MTL - A Queen-Chapter 1653 Extra Episode 4: Pole Dancing (the last one)

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  Chapter 1653 Episode 4: Pole Dance (the last one)

  The third millennium of the imperial court has passed, and Mo Ziruan is already a famous pastry chef in Sifang Tiandi

   To be honest, for Mo Ziruan, who is famous all over the world and has a dark history of "killing her father and mother", her first goal in life is to become a pastry chef

   And after the world was at peace, I didn’t care about the huge power, but I really became a pastry chef

  Many people were drunk, and Ye Xiangrong's ministers even went to the Soul Realm to cry with Mo Shaoxuan overnight.

  Master Mo, look at this cousin of yours, she is trying to drive us to death

  Although the world is peaceful these years, we are at least one of the terrorist forces fighting against the Protoss, and the boss has put down the burden to make pastries!

   It's killing me!

   In contrast, Mo Shaoxuan only had one sentence: "Go find my cousin on the other side"

  What kind of cakes... Hehe, it’s not for that sister!

   "Coco your cousin seems to be..."

  Ye Xiangrong really didn't want to complain about Mo Shaoxuan's other cousin, who was even more unreliable, and even became a red-capped businessman, selling everything!


  Um, well, she won’t say that she has bought them, the Mojia brand ** pants that all the ladies in the army buy, who let it be her own family..

  Okay, the topic has gone too far, Mr. Mo, your two cousins ​​are so dicks, don't you care?

   Regarding this, Mo Shaoxuan could only drink a cup of tea, and said lightly: "I'm just one of my cousins. These two people haven't come to see me for a long time. It's not right. How can I take care of it..."

  So much sour gas, so much killing intent.

  Ye Xiangrong and the others quickly retreated..

   After drinking the cup of tea, Mo Shaoxuan still put down the cup.

  Since Shaoxuan surpassed Mo Ran in the power of time and space, this person has become more and more familiar with the control of time and space.

   In a blink of an eye, he arrived at Ye Ziqing's residence.

  This person never liked lively places, and rarely lived in Ye's house. Instead, he opened up his own quiet place on True Spirit Mountain, living next door to Ji Qingxin and Feng Zuixin.

  Mo Shaoxuan came, Ye Ziqing naturally felt it.

  As soon as they met, Mo Shaoxuan got straight to the point.

   "I want to go to the earth once"

  Ye Ziqing was taken aback, "Because of Shang Chaoge?"

  Whether it's them or Mo Ran, in fact, Shang Chaoge is the one they are most afraid of.

   This man who once dominated Daili for five hundred years... had a profound influence on her, especially after she finally met again a thousand years ago, this man would jump out from time to time to have a tacit understanding with that lustful cousin...

  The tacit understanding between these two people is indeed beyond the reach of others.

  It has nothing to do with love or not.

"No..." Is Mo Shaoxuan the kind of person who will do whatever he wants just because he is afraid of someone... She just said indifferently; "I heard that there is a culture on earth called pole dancing, and our cousin is very good at it. I'm an expert, so I want to see it..."

I see.

  Ye Ziqing narrowed his eyes, "Why did you call me? Wouldn't it be better for you to go alone?"

  Mo Shaoxuan looked at her and smiled slightly, "It's better to be alone than to be happy~"

   You pull it down, why don't you pull me as a cover!

  But Ye Ziqing still complied, and then the two cousins ​​secretly prepared to travel across time and space

  Uh, there was one more person in the end.

  Mo Ziruan.

  The name is called sister tour group.

  Let's go.

  Mo Shaoxuan tore apart time and space and left.

  Earth is indeed different from the time and space they practiced in. The bustling city below the three of them, the tall buildings are similar to those in Sifangtiandi.

   "It's a very cold and deliberate civilization, with a very weak life force and a very poor foundation.. The air is also very poor. She has lived in such a place for five hundred years..." Ye Ziqing felt sorry for her cousin.

   What a bad place this is

  Mo Shaoxuan has already absorbed a lot of information with his divine sense, "This place is called London, England, and it seems to be one of the best big cities in the world."

  The big cities are rotten like this, and the rest are so bad..

  Mo Ziruan is more indifferent and mean, just glanced at him and said indifferently: "Nine out of ten men are thinking about women with their lower body, no wonder she is so lustful"

  Cough, cough, as a real sister, it’s not good for you to say that..

  Although it is true.

  The three of them quickly changed their appearance and became urban modern women.

  After spending two hours getting familiar with the city life, they found their destination.

  Famous bar in London.

  Sex and chaos are synonymous with it.

   As soon as the three of them walked in, they were followed by many men.

  But when Mo Ziruan glanced away, these men obediently turned their heads away... as if they didn't see them.

  The dancing of demons in this bar and the state of mixing various "strange" smells made the three of them have the urge to turn around and leave at the first second, or use their extraordinary power to change everything.

   However, reason made them bear it.

  —I would like to see how this little sister condescends to carry out "pole dancing" cultural activities in a place where even the devil doesn't want to stay..

  They didn't wait long, when the lively neon lights stopped.

  A few people walked in from the gate.

  The shift of the eyes of the audience made the three of them quickly see the appearance of the leader.

She has an oriental face, short black hair, and a graceful figure that is very slender and tall. The reason for saying this is because the black cloak draped over her shoulders could not hide the close-fitting, soft, silk red dress on her body. As she appeared, the slender silver high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, making a slight sound, and as she walked, the light red skirt fluttering in the wind completely exposed her slender calves, And the curve spreads directly to the upper third of the thigh..

She seemed to have just attended an aristocratic dinner, not only because of a man and a woman who were also wearing evening gowns behind her, but also because of the lazy tiredness and laziness between her brows, ignoring the wolf-like gazes of all the same **** or the opposite sex, With a glance, someone moved out of the way, and she walked in

  Walk to where a bunch of people get up and salute her

  Whistlers all the way.

  Flesh is tempting, wolves are raging, Mo Shaoxuan thought of this sentence, so he looked at the other two silently.

is her?

  The facial features are six to seven points alike, although they can't compare with the shocking looks of Li and Zhang Yuan, but they are definitely stunning beauties. Of course, they think this person is the most attractive.

  Because of the demeanor on this person...elegant and abstinent yet faintly wild.

Mo Ziruan stared at the dress... as if his eyes could poke a hole, and he said indifferently: "No wonder she seldom wears skirts even though she is unrestrained. It turns out that she wears too many skirts in this place and dislikes ours." The skirt on the side is too conservative~"

  Ahem, the two cousins ​​deeply feel that this sister is really good at talking to her own sister.

   And they still think it makes sense. (How bad is someone's image?)

  Dai Li didn't know that the three mountains of her future had quietly appeared around her, she just felt that someone was looking at her, um, the eyes were very explicit.

   What the hell, isn't it! No one dared to look at her like that..

   "Left~ I think you are really charming tonight, the three peerless beauties over there have been staring at you"

   "Peerless beauty?" Dai Li raised his eyebrows and sneered, "In this place, every lady is a stunning beauty. Especially on the bed"

  As soon as she said these words, she suddenly felt three sharp eyes falling on her, like knives, and she trembled unconsciously.

   Turn around and look

  Then Mo Shaoxuan and the others saw that the protagonist was taken aback when he saw them, then smiled at them, and toasted a glass of wine.

  Ye Ziqing: "What does she mean?"

  Mo Shaoxuan: "Did you notice us?"

  Mo Ziruan: "It's so naive...she wants to pick on us!"

  Smiling so wretchedly.. even a pig has sensed the charm of the other party

  Cough cough cough, the expressions of the two cousins ​​who had always been over the top IQ were stunned, and then Mo Shaoxuan smiled: "Then let her go clubbing..."

   "The future will last forever"

  Here, Dai Li was also surprised, she just smiled friendly at the three real beauties, why did these three beauties smile so seductively at her...

   "Oh, left, I always thought that you oriental beauties are reserved..." Someone next to her winked at her.

   "I think it's because Zuo's charm is too great.. Who doesn't know that every time Zuo appears, half of the people want to sleep with her"

   "What about the other half?"

   "Want her in their bed.."

   Then this group of people laughed like old hens..

  Dai Li rolled his eyes, and suddenly stared at one place, the front of his face became more and more cold and then turned into indifference.

  So-and-so saw a man.

  A man sitting in front of the wine cabinet, reclusive and independent, holy and ascetic.

   "Oh~ Shouldn't such a masterpiece appear in the Holy Taoist Academy or a school where innocent and romantic children are?"

   "In your Chinese words, the world is declining, and people's hearts are not old.."

   "Hey, isn't it the day! Next! ~"

  Oh~ This group of perverted American fried chickens and British old hens!

  Chinese culture is extensive and profound, you don’t understand~

  Dai Li pursed his lips, suddenly lowered his eyes, raised his long legs, and then slender fingers slid down his calf, pinching his ankle so lightly...

  Surrounded by air

  She herself said nonchalantly: "I think this gentleman...his life should be a passive sentence"

  Passive sentence .. is a buzzword in their circle.

  What is passive? Um.. accept it!

  What is feeling?

  GAY chant!

  Holy? Crazy, the one with this kind of temperament in this bar is undoubtedly a top GAY!

  This person must be GAY!

   "oh, no, I don't think so, look at his physique, he is so handsome and healthy, how could he be a subject~"

   "Is it right, you will know if you try it"

  Her finger hooked her strappy high-heeled shoes, hooked her finger, untied the strap, and took off one high-heeled shoe, two

  The atmosphere in the audience became quiet.

  She walked out barefoot..

  Mo Shaoxuan's side...

  Ye Ziqing: "Why is he here?"

  Mo Shaoxuan's expression was indifferent, somewhat cryptic and indifferent: "Actually, he should have appeared here, but we accidentally appeared..."

   "Will our presence affect some results.."

  "Probably not, fate is irreversible, it should appear or it will appear"

real? Ye Ziqing didn't want the three of them to travel through time and space to affect the future generations..

  But regarding her doubts, obviously someone has a different opinion.

   "She's going to dance!" My sister Mo Ziruan's focus is always so rough and powerful, and the two cousins ​​who are concerned about the country and the people immediately turn their heads to look..

  The person who walked barefoot has already stepped on the steps to the...steel platform that is neither high nor short.

   That pipe..

  The reaction of the three people is this: Is it really a pipe? we thought it was stage name


   Turns out, steel pipe is steel pipe!

  When Dang Li walked up to the table, the whole group of demons dancing around the wine glasses fell silent and the DJ began to play discs..

  The music started.. Someone took a step, the corner of her skirt flew, her lower abdomen was attached to the steel pipe, and one hand grasped the steel pipe in a perfect arc

brush! The lights exploded! music charm..

  The swirling light, flowing music, spinning, jumping, and dancing red dress that fit so close to the body that people can't wait to rush to tear it up reddened everyone's eyes.

  It was a feast of naked beauty, and every move would thoroughly dig out the desire in people's hearts, making them crazy, making them lust, and making them unable to control themselves!

hard to control!

  A man rushed up to the stage..


  A red light fell on the man's neck with her finger, and the blood color floated up...he landed,

   Another one up..

One by one.

Until the music stopped, her bare feet touched the cold stage, and she smiled at the man in a certain place, her eyes rolled, she walked off the stage, someone put a robe on her, and she took it casually A glass of bright red wine, drank it all in one gulp.

   There are dozens of corpses behind them. Someone dragged them out without a sound, and no one cares about their life or death, because this is the cruelest underground world.

  You die, it means you deserve to die!

  The three sisters were speechless for a long time, and after a while, Ye Ziqing said: "If I kill Shang Chaoge now, it shouldn't affect the result."

  The other two looked at her. What do you say! sister!

   "I think it's better to get rid of Zuo," suggested Mo Ziruan.

  "Ruan" Mo Shaoxuan called her name, "Can you occasionally behave like a real sister."

  Mozi Ruan rolled her eyes and said solemnly: "The family is unlucky, cut the weeds and root them out"

   Get out!

   Who the **** is digging out his mind to make all kinds of desserts to feed that animal!

  Bai Bai fattened up Mu Qingyan and Yuan Xiao, the still-grown "big sisters" for several rounds.

  His heart is vicious, the sun and the moon can be seen!


   "I think, there is no need for us to take action...Look over there." Ye Zi said quietly

  When Mo Ziruan saw the group of girls mixed in the box... his brows twitched severely.

  Who can tell her how these little girls in Qingyi got here! !

   "I think it was Mingjian and Liu Hongxiu who tore time and space apart with extraterrestrial power. You know, the combined power of these two is terrifying"

  A sword outside the sky, an evil spirit outside the sky, it is easy to destroy a plane, and traveling through time and space should not be impossible.

   But don’t bring such a thing! Bring so many people together!

   Ye Ziqing can already imagine what kind of eyes this group of people will use to comfort her little cousin in future generations

  Well, pole dancing is pretty good.

   Become a god!

   "I think we need to do something, otherwise, she will be taken away"

  A quarter of an hour later, someone wearing a close-fitting evening dress staggered out of the bar, revealing her seductive sexiness and beauty..

   Just went out.


   A knife was thrown on her neck!

  A certain **** stunner rolled her eyes and passed out. Before she fainted, she vaguely saw three beautiful faces..

  She grabbed one and scolded angrily: "Your uncle! If you want me to accompany you, just say so, if you don't take it or say it, you will do it!"

   Then passed out..

   Mo Shaoxuan, who was being dragged by the collar, was expressionless, and said to Mo Ziruan who shot: "I take back what I said to stop you before... Well done!"

  Mo Ziruan: "."

  Mo Shaoxuan, you are the most hypocritical person in the world, really, really, really!


   "Let's go, Shang Chaoge is coming..."

  The three turned and left

  Shang Chaoge was stopped by someone.

  Because a person appeared in front of him.

   "Fu Qingci, I didn't expect you to travel through time and space to come here"

  Fu Qingci looked at him from a distance of more than ten meters, and only smiled slightly: "A Li once said that London tomatoes taste good, so I just came to take a look...why, Mr. Shang doesn't like it?"

  She still holds a bag of tomatoes in her arms..

  Shang Chaoge sighed, "You are the main body of Tianpo, and I am the auxiliary spirit. I should force you according to the logic...but I sacrificed once for you anyway."

   "But you can be reborn because I saved to one, it's even"

   Nima! Is there such a calculation!

  Shang Chaoge smiled skinny: "It seems that you have been with her for a long time, and you have learned some rascal temperament..."

  Fu Qingci sighed softly, "It's really troublesome to be together day and night."

   Get along day and night What are you showing off?

  Shang Chaoge sneered: "She has lived with me since childhood~"

   "So I am very grateful to you for raising her.."


   Inexplicably, he was given the same identity as his father, that is, his sense of sight.

   Shang Chaoge finally let out a breath.

   "You and I are fighting, the cheapest one is someone else... As far as I know, Yun Jilian has also come over, this person has always been wicked..."

   Is it really okay to blackmail your good friend like this?

  Fu Qingci smiled, turned and left.

   "No problem"

   "Anyway, I am the one who wins in the end"

  Really, really, there is only one person Shang Chaoge feared the most in his lifetime.

  Fu Qingci, a woman who exists in the world wearing a cheat.

  The man was walking away with a bag of tomatoes in his arms. Shang Chaoge looked up at the bright moon, inexplicably thinking of the days when he accompanied the young Daili as an older brother..

  From babies to young children, they depend on each other..

  At that time, he was her most important person.

  If he hadn't noticed that the consciousness in her body was awakening...he wouldn't let go.

   At that time, he didn't expect that letting go would create a gap in their lives.

   This is destiny.

This is the last extra episode. So far, a girl is completely over. I am very tired from writing this book, and it is not satisfactory in all aspects, but it is over anyway, and it is not broken halfway. Thank you for your commitment, and thank you for your continued support. Now that the first girl is over, you may be able to read it all in a day or two. Disappointed, anyway, I did try my best, and I have been working hard, hoping to make my writing better and better, but there are always some aspects that I can’t do well or don’t want to do, maybe it’s disgust and fatigue, Or I’m at a loss about this state and the future. I’m at a crossroads now, and I don’t know where to go. It’s good for me, but I always hope that you can always accompany me and accompany me to the end of the writing, okay? , such provocative words are still not suitable for me, so let me say something rude and forceful—girls, no revised version! Add some grades to a girl at the end, and add some travel expenses to Canglan's trip to Yunnan in October~ Thank you~



  (end of this chapter)

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