MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 10

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Chapter 010: Prince Nishizawa

Every prince of the empire has to study since he was six years old. As a prince, he must always keep his mind calm, even if he encounters omega estrus, he can't lose his mind.

Since the occurrence of the generals of the Tomb of the Rain, both Grand Tetrid and Marshal Rosen have paid special attention to the control of the military. Since then, all the participating alphas have to carry out "omega hair-resistance resistance training" to avoid future operations. When I encounter the interference of omega pheromone, I lose my mind.

As a soldier, it is necessary to keep reason at all times.

As a prince, always staying sensible is not only necessary, but even instinctive.

His Majesty's squatting allowed Nishizawa to conduct omega pheromone resistance training from an early age. Experts from the Imperial Academy of Sciences used chemical drugs to imitate the various omega pheromones that were synthesized almost all day around Nishizawa.

It is a rather painful process to use reason to defeat instinct.

Fortunately, at the age of Nize, the age is still small, and the body does not immediately respond to this pheromone. When I first smelled it, I only felt very excited and very uncomfortable, but I smell it every day, and the feeling will naturally change slowly. light.

After adulthood, although the body will react strongly to omega pheromones because of instinct, his mind can still remain awake, and his reason will not be completely lost.

Nishizawa has been accustomed to the taste of various pheromones since childhood, and the sense of smell is naturally quite sensitive. His nose has almost never missed the sense of various tastes, so he will be more confused.

The moment I saw Lin Hong, who was naked/naked, he felt a pure, impurity-free omega atmosphere, which was the smell of a young adult who had never been labeled.

However, the breath is very, very weak, and the faintness is like the illusion of flashing in a flash.

——How can the military school have omega?

All students enrolled in the school will conduct serum tests to extract pheromones from the blood for judgment. Imperial law also stipulates that all omegas must be registered with the association at birth, and from the age of 13 to the school set up for omega, no There may be omega daring to the injection inhibitor into the military school to find death.

So... Is it a temporary illusion?

Nishizawa touched his nose gently and felt that his nose might have had a small bug.

Turned back to the bedroom, and suddenly heard a slight noise from the closet.

In addition to the very sensitive sense of smell, Nishizawa is naturally one of the best in the whole empire. He can even hear the sound of mosquitoes a few meters away.

Nishizawa walked to the closet in confusion and put his finger on the automatic sensor.

With a bang, the closet was opened and I saw the corner of the closet. A pure white "puppy dog" was afraid to shrink herself into a small hair group, and even kept shaking.

"..." Nize's face was slightly stiff.

The Maoist saw him, and he shook even more. He shrank into a group and kept talking. He used two claws to pull the wide and long ears and cover his face, as if to do so. I don't know it.

Nishizawa glanced at it and said calmly: "Wean, how are you here?"

"Oh..." Still recognized, human beings are really annoying!

Wien suddenly ran out of the closet and went crazy to the door of the bedroom.

Nishizawa whispered: "Stop."

Wien stopped stiffly and tightened her body.

After a moment of stalemate, the furry paws tentatively took a step forward and listened to Nishizawa saying coldly: "Come back."

"Oh..." It’s terrible for Nishizawa’s cold face to look!

Wien pulled his head and turned back in dismay, returning to Nishizawa's side, and licking the trousers of Nishizawa.

Nize leaned over and hugged it, looked at its eyes and whispered repeatedly: "Tell me, why are you here?"

"..." Wien hangs his head and does not speak.

Nishizawa took out a palm-sized photoelectric screen from his suitcase and opened it. He sent a special sensor software from the inside and placed it in front of Wien. He whispered: "Write it to me, otherwise I will Send you back to the palace!"

Wien immediately shook her head and put two paws on the screen and quickly made a line: "No, no! Your prince, don't send me back to the palace, don't tell the queen, tell her that I will die!"

Nishizawa wondered: "Why?"

Wien glanced at him with tears and then typed and said: "The queen wants to take me to breed and give her a small nest."

Followed by a row of crying expressions.

Nishizawa: "..."

Wien continued to write excitedly: "The humans in the institute are so terrible! They brought me a jela, let me have a small nest with it, I hate that guy, so I ran away..."

Nishizawa glanced at it and whispered, "And then? Where did you go?"

Wien wrote with a sigh of relief: "On one occasion, his majesty sent troops to the cigar galaxy to mine minerals. I secretly hid in the belly of a robot on the spacecraft and passed the interstellar check. After they landed, I sneaked out again, didn't expect to faint in the snow... Ryan's planet is really cold!"

Wien seems to remember the cold there, could not help but tremble, and then wrote: "Fortunately, a good-hearted person took me back, he is my new owner, his name is Lin Yuan!"

- Lin Yuan?

Nishizawa frowned slightly, finally trying to understand why the pet Queen Wien, who had disappeared for two years after Emperor Anna, suddenly appeared in the student dormitory of the San Ramia Military Academy.

- Cigar Galaxy, Ryan Planet, Lin Yuan.

This year's freshman admissions list does have such a person. Like himself, he is admitted to the San Ramia Military Academy with all the outstanding scores of the three courses. It is said that he is born in a civilian family and can have such a result. It is really impressive.

Just the wrong bathroom, let him almost think that he is an omega Asian boy, is Lin Yuan?

Nishizawa was silently silenced for a moment, whispering: "Wean, do you like this new owner? He went to the military school of San Romiya, and you followed him to break the military star?"

Wien nodded seriously.

Nishizawa said: "You are really smart. But, you didn't expect to meet me here?"

Wien lowered his head in frustration: "His Royal Highness, please don't tell Queen Anna, okay?"

Nishizawa gently touched Wien’s ear and whispered: “Reassure, I won’t tell my mother. She wants to take you to breed. This way I don’t agree with it. You have your own consciousness, human beings don’t. It’s better to take you as a pet and not to force you.”

Wien's eyes brightened, and immediately nodded hard, and happily rubbed his hands on his cheeks.

- This is how they express their favorite feelings.

Nishizawa smiled. "Since you like Lin Yuan, you will follow Lin Yuan later. I will not tell your mother about your whereabouts, and you should not tell anyone about my identity."

Wien hurriedly nodded, and raised her furry claws as if she was swearing.

Nishizawa gently grasped its claws, picked it up, and lifted the white suitcase left by Lin Yuan, whispering, "Let's go, let's go see your new owner."


Lin Yuan is sitting in the bedroom bed in a daze, I don't know why, there is always a strange uneasiness in his heart.

Ryan Planet is a barren and desolate place, where most of the children who grew up were beta. Most of the people he has seen since childhood have been beta, even if there is alpha, the blood is not pure.

He knows that alpha is the strongest of all races, and the more purely pure alpha is, the stronger it is. But these cognitions are only theoretical knowledge, and today he finally realized his personal experience.

The two roommates who lived with him are undoubtedly the purest and most powerful alpha of their blood. The huge pressure that they radiate from their bodies almost makes Lin Yuan breathless.

Especially the guy named Nishizawa...

There seems to be a kind of indulgent power in his deep eyes. The feeling of being looked at by him makes Lin Yuan's back hairy. There seems to be something in the bottom of his heart that is struggling to break through the earth. The inexplicable battle--the feeling of chestnut makes Lin Yuan instinct I want to escape.

I am a beta, and I think it should be such a strong reaction to the closeness of alpha. Is it because I haven’t seen alpha before, so suddenly encountering such a good alpha will have a sense of crisis? After all, compared to the strong alpha, beta is not as good as physical strength or physical strength. Facing such a good alpha will naturally feel very stressful.

Lin Yuan finally figured out why he was not pleasing to the eye, and he was relieved.

I will avoid them later. Anyway, the four bedrooms in the dormitory are independent, try to stay in your bedroom, not to provoke them.

However, Lin Yuan does not want to provoke them, does not mean that they will not come to provoke Lin Yuan...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Lin Yuan erected his ears in a warning. The outside was quiet for a moment, and the knocking on the door rang again. At the same time, there was a low voice from the man named Nishizawa: "Is it?"

Lin Yuan adjusted his expression and took a deep breath. He went to the door and asked, "Is there something?"

"Is this white pet yours?"

"..." is bad, Habi is still in that bedroom!

Lin Yuan had to open the door, only to see a white hair group being held in his arms by Nishizawa. After seeing Lin Yuan, his eyes immediately raised his furry claws and waved his claws toward Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan reached out and took over Habib. Habib was very happy to rush into Lin Yuan’s arms and used his head to lick Lin’s face.

It was held by Nishizawa for a long time, and the body seemed to be contaminated with the atmosphere of Nishizawa. At the moment when Habib’s face was smashed, a strong alpha breath rushed over and even made Lin Yuan stun for a moment.

"..." Lin Yuan immediately held his breath, adjusted the inexplicable heartbeat, and placed Habib on the desk next to him. This said softly: "Thank you, it is mine."

Lin Yuan said that he would close the door, but he was blocked by Nishizawa.

Nishizawa whispered, "What is its name?"

"...It's called Habi."

Nishizawa glanced at Habib, and Habib looked up at him with pride, as if to say, my new name is good?

Nishizawa smiled and took the white suitcase and handed it to Lin Yuan. "Is this your luggage?"

"Yes, just put it here, thank you."

Lin Yuan said that he would close the door, but he was again blocked by Nishizawa.

"..." This person is really annoying! Obviously I don't want to chat with him. Why is he always blocking the door?

The strong discomfort covered by the alpha breath made Lin Yuan could not help but frown a brow.

Nishizawa looked at Lin Yuan and whispered, "I think, the things in our bathroom should be exchanged. The towel you used to take a bath, I use it again, it seems not very good?"


I just took the wrong bedroom and used the towel in his bathroom. I also opened his shampoo and shower gel.

Lin Yuan had to make a step forward and open the bedroom door to let him in.

Nishizawa took Lin Yuan’s suitcase into the bedroom, put the suitcase, and then took a new toiletries from the bathroom and turned back to his bedroom, then took Lin Yuan’s freshly used towels, shampoo and bath. Luca, set it in the bathroom.

As he walked back and forth into his bedroom, Lin Yuan stood guard at the door and looked at him. This posture in which the whole body enters a defensive state is like a small hedgehog with a barb.

After exchanging the equipment in both bathrooms, Nishizawa went to Lin Yuan’s front and politely reached out and whispered: “Know, I’m Xize, the new commander of the military command line this year. What about you?”

"...I called Lin Yuan." Lin Yuan reached out and gently shook his hand, then immediately retracted his hand, lowered his head to avoid the sight of Nishizawa, and gently touched Habib on the table.

Nishizawa looked at Habi and took out a palm-sized photoelectric screen and handed it to Lin Yuan: "This is for you."

"……what is this?"

"The miniature optical computer can sense the consciousness in various biological brains. You can use it to communicate with your hobbit. It is my gift to Habib."

Nishizawa handed the computer to Habi, and Habih immediately took it down with joy and clutched it with his claws.

... Since Habib has been collected, his master is also embarrassed to return.

Lin Yuan had to say awkwardly: "Thank you."

"No." Nishizawa gently touched Habi’s ear and seemed to praise it. Habi nodded immediately and seemed to be saying: Remember our agreement!

Nishizawa raised his lips slightly and took back his hand. He looked at Lin Yuan and said, "So, don't bother. Good night."

"……good night."

Until Nishizawa turned and left, Lin Yuan was still in a state of rigidity.

Habi, who was kneeling on the table, looked at the back of Nishizawa, but couldn’t help but sneak a thumbs up!

- Your Royal Highness, you are too loaded! Pretending not to know me, pretending not to know his name, wanting to send him something but deliberately taking me as an excuse, acting is really great!

- In the words of mankind, the prince of the prince is simply a cosmic actor!

- However, why did the owner feel stiff when he saw the prince?

Habib looked up at Lin Yuan with a puzzled look, but found that this always-lived and cheerful teenager, at the moment, had a strange paleness that emerged because of uneasiness. 2k novel reading network

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