied him with a smile, hugged his own Brian when he needed it most, and said, "Where are you going, I will go where Brian, who gave him the biggest night in the cold night." Warm Brian...

He is reluctant to let go.

Thinking of this, Snow finally raised his head and said to Dad’s eyes seriously: "I want to give him a chance and give him a chance... Even if the result is not what I want, I will not regret it."

……No regrets.

There used to be a person who repeatedly said in his ear.

Fall in love with you, I never regret it.

However, the love that the moths smashed when they were young, was replaced by the pain of not being able to live for nearly two decades.

I will ask you now, you will still say... don't you regret it?

Ling Feng’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little moist, and at this moment, a crisp doorbell suddenly sounded outside the door.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and walked to the door to open the video dialogue window. A magnified handsome face appeared in the screen in front of him. The man was smiling, polite and very graceful saying: "Excuse me, Dr. Charles is at home. ?"

Ling Feng instantly stagnated in place.

Because the man standing outside the door is exactly -

Udil Sharman.

The author has something to say:

Seeing a lot of comments, Rose Man has a good nickname, haha! Can't remember Udyr's name and call him Rose Man!

Ps: I am on duty for one morning today. I didn't carefully repair it after I finished writing in the afternoon. I will take a look at the typos of these chapters and then send out the points accumulated in these days~!

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