MTL - A Wizard’s Secret-Chapter 1053 Dawn

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In a blink of an eye, Merlin had led the team and spent twenty years in the sea of ​​nothingness.

Twenty years is very long for ordinary creatures. It is enough to make a teenager a husband and father, enough to make a father grow old, and enough beauty to grow old.

However, for these break-outs or controllers of the sea of ​​nothingness, it is only a moment. Some powerful controllers have to think about something for tens of thousands of years, let alone 20 years.

For twenty years, Merlin led his team, just looking at the barrier of the sea of ​​nothingness, and in the past twenty years, Merlin did not encounter the beast of nothingness.

These nihilistic beasts are not fast, and the barrier is too large, and it may not necessarily be encountered by Merlin. Perhaps it may not be encountered for hundreds of years.

In these two decades, Merlin ’s fantasy world is still slowly expanding, but it is also quite slow. His rules of the fantasy world have already been restored, and even become more stable and powerful. In the world, because the order is good and there is no chaos, it can only expand at a slow speed. With the strength of Merlin now, this expansion can be ignored.

However, the tranquility of twenty years can not be reassured. Not long ago, they heard that there was a squad, and they encountered a void beast. More than a thousand people, almost half were killed and injured. Moreover, the leader of the middle world, even the latitude world, was fragmented and almost collapsed. Fortunately, Tielong arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

This is also the real reason why the world leaders such as Dilong always sit behind the barrier. As soon as one party finds a beast of nothingness, he will immediately support it. Use this to stop the beast of nothingness.

However, sometimes the distance is too long, even Dilong will have to take a long time to arrive, and that time is the time to test that team, if it is not the enemy, then it can only be wiped out.

Under the strict orders of the Lords of the Great World, anyone who dares to escape and abandon the barrier, the Lords of the Great World. They will join forces in hunting and will not tolerate.

Therefore, even if you know that you are defeated and you know that you cannot defeat the Void Beast, but no one dares to step back. The war between the many breakaways and the masters can only be described as tragic.

Affected by this incident. In Merlin's team, morale was also depressed.

"Merlin master, we are about to return. For twenty years, we have good luck and have not encountered nothingness."

Ashura said with a smile. Ashura has now become Merlin's right and left arm, except for his strength. It can also help Merlin coordinate some things in the team. It really made Merlin very satisfied.

Of course, Merlin knew. Everyone is under pressure now. Once you encounter a beast of nothingness, whether you can survive it is hard to say.


Suddenly, the entire void is oscillating. Although it is close to the sea of ​​nothingness, everyone has not stepped into the sea of ​​nothingness. Therefore, the fluctuation of energy can still be felt, and it is no longer a nothingness.

If it is in the sea of ​​nothingness, no matter how powerful the energy fluctuations, it will not be passed out, nothingness. Therefore, after feeling this huge energy fluctuation, Merlin and Ashura glanced at each other, and they could see the solemn color in each other's eyes.

It's finally here!

Both of them knew that with such a huge energy fluctuation, there must be an illusion beast hitting the barrier, and at this time there must be a team fighting against the illusion beast, trying their best to resist the illusion beast.

"Have you found your way? Go to the rescue right away!"

Merlin immediately made a decision. In fact, no one was willing to rescue, but this is a rule clearly formulated by several big world owners. If anyone is feeling the attack of the void beast and does not go to rescue, Being severely punished, in this canned life and death, it is impossible for several Lords of the Great World to let go of anyone who does nothing.

Therefore, as long as the team feels the energy fluctuations, there is no choice but to rescue.

In the fantasy world, all of them suddenly became nervous. Fortunately, they were both breakaways and masters. One by one, they all endured hardships, and finally became difficult and become breakaways and masters, despite some concerns. But at this time, they were all determined to fight.

"Notify Teacher Dilong first about this news."

Each team has a means to notify the world leaders such as Dilong. Once the news is received, the world leaders such as Dilong will come to it with all their strength. However, during this period, it is the Meilin and other teams Resisted.

After sending out the message, Merlin and Ashura rushed towards the source of energy fluctuations as quickly as possible. If it is a little late, the beast of nothingness will probably break through the line of defense.


Heath's controller is originally a very special creature, born with powerful arrogance. From birth to becoming the controller, it only took 100,000 years.

At this time, it can be regarded as very horrible, and after becoming the master, Heath master is more chanced, successively devouring many broken latitudes, and finally becoming the master of the powerful middle world. By.

However, this time the invasion of the Void Beasts failed the plan of Heath's master. He had been very hopeful. Within ten latitude years, he would become the master of the world and the top existence.

But now, everything has come to naught. He can only lead a team. Because of the prestige of the past, there are more than 2,500 strong men who are willing to follow him.

This was originally a very powerful force, but, no matter how strong it is, it is not as good as the nihilistic beast. Their luck is very good. They came to the nihilistic sea for more than fifty years before they really met the nihilistic beast. .

Now they finally meet the Void Beasts, and their good fortunes are finally over. Looking at the incomparable Void Beasts with exuberant breath, everyone knows that a war is inevitable today, and their hopes are very high. Slightly, I can only look forward to the support of the Lord of the Great World, or other teams around.

"We have been asking for help. If there are other teams, we have hope, not to mention, and the master of the big world, must be coming at the fastest speed and hold on!"

Heath's master is the leader among the masters, but at this time, he can only resist, and his latitude world is put on display. With the support of more than 2,000 strong men, he has already reached him. The power level of the cosmopolitan master of dreams.

However, this power now seems so small in front of this nihilistic beast.

The body of this nimble beast is too huge, much larger than some latitude worlds, almost equivalent to dozens of latitude worlds, and its body can't be seen at a glance.

Such a huge body is quite powerful even in the beast of nothingness, and it is very difficult to deal with. Heath's master has no confidence in his heart and does not know if he can support the arrival of the Lord of the Great World.

"Boom boom".

The Heath master is still mobilizing all his powers and attacking the nihilistic monster crazy attacker, but it has no effect except to anger the nihilistic monster.


Finally, the beast of nothingness really seemed to be extremely angry, it shouted fiercely, and then the huge body slammed directly into the world of Heath's master.

"Stop it!"

Heath's master shook his heart, praying in his heart, but prayer didn't work. When the beast of nothingness crashed into his world fiercely, the whole world collapsed.


Just like the sound of a waterfall, the world is torn, and the world rules are even fragmented. Only the strongest rules have not been completely destroyed. As for the strong ones, more than 800 people were killed and all of them were killed. There are many people who are being swallowed directly by nothingness.

Once this nihilistic beast is devoured, it is quite horrible. When it enters the nihilistic beast's body, it is equivalent to being transformed into nothingness at once, and it is impossible to survive at all. After all, the Void Beast may be a horrible existence that can swallow up a large latitude, and it itself represents endless destruction.

"It's over, I didn't expect that Heath would die here ..."

Heath's expression of despair, he knew that, no matter what, now the Lord of the Great World could not arrive, then he had no choice but to die.

Thinking of this, the Heath master also stirred a touch of madness, and he was ready to self-destruct the latitude world and use the participating latitude world to create a beast of nothingness.

Whether he can succeed or not, he can't see it.

"Come on, you guys, the last blow, no matter what, this nihilistic beast will not break our line of defense!"

Heath's voice calmed down at this moment, and for a time, all the breakaways and masters were silent.

Just in this extremely depressed atmosphere, suddenly, someone seemed to sense something, and looked up suddenly into the void.

"Heath master, there is a squad there, we are saved!"


Heath's master was also overjoyed, looking very surprised at the void, and he could not imagine how the huge energy fluctuations could be reached in such a short time.

For a moment, all the desperate people seemed to see a glimmer of light.

ps: Please join the chat group 189.099.589, or search the prestige public account "Yuezhongyin", the mage is almost over, and pay attention to the news of the old book. Once the new book is released, it will be announced in the group or on prestige. If you haven't added it, please add it quickly. You can learn about the new book's movements as soon as possible! (To be continued ~ ^ ~)