MTL - A Queen-Chapter 1638 The army of the nine directions, you will be six billion in seconds (go back thousands of years +

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  Chapter 1638 The nine-party army, you will be six billion in seconds (go back to the millennium +1)

  But thinking about it now, it is true that the Protoss is true, but it is the work of the prince's lineage who leaned over Ming Hai. Now, this "research result" has been revealed.

  The terrifying army of nine squares in front of them is the trump card accumulated over the past 100,000 years of the Ming Dynasty.

   In terms of military strength, at least twenty. With the addition of those good dead souls, this son of the Great Wilderness, who was not taken seriously before, obviously has enough capital to overthrow the rule of the entire Protoss!

   And crush all the forces here!

At that time, Nansen, Chilong and other gods had only one idea - if there was no army of the underground palace, their gods would not be able to resist the counterattack of Ming Hai today, even the combination of Mo Ziruan and Mo Shaoxuan would be able to bear it. Can't live.

  So, their lunatic God Lord is actually the most wise and terrifying ruler.

but now

  What did they use to resist Minghai's army.

  According to the current situation, they are no longer the one with the absolute advantage, and they are no longer the undefeated monument waiting for the Southern Border and the Sons of the Great Wilderness to join forces to challenge. At least Minghai has given them a deadly threat!

   Protoss and other powerhouses looked at Tiandujue.

  When things come to this, they must find that this master is their hope.

  Tian Dujue's expression turned out to be one of unexpected disappointment.

He leaned on the divine lightsaber in one hand, and looked down at Minghai with indifferent eyes, "You are indeed a very thoughtful person. If you hadn't leaned over the prince, his performance these years would have embarrassed the gods~ "

  Are you thanking others?

  The protoss are a little drunk, boss, it is your son who is leaning over.

"It's just a matter of convenience, the gods don't need to thank you..." Ming Hai smiled, "But I think the reason why you are so calm now is because of the hole card you hid under the underground palace...Indeed, if it is born, don't worry about it." Say that I have nine billion people, that is, all the people here are no match for you."

  Dai Li knew that he was talking about the Five Elements Desolation Killing Army.

"But can you wake them up? Tian Dujue, admit it, you can't! Because the only requirement to control the Five Elements Desolate Army is to absolutely have the will of the ancestors! The ancestors have fallen. There are no ancestors in this world, so naturally no one It can also awaken the Five Elements Desolation Army. Even Zhang Yuan can't do it, let alone you!"

  "So Tian Dujue, your world should belong to me."

  Minghai waved his hand


  Nine billion troops have launched an attack together!

  Minghai has confidence and capital, so he can't waste time, otherwise the advantages of these dead souls will be completely consumed by the nine layers of soul abyss in the sky, and the power of the gods will already surpass him by a lot.


   "Go, kill those soul masters in the Soul Realm and break through the Ninefold Soul Abyss!"

  He gave an order, and the nine armies behind him split into four directions! Straight to the sky.

  It is also this time.

  Mo Shaoxuan pursed his lips, held Jiuhun Zun, and put a little bit between his eyebrows to penetrate~~

  The aura on her body surged up in terror.

   directly skyrocketed to the Qiankun level!

  Waving your hand is an abyss of soul. Suppression!

  The strongest soul master legion with one billion Sifang Tiandi has no fear in the face of the four billion legions that can be called the highest standard.

   “A copy is a copy!”

  "Let you see what a real soul master is!"

   Soul Chorus! Soul curse! Soul entity attack! Soul Literature! ?

   All kinds of strange things?

   No, there are only two kinds of soul arts in Unity!

  Half of the most basic soul stun technique, half of the most advanced soul entity attack!

  Two kinds of soul arts, one basic and one top-level, merged together and slanted downward

  That is the sea of ​​souls, the prosperous age of soul art.

  The attack of the 4 billion troops also came

  But before these attacks reach the soul masters

  The clouds in the sky suddenly turned into a pale cloud master. Suddenly, the sky was full of blood races..

   That is the Vatican with a population of 30 billion.

   One left and one right.

  On the left, the 5 billion Yun Zhongshi are far away and issued cloud and mist shrouding spells to cover the sight of the 4 billion troops. And the freezing spell covers a large area

   Cover your eyes, frost!

   That is the power to assist bondage!

   At that time, the stun and soul damage have arrived!

"not good!"

  Ming Hai pointed the ghost gate at the Vatican, and a ghost spear as huge as Optimus Prime was pulled out by Ming Hai from the ghost gate and aimed at the Vatican.

   shoot out

  The ghost spear pierced the sky.

  Dai Li stretched out her hand and grabbed the palm of her hand, destroying the stars condensed into one hand, this hand grabbed the ghost spear, her hand was flipping around trying to change the direction of the ghost spear, Ming Hai made it so easy for her

   This is a competition of strength and soul, whoever is stronger, the ghost spear can point at will!

   Quack quack!

  The space with the ghost spear as the core seems to be distorted by the power of the two manipulators

  Finally, the arc of the ghost spear began to change.. Ming Hai was full of ferocity, ghost energy was raging wildly, the gate of ghosts was roaring, and Dai Li continued to release destructive power..

   Bang~~Finally flipped over, pointed the ghost spear at Ming Hai

   No, it is aimed at the remaining five billion troops!

  The five billion army intends to outflank the Yunzhong Division!

  Seeing this, the 4 billion army was horrified, and the 5 billion army was also terrified, and hurriedly retreated..

  However, it is so easy for such a huge army to advance and retreat.

  Without any accidents, the four billion army could only forcibly suffer the auxiliary damage of this internal and external cultivation

  If there is a game screen, you can see the double damage value of the body and soul of these four billion people..

   Uninterrupted, the status bar is full of negative energy.

  But you can imagine that Soul Master and Yun Zhongshi, two legendary teams representing the strongest pinnacles of the Soul Race and the Qi Race, join forces to bear auxiliary damage, so what kind of force is responsible for the main attack?

  When the 30 billion vatican vampires, under the leadership of the pure 10 million blood prison vampire generals, uniformly raised the vampire's strongest means-blood soldiers!

one two three!


  Three billion blood soldiers fell, and the huge ghost spear pierced the sky with the power of destruction

  The 4 billion troops who were constantly hurting their heads couldn't move, and watched 30 billion blood soldiers shoot at their heads

  That scene can definitely be called the most magnificent, most terrifying, most vast, and most frenzied mass attack in the history of Sifangtiandi..

   The one who launched such an attack was precisely the Vatican, which was clearly known by many forces in Sifangtiandi but did not take it seriously.

This army, which rose at the end of the century, made its fortune at the grassroots, and fought hard with Dai Li from places like Daxia, expanded at a speed of snow and autumn, and was constantly merged and eliminated. 30 billion, and more than 30 billion died from it. people.

  They are the strongest battle group selected from the state of raising Gu, mixed with Dai Li's blood, and inherited her belief.

  What the king's banner points to is where our army is invincible!

   Step down all the obstacles in this world for you!

   Achieve your glory, our glory

   This is the Vatican.


   The generals of the Quartet Army shouted angrily!


  Forty giant shields cover the sky.

  Three billion blood soldiers fell.

  Jie raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Explosion!"

  Behind him, the 30 billion vatican clansmen shouted together: "Explode!"

  At that time, the bunch of ghost spears with destructive power also shot into the five billion army.

   Fits just right, the explosions almost overlap

  When the sound of the explosion reaches a limit, it will be a silent state.

  At this moment, whether it is the army of the East Emperor, or the Protoss, or what.

  Those dead souls seem to be more horrified by such a majestic killing. They are trembling. Trembling, watching the four billion troops being completely covered by the bombing light.

   Such pale and seamless destruction fell into the eyes of many people, reflecting the most ruthless and cruel law in this world-life and death, success and failure are impermanent!

  After a moment of misty rain, the light was like fog, and on the side of the five billion army, the shield of the group union had a crack.

  When the wind blows, the shield shatters..

   They may be thankful for their escape, but when they turned their heads and saw the front, they were all in a daze.

  The four billion army is located in a barren land, covered with a layer of ice crystals, floating with a layer of soul energy, rolling mad blood energy...

   Nothing else.

   In a daze, Ming Hai screamed: "Idiot, guard against me."


  嗡~ Above their heads is a pair of huge eyes of reincarnation.

  Dai Li’s eyebrow sacrificed the eyes of the six paths of reincarnation

  If it turns, it will inevitably bring the roar of the soul and the bad luck of death.


  The soul giant appeared, wielding the huge six-path reincarnation sickle, sweeping away.

   Sweeping five billion people as if sweeping their souls..

  The soul vibrated at that moment, and the soul was greatly weakened.

   Isn't Soul Killing?


  Because there are too many people and they are divided, Dai Li doesn't have the ability to kill them all in seconds, he can only be stunned and injured by the soul..

  The air was torn apart. Lurking shadow assassins suddenly appeared one after another. One of them was a beautiful woman wearing an assassin's night clothes and holding a short dagger in her backhand. She seemed to be gliding from one end to the other.

  The short dagger passed from one person to another. The bloodstains on the neck were continuous.

  Ten immortals fell in her hand.

   Turn around, puff! Pierce the eleventh person's eyebrow again, pull it out, and leap backward...

   Others are also so quick at this moment, cut their throats, kill people, and withdraw!

   Kill at the same time, withdraw at the same time!

   These 100 million top cracking cloud assassins used their own hands and daggers to stage what is called an assassination feast for the monks in Sifangtiandi.

  The assassination lasted less than two seconds, and 300 million people died!

  Just 300 million dead?

   Actually, it’s okay, good wool!

   Their daggers are so poisonous, when those people’s bodies immediately turned into poisonous air bags, drawing out strong corpse aura..

   Then the fairy clan forces led by Lorraine and the fairy clan forces led by Ji Wuqing attacked from the outer group with an army of two billion

   After defending against the ghost spear, the qi is empty and hollow, then the soul is injured, dizzy and unable to move, then the assassin assassinates and quenches the poison, full of negative states, and finally the two immortal forces join forces to attack

Snapped! Almost 1.7 billion people fell down again!

   This time the siege was two billion, within seconds.

  (end of this chapter)