MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v33 Chapter 2071 The power of dimensions!

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The battle between the wizard and the abyss of the void continued for several decades, and the abyss of the Raiders continued for two hundred years in the possession of the Iron Star World Group.

In the meantime, Green at the other end of time and space also solved the problem of the **** of the media, and was immediately summoned to return, and it took more than 30 years to return to the king of the second generation of wizards.

The victory of the battle between the wizard and the abyss, although it has received historical significance, but far from reaching the end of the seven-nation parliamentary battlefield, the battle of the vertical and horizontal voids of the abyss of the abyss will not end in one day.

Pemirossius can't wait for that day anyway.

"I have already informed the other six communities that they have reunited in the Suihua Division world group 50 years later. Do you really decide to do this?"

The second generation of the wizard's king asked carefully.


Through the crystal ball, Green studied the Dawn Wisdom Wizards' initial design drawings of the Abyss City, and responded with a low response. He added: "Being forgotten by the Promise Gods, its power is only a loss of life. The poor pity of the thickness, even if the starry body still has a bit of divine power, it is unable to return to the sky. If the **** of the media can't replace the position of the starry sky god, it will be impossible for me to take the shot and let the wizard replace it."

"Well, it seems that you and Pemirossius have already negotiated there?"

The second generation of the wizard king looked at the design drawings that Green was studying in the crystal ball light curtain. He was annoyed: "The initial design of the Abyss City, the following little guys provide six programs, but no matter which one needs to be quite The huge resources support, coupled with the journey of dragging these abyss cities back to the wizarding world group, will be reopened, even if there are not enough resources for four or five thousand years."

After that, the King of the Second Generation Wizard slowly shook his head.

Green's action paused a bit, and then calmly said: "It doesn't matter, I don't want to hide it again this time. It's hidden in the endless world, even if people are gradually forgotten, no longer by those higher latitudes. Concerns, life has lost its meaning. Moreover, this tour, I can make up for a lot of regrets, not worthy of this life, so some of the nine-level biological and biological capabilities that were previously inconvenient to use, it is no problem to use it now."

"The ability of nine creatures?"

The king of the second generation of wizards cautiously asked.

As far as he knows, the reason why the first generation of wizard King Green was able to completely suppress the Black Witch King was to use the ninth level of biological ability!

Forcing a nine-level creature in the endless world dimension, it is incredible to think about it. This kind of existence itself is the destruction of the balance rule of the endless world dimension.

"I will check here about the rationality of the design of the city of the abyss. You will accompany me to inspect the city of the abyss next month. It will be regarded as the king of your wizard. Something, "The Book of Destiny" Since I haven't chosen a good goal, help me add a master who has had a holiday, and one page is enough."

Inadvertently, Green has decided to dominate a life and death.

This is the second generation of the wizard's king still to give, 哗哗啦啦 opened the "Book of Destiny", teared off a page filled with the fate of the square text handed to Green, was green by the results of the "call" The sound burned and dissipated with the wind.

But then!

The ashes that had already been scattered had re-aggregated, and the form of the page of destiny was restored in the air. The square-shaped characters above flowed, and Green slightly said: "Is it dead? That saves a page of destiny. ”

I don't know which one is the master, but I was so remembered by Green.

A few days later.

The mysterious figure of a black robe was summoned by the king of the second generation of wizards, appearing in the secret room, the cold face under the black robe, and the new black witch king Tinibia.

Frown, Tinibia, after the second generation of the wizard's king signaled to enter the secret room, with the metal door slowly closing behind, staring at the middle of the secret room, the lazy sitting on the elemental chair, is in the afternoon of the Eternal Sky City. The coffee is in the sun, and the brow wrinkles deeper.

She has never seen anyone in front of her. The strange thing is that fighting consciousness can't even lock it to each other, just like a phantom.

Coupled with the mysterious look of the second generation of the wizard king, Tinibia stood at the door for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something, the double pupil under the black robe suddenly shrank into a needle tip!

"Please sit down and taste the coffee I personally grind. It is a bit bitter at first, and you can tell the sweetness when you drink too much."

The blond man on the sofa is calm and elegant, and his eyes are as deep as a starry sky, indicating that Tinibia is sitting on the opposite sofa. The sunset falls from his left window on the blond hair and cheeks, an indescribable noble charm.

"Hey, the endless world, can taste the great king of the original wizards to grind coffee, how honorable can there be a few people in the past? Now the wizards of the wizarding world have even respected you as the **** of wizards."

Now that he knew the origins of the people in front of him, Tinibia fell on the sofa and took a sip of coffee. Then he said, "I just didn't think that the respected king of the early wizards took the truth. It’s such a look, it looks no different from a general wizard.”

"Ha ha."

Green smiled and felt the life of Tinibia in front of him. He used all aspects of the perception of the square-shaped runes to perceive and analyze. He nodded: "The little guy who is praised by Pumirosius is not limited. Your second generation has already told me that although I have agreed in principle, I don't want you to become an enemy of the Wizarding World, maybe I can help you."

"Do you help me? No, I think you are misunderstood by the King of the First Wizards. I want more than just their death. What I want is to kill them by hand!"

Tinibia's voice is cold.

"Hey, the king of the second generation of wizards is still too tender, just to make your killing rationalized, and the method is more. Just give them a chance to possess a desperate lever magic wand and a truth balance magic wand, if The Saiyan people really have the ambition to replace the wizard, and naturally they will not let go of this opportunity. Your actions will be logical."

After Green finished, he added: "Don't misunderstand, I am not helping you. I hope that you can grow up again, so that I can give my disciple Ansimo enough stimulation to become the king of the next generation of wizards. I also It is possible to pursue the path of truth with more peace of mind."

With a bang, Tinibia broke the quilt and hurriedly wiped the coffee.

The seemingly calm and ordinary king of the early wizards, too sleepy at night.

A month later.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

According to Green's instructions, the sorcerer of the Abyss City has been evacuated from the scene. With the king of Green and the second generation of wizards, there is only one king of the second generation of wizards!

"What are you going to do, how do I need to cooperate?"

At the moment when we will witness the power of the ninth level, even if it is the king of the second generation of wizards, we can not help but show a little nervousness and expectation, and look forward to the fall and fall of Green.

"no need."

Green used the technique of nothing in the middle, and realized the design of the drawings in the crystal ball. After reaching out and raising his arm, he stopped and stopped. Some uncomfortable words turned back: "Hey, let me take the magic wand first."

Get the balance of magic wand, Green once again raised his right arm, the darkness in the void, boundless, several dark abyss cities parked, everything is no different.

Green is low: "The truth is righteousness, dimensional dimension, abbabb1986 mysterious projection summoning!"

With the voice of Green, the power of the void formed a huge face, and the space and time was distorted under the projection of this mysterious power of higher latitude, and I was delighted to look around the void.

Huge face excited: "Ha ha ha, really summon me, too fun! Egret, I want to leave a footprint in the abyss of a wizarding world, repair it, not too much?"

The voice just fell, and the amazing one appeared.

I saw the interior of an abyss in the metal vibrations of "Oops" and "Oh", and gradually completed the design of the Dawn Wisdom Wizard's drawings, like a brand new!

Such an incredible scene, beyond the balance of truth and cognition, made the king of the second generation of wizards unbelievable, and the three colors of light on the face of truth also squandered.

How can this be?

This is not over, Green once again sighed: "The truth is righteousness, dimension dimension, speed slowdown, mysterious projection summoning."

It is also an incomparably huge face composed of the power of the void. The twisted flame will boil around the time and space. After opening your eyes, this mysterious force projects: "Thank you, egret, I like the dimension of your design. The box gave me a lot of leisure time and happiness, but also gave a lot of sentiment enlightenment. Since I chose to summon my projection, I also want to leave a little footprint, please."

With this bundle of consciousness projections that only Green can hear, it is a restoration of the design drawings on the abyss.

"Well...the balance of Dimension, Book Friends 1710160064403243 Mysterious Force Projection Summoning!"

The third time to exert the dimension of the dimension, there is no special blessing state, that is, Green also seems to be a little powerless, so that this is like a billion-dollar projection of a rag-like strip, but it is somewhat vague.

The projection of this mysterious force is eager to say: "Isn't that said, I have changed to 2019 listed company ceo..."

Not yet finished, the third mysterious power projection, together with the previous two mysterious power projections, disappeared.

Green slowly put down the balance of magic wand and sighed.

"The projection of these higher-latitude mysterious forces can affect the balance and basic settings of the endless world dimension, and even affect the balance rules and rules of local time and space, but as a practitioner, I call these rules of destructive balance. Existence, more and more subject to the exclusion of dimensional space and time, and now can only do this under the circumstances."

The interior design of the third abyss city was only half completed.

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