MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 100 Military school student-100

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Chapter 100. Meeting

Lin Yuan used the excuse of “returning to school in a hurry” and hurriedly bid farewell to his mother and sister. At one o'clock in the morning, there was no passenger spacecraft that traveled to the planet of Ryan Planet Oman. Nishizawa simply took Lin Yuan into the cockpit of Bai Yu, and the two men rushed directly to the planet Oman on white feathers.

Snow and Brian quickly reached the coordinates specified by Berg, and the two looked at the building in front of them. The place was uninhabited, it looked very hidden and desolate, and a three-story building was windy for many years. Even the colors are unclear under the rain, and the corners are covered with large spider webs. Obviously, there is no one living here.

Why did Dad choose the location of the meeting in this place?

Brian questioned the coordinates sent by Berg again and confirmed it correctly. Then he turned back to Snow and said, "Where is this, do you know?"

After Snow grew up in the planet of Oman, Brian just asked him a lucky one. Unexpectedly, when the words came out, Snow’s face immediately became pale, and he looked a step forward and walked intricately. In front of the huge metal door that is almost oxidized and rusted, gently put your right index finger in the fingerprint sensing area -

A shocking scene happened -

I saw the heavy metal door, which was slowly opened in front of Snow!

When the rusted door opens, it makes a squeaking sound. As the door is opened, a quiet and deep corridor is presented in front of the two people. There is no light in the corridor. The dark corridor is like a beast with a big mouth open. It seems that everything that enters it can be swallowed up mercilessly.

The chilly chill climbed up the back, and Brian immediately took Snow's hand and whispered: "Don't go in."

Snow was silent for a moment before he whispered: "...nothing, I know this place. This is the underground lab of Uncle Ward. When I was young, I was here... I was frozen for five years."

Brian groaned and looked at Snow's pale face. He immediately clenched his hand under the distress. "Let's be careful... I walked in front, you followed me." Brian's space button on his wrist Commanded, "Little Blue, open the scouting system and lead us."

Xiao Lan immediately replied: "Know, Master!"

A blue light glowed from the space button on Brian's wrist, brightening the dark corridor.

Brian took Snow's hand tightly and walked up the wide corridor.

As soon as the two entered, the door behind them slammed shut. Brian snorted and whispered to Snow: "You have been here before, is there a hidden institution in the lab that needs attention?"

Brian has heard that some secret laboratories will be opened by the outsiders, and the intelligent control center will automatically open the hidden organs, release the poison gas or detonate the laboratory, thereby destroying the test data and destroying the intruders. He has not been to this place, and naturally he has to be more cautious.

Snow sees Brian's nervous look and whispers: "Don't worry, here is Uncle Wald's secret laboratory for organ transplants. He hasn't been here for many years since his death... Your father chose to This place allows us to meet and meet our people who should be undercurrent. This place is not only the lab of Uncle Ward, but also a stronghold of members of the undercurrent organization on the planet of Oman."

Brian nodded with confidence and walked with Snow.

In the still space, only the light projected by the mech illuminates an area in front of him, and the rest of the place is dark. The footsteps of the two people echoed clearly in the ear, and the heartbeat of the other is combined with a tense melody. ......

Walking along the long corridor for a long time, and finally came to an end, Snow opened the metal door in front of him with his fingerprints. Surprisingly, the laboratory was lit with lights, and the bright incandescent lamps set the entire laboratory. The lighting is particularly clear, a large number of test instruments emit a cold luster under the illumination of the light, and some human organ models are placed in the transparent glass window around.

At the center of the laboratory is a transparent freezer that is more than one meter long.

Snow saw the freezer compartment, and his back suddenly stiffened. The memory of his childhood was frozen from the depths of his mind. A cold chill spread from the soles of his feet to the whole body, as if he had returned to his fifth year and was soaked in The cold nutrient solution completely lost consciousness.

Brian noticed his abnormality, immediately stretched out his arms and gently hugged him. He whispered: "Don't be afraid, it's all gone."

Snow buried his face in Brian's warm arms and took a deep breath. Then he looked up and said, "It doesn't matter... I spent five years in this lab when I was a child. I went back to this place, sometimes... no. Too much to adapt.” Snow glanced back at the lab and shifted the subject. “There is a light here, someone should have been there, will it be someone your father sent to us?”

At this moment, the door of the laboratory compartment was suddenly opened, and a young man came out of it - only the man was thin and the messy hair seemed to have not been taken care of for a long time, and the clothes were crumpled and untrimmed. It looks very decadent... It doesn't match his messy dress, his eyes are extraordinarily clear and bright.

More exaggerated is that this man seems to be an omega...

Although because of the injection inhibitor, his pheromone tastes like beta, but it is omega, Snow can vaguely sense the omega smell in him. Moreover, the members of the undercurrent are all omega, and with this, Snow can judge the identity of the other party.

Snow glanced at him and took the initiative to say: "Hello, is Uncle Berg asking you to meet us here?"

The young man saw the two, first, a glimpse, and soon reacted, laughing and said: "Yes, you are the son of Ling Feng, Snow? You lived in the underground city for a year when I was a child, I have seen You... I didn’t expect it to be so big."

Snow snorted and asked in confusion: "You are..."

The young man scratched his messy hair and smiled and said, "I am Diff."

Snow thought about it. When Dad took him back to the dungeon life, he actually saw an omega called Diff. It seems to be a mech-maker. He is very talented in the manufacture of mechs. Weird, researching the mech to sleep, forgetting to eat, and the hair is too lazy to organize, always giving people a illusion of madness.

Snow looked at the man in front of him and looked like a sly look. He couldn’t help but smile and said, "Uncle Def, I remember you."

Diff was very happy to reach out and touch Snow's hair. "Small Snow, growing up is still so embarrassing, is your father still okay?"

Snow nodded and said: "He is very good."

When they talked together, they left Brian aside. There seems to be a strange intimate atmosphere between omega and omega, so that Brian, who is alpha, can't plug in, and can only be silent.

After a while, there was a loud noise outside the door, and Nishizawa and Lin Yuan walked in together.

Brian saw Nishizawa and walked up to him and said, "Xize, my dad suddenly called us to meet, what the **** is going on?"

Nishizawa whispered: "You didn't read the news? The news just announced the news of the marshal's sacrifice. Uncle Wang told me that the marshal did not die... I don't know what the situation is. He let us gather. Go to Naimi Star to find him immediately."

Brian looked back at Snow with amazement. He and Snow did not read the news for the past two days. I didn't expect that in just two days, the outside was actually turned upside down.

Seeing Lin Yuan's head and his lost look, Snow was busy walking to him and holding his hand distressedly.

Lin Yuan looked up at his brother and pretended to smile calmly and said: "Nothing, I believe that my father must still be alive."

Snow gently patted Lin Yuan's hand to show comfort.

Nishi looked back at the strange young man and said, "You are the one that Wang Shu sent to meet us?"

Diff nodded: "Yes, the little prince, my name is Diff. Wait until we are ready to go."

Lin Yuan wondered: "Who are you waiting for?"

At this moment, the two men walked in one after the other, one of them was slightly blessed, with a gentle smile on his face, and another look was lazy, but wearing a dark blue pen and uniform.

Lin Yuan saw two people, wide-eyed with shock: "Master! Uncle Fuente, how come you?"

It was Dr. Fuente and Lieutenant Zhou Yi who walked in one after the other.

Zhou Yi saw Lin Yuan and immediately reached out and licked the hair of the little apprentice. He smiled and said: "I told Fuente that I was informed that the general’s whereabouts are unknown. We can’t hide anymore. ""

Lin Yuan shocked and said: "General...?"

Fuente smiled and explained: "Xiaoyuan, in fact, I am with your master Zhou Yi, who is the soldier of the original Dark Army. When the general left, he entrusted us to take care of you on the Ryan planet. Zhou Yi accepts you as a disciple and teaches you. All work, these are the instructions of the generals."

Lin Yuan: "........."

No wonder from the time when the youngest uncle Uncle and Master Zhou Yi are so good to him, care is as good as his own son.

- These are the arrangements for the rain.

Thinking of the man who once held himself in his arms and gently fed it, Lin Yuan’s nose suddenly became sour. As a general’s father, he might have left him young because of his last resort. But Dad never forgot him, even arranged so many trusts around him, carefully taught him and took care of him.

Lin Yuan missed his father for so many years, but he never thought about it. Dad actually never really left himself.

Seeing the little guy moved to the wet eyes, Zhou Yi couldn't help but smile, gently patted Lin Yuan's head and said, "Don't be busy, your father is missing, we have to find him quickly."

Lin Yuan stunned. "Is the whereabouts unknown? Isn't there a connection between you and Dad?"

Zhou Yi said helplessly: "Before there was a connection, but now the contact is interrupted. We don't know where the general went. Berger suddenly sent a message and let us come here to meet you... I don't know the specific situation. See him and talk about it."

Lin Yuan nodded and turned to look at Diff and said, "Can we set off?"

Diff scratched his head and said, "If people are together, let's go."

Diff directly summoned a large transport mech, which is also his own work. Although the attack system is not as powerful as the s-class mech, the speed and transport capacity of this mech is not worse than that of the s-class.

Everyone stood in the cockpit. After a moment of silence, Zhou Yi took a look at Nishi and asked Lin Yuan: "Is this?"

Lin Yuan was busy introducing: "Master, he is a little prince, Nishizawa."

Zhou Yi snorted and said that he was not interested in the little prince.

Nishizawa’s forehead suddenly shed a cold sweat, but fortunately, Xiaoyuan learned to be smart. He did not directly introduce “this is my alpha”. Otherwise, with the master’s straightforward temper and sharp hand, maybe he will directly put Nishizawa. Give it a sigh.


After many space transitions, the people finally arrived at the Iswell galaxies at 10 pm the next day.

Not long ago, the war broke out of the ruins of the outermost Namistar space station of the Iswell galaxies. Now, the space station has been repaired urgently, because the fear of the federal enemy will return, the Glory Corps sent a lot of soldiers. This round-trip patrol, the entire space station is heavily guarded, even a fly can not fly in.

Diff let the mech stay outside the galaxy, connect to the personal communicator, and contact Berg directly.

At this moment, Berg is in the station of Nami Star, and still pretends to be the soldier around Drew. He wears a dark green military uniform and a mask on his face.

Seeing everyone in the cockpit, Berg was relieved and whispered: "Diff, everyone is here? Is it 1 o'clock this evening, the patrol personnel of the Nami Star Space Fortress will be replaced, Drew When you think of ways to create turmoil in the space station, you take the opportunity to fly directly to the coordinates I specify through the space fortress."

Berg sent a coordinate position to Diff, and lowered his voice and said, "This is the underground military base of the Dark Army in the Namistar. You will contact me after you arrive."

Diff was busy nodding and said, "Know the boss!"

Brian walked nervously in front of the communicator and wanted to ask him something. Berg looked at his son and whispered, "Don't ask more, I will explain it to you in detail."

When you said it, the communicator was cut off immediately.

Nishizawa couldn't help but frown. It seems that Nami Star is already under the surveillance of the military. The communication signals will be filtered by the military defense network. The special communication between the Berg and Diff is obviously inside the undercurrent. The password, skillfully escaped the interception of the defense network, he said it is inconvenient to say, obviously because the time will be discovered by the military defense network.

The Long Snake Corps and the Glory Legion are stationed at Nammet... What happened here?


The aircraft manufactured by Diff has the most powerful anti-reconnaissance system, so this mech is not easily detected by the military detection system, and this mech can scan the space station to monitor the scene, and Project the current picture in real time to the 3D screen in front of it.

The crowd waited for the arrival of the morning at the periphery of the Iswell galaxies.

Because of the emotional tension, everyone did not speak, just staring silently at the surveillance scene in the projection screen.

The hour hand finally pointed to the early morning, and the space station of the Namistar suddenly burst into a dazzling array of lights -

This is the time!

Diff immediately drove the mech and made a long-distance space transition at the moment of the explosion of the space station. The strong airflow caused the cockpit of the mech to suddenly vibrate, and the people in the cockpit were all dizzy!

When the vibration stopped, everyone was surprised to find that the mech had actually penetrated the atmosphere and landed on the Nami Star, and the position where they landed was exactly the coordinates that Berg sent - no difference!

Brian looked at Diff in shock and couldn't think of it. This awkward omega was so talented in mech driving...

At this moment, the ground of the landing point suddenly broke a huge gap, like the beast with a long mouth open, swallowed the whole large mech - no more than ten seconds before and after! In just ten seconds, the ground immediately closed, and the surrounding forest was quiet, and occasionally the sound of the wolf came as if nothing had happened.

Namistar underground military base.

The armor of the people was carried by a large lift, and Anan landed steadily on the ground.

When I opened the hatch, I saw a row of soldiers wearing dark blue military uniforms, which were neatly arranged in a row. At the moment when everyone came out of the cockpit, a crisp voice suddenly said: "Respect!"

With a bang, the military ritual of the brushing made Lin Yuan startled, and rushed to respond to the most rigorous military rituals of the cadets. .

Zhou Yi walked over with a smile, and hugged a smiling soldier with a smile, and licked the other's shoulder.

The man also laughed: "Lieutenant Zhou Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

——The former battalion commander of the Dark Night Legion Guards, Lieutenant Zhou Yi, after leaving for many years, finally returned to his Dark Army.

Today's Dark Army is less than one-tenth the size of the year. The Guard Camp has gone a large number of people. However, each one left is an elite who is willing to swear to follow the rain. Being a brother is regarded as the existence of brothers and sisters.

They have been crouching here for many years and finally waited to see the day again.

Shaking hands with Zhou Yi is Lieutenant Colonel Elro, who is the most trusted of Ling Yu. He used to be the battalion commander of the Pioneer Camp of the Dark Night Legion.

After greeting with a few acquaintances, Zhou Yi brought Lin Yuan to the crowd and said: "This is the son of the general, Xiao Yuan."

The eyes of everyone were projected on Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan suddenly felt nervous. Elro came forward and smiled and said: "Small, don't be nervous, many of us have seen you. Before you were four years old, I I also fed you a snack."

A group of people laughed. "When Xiaoyuan was a child, how was he so thin when he grew up?"

Someone is curious: "The eyes are indeed like our generals."

Someone raised an eyebrow: "The nonsense, of course, the general's son is like."

Lin Yuan, who was surrounded by a group of people, suddenly blushed, and the generals in the Dad Legion were all tempered and informal.

Just then, Berg came over from another passage on the side.

Brian saw him and walked over: "Dad..."

Nishizawa also greeted him. "Wang Shu, this is..."

Berg smiled and said: "You come with me, I will explain the explanation to you in detail."


Zhou Yi and Fuente went to the old friends of the Dark Legion, and Diff went to check the mech. The four teenagers were brought to the confined conference room of the underground base by Berg.

Turning to close the door, Berg said: "The reason why I decided that Marshal Rosen did not die is because the armor fragments found by the Snake Legion in the cosmic wormhole do not belong to the Black Dragon, but belong to the replica of the Black Dragon. ""

Lin Yuan stunned his eyes wide open, and his heart faintly raised a terrible conjecture: "Replicate? So, when Dad fled Cephe from the time, he was driving the black dragon body...?"

Berg smiled and nodded. "Yes, the armor that your dad drove when he left was the copy of the black dragon, which I made for him. I checked all the mech fragments found in the cosmic wormhole. There is a major discovery - it ejects the escape capsule before it is shattered by the turbulent energy of the space, which is the most crucial last words left by the replica of Black Dragon."

- This is also the last words that only Mr. Aston and the Prince of Berg can understand if he has personally created the Black Dragon.

- In the final mech wreckage, the key metal fragments of the escape cabin were missing.

- It popped the escape cabin and saved the owner.

"According to the description of the witnesses of the Glory Legion, there appeared to be two black dragons. It was obvious that your father was driving a black dragon copy to save your father. If I infer that they were right, they used two mechs to make a jump at the same time. Energy forcibly breaks through the cosmic wormhole, and only this method can survive the space turbulence."

"Unfortunately, the replica was not under the pressure of space shock because of unknown reasons. It popped up the escape cabin before the damage. Since the black dragon was still alive, it would be easier for him to save the escape cabin. ”

Berg looked at Lin Yuan, and said softly, "We spent a month searching through the wormhole and found no traces of black dragon damage, which means that the black dragon is still alive, Rosen and Ling Yu, also Not dead."

The author has something to say:

Group success~~

Ps: Today is a full 100 chapters! ! More than 500,000 words! ! The longest essay I have ever been, I don’t plan to spend a flower to celebrate 咩~~~

The last copy begins in the next chapter! ! 2k novel reading network

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