MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v33 Chapter 2078 Wizard prison

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Changed to the abyss of the Devil's skin, Green took a spaceship and swayed into the mighty magic fog nebula.

For other creatures, the Abyss Magic Mist not only looks like black paint, but also effectively isolates a variety of energy perceptions. It also infects wounds in the abyss, and even lower creatures have a risk of variation, even for the abyss. Like a fish.

According to the memory of this abyss, Green has parked the spacecraft on an abyss.

"There are so many abyss cities hidden in the abyss battlefield alone, and the abyss world has opened more than a dozen abyss battlefields at the same time. I don't know how many abyss cities have been built."

The volume of the city of the abyss is basically the same as that of the city of the sky. Walking in the Magical Mist Square, a small magic dragon with only a high altitude ran over.

"Adults, if the task needs to be reported to the sacred ancestors, I will take you there, and the ancestors are visiting the observatory."

The Abyssal Dragon has the ability to change its volume, but the Wizarding World Abyss is known to Green, but it has never been as high-profile as the abyss of the Devil, and is standing side by side with Green.

"No, I have something to report to the Lord of the Rings."

Green ignored it and continued to move forward.

"The great ring of the demon ancestors? You are crazy! You are just a four-level demon ancestor, and you are not qualified to face the ring enchantment. You may be directly eaten by the bad mood ancestors. I will not go to die with you. ""

Like a fried chicken, the little dragon shouted.

There was a sneer in the heart, but on the surface, Green did not look like it. Resolutely said: "The very important thing is about the survival of the abyss and the demon. I have to face the ring of the ancestors directly."

Any place that was stepped on by Green would leave a footprint of black smoke, which had been floating for a long time. The little dragon screamed and ran away.

"Then go alone, I don't want to accompany you to death, I am only responsible for the dead bones."

on the square.

One large space-time device has occupied a lot of space. According to the wizard research, these space-time devices are devices that summon the abyss from the distant world to ensure that the huge abyss army can fight in the void battle without worrying about the power of the void. obliterate.

A shelf of abyss warships is close to the mooring, and there are also many abyssal warships flying away, and there is constant flow of contacts.

However, the vast majority of these abyss warships are not abyssal demon, but some high-intelligence abyss creatures, next to Green, another abyssal demon will also enter the abyss of the city war platform, this is a five-level demons, Compared with Green, the figure is more robust, and there are more than a dozen strange creatures behind it, all of which seem to have higher intelligence.

In the sparse footsteps, this Mozu looks at Green.

"What is your attendant?"

Green's cold road: "One was eaten by me, and the others died during the war."

"You came down from the wizard's battlefield? I heard that there are a lot of powerful lords over there. Even the ancestor can only go home and fail to participate in that battle. It is a pity."

The five-level Mozu said, to the abyss of abyss following him: "You, you, follow him."

Just like the goods, this Mozu arbitrarily gave Green's three mutant creatures and went away. Green is facing these three mutants, a dark tentacles crawling creature, a bat winged humanoid, a group of mutations. The magic creatures are waiting for their instructions in a respectful manner.

Ignore these monsters, just as the wizard treats slaves.

Green looked up and saw the door inside the city of the abyss, like a big mouth of choice, and swallowed all the aliens who dared to break into the darkness.


Green walked into the dark magic cave.

After walking with three mutant creatures for a while, Green finally found the prison cell of the city of the abyss.

There are at least tens of thousands of prison cells, not only iron warriors, wizards, frost behemoths, sputum chemists, but also the brooders and some small tribe prisoners, but these have been used for research and production of spy camouflage. Prisoners of the skin are no longer needed and are being processed in batches.

Green went to a prisoner's prison cell and stopped. The wizard inside was a four-level sorcerer witch. The nakedness curled up in the corner, the long hair blocked the cockroach, and it looked so thin. The Abyssal Mozu actually mastered the high-level banned device for the wizard.

"The Great Ten Kings will definitely kill your dirty monsters!"

In the depths of the prison, an iron-blooded warrior roared. It should be the oldest group of prisoners here. Even now, it is still living under the influence of the Queen of the Ages, and it is full of spiritual vitality.

A four-level abyssal demon passed by a large number of mutant beasts. After seeing the abyssal demon in Green's disguise, he replied: "No one is allowed to enter, and if you dare to swallow the prisoners here, you will be whipped!"

However, here, Green was slobbering and smashed.

"Since I tasted the wizard's flesh on the battlefield, I have never forgotten it. Now we are going back soon, and we don't know if there is any chance to taste it again. The evil spirits and evils must be disposed of anyway, you See what I need to pay for a group of higher wizards?"

The patroller said faintly: "The sorcerer's flesh is indeed the most delicious battlefield here. It is smooth and refreshing, and there is energy supplement. How much do you need?"

"Of course, the more the better, the evil, it is best to be all, so I can eat enough!"

Green showed a wait-and-see attitude.

"Be careful to anger the above and eat you too! I can give up to thirty, take a medium-sized world to change." Said, this Mozu added: "Don't use those extraterrestrial worlds to add numbers, I said It’s the inner domain."

The so-called inner and outer domains refer to the world within the six world groups that are unified by the abyss world, and at the same time open up many polluted worlds after the abyss battlefield.

"it is good!"

Green promised to come down.

Because the population of the Abyssal Mozu is sparse, generally like this four-level abyss, there are one or two medium-sized worlds. The trading method involves the replacement of the abyss call coordinates, which is a unique trading method within the abyss system. .

After a short while, after giving the two world coordinates to each other, the inspector indicated that Green could pick it at will.

After opening the door of the witch master, although the elemental wizard was weak and weak, she still tried her best to rush to the inspector, but she was pinched by the other side like a kitten, and the red tongue was added to her chest. After a lap, the evil laughter was thrown to Green, and the Green House was in his arms.

"what happened?"

Asked the other party.

"Hey, I don't like your saliva!"

After putting the shivering witch in the arms like a kitten on the ground, he was lifted by a tentacle of the mutant creature behind him. Green continued to move forward. The witch shouted: "Death is only my personal life. At the end, the wizard will last forever!"

Walking in front Green is leaning towards the abyss of the abyss: "You don't know, after these wizards are banned, the fleshy taste will lose its original character, and it will be filled with elemental magic. The blood cell wizard is the best."

In the cell, a large circle was made, about three or four hundred wizards, the holy mark wizard was more than twenty people, and there was a five-level holy mark wizard!

"This wizard is very dangerous, I can't let go, you change it."

The abyss of the abyss rejected the request of Green.

However, Green seems to be familiar with the old man who is being held in prison.

Standing in front of the prison, carefully searching for memories, in the eyes of the abyss of the abyss, has become a greed of reluctance, swearing: "Useless, I will definitely check it, I can't let go."

"Right! Is this person a disciple of cappuccino, that is, one of his own grandchildren?"

Green suddenly remembered.

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