MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1440 I'm no longer in the wind

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The coming Lord Desire, after leaving the range of the stepped seat, faintly sees six lights of different colors in the black fog that it turns into. These six lights seem to represent six desires. They blend together, but each other Not fusion.

Instead, it turned into six faces, followed by the black mist and greed, toward Wang Baole, and swallowed it violently.

"It's over!" The six voices gathered together, earth-shaking, full of evil.

Wang Baole suddenly raised his head, and the cold light in the depths of his eyes was about to explode, the moment he was about to reveal... Suddenly, the sudden change occurred!

On that step, the emperor who was sleeping in the seat suddenly raised his head, and at this moment a blue flame appeared in the depths of his eyes. This flame filled his entire eyes in an instant, making this moment The emperor looks very weird.

At the moment when he raised his head, his right hand also raised, and he rushed towards Wang Baole, turning into a black mist, and grabbed it from a distance.

Under this grasp, the desire turned into a black mist, and he let out a stern roar, his body seemed to be under invisible control, and stopped abruptly in front of Wang Baole.

Here, Wang Baole raised his eyebrows slightly and blinked slightly. The cold light that would burst out from the original deepness was reintroverted.

"Emperor, you are looking for death!" In midair, wanting to make a sharp voice, he turned around abruptly, and as the mist erupted, the six faces of the six rays of light within it roared towards the emperor.

He was struggling hard, seeming to want to break out of the sudden **** of the emperor.

As he struggled, the blue flame in the emperor's eyes was rapidly dimming, and his raised right hand was also rapidly withering at this moment.

But the emperor’s expression remained as usual, still sitting on the seat, and his purple robe fluttered slightly at this moment, and his long hair was flying along with it. Although the blue fire in his eyes continued to dim, it was still burning. The fog around it seemed to have been affected in some way, and was driven away from some areas.

And as the fog was driven away, it seemed that the condition of the emperor here was better, his eyes narrowed, he took a deep look at Wang Baole, and suddenly spoke.

"I can only restrain her for a short time, and even if it is restrained, we cannot kill her at this time, because desire... is eternal."

"So, in this short time, talk to me?" The emperor looked at Wang Baole seriously, waiting for his answer.

Wang Baole silently looked at the desire to struggle, and then at the emperor. After a while, he nodded.

Seeing Wang Baole nodding his head, the emperor smiled, smiling happily, with some memories.

"Is the outside world beautiful?"

"Not bad." Wang Baole said slowly. .

"Not bad..." The emperor murmured, the blue flame in his eyes, at this moment, with the roar and struggle of desire, it became weaker and weaker.

"What kind of feeling does it feel to be accompanied by someone and someone caring?" The emperor asked again, with some curiosity in his eyes.

"That is a feeling that makes you feel that you are still alive and want to continue to live." Wang Baole thought for a while, and then he said something.

The emperor didn't say a word, he seemed to have tasted it for a long time, and after a long while, he spoke softly.

"You, these years, are you happy?"

Wang Baole also said nothing.

The whole hall was relatively quiet in an instant, and only the struggle and roar of desire was still reverberating.

The emperor was waiting for Wang Baole's answer. In fact, he had woken up a long time ago. The first time Wang Baole fought against the Lord of Desire, the light that burst out was the power to wake him up.

With the help of that power, the emperor woke up from his deep sleep at that moment, but he was too weak, so weak that even if he wakes up, it still takes some time to show the last magical powers in his body, desire Under the suppression, he maintained a sleepy appearance.

At the same time, he was thinking, hesitating a decision.

When the Lord wanted to seize the house and devour Wang Baole, his hesitation was shaken, the decision in his heart became clearer, so... he chose to take action and restrained the Lord, and then asked these three. Problem.

These three questions are of vital importance to his decision.

"There are happiness and unhappiness, but in the final analysis, I have expectations for the future." Wang Baole thought about it seriously, looked at the emperor, and replied.

"Are you looking forward to the future..." the emperor murmured, the blue flame in his eyes became weaker, but there was a gleam in his eyes, and it seemed to appear in his eyes, and it became more and more dazzling.

"My way, since I can't walk... then... maybe your way is okay."

"After all...between us, we need someone to go his own way." In the muttering, the emperor suddenly laughed, and the laughter became louder and louder. When the whole hall echoed, his eyes looked like a blazing sun. The light is brilliant.

"Desire!" The emperor yelled, pressing his left hand on the armrest of the seat, trying hard to stand up, as if he had his dignity even if he was at the end, and even if he died, he would stand and face everything vigorously. .

"Although you are not the direct cause of the fall of my previous life, you are also an indirect force in the part of my restored memory."

"Who I was in my previous life may not be important to the present, but now...I am the emperor, the first life born in this universe!"

"It is an existence enshrined as a **** by countless civilizations!"

"I, I can lose, but I can only lose to myself!" Dijun stood up from the seat with difficulty, and when the expression in his eyes exploded, his left hand was raised and pointed at Wang Baole.

"Wang Baole, the other part of my body...On behalf of me... after taking the road, on behalf of me, to experience happiness, pursue... look forward to!" At this point, the emperor laughed up to the sky, and the blue flame in his eyes burst at this moment. It broke out, covering his face, neck, and upper body from the eyes, until it covered his whole body.

Make his body burn in this flame, and even more so in this burning, his soul, his body, and everything about him are converging at one point.

A dazzling blue crystal was formed, and in front of his raised left hand, it instantly condensed and flew out... to Wang Baole!

That is everything in the emperor's life!

Emperor, as he himself said, he can lose, but he can only lose to himself, because in this world, he does not think that others are qualified, let himself lose!

Therefore, since he has failed, he simply... fulfills the Wang Baole that another part of his own body has transformed!

Sacrifice yourself, achieve the other side, and let the other side complete this life that also has its own brand!

"If you want to pursue the future, then pursue it!"

"If you want to protect your relatives and friends, then protect them!"

"You have to cut off with Qianchen and walk out of your own way, then... completely cut off. From then on, you have nothing to do with Qianchen, you have nothing to do with the emperor, are!" The emperor’s laughter shook the sky, echoing the entire Yuanyu Daokong At that time, as the blue crystals flew out, his body slowly dissipated in the flame and turned into fly ash...


Since then...

Sansheng Qingfeng Sansheng Road, there is no me in every step of the wind.