MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 139 Fanwai Mausoleum Brothers -03

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Fanwai Mausoleum Brothers -03

After returning the two younger brothers to the school, the four former roommates chatted a few words at the school gate and parted ways. Brian carried Snow and his son back home. Lingyuan originally wanted to go home, but was suddenly suddenly seen by Nishizawa. Pulled his hand.

Ling Yuan turned back and said: "What?"

Nishizawa smiled and said, "What are you going to do? Go shopping together."

After all, regardless of the desperate struggle of the little monster, he directly clenched his hand and pulled it together and got on the bus.

The white luxury car is temporarily transformed from the white feather of Nishizawa. Compared to the nine-tailed fox that wants to crash all day long, Bai Yu is still as good as before.

It was Ling Yuan, and I heard the long-lost sound of the leap, but I felt very kind.

Bai Yu’s agent morphs into the shape of a white feather, floating in front of Ling Yuan. “Small and far away, I haven’t seen you for a long time! I miss you with my master! I heard that you went to the Glory Legion. The Guard Camp? Now that I have been promoted to the Lieutenant Colonel, right? It’s awkward. Xiaoyuan is already an officer. Hello Lieutenant Colonel Lingyuan...”

Nishizawa helplessly: "You shut up."

The white feathers floated to the front of the tomb. Lingyuan smiled and opened his hand to let the small feathers fall into his palm. The other hand poked its body. "Little white feather, you still have so much."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, I can't help but want to say a few more words! Right, when did you marry my master? My master has arranged for you in the new house."

Nishizawa looked back to Lingyuan, and Lingyuan’s face suddenly turned red. He shifted the topic: “White feather, let’s talk to the little fox.”

Bai Yu immediately screamed excitedly: "Little fox, little fox, little fox..."

The fox yawned and lazily said: "Say."

Bai Yu said happily: "We haven't seen each other for ten days, three hours and fifteen minutes. Have you thought about me?"


The little fox shut down.

White feather: "..."

Nishizawa said helplessly: "Okay, you can go back to the space button and go to sleep."

Nishizawa took the hand of Lingyuan and got off the bus. By the way, the white feathers of the words were put into a dormant state and were taken into the ring space.

The s-class mech was running very fast, only chatting for a few words. Bai Yu had already sent the two people to the Sunshine Coast of the Capital Star in accordance with the navigation route set by Nishizawa in advance.

When Lingyuan got off the bus, he discovered that Nishizawa actually took him to the beach. The capital of the constellation of Cepheus has a vast sea. Because it is too far from the central city, it is rarely inhabited and has been developed into a tourist attraction.

In the evening of summer, the endless sea is dyed with a dazzling golden glow by the setting sun. The white sandy beach is full of colorful Baker. The sea breeze blowing on the face gently licks the face, bringing flowers in the humid air. Fragrant.

Nishizawa stopped and gently lifted the chin of Lingyuan and looked at him seriously: "Xiaoyuan, it is rare to come out alone, let's talk about it?"

Lingyuan swallowed his throat nervously. "You, what do you want to talk about?"

Nishizawa smiled slightly: "I graduated that year, I said, I will wait for you no matter how long... You should know, I still love you as I used to. Now, can you give me an answer?"

Lingyuan: "..."

Nishizawa seriously asked: "How long will it take for me to become your alpha?"

Lingyuan: "..."

Nishizawa’s low-pitched voice, like a heavy hammer, hits his heart, one word and one sentence, powerful.

Lingyuan only felt that his ears were squeaking, and he did not know how to answer it.

- How long will it take for me to be real and become your alpha?

Although they have already marked each other in an accidental situation, they have also determined that the other party is the only one in their own life. However, because they have not registered for the wedding, and they usually pay attention to the eyes of outsiders and the media, they also have time on each date. It is secret. There are very few people who know the relationship between the two. In the eyes of outsiders, they are still just college students.

In the year of graduation, the wedding was temporarily postponed on the grounds of his age. In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. Lingyuan has learned a lot from his father in the glory of the Legion. He has just raised his rank at the end of last year. A young and outstanding military officer is now a Lieutenant Colonel Lingyuan admired and admired by many recruits of the Glory Army. The future is very good.

However, even if the military is going well, he knows that he always owes a person.

- He still owes a formal wedding to Nishizawa.

As a prince of the empire, Nishizawa has been waiting for him silently for a few years. He never forced him and never put pressure on him. Nishizawa made the promise of the original, always quietly waiting at the side of the little monster, giving The greatest freedom of his little monster.

On the gentle eyes of Shang Xize, Lingyuan’s nose couldn’t help but be sour: “Xize, I’m sorry, I...”

Nishizawa stretched out his arms and gently put him in his arms. He said softly: "Don't say sorry, I haven't blamed you. I know very well about your family. Marshals and generals can't easily stand together, your family. The time for people to reunite is too short. Are you reluctant to leave them?"

Ling Yuan nodded hard in his arms.

Nishizawa smiled and licked his head. "When are you waiting for it?"

Lingyuan: "..."

Nishizawa whispered: "Really, Xiaoyuan, your father and father can't leave you for a lifetime, and now they have Xiaoan, Xiaoan will grow up soon, and you are also planning for yourself. ”

Lingyuan: "...I know."

Nishizawa sighed a little: "In fact, I saw Brian holding my son today. I also have some envy in my heart... He has been married to Snow for two years. It looks so happy. I have to meet you in a sneak peek... ...and then I will be afraid that I will not be able to endure it."

Listening to Nishizawa, the heart of Lingyuan suddenly felt awkward, and reached out and hugged his alpha tightly. He buried his face in his arms and said seriously: "I know, Nishizawa, I will be good. Consider this and give you a reply as soon as possible..."

Nishizawa raised his lips with satisfaction, lifted the chin from the tomb, and kissed his lips gently.

"Small, I love you."

Ling Yuan’s ears were red, and he lowered his head and said, “... um.”

Nishizawa looked at the little monster's ears red, and he couldn't help but couldn't help but lift his face again and kissed him gently.

"Oh... um..."

The moist sea breeze blew over the cheeks, and the snoring of the waves hitting the beach clearly rang in the ear. The mausoleum only felt the heart beat like a drum. The tongue in the entrance of Nishizawa was extremely flexible in his mouth, strong. The pheromone taste made his mind a mess.

Although it was not the first time, I couldn’t help myself when I was gently kissed by him every time.

Ling Yuan closed his eyes and responded to the kiss of Nishizawa.

Nishizawa immediately wrapped his tongue with enthusiasm, and the kiss gradually deepened. The Tianjin-liquid that could not be swallowed dripped down the lips and wet the white shirt collar.

The velcro on the face of the little monster is even worse, but the tongue is submissively matched with Nishizawa, letting Nishizawa go deep into the mouth.

The two were sweet and kissed by the sea, and almost forgot everything at this moment.


Lingyuan was kissed by Nishizawa for half an hour. His hair was blown up by the sea breeze. His face was red and faint. When he walked to the door, he couldn’t help but wipe his wet lips and touched his hot face. Take a deep breath, and then pretend to go in without any problems.

Rosen went to the kitchen and went to dinner personally. Ling Yu was leaning on the sofa to read the news, wearing loose and comfortable pajamas, and there was a kind of faint laziness.

Seeing that the son came in, Ling Yu smiled and pointed to the side: "Come and sit."

Ling Yuan took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He changed his slippers and went to sit next to his father. "Dad."

Ling Yu nodded. "Listen to your father, are you sending Xiaoan to school this morning?"

Lingyuan said: "Well, I took him to report. Xiao'an class and dormitory have been arranged. I will start class formally tomorrow... Yes, it's a coincidence. He scored with the younger son of Drew's family. In a dormitory, the two children look pretty good."

Ling Yu smiled. "It's not a coincidence. This is what Berg arranged."

Lingyuan: "...ah?"

Ling Yu said very calmly: "Ber heard that I have to send my son to St. Paul's College, and I found their class teacher, so that the teacher can arrange the two children together to take care of each other."

The relationship between parents is very good. It is very common for children to be assigned to a class. However, do you ignore the two children, one is omega and the other is alpha? What should I do if I arrange to take care of each other and cultivate my feelings?

Obviously, Berg, who is very busy all day, and the generals who have been slow and slow, completely ignore this key. I only think that since the two know each other, the children are also assigned to a class.

Lingyuan didn't think much about it. His little fat man is only five years old. The child is completely inseparable from alpha and omega before the 14-year-old development. Moreover, inheriting the father's slowness, Lingyuan does not think there is anything in this arrangement. The problem is to admire Uncle Berg's wit: "It was originally arranged by Uncle Berg, no wonder, I said how it would be so smart."

Ling Yu looked at his son with some doubts...

Uncle Berg?

Why is Xiaoyuan called Berg "Wang Shu"? Not a royal family, shouldn't it be called an uncle?

The dull father and the dull son did not find that the title revealed too many secrets. At this moment, Rosen was ready to come out for dinner, and the family of three began to have a good dinner together.

Regarding the arrangement of the two children together, Brian was the strongest reaction. As soon as he was arranged by his father, Brian stood up in surprise. "Dad! Have you forgotten the chubby of Lingyuan?" Is it an alpha? Let the younger brother live with an alpha during reading. What if the two children have been playing together for a long time?"

Berg calmly sipped his coffee and said, "You think more, only five-year-old children, what alpha and omega."

Snow also echoed: "Ling'an is a little fat, but it is quite sensible. There is a person who knows to study together, and there is nothing wrong with children."

Brian: "..."

Drew frowned, did not express his opinion, but suddenly there was a kind of unpredictable feeling in his heart.

His eldest son was with Snow, so he and General Udil became relatives. If his youngest son is really with Lingan, then is he going to become a relative with Marshal Rosen and General Rainy... !


At the Lingyuan family, the dull father and son did not think about what would be wrong with omega and alpha arrangement. In their eyes, their own Lingan is just a chubby child, with words like alpha and pheromones. It’s completely out of touch.

Rosen soon came up with a table full of food. Although Lingyuan had already eaten it, it was good for the big stomach to digest it. And today Rosen personally cooks, Lingyuan is very close to the father. The dishes are all clean.

After the meal, Rosen went back to the study room to handle the official duties, and the rain was resting on the sofa because of physical exhaustion.

Lingyuan ran to the kitchen and cut a plate of watermelon. He looked at him in front of his father and smiled and said, "Dad, come and eat watermelon. I just bought it when I came back, it is very fresh!"

Ling Yu picked up a piece of watermelon and ate two, saying: "Yes, very sweet... Send a little to the study to your father."

Lingyuan snorted, and divided a few pieces of watermelon into another dish. He ran to the study and smiled and said, "Hey, father... is it busy? Eat watermelon, Dad let me send it!" ”

Rosen looked up at his son and said, "Is there anything I want to help?"

Lingyuan: "..."

The marshal is really eye-catching, and his son’s abnormalities are all in his eyes.

Lingyuan was embarrassed to scratch his head and lowered his head and said, "Father, there is something I want to ask you, I... Can I bring Nishizawa home?"

Rosen looked at his son in surprise. After a while, he whispered, "Are you thinking about it? Decided to be with him?"

Lingyuan nodded hard and said seriously: "Father, you should know, I was with Size when I was in college. After graduation for so long, I think... the timing is almost the same... If you don't object I think, I want to talk to him..."

I want to marry him...

This sentence is quite embarrassing to say in front of his father. Lingyuan scratched his head and looked up at his father and said, "Xize, he... I have waited for a long time. I can’t keep him waiting. ""

Rosen looked forward to his son’s gaze, and his heart suddenly softened. He couldn’t help but say, “Well, look at what he has been waiting for for so many years... Take him to dinner at home, what to do next, Let's discuss it later."

Lingyuan said excitedly: "Great, thank you father! Hey...what day is the time? Can it be next weekend?"

Rosen smiled and nodded: "Yes."

After getting the father, Ling Yuan went back to the living room and went to his father's side and whispered, "Dad, are you free next weekend? On Saturday or Sunday, take a day..."

Ling Yu took the miniature optical computer that he carried with him very rigorously, and checked the schedule of next week carefully. After a while, he said: "I didn't arrange it next Saturday and Sunday. What happened?"

Ling Yuan bowed his head and said, "I want to bring my boyfriend back home and have dinner with you."

Ling Yu: "..."


After the rain rained for a while, it was reflected in what the son was saying.

Probably the father’s point of view of his son is quite special. In the heart of Ling Yu’s heart, it seems that he has not grown up. When he was a child, he was a child who had to eat cakes behind him, and later he was strong in mental ability but very simple and very funny. juvenile……

Have you grown up yet? When is there a boyfriend?

The mood of Ling Yu is somewhat complicated. This feeling is just as easy to protect as the baby son who grew up suddenly being taken away.

After a moment of silence, Ling Yu pretended to calmly ask: "Who is your boyfriend?"

Thought that Dad agreed, Ling Yuan is very happy to say: "Dad, you know him!"

The rain rose unpleasantly, "I know?"

Lingyuan nodded and said very honestly: "It is Nishizawa!"

Ling Yu: ".............................."

In the palace, the Prince of Nishizawa, who was just about to sleep, suddenly had a strange coldness in his back. 2k novel reading network

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