MTL - A Queen-Chapter 3 Lucky hit?

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  Chapter 3 Is it right?

"You stay outside, come in when I call you, let me and A Ling take a good bath." Nuan Yuxiang caressed Fu Ling's back, her eyes were rippling, it seemed that the cold hadn't affected her. She half points.

  Dai Li glanced at the exposed sky above the Gu Yue Hantan. At this moment, a vast light began to gather on it, and nine stars that were much larger than usual formed indistinctly. She smiled faintly and walked to the entrance of the cold pool.

  The sound of Xixisuosuo taking off her clothes and going into the water came from inside the cave, and there was also the sound of Fu Ling's rapid breathing, perhaps because of being frozen, or because of...

Standing outside the cave, Dai Li felt a little gloomy, because she felt that she was also a small bug on Nuan Yuxiang's spider web. If she was hungry or not full, she hit a chill, could it be that she was a blood prince To be buried in the hands of such an old hag? And he died after "losing his body" Thinking about it, Dai Li suddenly felt the temperature drop suddenly, turned his head to look subconsciously, and saw that the cold white air had all swirled into the cave, and there was a misty starlight falling from the sky, falling into the cold air. In the pool

In the dense forest outside Shen Yun Cave, there were two figures rushing towards Shen Yun Cave, and then they both looked up at the sky at the same time, because they felt the gathering of Yin Qi, and they all came towards Shen Yun Cave Go, "Nine stars screaming at the moon and the sun! Once in a hundred years, I'm afraid this Nuan Yuxiang is trying to break through." Dai Yang frowned slightly, and said, "We have to speed up, otherwise the Nuanyuxiang breakthrough will be difficult to repair."

Dai Bokong was a little worried about Dai Li's safety, so he nodded and replied "OK", the speed of the two of them was much faster, and the nine stars in the sky were already very bright, exuding a hazy purple light, moving slowly , It seems to form a circle, and this time is also a day that evil cultivators of the devil way like very much. They know how to use such a good time better than Nuan Yuxiang, a half-hearted evil cultivator.

  It’s just that a small place like Luoxing City is a remote place, with little aura and naturally less yin energy, so the spectacle formed by Jiuxing Xiaoyue is far less terrifying than other places.

There were bursts of blushing and heartbeating sounds from inside Gu Yue Hantan, even more intense than usual, a small drop of sweat dripped from Dai Li's forehead, but his body was shivering, not because he was afraid, but because it was too cold. It's cold, now it's not the icy cold, but the yin qi that can kill people. Dai Li feels that the yin qi in those mass graves is not as thick as the yin qi in Gu Yue Hantan, so thick that her bones are shaking .

   "Ah" suddenly, Fu Ling shouted, very charming, and seemed to be moaning in pain, Dai Li narrowed his eyes, it's time! Her body suddenly turned and ran into the cave. Amid the haze of cold air, she saw two bodies intertwined in the cold pool. Fu Ling leaned against the edge of the cold pool with pain on her face, while Nuan Yuxiang behind her had a strange red light flowing from her body. Her skin was almost withered, like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree, layer by layer. The folds made Dai Li almost nauseous, and her face looked like a skinny skull. Nuan Yuxiang obviously broke through again, and a large amount of Yin Qi gathered in her body from all directions, and the nine stars in the sky had already appeared half crescent

It was very difficult for Nuan Yuxiang to break through, because her celestial root is the worst kind of low-level celestial root of the water system, and her spirituality is not high. She has been able to cultivate until now and has relied on the efficacy of hundreds of virgin girls. However, it is still a bit short of breaking through the Qi refining period.

The yin energy on her body was extremely thick, as if it had formed a garment covering her body, Fu Ling had a painful expression on her face, milky white gas was overflowing from her delicate body, and this gas was being inhaled by Nuan Yuxiang into her mouth and nose middle

The sound of Dai Li's footsteps was not loud or small, the skull head rubbed abruptly, his closed eyes suddenly opened, he looked at Dai Li coldly, and Dai Li raised his eyebrows, looking at Nuan Yuxiang without retreating He opened his eyes, took a big stride, and the only bit of true energy poured into his right leg, and then suddenly kicked Nuan Yuxiang's head.

lb! Dai Li only felt as if his leg was broken, and he gritted his teeth in his heart, **** it, how come the head of a congenital peak master is made of iron.

And Nuan Yuxiang was kicked by Dai Li in such a way, her body suddenly slid sideways, Fu Ling endured the pain in her body, gathered the true energy in her palm, and suddenly slapped Nuan Yuxiang's chest with her palm, rubbing Nuan Yuxiang's body like a skeleton Her body collided with the edge of the cold pool, making a crisp bone sound. However, red light spread in her body, and there was a faint sense of turbulence and impatience. Then her jaw moved strangely like a skeleton, and said angrily, "You guys The two of you are so courageous that you really dared to join forces to murder me, but that's fine, let the two of you make it possible for me to advance to the Qi refining stage!"

   "Why is she all right!" Fu Ling yelled in astonishment and fear, did she really go mad?

  Dai Li felt that something was wrong, but the old hag was not affected. Wasn't it time for her to be promoted just now?

Nuan Yuxiang's body suddenly moved from the edge of the cold pool and raised her hand. Amidst the roar of the water, a water snake sprang up from the water and tied her around Dai Li's waist in the blink of an eye. She pulled her hard, and Dai Li flew away. Jump up to the pool.

   Nuan Yuxiang had a weird smile on her face, and a red light flickered in her eyes

Crash, Dai Li jumped into the water, the icy water in Gu Yue's cold pool made Dai Li's body stiffen suddenly, and amidst the clatter of the water, Nuan Yuxiang had already come behind her, grabbing her shoulder Hold it down, exhale like blue, but it's extremely weird: "The reason why I don't touch men is because my cultivation was not enough for me to absorb the man's yang energy before, but now I need to give it a go!"

  Nuan Yuxiang's words shocked Dai Li, it turned out to be the case, no wonder Nuan Yuxiang didn't kill her these days, but still took her to Guyue Cold Pool on this last day!

  At this moment, Dai Li Nei's face was full of bullshit, whether it was a slap in the face, she suddenly wanted to tell Nuan Yuxiang, "Sister, I'm actually a woman"

Fu Ling had already crawled to the edge of the pool, and she was so weak that she watched Dai Li being hugged by Nuan Yuxiang. Her mood was very complicated, she didn't know whether it was joy or worry, but she knew that she couldn't escape today because she had no strength left. After escaping from Shenyun Cave, waiting for Nuan Yuxiang to break through is the time of her death.

   It's just that she didn't expect that helping Nuan Yuxiang break through would be a generational departure.

   "Stay with me obediently, I will let you enjoy it, little boy" Nuan Yuxiang said softly, turning Dai Li's body around

"Enjoy your sister!" Dai Li's right hand, which had been clenched tightly all the time, suddenly lifted from the water, and there was a hissing sound from the palm of her hand. The liquid dripped from her palm, puffed, and the lime powder in the palm of one hand was all over Nuan Yuxiang's face. The lime powder soaked in water was extremely corrosive, no matter how powerful Nuan Yuxiang was, the lime powder fell into her face. Her eyes, mouth and nose also caused her great pain, "Ah, **** it!!" Nuan Yuxiang couldn't see her eyes, but she slapped her palm randomly, but it missed. Qi suddenly went astray, and as a result

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you!" Nuan Yuxiang was thumping in the pool, beating the water waves frantically, and Dai Li swam towards the edge of the pool quickly, but the water waves brought up by the palm strength were hitting Hitting Dai Li's back, Dai Li felt a pain in his chest, and even Fu Ling could hear the sound of bones breaking, and Dai Li also spit out a big mouthful of blood, but she still rushed to the edge of the pool, enduring the pain of her body. The pain is about to climb ashore

At the center of the nine stars in the sky, a moon finally appeared, a purple moon, extremely beautiful, so beautiful that it was unreal. Ling felt that the yin and aura here were quickly invading her body.

At the exit of the dense forest near Shenyun Cave, Dai Yang and Dai Bokong looked at the purple crescent moon in the sky with horror, because the crescent moon was already surrounded by a ferocious blood-red thunder, as if it was devouring , and seems to be entangled.

"what is that!"

"how so!"

   "A vision of heaven and earth?"

Many evil cultivators and other orthodox cultivators who were originally enjoying the Nine Stars Howling Moon Sun all looked horrified. People in Fallen Star City could not imagine how many powerful cultivators spread across such a vast territory. looking at the sky.

  Suddenly, Ziyue was swallowed whole by this blood-red thunderbolt, and then the thunderbolt disappeared abruptly as if he was full and drunk

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  (end of this chapter)