MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 6

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Chapter 006: The Undefeated God of War

"... is Marshal Rosen!"

Lin Yuan saw the warship coming out of the window and immediately jumped up from the bed with excitement. "Snow, look! It is the glory of the Legion! The Imperial Glory Legion! Marshal Rosen has always been my most admired idol! He actually came in person. !"

Looking at Lin Yuan’s excited eyes, Snow couldn’t help but turn his head and look out the window. The golden sun shining on the pure black warship is a unique symbol of the Imperial Glory Corps.

Snow's pale face was slightly relieved, gently holding the tight fists and whispering: "It really is him!"

The emergence of the Glory Legion has changed the stalemate almost instantaneously!

When the vanguard leaped out of the cosmic wormhole, it directly blew up the three warships of the Cowardly Wolf Corps. This grand meeting, so that Vladimir could not help but narrow his eyes.

The intelligent communication device in the command cabin of the Wolf Army suddenly issued a mechanized prompt: "General, receiving unknown source information in front, information password rawson, requesting to connect the command carrier to video call, do you agree?"

Vladimir’s lips swelled slightly, “Agree to connect.”

- Rawson, Rosen Bessemer, really is this tough guy!

The video call was connected. In the command carrier of the two major regiments, the two army leaders saw each other's face in the holographic projection screen of each other as close to the real and exquisite face.

Rosen’s appearance is undoubtedly handsome. Unlike Vlaimir’s softer facial lines, Rosen’s face is sharp and angular, and the five senses are like a knife. The military’s arrogant style is in him. The body is reflected in the most!

A pure black pen and a military uniform, and five shining stars on the shoulders, symbolizes his noble status in the army of the Lacey Empire!

He still looks young, the man who has been practicing on the battlefield for many years, the calm expression is like the cold winter is frozen by the lake, it is so cold that there is no temperature, he is watching, even there is a kind of body to be frozen, the general back is cool. !

Vladimir looked at this long-lost familiar face and couldn't help but smile. He helped the supporter and said, "Oh... Dear Rosen, we met again... although I don't want to see it. It's you."

Rosen faintly said: "Everyone."

The two men looked at each other for a moment, Rosen said in a word: "Flamikir, please take your greedy wolf army immediately to retreat, I do not want to fight here with you!"

Vladimir smiled and said: "Because the pearl is under my control, I can smash it into pieces at any time?"

Rosen said coldly: "I can also smash you into pieces at any time!"

Vladimir shrugged helplessly: "This is really a situation that makes me embarrassed."

Rosen looked at each other and calmly said: "I have sent people to intercept at the exit of the Iversville cosmic wormhole. Your reinforcements simply can't get here - you only have one choice, that is, retreat!"

Vladimir was silent. No wonder the support force suddenly lost the news. It was originally intercepted by Rosen at the exit of the wormhole. But... How did he know the secret exit of the cosmic wormhole?

The strength of each other is not far from each other. If you go directly to war, it will be both losers and take away an innocent passenger ship. Vladimir quickly calmed down and raised his hand very easily. He made a retreat to his deputy commander. gesture.

The Cowardly Wolf Corps received a retreat command, and the scattered formation quickly gathered in 30 seconds, evacuating in the opposite direction at the fastest speed, and decisively as a white whirlwind!

"Rosen, have we not seen it for more than ten years?"

In the command cabin, Vladimir still looked relaxed and smiled at Rosen. "The battle of 19 years ago really made me unforgettable. The clever general of the rain, it is hard to imagine. He is actually an omega..."

"As his old opponent, please come back and ask me to ask him at his grave."

Vladimir was very gentlemanly and made a goodbye gesture to Rosen. He smiled and cut off the call. At the end of the call, the expression on the face of a calm man showed distorted pain. .


Vladimir smiled openly.

Undefeated war god?

It is a pity that the empire's so-called unbeaten **** of war, when he was a lieutenant 19 years ago, he knew his weakness.

A man with weakness is actually very poor. One day, he will die in his deadly weakness!

Vladimir looked at the direction of the Glory Legion, and his smiling eyes flashed a icy and sharp light.

With the interruption of the call, outside the porthole, the entire Cowardly Corps was quickly disappeared into the space as if it were involved in a huge whirlpool. Obviously, they directly made a space transition, and the retreat was decisive and clean without leaving a trace.

The adjutant next to him whispered: "Marshal... Is it chasing?"

"No need."

Rosen simply waved his hand and took a deep breath to stabilize his mood. This whispered to the intelligent communication device and ordered: "Help me connect the video channel of the Pearl-731 spacecraft."

"Yes! Marshal!" The smart communication device, which looks like a pale golden sun, began to rotate the computing data quickly. After a while, it made a pleasant voice. "Report Marshal, communication connection is successful!"

- On the Pearl 731 spacecraft, all the small cabins, public halls, and even the restroom screens of the restrooms and restaurants, there was a calm and unwavering face of a handsome man.

The kind of calmness and calmness, as if he is all right, as if the whole universe is in his control!

The man’s deep eyes gazed calmly at the screen in front of him and whispered, “Everyone, I was shocked. I am Rosen.”

"Marshal Rosen!"

"Scorpio! Marshal!"

"Sturm's group of **** are really getting out!"

"Marshal Rosen is out, I know we will be saved!"

The process of waiting for an hour to wait for death is finally over. As with the new students, the people in the spacecraft began to cheer wildly. Some relatives and friends even hugged each other and cried!

Rosen’s expression was still calm and there was no trace of it. He nodded slightly to the people of the empire and said, “Please rest assured, I will send the troops of the Glory Legion to **** you to the finish line. Today I was drilled by Vladimir. The empty space intercepted the interstellar passenger spacecraft, which is the dereliction of duty of the emperor - I promise that this kind of thing will never happen for the second time!"

The man’s low-pitched voice is clearly ringing in the spaceship, and the words are eloquent, and every word is convincing.

The stone in people's mind finally landed, and the original insecure part was scattered. The face even revealed the excitement of the rest of the robbery. With the troops dispatched by Marshal Rosen to escort, there will be no more problems in this journey!

Rosenton paused and went on to say: "The electromagnetic wave interference suffered by the spacecraft has been cleared and it is now possible to sail normally. Captain Jill has given it to you."

The named Jill was excited in the cab and gave a standard military ceremony to Rosen: "Yes! Marshal!"

The screen flickered a little, the man's image finally disappeared from the screen, and the people on the spacecraft were still immersed in the excitement of seeing Marshal Rosen!

Marshal Rosen still looks very young.

What people don't know is that the calmness and calmness of this man's eyes is the result of the baptism of countless battles and the long 19 years of precipitation for him.

Nineteen years...

Ling Yu...

At the thought of this name, the heart is like being shackled by a pair of hands, and the pain is almost embarrassing!


19 years ago, the outer edge of the Iswell galaxies.

A regiment consisting of a large command carrier and hundreds of small warships is quietly approaching the direction of the Iswell galaxies. The dark blue warships are uniformly printed with a silver-white meniscus mark. This is Lacey. The empire's most powerful assault on the symbol of the Legion's Dark Army.

In the command cabin, the handsome young officer was sitting stiffly on the command chair, symbolizing the dark blue uniform of the Dark Army’s young general, who was torn by the slender fingers. The white shirt was soaked with sweat. The exposed white chest was dyed with a fascinating red color for the sake of love.


The eagerness of the beasts that broke out in the depths of my heart is like the waves that sweep through every pore of the body. Every skin is expected to be touched by people. The body is empty and extreme, wanting to be embraced and being Occupy, being shackled... This crazy desire almost collapses!

Damn it! Why does the inhibitor suddenly fail at this time? !

Ling Yu resisted the trembling of the body, put his fist on his lips and bite hard, blocking all the sound in his mouth.

"Reporting the general, here is the reconnaissance ship a31. The enemy of the Strand is only 9.9 light years away from our army. The number of enemy troops is three legions! The instructions of the generals!"

The Ling Yu finger stiffly opened the command channel dedicated to the commander, and the voice trembled and said: "All the captains are ready, within three minutes... all retreat!"

The trembling voice was commanded, and the man’s body finally lost support and slipped on the cold ground.

After biting the fist hard, the sharp pain of the teeth cut into the flesh and blood kept him in the last sense of reason, and took a deep breath. The rain rain opened the necklace worn around his neck and whispered: "Suzaku..."

The intelligent mech Suzaku from the space hub immediately scanned the physical condition of the rain, and said softly: "Master, the omega pheromone in your body has reached its peak, the inhibitor has run out, you must now... ”

"...Don't care about this." Ling Yu frowned and interrupted it. "Immediately change the sailing route, let the dark night directly enter the Iswell universe wormhole. Also, call Knox."

Suzaku was silent for a moment and lowered her head and said, "Yes, master."

After a few moments, the Knicks adjutant who opened the door in doubt, saw such a messy picture - the man lying on the ground was so embarrassed that the neat and rigorous military uniform was torn apart, revealing a large white chest. The man bit his fist on his lips, his eyes are red, his chest is undulating, and he is breathing intensely.

Knox's face suddenly stiffened.

Filled with the rich, sweet, almost madness of the entire command cabin, it is the atmosphere of omega - the unique atmosphere of omega physiological hair / emotion!

"General, you..."

"Knox, I don't have time to explain to you now..." The rain directly interrupted his doubts and whispered, "Listen, we are likely to encounter an ambush by the federal enemy. You immediately contact the command headquarters. Admiral Rosen, requesting headquarters support... I will now hand over the command of the Dark Army to you, leading the brethren to retreat safely, and not let me down."

The sound of the trembling rain of the tomb reveals a fascinating hoarseness. Fortunately, Knox is a beta, and will not be affected by the omega pheromone. The emergency can quickly maintain the intelligence of the military.

Knox glanced at the rain, and immediately saluted: "Yes! General!"

A lot of alphas outside the door smelled the rich omega pheromone smell and came together in the direction of the command cabin. Knox quickly turned and locked the door of the command cabin, connecting the headquarters of the Imperial headquarters as quickly as possible. line.

"...General, here is the vanguard of the Dark Legion! Our army encountered an ambush in the East African Union in the Isle of Wisdom! Urgently request headquarters support!"

Rosen frowned: "What about the generals of the mausoleum?"

"..." Knox couldn't describe it, and had to turn the lens of the video communication to the corner of the command cabin.

The lingering rain that huddled in the corner and trembled at the same time appeared in the holographic projection screen in front of Rosen. The man's lower lip was bitten out of a row of sharp teeth, and the edge of his bitten lips even had obvious bloodshot hair. The white skin was stained with a layer of intoxicating flushing, and the black hair was soaked with sweat. .

Rosen’s heartbeat suddenly stagnate at that moment!

...this period?

In the same year, I entered the San Romiya Military Academy, a friend who has been in the same bedroom for many years, and a man who has been secretly secretly stunned... actually...

The shock at that moment almost made Rosen lose his mind!

Forcing himself to come back, Rosen immediately sullenly ordered: "Knox, listen! I will send the Imperial Glory Legion to intercept the Stren enemy from the rear to win more time for you! You are now replacing Ling Yu commanded the entire vanguard, and all the warships immediately entered the cosmic wormhole and landed on the nearest cigar star, Ryan Planet!"

Knox immediately respected a standard military ceremony: "Yes! General!"

"And," Rosen glanced deeply at the man who was curled up in the corner, because of the sudden arrival of the sensation and trembled, calmly saying, "Stun him."

"..." Knox is in the same place.

Rosen snapped: "This is a military order! Stun him! Immediately!"

"Yes! General!"

Rosen still remembers that he led the Glory Legion to retreat from the rear, and that he was mad, and he saw three consecutive space transitions at the fastest speed, and he was eager to reach the military command headquarters of Ryan Planet. scene.

Because the pheromone of the omega hair-sentiment tastes too strong, Ling Yu fears that the pheromone in the emotional-information spreads in the command center and causes the military's alpha to lose their senses, so he wakes up and orders Knox immediately. , shut yourself in the midst of the trial of the military's heavy criminals - the secret cell!

This densely closed cell is almost completely enclosed, providing oxygen to prisoners only from a hole of the same size as the tip of the needle. Even if the inside of the cell is too strong, it will never spread to the outside world.

In the dark, closed cell, you can't see anything, you can't hear any sound, you can't smell anything... People can't even sense the passing time in the fearful silence. This kind of spiritual torture is easy to let. When people collapse and defeat human psychological defenses and conduct trials, they can often achieve unexpected results!

- Ling Yu actually put himself in the secret cell of the trial of the military criminals? !

Rosen looked at the man in the monitor's corner in the corner of the cell, apparently reaching the edge of the crash.

Like a crazy beast, he tore off his clothes. The dark blue military uniform has been torn into rags. The shirt is open and messy. The military pants are half-hung on the body. The slender double-legs are partially exposed. The half-naked-naked man's finger is scratching his body in a frenzy, grabbing one horrible blood mark on the white skin!

", can't keep him alone!"

Rosen finally couldn't bear it, and immediately turned and went to the cell.

Knox rushed to keep up with his footsteps. "General! General Mausole let me tell you, don't put any alpha in! He said he can hold on and beg you to meet his wish!"

Knox’s eyes were very firm, and this was the last military order when his generals put themselves in prison!

Unlike Knox, which is not affected by pheromone, Rosen is the purest alpha of bloodline. Once he goes to the cell, he will definitely be affected by the omega pheromone of Lingyu! This is the nature of the attraction between alpha and omega, and no one can control it with powerful people!

The serious Knox was stubbornly stopped in front of Rosen.

Rosen stopped and looked at Knox calmly, whispering: "Omega hair - if you let it go, he will hurt himself crazy, hair - the mood lasts for three days, you think he can Supporting the past?"


"After three days, what you see will not be a general of the rain, but a madman who has completely collapsed!"

Knox snorted and said, "But, but the general told me to stop anyone from entering, including, including you..."

Rosen snapped: "Mr. Knox, I am a superior officer of Ling Yu, I have the right to change his military order! Now, I order you, immediately give me the door card of the cell, I am responsible for all the consequences!"

"...Yes, General!"

In the dark military underground prison, the door of the deepest cell was slowly opened.

Rosen entered the cell and immediately closed the door with his backhand.

The rain in the corner of the cell, smelling this strong alpha breath, erected his ears alertly, clenched his fist tightly, and asked stiffly: "Who?"

Rosen stepped forward and gently held the palm of the hand that had been bloody, and whispered, "It is me."

The light that was brought was hung on the wall, and the warm yellow light illumined the entire cell, and the handsome face of the man's knife was gradually clear in front of him.

Ling Yu stunned, "... Rosen?"

I feel a strong alpha atmosphere and quickly surround myself. The warm taste is almost intoxicating. The man’s good smell makes people instinctively want to get close...

Ling Yu’s body suddenly became stiff and reached out to push away from each other. However, the omega desire for alpha in the omega nature was completely erupted at the moment the man held his finger, and the raindrop almost lost the ability to resist!

" shouldn't come here..." There was a deep uneasiness in the trembling voice of the rain. "You, you are going... Don't, don't care about me..."

"How can I leave you alone?" Rosen whispered, gently touching the black hair that was soaked in sweat by the rain. "The hair-emotion is the nature of omega, you can't afford it. You are so strong." Supporting it will only drive you crazy."

Looking at the violent trembling rain in front of him, smelling the rich omega pheromone in his body, Rosen, who has always been strong in self-control, can no longer control the physical and psychological desire of the man in front of him.

Rosen, who was not breathing well, quickly untied the buttons of his military uniform, revealing a large, healthy and healthy chest.

Ling Yu put his hand on the man's chest and wanted to push him away. He could touch the warm chest of his partner with his fingers. The deep desire of the body was screaming, but the rain could never be pushed away. Instead, he looked forward to it. The other party's closeness to the general, tightly gripped the collar of the other military uniform.

The two stalemate for a moment, Rosen finally extended his powerful arms, gently picked up the man who was shrunk to the ground and grabbed himself all over the body. In the low and calm voice, even a rare gentleness was revealed.

"I will help you, Ling Yu."